Predictions 12-10-16

I had a visual of an attack. In the vision they went into great detail to show a port. The port was a military installation or a government installation.

They showed an explosion by a set of stairs.

They showed a child that was now an orphan.

They made sure to show me that even though the port was in the background the act was a bit more inland and not entirely over the water.

In 3, 3 days of deployment, around 3.

They pointed to a map and said “Here” as if implying Southern California or San Diego.

The Spirits shifted their efforts to focus on what is happening next. We expect a continued flow of information for December.  The Spirits were very repetitious about ‘3 days of deployment’ logically a military ship would not just go out for three days, we are most likely looking for a ship arriving in 3 days. It could also be a message of Wednesday.  Or their is a connection to the number like 13 or 30.

They also made mention of an attack on Russia, or there is some type of tie in to this prediction.

80 responses to “Predictions 12-10-16”

  1. Mary Avatar

    Could a child be representing the orphan school? Hopefully not a child wear the suicidal bombing vest. It’d be awful as not allowing in USA.

    1. Mary Avatar

      Even not allowing anywhere in the world.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I don’t believe so. It was information they showed in the background, somehow related to the attack.

  2. Joy Parks Avatar
    Joy Parks

    Wondering if the Russian reference has something to do with the election hacking inquiry. But they’re also be talking smack to us Canadians for our role in protecting countries vulnerable to Putin’s land grab.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I believe they are implying that Russia is on the target list of terror attacks.

  3. Cmt Avatar

    The Port of San Diego is located at 3165 Pacific Hwy, could that be the 3 reference?

    1. Cmt Avatar

      And the address contains the numbers 1 and 3, in which you referenced “their is a connection to the number like 13 or 30”.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s interesting, I will take a look, please let me know if anyone out there has information on ships coming into port in the next few days (or weeks) if we can get the names of the ships we could then ask Spirit for the name of the ship, which would dramatically simplify the information.

      1. Luna tic Avatar
        Luna tic

        Hi Eric and SWC, I found a link to the on some more of the ships that are in San Diego now. The USS Higgins has a number of 76 on the side of the bow which might be a possible reference to your prediction US Navy Ship Attacked on 10/10/16. Also click on “Pacific Fleet Surface Ships” and “Surface Ships by Homeport you will see many others that may be located in San Diego. When I went to mariakaos link (thank you to her btw) and one of the other articles was entitled “Stealthy destroyer set sail to join US Navy” and the word “stealth” is clearly used in your 9/17/16 prediction- US Terror Attack 2. I don’t know if any of this information will help but I thought I would put it out there.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thank you!

      2. Cmt Avatar

        From Eric Aug 11/2016
        “By using the smaller ship with explosives their mission is to attack the nuclear ship.. you can see it. (The implication was a US ship)
        In Miramar.. they plan to use an explosive device.. around the parade.” — Spirits Voice
        about the US?:
        From 10/13/16
        Predictions 4-21-16  “Protect America, ships and ports will be targeted, right here right now.”
        Where exactly? Spirit pointed down to the ground saying ‘Here’
        Then I had a visual of California.
        US Terror Attack 2  ‘Next’   USS spelled in very large letters.    “The battleship (s).. a calculated stealth attack.. while in port or bay.. ISIS.. suicide bomb”. . .

        Trying to make connections, the next Parade of Boats is on the 18th, MariaKaos link indicates the USS Zimwalt which is Navy’s ‘Revolutionary’ Stealth Destroyer, arrived home in San Diego recently, could this be the referenced “parade and the “USS Ship” and could one of the ships in the parade be the “smaller ship with explosives”??

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          They might be separate events.

  4. Marsha Ritzler Avatar
    Marsha Ritzler At least 20 people woinded from explosion at soccer game in Istanbul

    1. Marsha Ritzler Avatar
      Marsha Ritzler

      Notes on 7-16-14
      Posted on July 16, 2014 by Eric Leigh-Pink
      I had a visual of two metal poles, one on the left side the other on the right. A white ball slowly rolled down from one pole and stopped a little bit over half way on the field, then there was an … Continue reading →

      1. spersin2015 Avatar

        Hi Eric,
        My husband is a senior officer in the military and we know many people stationed in CA. If you can somehow get a firm location, in the interest of security he said he would do what he could to inform people at that location. I shall just keep tabs on this thread for a location confirmation and see what we can’t all do to help avert a disaster.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Wow thank you for the help, I will definitely ask for some more information. Is there a way to give us a small list of military ships coming into ports in the next week or so. If I could see the list of ships then I can simply ask for the name of the ship. It would simplify the situation and point directly to the threat.

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        That prediction ended up being the attack in France, however, there is another prediction that does talk about an attack in a stadium.

  5. anthony Avatar

    It’s a women in regards to the child.

  6. Nicole Avatar

    Camp Pendleton (largest US Marine Corp base on West Coast) is in that area. No idea if they have a port but it’s on a large stretch of ocean and they do a lot of both land and amphibious based training so maybe? I feel like I remember hearing they deploy people to train there because it has so many different terrains. Could it be something like that maybe?

  7. Sara Avatar

    Is this related to the bridge/explosion prediction, do you think? Or is this a separate prediction than the bridge? It’s weird both predictions imply California…

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I believe they are separate situations. There is a list of different attacks, several of them are expected in December, that includes other nations like the UK and France. Spirited pointed to September and December as very dangerous months in related to terrorism. September had the New York and NJ bombing. Unfortunately they would later point to December as the worst part of the year. I am sorry for creating so much dread, but we are resolute in changing these nightmares.

  8. Marsha Ritzler Avatar
    Marsha Ritzler

    I know you said the attack is near water but there are 15 dead and 69 wounded now in Istanbul it is between black sea and the Mediterranean. Could this be part of what your are seeing

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That unfortunately has its own prediction, very very upsetting.

  9. jules104 Avatar

    Is it in reference to these older predictions in which they name Miramar?
    “In Miramar…they plan to use an explosive device…around the parade.” Spirit also talks of a hijacking, 27, and says the 18th is marked.

  10. Em Avatar

    Eric, are you talking of something occurring in 3 days or could it be something between Dec 13 – 30th? It is certain that something big is going to happen. Fellow psychics Joni Patri and Joseph Tittel have also seen a terror attacking happening this month, unfortunately. Hopefully we can stop something.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Unfortunately the message is a bit cryptic, I will try and ask again about the timing.

  11. Marsha Ritzler Avatar
    Marsha Ritzler

    There are now 21 dead and 166 injured I am sure with that many people involved this has to be part of what you saw involving a soccer game in Istanbul

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Very, very tragic, and even worse is when they made that prediction it came with a warning that multi level attacks would follow only confirming that December is not looking good. Ouch.

  12. Cmt Avatar

    Parade sets sail this weekend –
    SAN DIEGO (KGTV) – The 45th annual San Diego Bay Parade of Lights is scheduled to dazzle the bay this Sunday evening for its first of two nights.

    Several dozen vessels will be decked out with lights and decorations in the spirit of this year’s theme, “It Began with a Roar – San Diego Zoo Celebrates 100 Years.” They will sail a 2-hour parade route that travels from Shelter Island south toward the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge.

    The parade will light up the Port of San Diego during the evenings of Dec. 11 and 18. The procession begins at 5:00 p.m. . .

    The San Diego Bay Parade of Lights

    Sunday, December 11 & Sunday, December 18

    With more than 80,000 spectators expected, the San Diego Bay Parade of Lights features boats decorated for the holiday season. Parade starts at 5 pm and passes by Seaport Village around 6 pm.

    The San Diego Bay Parade of Lights will judge boats of all kind for creative lighting, decorations and crowd-engaging fun. More than 80 vessels will take to the water.

    1. Sammie Mendez Avatar

      This is huge! It sounds like this might be it. Near a port, in 3 days, lots of people (floats also could represent some time of boat…word play)…

  13. Cmt Avatar

    Parade sets sail this weekend –
    SAN DIEGO (KGTV) – The 45th annual San Diego Bay Parade of Lights is scheduled to dazzle the bay this Sunday evening for its first of two nights.

    Several dozen vessels will be decked out with lights and decorations in the spirit of this year’s theme, “It Began with a Roar – San Diego Zoo Celebrates 100 Years.” They will sail a 2-hour parade route that travels from Shelter Island south toward the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge.

    The parade will light up the Port of San Diego during the evenings of Dec. 11 and 18. The procession begins at 5:00 p.m. . .

    The San Diego Bay Parade of Lights

    Sunday, December 11 & Sunday, December 18

    With more than 80,000 spectators expected, the San Diego Bay Parade of Lights features boats decorated for the holiday season. Parade starts at 5 pm and passes by Seaport Village around 6 pm.

    The San Diego Bay Parade of Lights will judge boats of all kind for creative lighting, decorations and crowd-engaging fun. More than 80 vessels will take to the water.

    1. jules104 Avatar

      So it is a contest also. Great research Cmt.

      1. Cmt Avatar

        Hi Jules104, Thank you, also please excuse my double post.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the info

  14. Tot Avatar

    48 killed by a suicide bomber at a military base in Yemen.

  15. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Somali port bombing….shabaab

  16. jules104 Avatar

    Eric could this old prediction about another Russian plane attack be related somehow?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I don’t believe so.

  17. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    St Marks Coptic church blast. Cairo.,Egypt.

  18. Nick Avatar

    In your 11/11 post you wrote: “Russia.. back door deals.. tape-taps.. the strain between the US and Russia mounts so bad that a new cold war is inevitable.” – Spirits Voice” Do you think the news on Russia’s interference with the election could be about this post?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Whatever they are talking about we are now expecting to unfold soon. It does sound similar.

  19. Observer227 Avatar

    Eric, I fear a second bomb (similar to the bomb placed in Manhattan) may be in San Diego or San Francisco. These locations are derived partially from the Spirits messages to you in your recent posts. There’s not a whole lot of additional information on the second bomb regarding the exact location and time of detonation. Hopefully it’s a false reading.

    Today my visions, regarding the probable Manhattan bombing, have taken an odd turn. I see a small vortex in mid-Manhattan, near Trump Tower. The vortex is inside a low-lying building adjacent to the Tower. It’s partially below the ground, likely in a lower floor of the building. The vortex inexplicably turned black when I woke up this morning. Shortly afterwards magma started to rise from within. This happened a week prior but that’s when the vortex covered the entire United States. It’s since shrunk into the exact location of the event’s trigger, presumably the explosive device.

    The images I’ve received since the vortex appeared have thrown me off several times already. When I thought the event was about to occur, nothing happened. However, the vortex kept changing. As I’m not used to visualizing an event of this scale; the metaphors shown are very new to my experience. Therefore, timing the event is extremely difficult. Even so, I can’t imagine how much farther the vortex can shrink and morph before the event’s ultimately triggered. December’s almost certainly the bombing month, and if somehow not December then January. If I bet $100, I’d give $90 to December and $10 to January.

    I’m describing this bombing like it’s a sure thing. I’m certain something unbelievable will occur in the United States soon, but as per the details there’s always the looming suspicion I’m flat-out wrong. If I tip-off the FBI to the location, they find nothing, and I’m charged with wasting federal resources, they won’t listen when I DO have the right location. I’m facing the incomprehensibly humbling reality that I cannot do anything to stop this event. If I predict this horrible event correctly, I can gain the recognition to alert others of future events so I may save lives. But how can this possibly be “worth it” sacrificing thousands all because you wanted to prove a point?

    I’ll do what I must. I’ll carry on with a cool-head, but this potential guilt may haunt me forever.

    1. anthony Avatar

      the fbi monitors this site so dont worry.

      1. Francine Avatar

        How do you know they do?

    2. MotherofanAngel Avatar

      Observer, sometimes we are not supposed to stop things from happening when we see them in advance. Unbeknownst to me, my daughter told her friends that she was going to die young, and it would be a major world wide news story. When she was preparing to go on a trip, I had fears I couldn’t substantiate. I obstructed her in many ways, and even told the organizer my fears -which in fact I nailed how her death came to manifest. I can’t explain the guilt I felt for years. However, after a number of readings by big name mediums, she kept telling me to let go of the guilt. I would get quiet, and listen for her guidance. It’s a long story, but ultimately I came to realize that if either of us were meant to stop it, we would have been given the ability to do so.

      Now, onto feelings I get when I read your posts. I have to say that I had read a prediction on one site about a meteor hitting the east coast in November. Obviously that didn’t happen, but when I read it, the first vision I got was of the meteor hitting Trump Tower. As you would post, I would get the feeling that what you are seeing may be metaphorical, as in the explosion of Trump’s world-political, personal and business. Given the current news, any of that is possible. Likewise, the movement of the vortex. First it covered the US and now it’s near his tower. One possible interpretation could be that his presidency could have harmed the US in general. Now that things are becoming known of what Russia has done, the vortex is moving towards Trumps personal space instead of the US in general. If someone in Trump’s staff has been involved, he is literally sitting on a powder-keg (or a volcano ready to spew magma). When you said right around the corner from the tower, my first thought was Carter Page. Intel has been looking into his Russian dealings and contacts since this summer. He in fact is in Russia now, after giving a speech there just today. Trump himself is who named Page in an interview last spring as an adviser, even tho his campaign team denies it. Pages’ office is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER from Trump tower.

      I”m not going to pretend that this is all politics, as it is possible that what you have seen is just coincidental to the logistics of Trump and his adviser. It is entirely possible that an office or maintenance area in the same general vicinity may be used in a sinister way-like a terrorist attack. Or for that matter to rid an office of evidence they don’t want discovered. I’m not trying to dismiss your vision, but as I learned with my daughter, sometimes we think we understand what we’ve been shown, but it’s meaning isn’t fully grasped until after we look at it in hindsight.

      1. swampy11 Avatar

        I have to agree with that. However, there is also a possibility that it changes from the time a person receives the message. That’s a good example of why our focus on making positive changes can make a difference sometimes.

      2. Sara Avatar


        I’m so sorry about your daughter’s death.

        I’m not sure what to say…just that I do believe in life after death, and I’m sure your daughter is still close to you, in some way. Whatever religion someone is, I don’t think god/fate/spirits/whatever would deny someone entrance. She’s probably safe and sound in heaven.
        Still, it can be hard sometimes; missing someone never totally goes away. Fortunately, neither does the memory of their love.

    3. BeachHut Avatar

      Observer, I don’t know if you’ve watched the Farsight video for December yet, as I mentioned a few days ago much of it aligns with your own vision and Eric’s too. Reading this post here, about an underground building near Trump Tower, rang alarm bells. I don’t know New York so I had to look the area up on Google maps, but there is a Lush store at Columbus Circle station (underground – a shopping parade called Turnstyle?) The reason that jumped out at me is that in the Farsight segment Dick Algire says that at the site of the event he gets a strong smell like you get at a luxury soap and scented candle store. I don’t know how close that feels to your location, or the layout on or under the ground in that vicinity, but I thought I’d mention it. So many details are lining up from different sources it is genuinely alarming. The shape of the energy blast they envision also seems to be vortex like, whatever the cause of it may be. Worth a watch.

      Along with deep condolences to Motherofanangel, I agree that the nature of events is sometimes for a wider purpose. What may be horrific in close detail, can lead to a greater necessary change. People think of karma as good and bad, but it’s actually a neutral process of readjustment back into balance. It doesn’t always look pretty, but it is necessary. Understandably on a human scale that looks terribly callous, but the global effect may be necessary.

      1. BeachHut Avatar

        I’m going to leave this detail here as well. The discussions tend to be spread across several of Eric’s update posts, I don’t know which to post it on. The smelly soap and candle shop the Farsight event was close to, had a red white and purple banner in the window I recall. I just looked up Lush’s website, and that’s another detail that looks like a hit, if the window has the same ‘livery’ as the Christmas website design. I haven’t passed a Lush shop for ages, I don’t know.

  20. anthony Avatar

    had dream about a hospital and a man asking were he can put a wheelchair.

  21. Luna tic Avatar
    Luna tic

    Just thought I would put this out there because this is in the general vicinity. There is an event at the Maritime Museum of San Diego on 12/17/16 He is a folk musician but was a pitcher for the San Diego Padres. He will be on a ship “The Star of India”.

    1. star48 Avatar

      Luna tic,
      I know that ship….it’s haunted ..

  22. Elaine Avatar

    ABC ticker tape reports that Russia arrested four people plotting an Isis attack.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Can we have the link, that would be nice if its foiled.

  23. Elaine Avatar

    I don’t have a link. It was a news crawl at the bottom of the TV screen on ABC this morning.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  24. BeachHut Avatar

    Eric, the boat parade in San Francisco is scheduled for Friday evening (16th) 6pm. The route incorporates areas near both Bay Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge. I couldn’t find any mention of a contest, but there are sure to be many onlookers gathered. However, they have a massive storm going on right now, I don’t know if it will affect the schedule or if it will have calmed down by then.

    1. BeachHut Avatar

      There was a big gay event planned for the skating rink at Embarcadero the same evening, but it’s been postponed due to the weather.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Can I have a link to the event, thanks

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Can you please give us a link to the event. Thanks

    3. BeachHut Avatar

      I can’t see any announcements that the boat parade is affected by the weather.

      I got the wrong date for the postponed gay ice skating event, it was the previous evening – or rather it wasn’t!

  25. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Embarcadero, SF…..King Tide..

    1. BeachHut Avatar

      Oh look, we’re mentally at the same spot at the same time! *Waves* (as well as waves…)

  26. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    San Diego Military Contractors..arrested …related to .Bomb Hoaxes..

  27. Sammie Mendez Avatar

    So I’m very new to this, but i figured I would tell you what I saw last night while meditating. Normally, I’m clairaudient, but with a new meditation practice, i have also started seeing things. Last night, i saw a man walking with a gray bucket hat on. He looked right at me, and then his eyes bulged out of his head and started spiining almost like a cartoon, smoke coming out of his ears, and then he exploded. After a few minutes, i saw the number 1231 flash. I also saw a huge cloud over the state of California. I’m certain all of this stuff is probably connected, and tonight if i get anything else I will let you know….

    1. Elaine Avatar

      Would that be December 31?
      Eric I found that piece about the Russian arrest of four. I posted it on Facebook. I’m old, and can’t do some things on my commuter such as links.

      1. Sammie Mendez Avatar

        I’m assuming it is. This is all very new to me, so I’m not even sure how to interperet any of these messages/images. I also still have a hard time BELIEVING what I’m seeing is real and not something that I (ego) made up. But, the images were very very clear, so I’m going to assume it was a very deliberate message from Spirit.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you for sharing your message 1231 could be a date.

    3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Sounds like you have a strong link to Spirit.

      1. Sammie Mendez Avatar

        I messaged a friend to relay this information (claircognizance but also very very new this, 6 months awake), and she mentioned a boy..that he LOOKS like a boy, although he is a young adult. He will not be the mastermind, but he will be the pawn. She says that his mother or a mother like figure (possible aunt) is trying to “change his path” but that she isn’t effective. He will meet this “mastermind” by coincidence and the person is taking advantage of him. That time is of the essence as this hasn’t happened yet. He will be at the event, but it wasn’t a targeted or planned. It’s done for impact. He apparently hears spirit AFTER he meets this man, which is why he feels that this is his path.

      2. Sammie Mendez Avatar

        She mentioned though that something with him is connected to Florida, near water, possible Miami or the Keys, which reminded me of another prediction that you made recently.

  28. jules104 Avatar

    Could the prediction which says “The 18th is marked” be the date for the San Diego Parade of Lights/Boats which occurs on the 18th? There are prizes given out so it is a contest. Here are those links.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It could, we are keeping an eye out.

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Thanks Eric.

  29. jules104 Avatar

    Eric on 12/10/16, you mentioned that the Spirits may be talking about a ship arriving in 3 days. The USS Zumalt was on the last leg of its three month voyage on, 12/13/16, to their new home port of San Diego. Could this fit?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will take a look, thanks

  30. […] Predictions 12-10-16 – An attack on a military installation and or port , Southern California […]

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