Predictions 5-20-18

“Right now” written in big bold print.

The impression was this is about the earthquake again. We failed to accurately predict the timeframe because the last message showed the 19th. But they are unwilling to let it go. However as you read below Spirit again shifted back to the Tsunami prediction making it very confusing. Both the San Francisco earthquake and a Tsunami in Asia continue to be a focal point for Spirit.

There was a small earthquake that hit Riverside on the 19th, Spirit predicted 3 to 4 earthquakes hitting California and Mexico back to back, one of which is expected to be large and damaging. Mexico was hit with an earthquake earlier in the week. 

I had a visual of a large wave raging toward a shoreline.

I had a visual of the shoreline which had large tall buildings.

I had a visual of a large storm with heavy wind. Then spirit showed the mid west United States. The impression was a very large storm was coming for several locations in the mid west and a possible Tornado.

“Moore attacks”

Its unclear if this is just a misspelling on their part or does the extra O mean something cryptic. There is a new focus on gathering the details of these coming attacks.

I had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.

We need to gather the details to this new prediction as well.

The 24th is marked.






151 responses to “Predictions 5-20-18”

  1. lossie2020 Avatar

    Eric, “Moore attacks”….what does this mean? Is this the name of city? There was a repeating history of tornadoes in Moore , Oklahoma. That’s where my relatives and friends live. Just south of Oklahoma city.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      “More attacks” the question remains what is with that O

      1. lossie2020 Avatar


  2. Justafollower Avatar

    There is a Moore House university in Atlanta Georgia.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Something like that is what comes to mind for me

      1. Nicole Avatar

        That’s Morehouse – not Moore. Perhaps it’s a person’s last name?

    2. Janice Norton Avatar
      Janice Norton

      That’s Morehouse

  3. Sara Avatar

    Could the extra O refer to that prediction with the four lined-up O’s, the ones symbolizing different predictions?

    Or Moore could be someone’s last name, or a town or a targeted building.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The second part is most likely, a reference to a person or place, it could be a mistake

  4. jules104 Avatar

    Was “Moore” written with an “e” on the end? Didn’t they use to call Muslims a long time ago, the “Moors”?
    I also, like Lossie2020, thought of the horrible tornado that happened in Moore Oklahoma on May 20, 2013 and another on May 3, 1999. Both were EF-5s and horrific. Wondering are they giving two clues there.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      it was spelled just like that. Odd

  5. jules104 Avatar

    Eric is there any chance when Spirit showed the tsunami in Asia that it was meant as symbolic to what’s occurred in the past…a large EQ in the ocean that causes a tsunami? So both are the same event and not two separate events, and that’s why it’s so confusing?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I don’t think so because they showed damage in areas of AU.

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Thanks for clarifying Eric.

      2. Russ Avatar

        Eric, with the tsunami; an older post said ‘Brisbane hit hard’, but I was just wondering when you talk about seeing tall buildings on the coast, could this be the City of Gold Coast just 70km (about 50miles) south of Bris? if you google pics of Gold Coast skyline, you might see something familiar?

        We all tend to be centric to our own locales, but you mentioned an earlier post regarding an earthquake in conjunction with the word ‘alpine’. There is a major fault in New Zealand called the Alpine Fault. If it were to go off it would unzip down the spine of the South Island & would be felt as far away as the east coast of AU.

        Could this be a cause of the tsunami & earthquakes “everywhere” as the spirits previously voiced? The prediction of a tsunami effecting 39 locations could well be the ring-of-fire incurring multiple earthquakes & volcanic activity. (ties in with California/Mexico dialog)

        The goings-on in Hawaii at present are particularly scary.


        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          They seem to go back and forth from an earthquake in CA and a Tsunami. There are two Tsunami predictions Japan and AU both have their own predictions. The AU one is expected to be really bad.

  6. petemedium Avatar

    Hi Eric. There is a small Island nation off the east coast of southern Africa called Mayotte in the Southern Indian Ocean. Directly east of it is the coastline of Western Australia.
    According to Wikipedia it is pronounced Ma’ore, which in their dialect could sound similar to Moore.
    For the past two weeks they have been having high mag and rare earthquakes, with the latest today of a 5.5 as I type. They are not on any marked fault line and they are still under the management of France, from colonial days.

    1. rhona2 Avatar

      Petemedium here is an article with maps on faultsxand volcano activity in Mayotte area Madagascar. .I live in Western Australia .Perth .so found this informative indeed ..the article is 6 days old ..
      Blessings to you

      1. petemedium Avatar

        Thank you Rhona. I was basing my comment on the USGS fault line map, so obviously it’s not up to scratch.
        Actually I find the European Seismic Centre far more accurate, but they don’t have fault lines shown in their map.

      2. rhona2 Avatar

        Your most welcome .
        Its little known around that region .
        Let’s see what happens love and light to the area ..

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s interesting thanks.

    3. rhona2 Avatar

      Petemedium SWC
      Hi pete your probably following Mayotte quakes closely .
      But I thought I would add this article .
      Schools closing amid fears of earthquakes .
      DUTCHSINSE me toned the mayotte volcanic possible reactivation for area in his last update .
      Will post below in a moment it’s about 9 minute mark ..interesting g comments .

      1. rhona2 Avatar

        Here is dutchsinse link

  7. rhona2 Avatar

    I’m compelled to add this .though 24 hours ago I dismissed it until I read your predictiin morning today 21st May.
    I had a vision just before sleep on Sunday night of a Tornado ..I asked spirit . Where ?
    They showed a map of the state’s and west of Oklahoma and said more the nth Carolina .
    There is a MOORE in Kentucky
    And a MOORE County in North Carolina .
    I hope this helps .

    1. rhona2 Avatar

      I’m sorry I said west of Oklahoma
      I had my state of west aust as I typed on my mind Spirit said
      EAST of Oklahoma .they showed a map more East of Oklahoma is what they said.
      Apoligies .

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Ouch…that’s Moore which almost southeast of oklahoma. ;/

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  8. Roxiee Avatar

    Moore attacks..might be similar attacks in reference to Paul Moore in UK who ran over Muslims for revenge. Just wondering…

  9. petemedium Avatar

    A 5.2 has just hit Mexico:

  10. mari Avatar

    Michael Moore seems to resurface with media attacks during political turmoil and he is not a Trump fan…

    1. Larene Avatar

      True, Michael Moore is politically active on Twitter and not a fan of Trump.

  11. Brandon Parnell Avatar
    Brandon Parnell

    It could mean moore,oklahoma if it has something to do with the tornado

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      This seems like attacks, like a shooting spree.

  12. Brandon Parnell Avatar
    Brandon Parnell

    Maybe moore could die or something

  13. Sara Avatar

    Any ideas yet about what kind of attacks we should be on the lookout for? Are they shootings, bombings, or car-ramming?

    Also, do you know the time-frame?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I believe its shootings.

  14. Julie W Avatar
    Julie W

    This is a massive anomaly that made me think about the storm Spirit mentioned.

  15. lossie2020 Avatar

    Eric, SWC, is thr ” Moore attack” related to tornado or bombing, shooting, violence attack?

    If it’s related to tornado then it’s highly likely will occur again in Moore probably for the 3rd time since 1999 of May 3rd. Unfortunately, It’s right along in tornado alley. People in Moore won’t be very happy if it’s re-occurring event within short period of time frame. :/ (I will warn my relatives and friends to be prepared.)

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I took it as a shooting spree.

    2. Brandon Parnell Avatar
      Brandon Parnell

      I haved a weird feeling in my gut like something bad is gonna happen, and i mean really bad.

      1. Trina Avatar

        Like what ?

    3. Brandon Parnell Avatar
      Brandon Parnell

      Like there is gonna be an attack by isis agian

      1. Trina Avatar

        In America?Eric said something bigger than Las Vegas shooting if I recall.

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        They just said terror attacks, they did not bring up ISIS directly.

  16. Larene Avatar

    For your Tsunami prediction Eric, for AU – Australia, history shows that the biggest impact from Earthquakes causing Tsunami’s came from Chile. Each time a Tsunami reached Australia’s east coast and in every case, Queensland and NSW were impacted plus sometimes Vic and Tas too. Qld was never impacted on it’s own.
    1868 : Source North Chile, 1868 : Central Chile, 1877 : North Chile, 1880 : Chile, 1922 : North Chile, 1960 : Central Chile Mag 9.5, 2010 Bio-Bio Chile 8.8 mag.
    There were 3 other big Tsunami’s not from Chile : 1964 Impacting NSW & Tas from Alaska – 9.2 mag, 2004 impacting NSW & Qld, SA, Tas, Vic, WA from Sumatra-Indian Ocean – 9.1 mag, and the 3rd was 2011 impacting NSW & Tas from Sendai Japan – 8.9 mag.
    Eric, if Brisbane Qld is the hot spot for your Tsunami prediction, then it’s highly likely that NSW will be impacted equally.

  17. Larene Avatar

    Location : Moore, Oklahoma ?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That crossed my mind.

  18. star48 Avatar

    Ref::had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.

    Low pressure system..potential tropical ?

    1. Luna tic Avatar
      Luna tic

      Hi star,
      Yeah, I see that! It’s been raining for a full week and more to come. I’m hoping that the Gulf of Mexico waters aren’t warm enough for a strong storm to form. Don’t these storms read a calendar? It is 9 days too early for hurricane season lol.

      1. star48 Avatar

        Luna tic,
        Let’s keep our fingers crossed…Be careful in Florida..
        Have you had talks with your neighbors regarding emergencies that may come to your homes?
        I hope so…thinking of you and your challenges..

  19. jules104 Avatar

    Eric/SWC, An active shooter at apartment complex in Panama City, FL.

  20. rhona2 Avatar

    Petemedium SWC
    pete I found this article from 23rd of may 2018
    On Mayotte quakes .
    2000 felt reports ..
    They say lack of monitors make it difficult to know what’s happening
    Thought you would be interested
    Blessings stay safe

    1. petemedium Avatar

      Thank you Rhona. I’ll go check it out.

      1. rhona2 Avatar

        You may have to click twice on site for article to load or wait till it brings it up proper .dangit. .

    2. petemedium Avatar

      Hi Rhona. No I had no trouble finding that site at all. And yes, I’ve been watching that country at EMSC now since early May when they first started happening, which is why I posted the original. It is out of the ordinary for so many quakes in such a short time.

  21. rhona2 Avatar

    Petemedium SWC
    Moyette 4.8m at 2km theyvare getting shallower .makes me wonder if magma on move . A watch for sure

    1. petemedium Avatar

      Yes Rhona, certainly disturbing for the people in that region. Could easily be the cause of the Indian Ocean tsunami Eric predicted happening.

  22. MK Avatar

    This is Brian Ladd’s latest prediction which I felt relevant to Eric’s prediction in terms of the scale of the Tsunami and location.
    “Mariana Trench event causes Guam to shack “shake” before new undersea volcano forms a new island overnight (Guam is destroyed, a new island is formed and the Tsunamis from these event effects 1/4 of the coastlines around the world”.

    1. LM Avatar

      Interesting. Guam just had a 5.6 and a 4.9 quake this week. Guam has had 5 total this month, and the quakes’ depth went from 100+km depth early this month to the last few at 10km. Which could indicate magma moving below, which would coincide with Ladd’s prediction that you mentioned.

      1. mariakaos Avatar

        LM thanks for the interesting info.

  23. Jackie S Avatar
    Jackie S

    There is a Moore AU 80 miles from Brisbane and many notable Australians with the last name Moore.

  24. star48 Avatar

    Yemen 🇾🇪
    Update on cyclone Mekunu

    Situation critical 8 missing hundreds evacuated as cyclone hit
    Yemens island ..Socotra..

  25. Jackie stein Avatar
    Jackie stein

    Shooting in Oklahoma City. Moore is part of Oklahoma City. Wow.

  26. Jackie stein Avatar
    Jackie stein

    Shooter Oklahoma City

  27. petemedium Avatar

    Just to note: There have been three moderate quakes, felt by hundreds of people, in the Mayotte region in the past four hours as of 8pm 25th May their time. Two at 5mag and one at 4.6mag. I think this area needs watching.

    1. LM Avatar

      Yes, and now today and yesterday there have been quakes in Namibia, directly west of Mayotte on the other side of the continent. Botswana is right next to/just east of Namibia, which happens to be the exact antipode to Kilauea. It’s all connected.

  28. star48 Avatar

    Ref;; The 24th is marked.

    Active shooter..middle custody in Indiana..

    A suspect was in custody Friday following reports of an active shooter situation at Noblesville West Middle School in Indiana.

  29. Sara Avatar

    There’s also been an IED explosion at a restaurant in Toronto, Canada. No one knows the motive yet, but they’re still hunting for the suspects.

    Fortunately, no one died. There were some serious injuries, but news reports say they’re stable now.

  30. Shannon Avatar

    Hope you’re okay Eric. Haven’t heard from you in a while.

    1. Holaca Avatar

      Was thinking the same, sending lots of healing and love Eric 💞

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Moms back in the hospital so it’s been busy.

    2. Sara Avatar

      Eric posted a new on the 23rd, that’s only two days ago. And he’s made comments on the 24th.

      The problem might be this: the site has this post above the newer one.
      I’m not sure why the newest prediction is under the older one. Maybe it’s the site or just our computers, but Eric did post on the 23rd.
      So just scroll down on the main page and find the post below this one, labeled: Predictions 5-23-18 Japan Earthquake/Tsunami

      1. Sara Avatar

        Whoa, sorry to hear that. I hope she’s doing better.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          She is, thanks. We need this to end though.

  31. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Oregon, Portland
    Madman..runs down 4 women on sidewalk.. flees ..he is arrested

  32. jules104 Avatar

    Eric…So sorry to hear about your mother being back in the hospital. Praying send love and light to you all. 🙏🏻❤️🌟

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you, we should discharged soon!

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Eric glad to here your mom was being discharged. Hoping you are both at home now taking it easy. Praying for healing light and love to surround you both.🙏🏻🌟❤️

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  33. rhona2 Avatar

    Thinking of you and Bea prayers for Bea
    Love and light to you all .
    Please take care ..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      She is leaving the hospital today, so we should be out of here soon, thank you!

      1. star48 Avatar

        Great news..,praying everyday for you and Bea..

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thank you.

      2. rhona2 Avatar

        Eric I’m so happy .
        Fantastic …now praying for sustained
        Health and healthy renew kidney function ..
        Well done Bea your a real example of
        Determination and faith .
        Hugs xx😇😆

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you.

  34. jules104 Avatar

    SEC, Eric. Here’s a Dutch update from the 25th. Lots of good info on West Coast slow slip starting around min 26:00 on. Scientists now admitting we are in a slow slip event.
    Also Dutch has been warning for a big EQ in West Pacific since these deep EQ events and Hawaii event occurred….as Spirits have also warned for big EQ coming for Japan SW. I think they may be related. Around minute 50:45 he talks about it. Going by 2011 megaquake Dutch thinks the signs will be Hawaii starts to putter out though there are signs of a larger eruption coming possibly if another crater collapses. (Spirits epic eruption?) Here’s the link for anyone interested.

  35. jules104 Avatar

    SWC, here’s an am 26 May update on Hawaii new blast eruption. Great video of crater blast at beginning and end. Not sure if this is what he was looking for lastnight or not. Here’s the link.

  36. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::I had a visual of a large storm with heavy wind. Then spirit showed the mid west United States. The impression was a very large storm was coming for several locations in the mid west and a possible Tornado.

    See”.Alberto” closes in on

  37. star48 Avatar

    Ref::had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.
    Oman 🇴🇲. Cyclone Mekunu..
    Strongest on record..Dumps three years worth of rain in one day

  38. […] Predictions 5-20-18 I had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming. […]

  39. star48 Avatar

    Ref::I had a visual of a large storm with heavy wind. Then spirit showed the mid west United States. The impression was a very large storm was coming for several locations in the mid west and a possible Tornado.

    See. Map in article

  40. star48 Avatar

    Ref::he impression was a very large storm was coming for several locations in the mid west and a possible Tornado.

    Massive damaging Tornado touches down near Cheyenne,Wyoming.

  41. […] Predictions 5-20-18  I had a visual of a large storm with heavy wind. Then spirit showed the mid west United States. The impression was a very large storm was coming for several locations in the mid west and a possible Tornado. […]

  42. star48 Avatar

    Ref::I had a visual of a large storm with heavy wind. Then spirit showed the mid west United States. The impression was a very large storm was coming for several locations in the mid west and a possible Tornado.

    Great Plains..Derecho winds ..South more rain.

  43. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::I had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.

    Aletta becomes Cat 4 before weakening..

  44. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Ref::: had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.

    Major hurricane Bud to hit Mexico..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Another one!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the information

  45. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::had a visual of a large storm with heavy wind. Then spirit showed the mid west United States. The impression was a very large storm was coming for several locations in the mid west and a possible Tornado.

    Heavy floods destructive rains..
    Hit Michigan,Wisconsin,and Minnesota.

  46. star48 Avatar

    Linden Lake, Michigan..
    Flooding.- flash floods wipe away streets..

  47. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::Moore attacks”( purposely set?)
    Biggest blaze 🔥In living memory…(fire)
    Saddleworth MOOR..
    army called in…people wearing gas masks..

  48. star48 Avatar

    Ref::There was a small earthquake that hit Riverside on the 19th, Spirit predicted 3 to 4 earthquakes hitting California and Mexico back to back, one of which is expected to be large and damaging. Mexico was hit with an earthquake earlier in the week.

    Mexico 6.0 mag..

  49. star48 Avatar

    Ref::possible Tornado.

    North Dakota…F2 tornado–Deadly..
    Watford,, North Dakota.

    The tornado impacted the Watford City area around 00:45 CDT on July 10, injuring 28 people, including a seven-day-old baby who later died from his injuries. The boy was critically hurt after a trailer he was in flipped during the storm. Nine others are still in critical condition, as of late July 10 (local time).

    The storm was accompanied by strong winds and up to golf ball-sized hail. 122 structures in the park were completely destroyed, 79 sustained moderate damage and 12 minor to no damage. An estimated 200 people have been displaced.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I have been in a few of those when I lived in Arizona during my youth. Very wild

  50. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Pella…several tornados also damaging winds,hail,heavy rain..

    DES MOINES, Iowa (KCCI) —
    At least several tornadoes tore through central Iowa on Thursday afternoon, hitting key landmarks in some cities, such as the Marshall County Courthouse in Marshalltown and Vermeer Manufacturing in Pella.

    Heavy rain, damaging winds and hail were also part of the system.

  51. star48 Avatar

    6 tropical storms aiming for East Asian coastline..
    Death toll to rise..

  52. star48 Avatar

    China 🇨🇳
    Ref::I had a visual of a large wave raging toward a shoreline.

    I had a visual of the shoreline which had large tall buildings.

    Typhoon Ampil,
    Thousands evacuated..

  53. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    East Coast.
    Nor’easter…RARE in July..

  54. star48 Avatar

    Ref::I had a visual of a large wave raging toward a shoreline.

    Question:: could this be water rushing from land to sea?

    Laos 🇱🇦
    Hydro power dam collapses
    Hundreds missing

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Japan is getting hit so hard.

      1. star48 Avatar

        Maybe that is why they ( spirit ) mentioned it three times..
        “Japan,Japan,Japan” ?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Could be

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the info.

  55. star48 Avatar

    Hurricanes/Cyclones forming..Pacific Ocean

  56. star48 Avatar

    Typhoon now Category 2
    “soulik” 22w
    See route.. towards Japan 🇯🇵

  57. star48 Avatar

    typhoon now Category 3
    Soulik 22W
    See route…and info.

  58. star48 Avatar


    Ref::I had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.


    Typhoon. ” Rumbia”
    Reads havoc across Central and Eastern china 🇨🇳
    9 killed 3.5 million affected..

  59. star48 Avatar


    Ref::I had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.

    Hurricane ” Lane”
    Category 4

  60. star48 Avatar


    Typhoons 2.
    “Soulik” and” Cimaron”..

    Soulik .. Landfall.Korea..

    Cimaron .
    Another typhoon – Cimaron – is expected to approach Japan on August 22 and make landfall near Kyoto with maximum sustained winds of 150 km/h (92 mph).

  61. star48 Avatar

    2 typhoons…Category 2’s
    1 hurricane Category 4

    had a visual of hurricane/Typhoon forming.


    Active tropical storms
    Name of storm system Location Formed Last update Category Speed Wind Gust Course Wave Wave Source Details

    Cimaron (23W) Pacific Ocean August 18 2018 12:00 AM August 22 2018 02:37 AM Typhoon 2 31 km/h 167 km/h 204 km/h 305 ° 10 meters N/A JTWC

    Lane (EP14) Pacific Ocean – East August 15 2018 12:00 AM August 22 2018 02:39 AM Hurricane 4 17 km/h 250 km/h 306 km/h 285 ° 12 meters N/A JTWC

    Soulik (22W) Pacific Ocean August 15 2018 12:00 AM August 22 2018 02:38 AM Typhoon 2 20 km/h 176 km/h 213 km/h 305 ° 11 meters N/A JTWC

  62. star48 Avatar

    South Korea….Typhoon..

    Ref::I had a visual of the shoreline which had large tall buildings.


    On alert..
    “Soulik” arrives…see article waves with tall buildings…

  63. star48 Avatar


    Typhoon (2)updates
    South Korea….Japan

    A weakening typhoon is brushing by metropolitan Seoul after battering southern South Korea with heavy rain and high winds, leaving one person missing and a slew of damaged buildings, cancelled flights and power outages.

  64. star48 Avatar

    Severe cyclone.”.Luban”
    Landfall Yemen 🇾🇪

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