What Is With 2020

This is very interesting. What with 2020? Their answer.

I had a visual of two dates in two corners. One read 2020. The second read 2035. (36) There was a tether between the two years, it pulled and swayed back and forth. Then a large sheet with a Tai Chi symbol of yin and yang fell over the numbers. The number 2020 was covered with the black side of the symbol while the white covered 2035. It fell in perfect formation.
I had a visual of a black and white chess board. All the pieces fell over in a shuffle. Then when they stood back up their place on the board changed. Pawns became queens. Kings became pawns. Even the sides switched.

“The universe needs to alter your path. When the universe brings change it is epic. The universe is always looking to correct imbalance.”

“The universe has put up a mirror and you are just now realizing the reflection of this world needs serious attention.”

“Fix it.” They whispered

Note: The entire vision was black and white. Think of all the times we saw the ugly truth of us, note how repetitious that is this year.

33 responses to “What Is With 2020”

  1. Donna B Avatar
    Donna B

    WOW, This year has all been unbalanced toward the difficult. So does this mean in 15 years things are going to be great? If we are still here? That is.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I took it to mean a major problem now is completely over in 2035. Racism? Inequality? Unequal Rights? Or perhaps it’s medical.

      1. shortnurse4life Avatar

        That sounds amazing.

  2. Donna B Avatar
    Donna B

    Thanks, Eric, whatever improvement it is, will be welcome. Do you think COVID or any other epidemics have anything to do with it? Or will this COVID be over way before then?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will post this later but expect Covid to be strong for a good full year (2020) . Then it dwindles, then they mark Nov 2021. I assume that it’s dying. That is our trajectory.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I am so looking forward to 2021, sounds like we get our lives back.

  3. kim Avatar

    And what is up with Google butting in taking over my screen every time I try to read comments?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That should not happen, that’s a bug. What exactly does it say?

    2. Kim Avatar

      I just brings up a Google search bar. Nothing more.

  4. Sara Avatar

    Didn’t spirit say in 2036 or so that the we experience our first global famine due to climate change? I don’t mean to dwell on future negativity while we still deal with Covid in the present but I was just wondering if that was still correct.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s when it starts.

  5. Trevor Avatar

    This from 2013 seems related:


    “The Future is Beautiful. This century is all about change, do you feel it. A tsunami of change is coming, and when it crashes down the world will be born again. Do you feel it. A world where music is on a stage for the entire world to dance to and everyone is dancing, a world were our leaders answer to the world not just their own egos, a world where our brothers across the globe are a click away, and our cultures collide blissfully. A world where knowledge is free from its chains. A world where all of us are intertwined tighter then we could ever imagine and the stars aren’t that far away after all. A new world is coming where all of us must participate and cultivate as one, together united. For those of you who might choose to hold onto the old ways of radical acts, racism, hate, war, and most of all apathy, don’t bother, otherwise you will drown in your resistance to change. Yes a new world is coming, do you feel it, let the emotions of fear and excitement roll over you, and I say to the violent old, good riddance you were a waste with little purpose. Yes a tsunami of change is coming, do you feel it, this is the century when it all comes crashing down, the future is truly beautiful.”

    “So many of you are asking about the violence and horror of the world, why?.. this is their response, the days are numbered for that darkness that ruled in the background for so long and they know it.”


  6. Raymond Avatar

    The yin yang symbol represents balance.
    But it could also represent China.
    2035 is the year China is projected to overtake the U.S. with the world’s number one economy.
    The black and white chess pieces might represent conflict between China and the U.S. or perhaps the East and the West. Chess pieces falling over, and pawns becoming queens, might represent political changes in the world.

    Just a few ideas.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      China does not have a monopoly on this religious symbol.

      1. iforgotmyusername Avatar

        It’s on the South Korean flag, for one.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I don’t understand. South Korea is not China.

  7. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    Black & white vision makes me think history is repeating itself but we have the benefit of learning from the past. The future is in our hands.

    As I’ve been saying elsewhere, people are showing their true colors this year & hindsight will literally be 2020.

  8. Psychic Chris Avatar
    Psychic Chris

    2036 isn’t that the year that evil leader starts a war? Or is it sooner or later?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It’s in question. Does he rise in 2037 or is that when the war starts. Personally I believe it’s him rising because peace comes much later.

  9. Kali X Avatar
    Kali X

    Any psychic here or Eric see any spiritual significance with December 24th this year?

    I was wondering if this December will significantly different in a particular way.

    1. justin Avatar

      Yes! i do think that December will hold some power, news, drama and something significant for us all

      also December 24th is 51 days after November 3rd and the Elections.

      In my country it looks like there will be little room to celebrate christmas, so yes it will be very different i think for everyone on the planet.

  10. Christian M Avatar
    Christian M

    Btw! We had a terror attack in Vienna (AT)! BR Christian

  11. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    If Presidential election results are unclear by January 6 2021 then the US House of Representatives decides who becomes the president of the US.


  12. Liliane Avatar

    for me is crystal clear! the spirits mean that women will come to power! thats why kings are replaced by (the pawns=women) queens
    “Pawns became queens. Kings became pawns. Even the sides switched.”

    1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker

      I’m a woman & I don’t consider myself a pawn. If we take the game of chess literally, the Queen is to be protected at all costs. The Knight & rook are male. The pawns are the masses for we are considered expendable.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


    2. Jen Avatar

      I have to agree with you Liliane!! I had vivid dream, walking around the Washington monuments (the mall) very quiet, almost like today….covid times… the water , ponds reflecting pool and nearby river was crystal clear, the monuments seem to glow in white, under the bright sunlight, and me and my sister are there. The take away from it made me feel a bright future where all corruptions removed and peace is restored.

  13. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 electoral votes?


  14. Acd8910 Avatar

    So I am confused about the predictions. Didn’t you say that the coming president would be of the Republican Party? And now you predict Biden winning who is not? And also the military man? I’m just confused, is there anyway you could shed light for me?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It depends on how you ask. Spirit who wins on November 3? Biden “50” 20-1. Spirit who is our future president? The military one.
      Something happens that they have not seen yet. An oddity.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The wording for this specific prediction was set to describe “November 3” I think we did that fairly well.

  15. justin Avatar

    So… FINALLY after months and months of ignorance and downplaying by Governments and Media, but pleads by doctors and scientists…

    Vitamine D is crucial in battling and reduce severity of Covid19

    The UK Government is going to handout free Vitamine D to the elderly and vulnerable for the upcoming 4 months of winter.


    Hopefully this will be picked up by other governments and people.
    Get your vitamine d3 asap, it plays a part in more than 300 processes in your body.

    Stay safe, stay healthy.

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