Chile Earthquake

Is this the prediction? Please pray for safety of those in Chile. I am sorry for posting this on the Holidays.

In other news we are watching the news on the Russian plane intently, as if might be about Predictions 1-5-16

Predictions 3-29-16    I had a visual I was walking on a beach at night, the ocean was moving quickly onto the beach.
“South America.. rubber band snaps”
Where Spirit?


19 responses to “Chile Earthquake”

  1. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    21,000 homes lost electricity in resort area..

  2. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Tsunami did happen….0.2/6 cm height.

  3. jules104 Avatar

    Praying for those people affected by the earthquake in Chili.
    Also, these old predictions for the bridge attack reference an airplane and 90 plus tragedies. I feel there are a lot of clues in these old predictions of yours Eric. In one the Spirits are pointing to 17, then 31. I can try and find that again. Is the bridge attack prediction named prediction #17? Could it be saying Prediction 17 on the 31st? Also a play on the words or numbers 9/11 Spirit mentioned. While discussing the Golden Gate Bridge, I realized that it has two towers (Twin Towers). I don’t have my PC available and so a bit harder from my iPhone to research but I’ll try to look more. I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday Season.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I noticed that, all the old predictions are coming back in droves.

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Yes absolutely.

  4. Francine Avatar

    The prediction about George in the UK might be George Michael. News reports that he has died.

    1. Sonndra May Avatar
      Sonndra May

      Francine, that was my thought too. George, UK. It always seems more sad when a passing happens at Christmas. Maybe because we’re tapping more into the spiritual, and deeply feel how sacred life is, and what a glorious gift it is.

      1. Francine Avatar

        Six days to go, who else could we possibly lose this year?

        Scratch that, that wasn’t a throwing down of the gauntlet, Reaper, that was sarcasm.

      2. Observer227 Avatar

        Knowing how Grim D. Reaper’s operating lately, he probably takes your comment less as sarcasm and more a challenge to win.

  5. Carolyn Avatar

    Eric, the George who passed is George Michael, who died today. Perhaps this is the George the Spirits were referring to?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes its looking like that.

  6. Observer227 Avatar

    Praying for those in Chile. Thankfully, seems this one’s relatively tame compared to previous earthquakes of this magnitude.

    Who wants to follow up with the Manhattan info I released yesterday? I’m 95 percent certain what I described will happen if nothing’s done. I’ll submit an anonymous tip. Others should submit tips about the same scenario I described, although it should be in your own words. Spamming a government agency with the exact same post warning of an imminent terrorist attack’s obviously NOT a good idea!

    Therefore, I’ll send my tip asap. Two others AT MAX should send one tip each with similar information.

    1. Tot Avatar

      What was the Manhatten info?

      1. Observer227 Avatar

        It’s in the replies of Eric’s last post from December 23rd. Refer to it for further details.

        In summary: A terrorist attack on two churches, both in NYC (specifically Manhattan), will occur around New Year’s Day. It will involve powerful explosives. A very important political figure (likely Trump) will fall victim to the terrorist’s operation. The two churches are named “St. Francis of Assisi” and “All Angels Church”.

  7. Francine Avatar

    Within the last 2 or 3 days I have counted at least 4 incidents of unauthorized people on the NYC train tracks or tunnel catwalks..three in the subway and one was struck by an LIRR train on those tracks. It seems like there are more frequent incidents arising of “unauthorizeds” and I am growing concerned.

  8. mariakaos Avatar Such a loss to the world and a beautiful gain for heaven. The red army choir.

    1. Rhona Avatar

      Thank you very much for posting ..
      Beautiful voices joining the heavenly chior .
      prayers and peace to their families at this time ..

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