Truth: United States

The wisdom and opinion of Spirit: I had a vision of a sword. Half the sword was painted red, the other painted blue, each side forcing their color on the other. Both sides lost in their own self interest, that they forgot about the sword all together. A weapon of Freedom, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. If it is happiness that you seek, shouldn’t you be more ‘United’?

So many Truths: My favorites Truth: The Sun, Truth: Be The Moon Or a living Angel, Truth 23 One very personal message THE KARMA I KNOW Then there is who I was before Eric doing the same exact work in another life. Truth 6 But nothing cements a moment of surprise than The Truth: The Source of Power a message that goes against the grain of what we believe. Here are all the Truths. A reprieve from all the horror I share with you.

17 responses to “Truth: United States”

  1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

    It’s my old house! from Truth 6, oh how my memory floods with excitement and Nostalgia :

    1. Gloria Avatar

      I love this! That must be awesome to see a past life in print! I guess this may become more common with technology being so accessible these days.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Its actually a cool story, something I should share.

  2. Itk Avatar

    Have you ever visited that farm in your current life? It’s interesting and unusual this happens this way, instead of the more usual pattern, in which someone visits a place in which they get a strong déjà-vu. By the way, I was once told by a psychic this would once happen to me in my lifetime, but that has not happened yet.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Its an awesome story. I could remember certain details like Ma and my farm, my small house, my first wife, but other than the cold I really can’t remember my work with Spirit. Odd. Then one day I saw it all on TV, there I was and then I really remembered so much.

      1. Itk Avatar

        The prophet’s life story is impressive and partly tragic, too. So, you came back quite soon to continue your work and to heal from those sad experiences.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          The news and articles show the tragedy of my life, but no healing required, I adored “Ma” my wife, my kids, we had an awesome life together. It was one of the lives I cherish the most. It was different, Tennessee was a hard nut to crack with my gift.

  3. Nathan Fleischman Avatar
    Nathan Fleischman

    You know that prediction of Brett Kavanaugh resigning. Some new evidence against him has emerged.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I saw that! I actually have a post waiting for tomorrow or Monday. I don’t want my email fans over run with Eric predictions. But before that post is the Era change which starts tomorrow. So much going on.

  4. Itk Avatar

    Nathan, I suppose you are referring to this:
    So far, it’s not legal evidence but may become that later on. The most important thing is that truth prevails.

    1. Nathan Fleischman Avatar
      Nathan Fleischman

      I am not disputing that. But what it does reveal will certainly lead to something bigger. A Democrat in the House is calling for an investigation into the FBI for its role in covering up the scandal.

  5. Sara Avatar

    There was a mass shooting in California last night at a dance studio…10 are dead and another 10 are injured. We should all pray for all the injured to recover and for the shooter to be caught before he hurts anyone else.

  6. Sara Avatar

    The police are now reporting that the suspect killed himself when police surrounded his van, so at least the shooter is no longer a threat to the community.

  7. javamyworld Avatar

    I’m in Truth Heaven! Thank you so much. Still reading and enjoying all of them. (better than reading the news.)

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you.

  8. Mauree Avatar

    Hi Eric, as an avid fan I just came across news media blip about a four star general air force predictind a beginning of war with China. In 2025. If you Google him, general mike Minihan it’s an interesting read, could he be the military leader for this country?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you for the information. I will take a look.

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