New Zealand 6.6 Earthquake

Is this the predicted earthquake? The good news is that according to initial reports the earthquake is not destructive.  The focus on the city location was incorrect. However I believe when they said ‘between the two land masses’ they are referring to the southern Bluff area and the small island next to it. I do need to ask Spirit if this is a precursor to something larger.

On another note in researching old predictions I ran across this:  Predictions 10-30-16  Earthquake in San Jose? “Your time is 9”  If 9 is a monthly countdown and the post was made in October that would imply the earthquake will happen this month. It’s a question I need to ask Spirit.

The New Zealand prediction is a reflection of the new way Spirit wants to make predictions, events that are literally in the next few days of predicting it.

Predictions 7-7-17   Earthquake.. New Zealand.. between the two land masses… destructive.

The facts on 7-11-17: Reported by Washington Post –“WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A strong earthquake struck Tuesday in the ocean south of New Zealand’s main islands, but there were no reports of serious damage or injuries and there was no threat of a tsunami.

The magnitude 6.6 quake struck 458 kilometers (285 miles) south of the town of Bluff and near the uninhabited Auckland Islands, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Hundreds of people in the cities of Invercargill and Dunedin reported feeling a light shaking.”

Quoted by:



27 responses to “New Zealand 6.6 Earthquake”

  1. La Rene. Avatar
    La Rene.

    5hrs ago – GeoNet says the quake was centred a few hundred kms SW of Invercargill. @GeoNet says the quake was M6.4, 34kms deep (USGS says M6.8).

  2. oceansintuitivehealingblog Avatar

    Hi Eric, that is not the one I have seen. Can you please confirm with Spirit

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Eric, I agreed with the Ocean’s comment. This is not it. It’s btw the 2 main islands which is north and south island. It’s not over yet. it’s still in the process. I sensed the inner core of earth with high frequency inner sound late last night. Both of my dogs were extremely uncomfortable sensing extreme activities under grounds all over the world. Especially the ring of fire. It’s not over. …there’s more to come..also it’s possible that there will be destructive in Calif also. Both New Zealand and Calif. It will be 2….2 like in the older post about 2 or 3 years ago.


      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Let’s hope for the best.

    2. Holaca Avatar

      Me either it’s definitely destructive

  3. leonzita Avatar

    keep going my darling New Zealand friends. I hope you are going to be ok. We love you. we are praying for you. i havent been sleeping well the last couple of nights, i am Irish but I live in Spain. The heat and the charge in the air has made me very uncomfortable the last few nights.This way an ill wind blows, are the words I can hear, in fact I have heard them for the last 5/6 years. I send you love, light, healing as I think its going to get a wee bit bumpy in the next day or two. Be good my loves, know you are loved and protected xxxx

    1. Holaca Avatar

      X thanks Leonzita

  4. Kristy Avatar

    I hope that this is the quake you predicted Eric but I feel it probably isn’t – this one was below Stewart Island & therefore below New Zealand (not between any of our main land masses). It was also nowhere near Wellington.

    1. Nick Avatar

      Agreed Kristy – I’m particularly worried about all the faults that were stressed due to the Nov 2016 quake, which include the Awatere, Wairau (way overdue already), and Hikurangi…part of which likely slipped in the Nov quake as evidenced by the ongoing slow-slip on the plate boundary itself being detected by Geonet near Nelson. According to their (GNS) calcuations, there is still a 25% chance of a 7-7.8M quake over the next year for Wellington area, and 5% chance of 8+. That’s also not to mention the possibility of a near-field rupture of the Wellington Fault, which would be nothing short of catastrophic for the city. While there are lots of faults ready to go, the best thing we can do is live our lives, and just be conscious of where to go/do in the event of a large earthquake.

  5. lossie2020 Avatar

    This is not a good sign……at this moment….my dog is extremely nervous. It’s 5:30 PM is USA time. I suspect it’s the bigger earthquake comin up somewhere on this globe.

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      My dog is Great Pryenee and he has never done this before. It’s gorgerous outside. No storm or rain as he is always nervous. He crawled onto my lap on the recliner chair. He never done this before. The only thing I could think of its the earthquake coming up. I have watched my dog’s behavior that he is totally aware of the earth betree than myself as human being.

  6. Helen Avatar

    I live in NZ and the earthquake you are talking about was nothing on land. Only felt lightly. I feel it is still to come. The moon is at perigee (closest to earth) on 21st July, and then starts to pull away again on the 22nd, which tends to influence potential earthquakes. Does the 22nd match up with any numbers or dates that you have been given, Eric. Thank you for all your work. I normally only read and follow you and do not comment.

    1. James Avatar

      20 and 21 match up with older prediction.

      Predictions 6-17-17
      One massive earthquake 20, 21 We need to focus on location

      I’d say u could be right. July 21st massive quake central new zealand i reakon.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It does but I don’t want to make assumptions here, we need to be cautious.

    3. lossie2020 Avatar

      Ouch…not good…watch for 20, 21 and 22. Dogs still nervous. Quakes all over the place. Magma is very strong active. :/

  7. lossie2020 Avatar

    LOOK UP 10-14-14 the old post relate to 500 losses in Calif quakes….quick and let do more digging of the older posts that were unfolding.

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Do not have a good feeling about this…..because my dogs and neighbors reported thru Next door website said the similar things. They noticed the dogs acting odd and extremely anxiety nervous. One neighbor had to pull the German dog to go out to potty even the day was gorgerous. .no storm or rain. Some reported that the dogs were licking their paws constantly and licked in the air. The cats acting crazy for no reason. The dogs barked for no reason. My Great Pryenee weigh 80 pds crawled up to me on the recliner chair and trembled in my arms. It went hiding under the bed, couch and closet. It’s got worst yesterday but these last 2 weeks it was little nervous but their behavior got worst yesterday. Please watch your animals behavior ad they have a reason to be nervous knowing something is up.

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Updated on dogs “odd” behaviors was on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A little better yesterday and today but not sure why or what upset them. I’m keeping eyes on their behaviors next few days hopefully it’s settled. But it does not mean it’s over just a matter of when and where the next big quake or volcano explode. The animals behavior know something going on that we don’t. Just be aware of the earth .

  8. rhona2 Avatar

    SWC just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers for New Zealands weather storm and floods in Christchurc and surrounding areas .
    landlides hit 3 houses ..
    Blessing to those of you in these areas and all of N.Z as well .
    light and love guys from Aus .
    blessings to you and yours stay safe .

  9. Kristy Avatar

    I woke up to an unexplained shaking sensation again last night, but this time I recognised it as not being an actual quake. I am not psychic but this did happen to me a couple of weeks before the Kaikoura quake last year so it may mean something for us this time too – hopefully it doesn’t though 🙁

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      We have yet another earthquake prediction coming out tonight, even though the last prediction did not happen

      1. oceansintuitivehealingblog Avatar

        I am interested to see what this next prediction is Eric as I still strongly believe the quake for NZ is still to come. I cannot mistake such a clear visual like that.
        The biggest questions of course are : when and where?

    2. Eva Avatar

      We are feeling the same way now we did before the big one last year. Nothing sure of course but certainly staying connected with earth so we will feel it coming. We live in Seddon…

  10. Eva Avatar

    Hi. Just found this website. Have you received any updates yet? We have received a message saying to be prepared in case a big one happens around full moon this month. How does it feel for you?

    1. Eva Avatar

      Sorry I correct. It feels like it might happen between September 10th and 16th. That’s just my feeling though I might be wrong

  11. James Avatar

    just had a 5.1 quake between the two main land masses. hope big one not coming

    1. Eva Avatar

      Not sure. I would say it’s possible. I felt something and then the first one in Mexico hit. Thought that might have been what I felt. But maybe not 😉 stay connected with earth especially now.

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