World Prediction: Venezuela The End of Maduro

I had a visual of a shopping cart, part of it was green, then the entire cart turned black.

“Maduro is dead.. his reign is over.. 7.. now comes the battle.. the fight between leaders over who will lead Venezuela.”

Previous Prediction:World Predictions 2-18-19

I had a visual of someone shooting a man in his chest twice.

“They shot him.. Venezuela.”

This has ties to a previous prediction: I had a visual of a green plate attached to a grocery store basket, it read “27 Ideology over” Then I heard “Maduro.. murder.. shot”

On a separate note I had a visual of a baseball glove sitting on a chair then Spirit tapped the table as if implying their prediction is about to happen. Here is the post of that prediction: World Predictions: US Attack Coming

I need to track how long the time lapse between them reminding me that a prediction is about to happen and when it actually unfolds.


Tuve un visual de un carrito de compras, parte de él era verde, luego todo el carrito se volvió negro.

“Maduro está muerto … su reinado ha terminado … 7 … ahora viene la batalla … la lucha entre los líderes sobre quién liderará a Venezuela”.

Predicción anterior: Predicciones mundiales 2-18-19 Tuve una imagen de alguien disparando a un hombre en su pecho dos veces. “Le dispararon … a Venezuela”. Esto tiene vínculos con una predicción anterior: tuve una imagen visual de un plato verde pegado a una canasta de la tienda de comestibles, decía “27 Ideología más” y luego escuché “Maduro … asesinato … tiro”

59 responses to “World Prediction: Venezuela The End of Maduro”

  1. jules104 Avatar

    Eric if you look Venezuela right now, a lot comes up for Russia and The US fighting over Venezuela. Could those be the two leaders?
    Also could this be related to the military man and the 3rd candidate that shows up?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It did cross my mind that Venezuela might have the military leader.

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Thanks Eric

    1. MK Avatar

      ““Russia.. Moscow.. under attack.. transportation hubs.. bloody explosions.. terror.. terror.. 3 (they might have said 30).. 7”

    2. Sara Avatar

      Now they’re saying 41 people died, and 30-something survived. No one knows what caused the fire, but hopefully they’ll figure it out soon.

      May the victims rest in peace.

  2. benmadigan Avatar

    possible assassination of Sig. Maduro – the man may be killed.
    His ideas will never die

  3. Clair Avatar

    “now comes the battle.. the fight between leaders over who will lead Venezuela.” — Hopefully the non-US-puppet-leader ends up leading Venezuela. Venezuelans need a leader who isn’t beholden to foreign interest more than the interests of the people.

    1. Sara Avatar

      I don’t know enough about Venezuela’s leaders to know whether Maduro or Guidao is best for them, but I hope you’re right–that whoever leads them has their best interests at heart.
      They’ve been through a lot of turmoil and economic trouble lately; whatever happens, hopefully life will get better for the Venezuelans.

  4. jules104 Avatar

    Eric I was wondering about this man Leopoldo Lopez. He has a long history of opposition to Maduro and has joined forces with Guaido. Though as far as I can see he has no military service.

  5. jules104 Avatar

    Eric in this prediction Spirit says “war is brewing” when speaking about Venezuela. I think the “war” could be in Venezuela. Especially since Putin wants Venezuela’s natural resources/oil. Quick cash for the Russians. Not that the US isn’t wanting their resources also. I hope and pray that the Venezuelans can hold onto power.

    1. swampy11 Avatar

      Jules104, do you think the US would really fight for Venezuela’s resources? Russia has been an OPEC member since Chavez talked Putin into it. Russia is one of the largest oil/gas resources in the world. Especially since Putin keeps trying to get Crimea and the Ukraine’s resources around the Black Sea. So, Russia would still want Venezuela’s oil anyway? Or are there other reasons which seem to be omitted or glossed over in the media? Just curious.

  6. Rob Avatar

    Hopefully Juan Guaido isn’t the new leader because I’m always suspicious of individuals who collude with foreign governments/leaders before and after declaring themselves the undeclared president while also inciting multiple coups.

  7. Cory Avatar

    “US State Department publishes, then deletes sadistic Venezuela hit list boasting of economic ruin”

    “The Grayzone has obtained a list of “key outcomes” on Venezuela deleted out of apparent embarrassment by the State Department. It boasts of wrecking the nation’s economy, destabilizing its military, and puppeteering its political opposition.”

  8. Luna Tic Avatar
    Luna Tic

    SWC, I just noticed that Eric’s following prediction which mentions a stockmarket fall or nosedive, (the Dow Jones has lost more that 600 points today) also talks of an assassination, a massive shooting and an earthquake in S. California among other things. Dutchsinse has posed an alert on his Twitter page about a 7.2 eq in the west pacific and states more activity is to follow. Coincidentally, the date of this one is 1 year exactly to the one he has posted in this World Prediction. As I was typing this a song came on that linked me to personal memories of a past trip I took to see family in California. Not sure it that meant anything but I thought I would add that as I get messages from my loved ones through music. The assassination is what caught my attention but the 5/3/19 World Prediction does say that a U.S. attack or shooting is expected very soon.

  9. Lance Avatar

    “On a separate note I had a visual of a baseball glove sitting on a chair then Spirit tapped the table as if implying their prediction is about to happen.”

    In Baseball, you say a pitch ‘is falling off the table’ when it comes in appearing to be ‘in the strike zone’ but then drops out of the strike zone, sometimes hitting the dirt, before it can be swung at. Extracting from this ‘baseball analogy’, to ‘tap a table’ would imply that it is ‘ON the table’, so it would therefore BE a strike…and NEVER assume with this kind of wording that it will be the U.S. hit with a strike. Quite the contrary, with what is happening in Iran, it is just-as-feasible that the U.S. WILL STRIKE someone (offensive, not defensive).

    Here is the post of that prediction: World Predictions: US Attack Coming

    Sounds a lot like the Iranian scaling up of a tactical strike from the U.S.

  10. star48 Avatar



    The Trump administration suspended all commercial passenger and cargo flights to Venezuela in light of worsening safety conditions, recent social unrest and political turmoil engulfing the South American nation.

  11. Ann Avatar

    “From coup leaders to con artists: Juan Guaidó’s gang exposed for massive humanitarian aid fraud”

    “An explosive new report reveals how Guaidó representatives in Colombia embezzled $125,000 meant for humanitarian aid, suckering deserting soldiers and blowing the aid money on luxury goods.”

  12. Ann Avatar

    “Trump is giving up on regime change in Venezuela because it’s complicated and he got bored, report says”

  13. […] The previous prediction: WORLD PREDICTION: VENEZUELA THE END OF MADURO […]

  14. Ann Avatar

    “The Trump administration plans to divert more than $40 million in humanitarian aid from Central America to the U.S.-backed opposition in Venezuela, according to an internal memo and interviews.”

    “What they are doing is essentially taking the money that would help poor Central American children and giving it to pay the salaries of US-backed coup leader Guaido and his officials and employees.”

  15. Cody Avatar

    U.S. only obsessed with Venezuela because of their oil; if the US cared about Venezuelans they wouldn’t be sanctioning them and considering further suffering meant to cripple and topple the gov’t. If you don’t bend your knee and bow your head to US imperial interests, they will make your country suffer:

    “President Trump has suggested to national security officials that the U.S. should station Navy ships along the Venezuelan coastline to prevent goods from coming in and out of the country…”

  16. Cody Avatar

    “Venezuela Probes Guaido over Photos with Colombian Drug Traffickers”

    “Los Rastrojos have been accused of drug smuggling, extortion, and targeted killings.”

    “Venezuela’s attorney general has opened an investigation into opposition leader Juan Guaido concerning purported links to armed far-right groups in Colombia.”

  17. Maria Avatar


    Any new information about this prediction?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will put it out there to them give me some time we are focused on some very bad natural disasters right now.

  18. Cody Avatar

    “While Trump cuts food stamps, USAID bankrolls Venezuela regime change with half a billion in tax dollars”

    “The Trump administration has spent $654 million in “aid” to try to overthrow Venezuela’s government, including $435 million through USAID and $128 million directly to Juan Guaidó and his corrupt coup gang — all while gutting food stamps that fed 700,000 poor Americans, most of whom are children, and also drastically cut taxes for the rich and large corporations. Thanks to these cuts, the richest 400 billionaires in the US now pay a lower tax rate than the poorest Americans.”

  19. Cody Avatar

    US/Exxon Mobil Venezuelan coup puppet Juan Guaido holds rally in Miami, FL:

  20. Cody Avatar

    US-Exxon Mobile backed, Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó honored by Trump at State of the Union

  21. Cody Avatar

    It’s OK for the U.S. to interfere in other countries but not OK for Russia:

    “U.S. still sees military role in Venezuela as option to oust Maduro.
    Naval blockade among options that have been discussed. But Trump admin hopes military action is not necessary. Trump likely to raise Venezuela with Modi during India trip.”

  22. Cody Avatar

    “US envoy to Venezuela [and Central/South American war criminal] Elliott Abrams says US will step up pressure campaign on Venezuelan oil.” #SanctionsKill

  23. Cody Avatar

    “Former UN drugs expert makes it clear that Trump’s accusations of Venezuela’s involvement in Colombia drug trafficking are nonsense.

    “Former Vice Secretary of the United Nations and Former Executive Director of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime Pino Arlacchi reminded Saturday that Venezuela has always been outside the main cocaine trafficking circuits between the world’s main producer and consumer; Colombia and the United States.

    “The first one is the latest UNODC report on drugs and the second the latest U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) document dated December 2019, which neither one of them mentions Venezuela.

    “According to the DEA report, 90 percent of the cocaine introduced in the U.S. comes from Colombia, six percent from Peru and the rest from unknown origins. “You can be sure that if in that remaining four percent any hint of Venezuela’s involvement existed, it would not have gone unnoticed,” Arlacchi mentioned.”

  24. Cody Avatar

    “An incursion of armed mercenaries was foiled this morning at the Northern coast of Venezuela. Their aim was to set off a series of terrorist attacks against government institutions and officials. Investigations point to DEA, Duque & other mercenaries”

  25. Trevor Avatar

    Venezuela: Mercenary attack foiled this morning in La Guaira

    – 8 terrorists killed including Captain Robert Colina alias “Pantera,” 2 mercenaries captured
    – seized: 10 rifles, 6 trucks, a speedboat, satellite phones, ammunition
    – @dcabellor: One detained is DEA agent

    1. Trevor Avatar

      “Venezuela’s FANB categorically rejects these acts of violence, before which we’ve always been victorious in the defense of the Homeland, grasping firmly to the Constitution, loyalty, democratic convictions, and the civic-military union left to us by Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez.”

    2. Trevor Avatar

      “FANB informs:

      “Today, Sunday, May 3rd in the early morning hours, a group of terrorist mercenaries, organized & trained in Colombia, carried out an incursion against national sovereignty, attempting to arrive on land with war components on the coasts of Macuto, La Guaira state.”

      1. Trevor Avatar

        “The operation in La Guaira this morning has now been officially claimed by Jordan Goudreau,the former US green beret who was working with Cliver Alcala to train former Venezuelan soldiers in Colombia.They claim it was a success and their guys are currently in Venezuela”

  26. Trevor Avatar

    “The Non-Aligned Movement is holding a meeting today on COVID-19. Participants include the Presidents of Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Palestine & Nicaragua.

    “President Miguel Diaz-Canel began by denouncing the terror attack on its embassy in the U.S., demanding an investigation.”

  27. Trevor Avatar

    It’s official. US attempted an act of terror/coup during a pandemic:

    “Among the terrorist captured today they were 2 U.S. military officials from Texas. According to a member of the band they are “intermediaries with Trump’s head of security”. Their names are Luke Denman and Aaron Barry, members of the company Silver Corp.”

    1. Trevor Avatar

      Maduro: “The US government is absolutely, completely involved in this invasion… The DEA, which operates like a big cartel of extortion and coordination with drug lords… The DEA for this operation recruited cartels from Colombia’s Guajira” border region”

      1. Trevor Avatar

        Juan Guaido – US’s chosen leader/puppet – behind funding of terrorist attack/coup:

        “Ex-Green Beret/Mercenary ‘strategist’ Jordan Goudreau says he’s never seen this level of ‘backstabbing’ as from Juan Guaido’s people who haven’t paid he & Silvercorp a penny for the contract they signed. He says he’s going public because ‘men’s lives are at stake’ (speaking of the paramilitaries).”

        1. Trevor Avatar

          “U.S. former military turned mercenary Jordan Goudreau chats with Miami media person Patricia Poleo about how much money is laundered through the Guaido right-wing faction and all the promises broken”

  28. Trevor Avatar

    “This is the alleged $212 million contract Juan Guaido signed with US mercenary Jordan Goudreau to execute a military coup against Venezuela’s elected govt. Goudreau has said the funding came from VZLA exiles in the US, but complained he wasn’t paid.”

    1. Trevor Avatar

      Venezuelan President Maduro said intelligence services collected info about the White House meeting between Trump and far-right Colombian leader Duque in March.

      Trump ordered Duque to “set Venezuela on fire,” and terrorist contras were trained in Colombia

      In his White House press briefing with far-right Colombian leader Duque in March, Trump said “We’re talking about Venezuela… A big subject for us.”

      Duque said they were working on a “transition” (read: coup) in Venezuela.

      This confirms what Maduro said.

      1. Trevor Avatar

        Days before failed US coup:

        29 April–

        Sec. Pompeo signals that coup efforts in Venezuela are nearly consolidated and asks the State Dept. to prepare to re-open U.S. embassy and fly the US flag in Caracas.

        30 April–

        Regime change war criminal John Bolton tweets: “Morning is coming to Venezuela — again.”

  29. Trevor Avatar

    “There is no doubt, Jordan Goudreau, the mercenary who participates in the #OperationGadeon to execute Venezuelan political leaders, was or is a security agent for the Trump team. These photos are from a Trump meeting in October 2018.

    “This is the other mercenary that appears in the meeting of Trump and was imprisoned today in Venezuela. He works for Jordan’s company, SilvercorpUSA. A company of outsourcing of wars.

  30. Trevor Avatar

    Lol, the company’s Twitter account tweeting out their covert op to the president to remind him of it before it happened:

    “Strikeforce incursion into Venezuela. 60 Venezuelan, 2 American ex Green Beret @realDonaldTrump”

  31. Trevor Avatar

    “Silvercorp mercenary/coup plotter and US citizen Luke Denman is asked how he would feel if a foreign paramilitary group attacked the US and tried to kill the president. He says he wouldn’t like it, it would be an act of war. #BayOfPiglets”

    1. Trevor Avatar

      “In Venezuelan custody, ex-Green Beret and Silvercorp mercenary Luke Denman confirms contract with Juan Guaido, says plan was to kidnap Venezuelan Pres. Maduro and fly him to the US as a captive #BayOfPiglets”

      What he said corroborates what ex-Green Beret Jordan Goudreau, who is in the US, has told the media

  32. Cody Avatar

    “Columbian President Ivan Duque met with Trump at the White House on March 2nd. President Maduro says that they met solely on this Venezuela matter and that Congress should demand to see classified documents on the talks between Duque & Trump

    “One of the mercenary groups was caught on their boat in the Alta Guajira by members of the Colombian military. Those people were going to be arrested, accused of being Venezuelan smugglers. Military officers received a call from a high level boss who ordered that they be let go.

    “If journalists did even the minimum investigation in Colombia, given the level of complicity of the accomplices of the oligarchy in Bogota, they could quickly establish how the Ivan Duque government provided support for the Rioacha operation.”

    1. Cody Avatar

      “Ivan Duque also went to the White House to meet Trump just before the fake humanitarian aid stunt in Cucuta. Intervention in Venezuela has been coordinated by the United States in partnership with Colombia for some time now. February 13, 2019.

      “Trump and Duque briefly took questions on March 2nd following their closed meeting. Discussion was 100% about organizing efforts to remove President Maduro from power as they have been during previous meetings.”

  33. Cody Avatar

    Ex-Green Beret captured in Venezuela believed U.S. backed overthrow plot: family – Read this and ask yourself about the US saying it had no “direct involvement” in a failed coup attempt. The families have questions

  34. Cody Avatar

    “There are no words to describe how criminal the US rogue regime is:

    “The Trump admin. stole Citgo, Venezuela’s most valuable foreign asset, worth billions, to fund the corrupt Guaidó coup gang.

    “Now a US judge is selling it off to a Canadian mining company”

    1. Cody Avatar

      “The oil refinery company Citgo was owned by the Venezuelan gov’t; it was used to fund social programs for the Venezuelan people.

      “The US gov’t stole these billions of dollars from the Venezuelan people, and is giving that wealth to US/Canadian corporations”

      1. Cody Avatar

        “The Citgo conspiracy: Even other right-wing opposition figures accused the US-backed Guaidó coup mafia of a “scam” to liquidate Venezuela’s most prized international asset”

      2. Cody Avatar

        “What’s even worse is this US judge is going to sell off this Venezuelan publicly owned company Citgo to oil corporations, then use that money to pay the Canadian mining company. So other US corporations are going to profit too.

        “Vultures eating their prey”

  35. Cody Avatar

    “A Venezuelan court sentenced two former U.S. special forces soldiers to 20 years in prison for their part in a failed beach attack aimed at overthrowing President Nicolás Maduro”

  36. Cody Avatar

    Venezuela announces the capture of a US marine who apparently was helping plan an explosion of the country’s oil refineries

    He was captured w heavy weapons and US dollars. Reportedly previously worked on US operations in Iraq

  37. Cody Avatar

    “Trump Enacts Sweeping New Sanctions on China, Iran, Venezuela. Biden Promises More To Come

    “The new sanctions come even as an estimated 100,000 people have been killed by American sanctions in Venezuela alone as vital medical equipment and lifesaving drugs have been blocked from entering the country.”

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