Trump Owes China Money

Has this prediction happened?


I had a visual of a newspaper that read scandal. Then it shifted to show ribbons upon ribbons with Chinese text. The visual shifted to show a man holding a case. It felt stealthy and spy like, as if holding secrets. 

I was briefly reminded of the ribbon by Spirit, pointing to it, asking me to think about it? The ribbon looked similar to the tape in the ‘Russian scandal prediction’ PREDICTIONS 12-12-16 Perhaps the scandal isn’t about China. Perhaps China is facilitating a scandal about President Trump. Just as there was Russia interference in our elections. This prediction could be about China now interfering. Thoughts on what the ribbon could also mean? Pun?

Predictions 6-17-17
 : In the end it isn’t the testimonies of individuals that impede Trump but banks, finances, dealings. From one hand to another to another. Shady acts

PREDICTIONS 6-29-17 “Money going from here to there.. moving again and again.. this is what Trump will get fired for.. a choice must be made impeachment or resignation.

Predictions 6-17-17
 : In the end it isn’t the testimonies of individuals that impede Trump but banks, finances, dealings. From one hand to another to another. Shady acts

PREDICTIONS 6-29-17 “Money going from here to there.. moving again and again.. this is what Trump will get fired for.. a choice must be made impeachment or resignation.

35 responses to “Trump Owes China Money”

  1. Susan Steffen Avatar

    Oh, I almost thought you got it. Trump is not guilty of anything- he is being set up because he threatens the corrupt web in DC. He is doing God’s work defying the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration into US politics.

    1. Steve Avatar


      1. mk Avatar

        Please can you remember the golden rule.
        You do not know the truth, I don’t know the truth, for now only the spirits do and via Eric they have promised to reveal them.
        We are being subjected to something so strange and outside of our understanding no one stands over any one.

    2. mk Avatar

      Hold onto your truth Susan.
      Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.
      Now look at Biden’s campaign logo. Symbolism will be their down fall.

  2. shortnurse4life Avatar

    Is the laptop a distraction? Is it fake or real? Any insight? Or does it have stuff about Trump on it, even though it’s Hunter Biden’s supposedly?

    1. Nicole Avatar

      Didn’t the reporter who wrote the story come out and say it was all BS that shouldn’t have been published?

      1. shortnurse4life Avatar

        I did not see that. Can you post a link please?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I definitely would like links too from both sides.

          1. mariakaos Avatar


            Lube media discusses the CCP. The CCP sets the tone for the NWO. All Western Governments are black mailed and compromised. Nearly every country has a Hunter Biden.

    2. iforgotmyusername Avatar

      What I’ve read is the laptop is Russian disinformation, which is why most news organizations are ignoring the story. Why would someone who lives in California have their laptop repaired in Maryland? Also, if it WAS his laptop, it would count as stolen property if the repair technician gave it to someone else.

  3. techcowgirl Avatar

    Eric, I’m not thinking you’re getting things right where Trump is concerned. If he landslide wins this election and goes into a 2nd term and is never impeached nor resigns, nor is assassinated or something, then you’ll have missed the mark and those Trump predictions will have been about someone else.

    1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker

      How can Eric have missed the mark when we haven’t even had the general election yet? Even if Trump wins, there’s 4 years to see if he’ll be impeached or if he resigns. Why not just wait instead of calling Eric fake or in error?

  4. Dorothy Carstens Avatar
    Dorothy Carstens

    Why do I feel there is political bias in these predictions? I read all kinds of scandals about Trump, but never is there a mention of the scandals about Biden. Can Spirits be biased too?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes, they have an opinion. Why wouldn’t they?

    2. Margie Avatar

      I agree there is never anything about Biden and everyone knows Biden and Obama were corrupt. As for Hunter, he had no experience at all working for China . So I believe it is true about him and his dad

  5. Maura Liegeot Avatar
    Maura Liegeot

    Eric do you know of Kerr? She is a visionary too. She has an interview on youtube – What God is Saying About November 3. I dunno…..I just wanna put that out there. I am just praying for God’s grace on our country and leaders right now. Give it to God.

    1. Maura Liegeot Avatar
      Maura Liegeot

      Sorry I meant Kat Kerr. She’s awesome.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I do not know her? Can you forward a link? So everyone can see her work

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        I never heard of Kerr.

        1. iamtot Avatar

          Kerr says Trump will win the next election, and Pence the following two elections…

  6. Shandy Jenkins Avatar
    Shandy Jenkins

    Eric, Does the ribbon look like a paper ribbon from a calculator machine/cash register? That’s the only thing I can think of.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Ink ribbon. Like the old spy 50s. Secret messages, that your burn.

  7. Margie Avatar

    I agree there is never anything about Biden and everyone knows Biden and Obama were corrupt. As for Hunter, he had no experience at all working for China . So I believe it is true about him and his dad

  8. Vicks Avatar

    Question to all that are for Trump in this channel following Eric. If you all believe this Kat Kerr, why follow Eric and his spirit guides if you believe that they are biased?
    Please follow the people that you believe are true for you.
    Simple as that.
    As for me, I’ve followed Eric for years now. I’ve seen many of his predictions come true.
    I respect that no one is 100 percent all of the time, but that goes out to everyone.
    Alas, we are only human.
    Please don’t come into this site if what Eric Interprets does not match with your soul.
    Thank you.

    1. cat Avatar

      Ditto and Thank you so much for your post and I love what you said Vicks-
      You are SO right- thank you so much for expressing how I, and I am sure so many of Eric’s followers, feel.
      If trump posters on this site are unhappy here or with the predictions Eric and Spirit discuss, there are other sites to visit.

      1. No one Avatar
        No one

        The internet is still open to everyone last I heard, and Eric is on the internet…make sense Cat & Vick’s? And in an open society we can all speak our piece..until it’s not open China anyone? It doesn’t really matter if you disagree.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


    2. Jimmy Avatar

      Wow. This post feels like gate-keeping to me – since, people can follow whomever they like. No one above posted anything untoward…they just simply had a differing opinion

      Likewise, even if Eric is wrong this time, he still has plenty of readings that are true. I agree with one thing – if something doesn’t feel right to your soul, (or your gut, the second brain) the internet is a big place, and we should all strive to find those people and places that resonate. Peace.

      1. Jimmy Avatar

        This was regarding Vicks post above.

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Very nicely put.

  9. Cody Avatar

    “As John Sipher notes, the Steele dossier reported that Trump was happy to have Russia as bogeyman to detract attention from his secret business dealings in China. And now this from NYTimes”

  10. Vicks Avatar

    No gate keeping here.
    I too have my opinions and preferences too as I am sure everyone else has an opinion too.
    Just wanted to let everyone know that if they didn’t like or trust what Eric and his spirit guides say; there are other sites to fallow.
    I stand by Eric and his Spirit guides.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      So nice thanks!

  11. Vicks Avatar

    Thank you for your comment about my post.
    I am happy to know that other people felt what I felt and shared the same sentiment.

  12. Ct Avatar

    Tony Bobulinski reveals Joe Biden rendezvous: ‘Putting their entire family legacy on the line’

    – The Washington Times – Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    Tony Bobulinski said Tuesday night that he met with former vice president Joseph R. Biden in a darkened Beverly Hills bar for an hour to discuss a new business venture with Hunter Biden and James Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee’s son and brother.
    Mr. Bobulinski said Hunter Biden had recruited him to run an investment company, Sinohawk Holdings, that would be a family affair with Chinese billionaire and Communist Party-connected Ye Jianming.
    Hunter Biden wanted Mr. Bobulinski to meet the elder Mr. Biden in May 2017 to size up the person who would run a family business.. . .

    Mr. Bobulinski said that eventually the Chinese reached a deal and $10 million was supposed to be sent to a U.S. bank from Mr. Ye’s energy firm, CEFC.
    Of that, $5 million was a loan to the “BD” family, documents show. The other $5 million was to capitalize Sinohawk. . .

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