Hurricane Laura

Prayers for all those in the gulf. Safety please. I am sorry for this horrible new message.

8-26-20 I had a visual I was staring at vapors coming from the gulf. From the ocean it swayed from yellow to red, then suddenly it turned black. It stayed black for a good moment. The details of that black will be coming.
Again Spirit implied this situation is not over something more dangerous and deadly is coming for the gulf. Bigger than what we have.
Spirit then shifted towards Australia, I had a visual of a collapsing structure while the ground cracked, as if opening. It was an earthquake or a structural collapse.

The predictions below are unfolding on the coast. Texas again for a second time. Either another storm, we haven’t seen, is coming or my crude trajectory is incorrect.

WORLD PREDICTIONS 1-29-20 I had a visual of a great portion of Texas. A massive storm was coming. Then it showed so many places underwater. An epic flood was coming. 

Florida, the gulf, prepare yourself things are about to get really rough. So much of this sounds like the old predictions? PREDICTIONS ON 10-26-15

THE UNKNOWN 7-16-20 

Texas will flood… coming next.. brace yourself.

WORLD PREDICTIONS 4-23-20 I had a visual of Texas, then it shifted to show flooding, huge massive amounts of water covering huge swaths of land.. 
I had a visual of the US Map then spirit painted southern Florida black, and then painted it again. The visual shifted. I was on the ground of what looked like Miami looking out at the ocean to see one epic storm coming. Black, huge, the wind rushing against my posture. 
The question is the storm a hurricane? Or symbolic to troubling times.

WORLD PREDICTIONS 1-29-20 I had a visual of a great portion of Texas. A massive storm was coming. Then it showed so many places underwater. An epic flood was coming. 

WORLD PREDICTIONS 11-30-19 I had a visual of what looked like a tornado moving closer to a set of homes. It could be one very centralized storm. 

I had a visual of an area beginning to flood rapidly. 

“South.. South bend.. in South” 

64 responses to “Hurricane Laura”

  1. Donna B Avatar
    Donna B

    Prayers to all there! Stay safe! Evacuate if you have to! So much potential destruction along with the coronavirus. So much all at once! Be safe!

  2. Sara Avatar

    Do you think this hurricane could be the actual TX flooding prediction since the previous hurricane/tropical storm that hit TX a few weeks back didn’t do much?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I believe so. It’s in that place between Texas and Louisiana. Which was the implication. I will say their focus was Texas. Where as the news is Louisiana. In that regard we are off a beat.

  3. star48 Avatar

    Now a 3 Category…forecast to be a 4

    An intensifying Hurricane Laura is growing stronger by the hour Wednesday over the Gulf of Mexico as forecasters warn the powerful system will be a “catastrophic” Category 4 storm as it’s already sending its storm surge along parts of the Gulf Coast.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you. Prayers please

  4. Cassandra Apollo Avatar
    Cassandra Apollo

    Could the black be the nighttime darkness? It’s supposed to hit land at around 1:00 am tomorrow morning.
    I’m about 50 miles north of the coast and east of where it’s supposed to hit. My whole body, specifically solar plexus area, feeling the pressure of this hurricane in the gulf. Feeling the nervous energy from general population also.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Unfortunately they have colors to reflect the moment. So I don’t have to see too much horror. Green represents being ok, yellow is caution, red is imminent danger, black is just bad. Beirut, Haiyan, AU fires, and this horrible virus all had images of “black” . The level of color also has weight.

  5. Nicole Avatar

    It sounds like those colors you saw were like the storm colors the weather people use to show intensity on the map (starts as the lighter colors and then gets darker as they get stronger). Just saw they now think it will hit as a 4. Last July I had a premonition that “Harvey will happen again”. Given the trajectory this is looking like is almost the exact same location Harvey hit I have a sinking feeling this is going to be very very bad. Praying.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It’s not looking good. This year sucks.

  6. Ct Avatar

    It could unfortunately be an oil spill or chemical leakage. There are oil refineries and chemical plants in the area.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I am sorry I should have explained this better. Historically in previous predictions they use colors to range how bad a situation gets. Green – Ok, yellow – caution, red – imminent danger, black is bad. Covid19, AU fires, Tsunami, all had images of black.

    2. Ct Avatar

      Also, nuclear plants, maybe the hurricane will cause problems for the oil-chemical- nuclear facilities.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Now that one did cross my mind.

        1. Ct Avatar

          Fire at chemical plant in Southwest Louisiana following Laura

          1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

            Ouch! Can I have a link to the news.

        2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Sorry spoke to soon

  7. star48 Avatar


    Officially a Category 4 ✔️

    Hurricane Laura becomes Category 4 and will bring ‘unsurvivable storm surge’ that could damage buildings 30 miles inland in Texas and Louisiana – amid warnings that ‘only hours remain to protect lives and property’

    🔹Hurricane Laura has officially become a Category 4 storm as of Wednesday afternoon, forecasters said

    🔹The National Hurricane Center (NHC) tweeted on Wednesday that an Air Force hurricane hunter aircraft has reported that Laura has become an ‘extremely dangerous Category 4 hurricane’

    🔹It’s expected to bring ‘unsurvivable storm surge’ that could damage buildings 30 miles into TX and LA

    🔹It is about 225 miles out from Lake Charles, Louisiana, moving northwest at 16mph, forecasters said

    🔹Officials in both states issued mandatory evacuation orders for more than half a million people on Tuesday

    🔹Residents waited in long lines in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and Galveston, Texas, to board buses to evacuate

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Getting ugly ouch.

  8. Cody Avatar

    “In terms of wind speed and sheer intensity, it looks like #HurricaneLaura will be the most powerful storm to strike Louisiana in over a century. Its not as large as Katrina or Betsy, but Louisiana hasn’t experienced wind speeds on this level since at least 1893, potentially 1856

    “SW Louisiana will be hard hit, areas still recovering from multiple severe hurricanes over the last 15 years. The coastal zone in SW Louisiana has the lowest population density of almost anywhere in the state. That will likely keep deaths relatively low for a storm this powerful.

    “Hurricane Laura will make landfall in a similar location to Audrey in 1957 and Rita in 2005. The map below shows the geographic extent of Audrey’s impact. Audrey killed over 400 people, mostly from storm surge impacts. Audrey also spawned a tornado on the edge of New Orleans.”

  9. Sara Avatar

    I’d definitely encourage people in the path of Laura to evacuate. Even if you don’t have a place to go, it’s probably not a bad idea to just get in the car and drive inland to safety, and even sleep in the car if you have to. Storm surges are nothing to mess with.

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    I flabbergasted at how this quickly became a MONSTER. Usually monster hurricanes only occur when the ocean water is warmer and the wind speed carrying the hurricane is slower. Like the last hurricane was more of a whizzler. I understand climate change and all, but good lord I never seen a hurricane go from a Cat 1 to a Cat 5 that goddamn fast!

    1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker

      I live in NC & I have seen this happen plenty of times. I also want to point out the water in the Gulf of Mexico is warm so I’m not surprised.

    1. Donna B Avatar
      Donna B

      Eric wind gusts 175! Lake Charles is a low income area, let’s pray they are all ok and got out of the area ok!!

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Me too!

  11. KW Avatar

    Did you get a sense of where in Australia the building collapse/earthquake occurred?

    South-east of Townsville in Queensland reported a 4.7 earthquake south-east on the 23rd August which was unusual since Australia isn’t on a fault line. I wonder if this could be related in some way?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Not yet but the spirits are circling AU now. However time is not on our side.

      1. Russ Hamilton Avatar
        Russ Hamilton

        Eric, I wonder if the collapsing building & opening ground is symbolic of economic collapse?

        Without embarking on a geo-political diatribe, we’ve been practising decades of laissez-faire economic sell-outs, privatizations etc….we basically exist on mining & resource exports, farming exports, over-priced real- estate & tourism.

        We are just one big farm, one big quarry & a real-estate Ponzi Scheme.

        We’re a “banana republic”. Could this “collapse” be the collapse of the World’s so called “miracle economy”,,,,30years+ without a recession?

        Is it karma for greed, plunder, failure to care & mismanagement ?


        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          The visual will go out today. With or without the rest of the details, it felt like something was cracking and then collapsing. My hope was to understand it better.

    2. rhona2 Avatar

      Hi im here in Perth W A
      I hope all is well for you and yours sincerely ..
      Australia is not on a continental shelf fault but there are alot of fauts …
      one calked Darling fault in WA can get testy
      here is a link
      Google Australian earth faults and be amazed ..
      most are ancient but still kick a boot now and then with plate movement from Indo Australian plate movement
      I know …who would of thought …but its so true we just dont know what we are sitting on
      blessings and stay safe

  12. Shannon Avatar

    Hurricane Audrey was one of the deadliest hurricanes in US history. It was in the same place Laura is heading. This video (if it posts correctly) has some survivor stories. Warning-it will make you cry:

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you.

  13. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    Where can you evacuate to in the middle of a Plandemic?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes, that was spirits biggest concern too.

  14. Nicole Avatar

    I’ve been anxiety riddled all day. I was just looking at a map of where this is going to hit and realized I’ve been picking up on this storm since at least 2017. All these names of places it’s about to hit are words that I’ve picked up over and over (often around the same time) with no context. Lake, Charlie (these together= lake Charles), Cameron, Holly (Holly = Holly beach)… the name is the lake and parish right there (I thought I was getting Kalamazoo but I was hearing it and would never have known the actual word- so similar in pronounciation- calcasieu). I’m flipping out. This is going to be so bad if I’ve been picking it up this long.

  15. Brandon Parnell Avatar
    Brandon Parnell

    There is a possibility of another tropical system forming in the Atlantic, maybe if could be the Texas storm

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Which ones? Can I have a link

  16. Vivienne Avatar

    Stay safe all in the path of this beast. Get out of the line of fire, away from the water and as far inland as you can go. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in these most difficult of times. From all reports I have watched the images look terrifying. So many of you have been through a very rough 2020. I have had a nervous sickly feeling for days now. I wondered what was up. Big hugs and much love, light and thoughts with you all from Ireland. xxxx

  17. Paul Avatar

    Eric, you have not commented on COVID or the Presidential elections in a long while. I realize you might be reticent to share messages on this after the 2016 election. Please don’t be if that is the case, I would very much like to read whatever you are hearing on both those topics.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Lol, I do predict a lot of elections, not just the US, from Brazil, Scotland, Malaysia, and many others. So no I don’t have any concerns or hesitation. The reality is we are expecting another hurricane, a tsunami, Australia has a collapse or earthquake and massive hate in America on a historic scale.All have taken front of the line. COVID is in talks now, but that is bad news that I now need to confirm. I do hope they make a prediction. However focus is and always will be to alter the future tragedies.

      1. Anonymous Avatar

        I’m considering on not visiting this site soon. Being on here and seeing the negative stuff is too much for my mental health and it’s really triggering.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Probably a good idea, take a break, because things are about to get darker now. I don’t know how much I can take! This year is bad bad bad.

        2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Just remember sunny days will return as they have said.

          1. Mike Avatar

            Yes they certainly will! While this virus is a terrible thing, and so many lives were lost world wide that we all wish did not have to happen it has given me a new found appreciation for nature. Every morning when I wake up I can’t wait to go outside. I do not use Social media so anytime I get to see someone I know, I have become much more grateful for the time I spend with them knowing now that a lockdown could always be around the corner.

            Make sure to take time to unplug and reconnect with those you care about and revitalize your spirit:) While all of our experiences will be different, I’ve come to realize how much I took for granted.

            1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

              Yes I agree! We all need a break from all of this. Nothing serves up joy than our mother.

          2. Ed Avatar

            No comfort to those at risk, in crisis, or suffering great loss.

        3. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
          T W Longtime Lurker

          Take care of yourself & stay close to God. You will survive. Brighter days are ahead.

      2. Dana Avatar

        Their was a plant that was leaking today in lakecharles Louisiana.

        And their is some more disturbances forming.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          What do you mean by the last part?

          1. star48 Avatar

            Chlorine leaks
            WESTLAKE, La. — Louisiana State Police say they’re responding to a chlorine leak at a company that makes chemicals along Interstate 10 just west of Lake Charles, La., which was hard-hit when Hurricane Laura slammed into the Gulf Coast early Thursday.

            Police say the leak is at the BioLab chemical manufacturing facility in Westlake. Residents in the area are being told to close their doors and windows, turn off their air conditioning and stay inside.

            Police say they’re working with plant managers to try and contain the leak. BioLab’s Lake Charles plant was built in 1979 and manufactures trichloroisocyanuric acid, chlorinating granules and other chemicals used in such household cleaners as Comet bleach scrub and pool chlorine powder.

            Both trichloroisocyanuric acid and chlorine are potentially acutely toxic to people and animals if ingested or inhaled. Chlorine gas, which can appear in the air as a greenish yellow cloud, was used as a chemical weapon in World War 1. It is a potent irritant to the eyes, throat and lungs.


  18. star48 Avatar


    Mississippi flows backwards

    Hurricane Laura has weakened to a depression, but not before causing the Mighty Mississippi River to flow backward in Louisiana earlier this week, according to a report.

  19. petemedium Avatar

    Another week ends, so another of my week’s Blogs. It is very deep spiritual stuff that may not be for everyone, but it’s offered free and with no strings attacked. And again thanks as always Eric for allowing me to link here.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Very tragic.

      1. Barbara A Stetter Avatar
        Barbara A Stetter

        Eric thanks for the work you do in these predictions. No matter how dire they are, and how scary the world is today, we still have hope. Are you doing personal readings still? I tried to click on the link and something was missing?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Oh yes, please contact Bea to set that up at, I will look at the link, I have had other issues sorry.

  20. star48 Avatar



    Hurricane “Laura” aftermath: at least 54 people dead, widespread destruction across the Caribbean and US Gulf Coast

  21. pepperebonywood Avatar

    Dearest Eric

    Who are the spirits that give (send?) you messages? Are they deceased humans, or someone/things else? Just curious.

    Thank you 🙂

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The majority of them work in the heavens and have never lived on earth. It shows at times. However there are those few like Marcus who use to live here but excelled beyond that. It is said that Macabe was around prior to the birth of our solar system. Gives range on how ancient these individuals I talk to are. You also get the impression they have done this before. For which previous prophet or seer I don’t know. As time passes on the blog I will share my personal experience with each of these individuals. Tao is next.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I would sum it up a different way. We are toddlers living on a young planet. The Spirits I talk to are our teachers. Who seem to be coming slowly back into the scene for the next 200 years. I am just one of a surge coming.

  22. iforgotmyusername Avatar

    Any word on Trump? You predicted he would resign. He hasn’t.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Let’s wait until after the election before saying it’s wrong. I also predicted he would sink like the Titanic. I would say we are there. To be clear he hasn’t gotten sick yet. Not that I would ever want that. But that was the reason for his departure.

  23. Errity Jones Avatar
    Errity Jones

    And another hurricane formed in the Atlantic.

    Thanks for all you do and share! Errity

    On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, WORLD PREDICTIONS wrote:

    > Eric Leigh-Pink posted: ” Prayers for all those in the gulf. Safety > please. I am sorry for this horrible new message. 8-26-20 I had a visual I > was staring at vapors coming from the gulf. From the ocean it swayed from > yellow to red, then suddenly it turned black. It stayed bla” >

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