Indonesia Tsunami / Earthquake

Please pray and support those in Indonesia.

This prediction has happened.

As the facts come in more and more predictions resonate. Especially the first message, I assumed it was about Katrina, but now its sounding like the latter, the December 2004 Tsunami, It is so tragic what has unfolded in Indonesia,  and in many parts “Areas disappear.. total destruction” fits.

On 8-29 Spirit warned us: “Earthquake 7.4.. its really bad, very damaging” Then they went on to describe what we now know as Sulawesi “The island or peninsula.. with a land mass pointing down.”

On 9-4 Spirit warned us: “13 years ago.. its coming again” Which we now know was the December 2004 Tsunami

On 9-27 the day before, Spirit warned us: “A Tsunami is around the corner.”  I had a visual of the number 7, then it shifted to zero. “Times up”.

Below are all predictions related to this event: Spirit pointed to Indonesia but was a day off as they predicted the 27th. 

Predictions 9-4-18  “13 years ago.. it is coming again.. make no mistake!”

“Areas disappear.. total destruction.”

That would be 2005, and I can only think of two events, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the December 2004 Tsunami.

Prediction: Tsunami

I had a visual I was walking through an outside shopping center, I was looking at various fruits and vegetables, the location was packed with people shopping. The shopping center very similar to a swap meet sat next to the beach. In the background of the swap meet were people cooking.

Then I had a visual I was floating in the sky with the Spirits. As a group we were looking down on this swap meet “We are so sorry Eric for showing you this, This is happening in multiple parts of the world.” I heard a loud bang. The water in the ocean suddenly receded. We could see in the background of the ocean a massive wave. It looked like a towering wall racing towards the town. Then in seconds this wave consumed everything in its path. The entire swap meet and surrounding areas became apart of the ocean, nothing and no one was left. From the sky the debris was extensive.

Predictions: The Gulf Hurricanes Coming

Earthquake 7.4, it is really bad, very damaging :

I had a visual of a set of crackers circling a mountain or volcano. A set of crackers would imply a large earthquake.

I had a visual of a land mass that was either an island or peninsula. The land slightly pointed down. Then you could see a red dot blinking on it. Pointing to the location of the earthquake

World Predictions of 2018

I had a visual I was jumping in the ocean from high up. Within the depths of the ocean was so many bodies, so much death. Then the visual shifted to show a Tsunami (we have predictions about that) then massive storms, then battleships. “So much death will have ties to the ocean”

Prediction 9-27-18

“A Tsunami is around the corner.”

I had a visual of the number 7, then it shifted to zero. “Times up”.

Then they showed 8 o clock..

Is 8 o clock apart of the old prediction, they have mentioned that with the California earthquake, and a ‘massive earthquake’. But its also possible that 8 o clock is the time of this coming event.

Prediction: Indian Ocean Tsunami

The Tsunami is coming soon.”

“Indonesia will be hit hard. The small Island ill prepared and Australia will also be affected.

Prediction: Tsunami Coming Soon  I had a visual of a large wave heading towards a landmass. At a distance you could see people trying to race towards higher ground.  I had a visual I was staring at a map of what looked like the Asian pacific then the number 9 started popping up everywhere.

I had a visual of the word Tsunami followed by Spirit showing ‘1/2’ (half).

Predictions 12-26-17

Tomorrow the 27th is marked.

I really do hope its not the airplane attack.

They also talked about “Australia being affected” at first I thought they were talking about the terror attacks, but its more likely they are talking about the coming Tsunami.

38 responses to “Indonesia Tsunami / Earthquake”

  1. allen Avatar

    eric does this mean, that the florida hurricane, will not happen? or does the group. still see it coming? so WISHED, that 1000 people, would have prayed. and that energy sent, would, and could, changed this tsunami, from happeneing, or at least changed the scope of the distruction. thank you for making a difference..,……..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      We are still expecting the hurricanes unfortunately

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Yes, so tragic.

  2. jules104 Avatar

    Eric yes very tragic. I just find it very sad and especially frustrating seeing as so many deaths could have been averted if the tsunami system, or buoys, had been working properly and funded like they should have been.
    Praying that they continue to find survivors and for all those who have already lost loved ones.❤️🙏🏻🌟
    Also, I read that there was a festival on the beach when this occurred. Didn’t you have an old prediction about there not being so many losses if the event or festival or something near a beach was cancelled? This reminded me of that.

  3. jules104 Avatar

    Eric, I saw this article about there being mass prison breaks (1200 inmates) during or after the Palu earthquake and tsunami and thought of the prediction you have about a serial killer on an island. I think you referenced Puerto Rico in that prediction, but could it be this area in Indonesia instead?

  4. star48 Avatar


    It is a phenomenon called liquefaction,
    It has exacerbated the devastation….


  5. Cody Avatar

    One year anniversary since Vegas shooting — was the worst mass shooting in Texas also predicted to happen in October?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes we are expecting it out of Texas, and their seems to be a focus on the 17th.

      1. Trina Avatar

        At a fair or festival?

  6. jules104 Avatar

    Eric/SWC…Indian Ocean Triple Junction area having a bit of a swarm it seems. This area triggered the Palu EQ/tsunami. Praying it’s nothing. Everyone stay safe.🙏🏻🌟💫

  7. jules104 Avatar

    SWC/Eric…this news video from “9 News Perth” states that the death toll is at 1200 and growing with 17,000 displaced from their homes. Please pray for these people and for the rescuers to find more survivors under the rubble. Very sad situation there.

  8. Sara Avatar

    I wish for safety and peace for the people of Indonesia.

  9. rhona2 Avatar

    I’M very saddened by Indonesia Tsunami
    Living in Perth WA its close to home and my 8 year old grandson is flying out with his dad tomorrow for Bali ..prayers please ..
    Also the prediction that says half makes me wonder if that’s only the first tsunami and another is to occur .

    1. jules104 Avatar

      Rhona, sending prayers for your grandsons safety and well being during his time in Bali.🙏🏻🌟

  10. Sara Avatar

    This is a bit off topic, but this is a link to a really lovely song that’s about hope and life. Sometimes things seem really dark, especially related to news, and songs like this help me feel a bit better.
    Obviously it won’t change what happened in Indonesia, but maybe it’ll help everyone’s emotions at least a little. Actually, it’s a good song for anyone going through hard times of any kind.

    There is Life: Alison Krauss
    Under the snow, beneath the frozen streams
    There is life
    You’ll have to know when nature sleeps she dreams
    There is life

    And the colder the winter, the warmer the spring
    The deeper the sorrow, the more our hearts sing
    Even when you can’t see it inside everything
    There is life

    After the rain the sun will reappear
    There is life
    After the pain the joy will still be here
    There is life

    For it’s out of the darkness that we learn to see
    And out of the silence that songs come to be
    And all that we dream of awaits patently
    There is life, there is life.

    1. jules104 Avatar

      Thank You Sara! Very beautiful song.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


  11. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

    I was trying to post this on ATS but my account no longer works. Does anyone have account and willing to share. Are there any other social media sites we can link this prediction to. I really want to try and get the word out prior to the hurricanes coming so we can at least try and warn a larger audience what is coming.

  12. petemedium Avatar

    Latest on Sulawesi’s disaster: Indonesia tsunami: food and water run out as death toll tops 1,200.

  13. petemedium Avatar

    We don’t hear enough of heroes:

    An Indonesian air traffic controller, Anthonius Gunawan Agung, 21, died in Friday’s earthquake after staying back to ensuring a passenger plane took off safely from Palu airport.
    Unlike the others in the tower, who left for safer ground, Agung remained until pilot Ricoseta Mafella lifted his plane safely out of harm’s way.
    Agung’s last words to pilot Mafella, were: “Batik 6231, runway 33, clear for takeoff.” Before jumping from the four story building.

  14. star48 Avatar

    I read your comment about tsunami buoys non operational, Jules104,
    Found an article..
    That lays it out..

  15. Holaca Avatar

    There’s now a volcano erupting those poor people

    1. star48 Avatar

      Just posted it in minute ago! We are on the same page…😀

      Volcanic eruption 🌋 too.

      Mount Soputan in Northern Sulawesi


      A volcano erupted Wednesday on the same central Indonesian island as an earlier earthquake and authorities warned planes about volcanic ash in the air.
      Mount Soputan in North Sulawesi province spewed ash 6,000 meters (19,700 feet) into the sky Wednesday morning. No evacuations were immediately ordered.
      A government volcanologist said it’s possible the eruption was accelerated by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Central Sulawesi on Friday.

  16. star48 Avatar

    Volcanic eruption 🌋 too.

    Mount Soputan in Northern Sulawesi


    A volcano erupted Wednesday on the same central Indonesian island as an earlier earthquake and authorities warned planes about volcanic ash in the air.
    Mount Soputan in North Sulawesi province spewed ash 6,000 meters (19,700 feet) into the sky Wednesday morning. No evacuations were immediately ordered.
    A government volcanologist said it’s possible the eruption was accelerated by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Central Sulawesi on Friday.

  17. star48 Avatar

    Lateral spreads shown …during quake..
    Landslide due to liquidation..(can happen in CA)

    t seems reasonably likely that this is a lateral spread type landslide, perhaps associated with a quick clay or dynamic liquefaction process.

  18. star48 Avatar


    Another volcano 🌋 erupts! Son of Krakatoa….

  19. star48 Avatar

    Update:: over 1500 dead…

    On Friday, the death toll rose to 1,571, according to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management. An estimated 70,000 houses were also destroyed.

  20. star48 Avatar


    Update:::close to 1700 dead so far..

    No one knows how many people were dragged to their deaths when the quake triggered soil liquefaction, a phenomenon that turns the ground into a roiling quagmire. Communities in the south of Palu were particularly hard hit.

    The national disaster agency says 1,700 homes in one neighborhood alone were swallowed up. Many hundreds of people are now entombed in slowly drying mud churned with heaps of debris and vehicles.

    Another excerpt
    Most of the dead have been found in the region’s main urban center, the small city of Palu. Figures for more remote areas, some just re-connected to the outside world by road, are trickling in.

  21. star48 Avatar


    Death toll @10,000 ….5,000 missing…

  22. star48 Avatar

    Indonesia announces search for victims to end….
    Anger and dismay..

  23. star48 Avatar


    ,Indonesia mulls over declaring quake flattened villages mass graves.

  24. star48 Avatar

    Indonesia 🇮🇩
    Indonesia limits foreign role in disaster..

  25. star48 Avatar

    2,200 dead..thousands still missing..220,000 homeless.
    Also public health crisis..

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