Predictions 7-9-18

I had a visual of a parade or festival. In the visual people were either walking down the street together or marching in a parade. Then off to the side there was an explosion.

“Ontario.. the first part of August.. Aud.. Audrea (or Audrey)..”

I asked for more clarity and they implied it was a patriotic event. There was patriotic music in the background. I need to gather more details; a city, date, and what exactly is the event. If I can narrow those things down then perhaps we can alter the event by notifying the authorities.Ā 

I had a visual of a hurricane sliding up from Florida, and slashing against Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, then it went north.

“The first half of August.”

The son is going to be arrested.. his response.. I didn’t know?

Africa will bring back to life the electric chair for dissidents and criminals.

I had a visual of an old blue door with the number 23 on it. Then they showed the lock of the door turn back and forth (that means lockdown) “One of the worst shootingsā€ Then it shifted to show a graveyard. “Too many!”

Later in the evening they said ‘Portland Oregon’. However there is a small question over whether the two are related. I believe they are. From the look of the door and itā€™s outside I believe itā€™s a school or campus. One of the requests I made with Spirit was to add the timeframe or location with the initial visual, that means 23 is most likely a date.Ā 

“New Zealand.. Eric the moderately large earthquake is in the area where the land sticks out.. not Wellington.. 9.. 10”

That implies the area of Christchurch. Again confusion on the timing. Are they implying today, or is it a countdown that puts it around the 19th or 20th. They also implied the earthquake would happen in the afternoon for New Zealand

I had a visual of another volcano eruption over an island. Part of it looked like it could be a fissure.

Sounds like Hawaii again.Ā 

In the eastern European nation ruled by an iron fist.. the most egregious actions.. children being sold in droves.. the self taught woman will do everything to help them.

I have edited this message by taking out the most perverse parts.



164 responses to “Predictions 7-9-18”

  1. star48 Avatar

    Ref::New Zealand.. Eric the moderately large earthquake is in the area where the land sticks out.. not Wellington.. 9.. 10ā€

    Above Christchurch..
    4.0 mag..

      1. Holaca Avatar

        Thatā€™s 1 days quakes

      2. petemedium Avatar

        Holaca ‘where the land sticks out’ sounds like the top of the North Island, up around the Bay of Islands. Does that sound right to you?

        1. Holaca Avatar

          No that would be highly unusual Maybe Christchurch but that doesnā€™t sit right with me

          1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

            Where does most of the quakes happen

            1. Holaca Avatar

              Look at this link shows fault lines but basically both sides of South Island and then lower north

      3. petemedium Avatar

        Ok. It’s just that there have been some weird quakes in some very unusual areas, like the islands of East Africa, never had quakes there before, and even here in Aussie, a 3.5 in South Australia last night.

        1. star48 Avatar


          Eq, according to USGS..
          3.3 mag. Eq 8 km WNW of Jamestown

        2. Holaca Avatar

          Maybe the bay of plenty near White Island

      4. petemedium Avatar

        Yes Star. Originally reported .2 higher then downgraded.

    1. james Avatar

      9 or 10 could be date this month. american date. so maybe 11th july nz date time.
      like the 1130 references. 11th day 3 is time. 3pm afternoon.
      whale in wellington harbour appears to have left. so tommrrow is 11th july in NZ lets hope nothing occurs tommrrow or day after.

      1. james Avatar

        there was also past reference to a quake “Around” wellington. so if theres one near wanganui taranaki plymouth that is just around wellington as an older prediction mentioned. and that area sticks out.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      When did this happen

      1. star48 Avatar

        It happened..7/8/18

        M 4.0 – 31km WSW of Kaikoura, New Zealand
        2018-07-08 23:43:38 UTC 42.516Ā°S 173.333Ā°E 14.5 km depth

        1. Holaca Avatar

          We get quakes around 4.0 all the time this wonā€™t be it

          1. star48 Avatar

            I am a native of CA, so I know 4’s are moderate..

            I posted it for information for others interpretations …or Eric’s confirmation.
            (Sometimes they can be precursor to larger ones)

            It is a failing of mine to add to others study…(family in newspaper business for a few generations). šŸ˜

      2. star48 Avatar

        Here is map with location stared..

  2. Pauline Pickard Avatar
    Pauline Pickard

    Is there a possibility that the EQ that hits ChCh will be in the 9 or 10 month ?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      They use to do that but no most natural disaster predictions happen in a three month span. Nowadays there is a big push to make predictions within a months time.

  3. jules104 Avatar

    SWC, Eric. Here is the dutchsinse weekly forecast with update prior. Forecast for coming week is around minute 44:00 for those interested who canā€™t watch the whole video. Blessings

  4. Sara Avatar

    I encourage everyone in Ontario to be cautious…keep an eye open for anything out of the ordinary, and alert authorities if you suspect something.
    Especially report unattended bags in public places, or someone dressed in heavy clothes when it’s warm out, because bombers tend to either leave bombs in bags, or suicide bombers will hide them under coats.

    That school shooting sounds scary, too. Does 23 mean the 23rd of a month? It’s July now and schools are out for summer, so it seems odd for a school shooting prediction to mean this month, maybe it’s referring to when school starts in the fall?
    Unless the shooting happens at a summer-school or something like that.

    1. gabe Avatar

      Some schools in states and districts follow different schedules, especially amongst private schools. So some might get a month or so off once every 9 weeks are completed, which seems to be the most common alternative school scheduling ive seen aside from the usual getting out for the whole summer. Just food for thought!

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I am going to try and ask for details the door was blue that has to mean something, like the colors of a school

  5. Julia Avatar

    As part of the Canadian National Exhibition, they have a Warriors Parade in Toronto. This occurs August 16th this year and commemorates the end of WW1. warriors

  6. Cody Avatar

    “Migrant crisis: Child trafficking on the rise in the EU” 19 May 2016

    “The top five EU countries of origin for victims were: Romania (top – 3,959), followed by Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Hungary and Poland.”

    “Non-EU victims came mainly from Nigeria (1,188), followed by China, Albania, Vietnam and Morocco.”

    1. Cody Avatar

      “Eastern Europe Experiencing Deep Demographic Crisis” — 5 July 2018

      “According to the UN, all ten of the world’s most “endangered” countries are in Eastern Europe. They are Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Hungary, the Baltic republics and the former Yugoslavia, as well as Moldova and Ukraine.”

      1. anthony Avatar

        It’s good that this has been brought into the light and hopefully nations such as russia,sweden,norway, uk,Germany, usa,canada, plus many others,the northern children of marduk will adjust their focus. Your all related. No excuses. The language issue has been resolved. Same for India and same for Africa .

  7. Joy Parks Avatar
    Joy Parks

    Thereā€™s an Audrey Lake in Ontario but itā€™s way up north, barely inhabited. Need a plane to fly into it. Canā€™t imagine a parade there.

    1. Sara Avatar

      Are there any major Canadian holidays coming up that might involve parades?

      Another thing adds to the confusion…sometimes small towns have parades on the dates the town was founded, so that means virtually any town could have a parade anytime.

      1. Craig Avatar

        No big ones in August, but you’re right, it could just as easily be a local community parade or something. Ontario has both Audrey and Aubrey Lakes, as commenters have noted, but they’re both nowhere near any towns or cities.

        For places that actually might have parades, “Aud.. Audrea (or Audrey)” could maybe a mangling of Ottawa or Sudbury, or maybe Otter Lake near Parry Sound.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          The aud might be a street

        2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          We have been trying to narrow things down

      2. Joy Parks Avatar
        Joy Parks

        Thereā€™s a provincial civic holiday the first Monday of the month but itā€™s not a big deal. Just a gov-created long weekend.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          What do you do?

      3. Sara Avatar

        You suggested hearing the star-spangled banner might be a clue. Which lines of the song did you specifically hear?

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Is there any references to it in a city

      1. Joy Parks Avatar
        Joy Parks

        It’s really nothing much — people have the Monday off so cottages and BBQs and that sort of thing. No parades. We’re not celebrating anything other than it’s summer and we don’t get much of that, so let’s have a day off. Here’s the official description.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thank you

      2. Joy Parks Avatar
        Joy Parks

        In the cities, there might be concerts, musical festivals, just more of the usual summer stuff. Small town fairs might start. Toronto is the provincial seat for Ontario, the largest city and they have festivals and parades all summer, so I believe there would be some activity that weekend. In Ottawa (federal capital), it’s the Busker festival — street performers, etc. The other large to moderate cities would have the same things, local fairs and BBQs and music events.
        Ontario’s a big place–it’s going to be hard to nail down a location. And this year there will be a lot of military/patriot stuff because it’s the 100th of the Armistice and Canada really came into its own as a country in WWI.

      3. Craig Avatar

        Eric, ask spirit whether the “patriotism” is country-pride or race-pride. Toronto’s Caribana (a Caribbean cultural festival) takes place on the August long weekend and a parade is part of it. It’s just not a government thing, which is why I didn’t think of it when the conversation was focused on patriotic holidays.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          In the message there was the star spangled song playing. Now itā€™s an example of patriotism, I am not familiar with Canadian patriotic songs other than ā€œoh Canadaā€ so it was an odd part of the prediction that just doesnā€™t fit?

      4. Joy Parks Avatar
        Joy Parks

        Re the song — Oh Canada is pretty much it. Although it’s now somewhat controversial, the lyrics rewritten to be gender neutral via an act brought forth by a member of parliament who was on death bed. (it’s about the fourth time it’s been rewritten in my lifetime.)
        We used to sing God Save the Queen, but not anymore. Sort of a handshake agreement with Quebec.
        Canadian patriotism isn’t at all like the US, people tend to be more connected to their region and…it’s doubtful the anthem would be played at any parade that wasn’t strictly military.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I wonder why they used it then, maybe itā€™s not patriotic but something to do with the lyrics of the star spangled banner

      5. Sara Avatar

        You suggested hearing the star-spangled banner might be a clue. Which lines of the song did you specifically hear?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          It was the beginning of the song.

      6. Sara Avatar

        So maybe the first few lines with “dawn’s early light” or “twilight’s last gleaming” is a clue to timing?

  8. Robbie Riley Avatar
    Robbie Riley

    It’s Aubrey Lake in Canada that you were predicting.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will take a look

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    Is this hurricane sliding up on Florida inland or aside from it over the coast? I’m still hoping and praying it’s not the mega one to the trifecta, where the entire state have to evacuate.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      As we get closer I will ask for details

  10. Trina Avatar

    What event does the shooting occur?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Not following,

  11. BeachHut Avatar

    Farsight this month only had two sessions. One was an urban earthquake, in a bustling city. Maybe a big US city, but she saw a number of Asian people so possibly Far East, or maybe a Western city with a number of Asian people. The viewer saw the ground break open actually in the city. She called it ‘Earthquake Lightning’ and it sounded very dramatic. An open fissure suddenly appears in the ground.

    The other viewer saw an urban volcano eruption. Again, involving a city, with a river of lava flowing through the city towards the water. It sounds like what has been occurring in Hawaii. Perhaps a renewal of that? A new location? I’m afraid I don’t know enough about Hawaii to speculate.

    Incidentally, Farsight aren’t going to be doing future predictions anymore, but exploring events that have already occurred. They’ll still be doing monthly videos, but with a shift of emphasis. It’s gone downhill since the men left unfortunately. The two young women seem very able at viewing, but lack articulacy, and one stopped drawing graphics altogether.

  12. Panda Avatar

    Eric, do you think the son who will be arrested is Don Jr.?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I do, but they never said it so I am not. But there is another prediction about the ā€˜sonā€™ being indicted

  13. star48 Avatar


    “Chris ”
    to become Hurricane off coast of North Carolina

    Ref;;I had a visual of a hurricane sliding up from Florida, and slashing against Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, then it went north.
    Storm”Chris” to become North Carolina coast..

  14. Turquoise Avatar

    or possibly the east cape of NZ?

  15. lizardbrain78 Avatar

    As a Portland resident this is pretty alarming. Any further info about where and when would be so helpful. I can share with my friends and family

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will try and ask for clarity

  16. jules104 Avatar

    Here is an event at Portland State University on 23 Aug. Itā€™s a cinema event…watching an old 1938 movie with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. They have it on top of the PSU parking garage under the stars.

  17. james Avatar

    nz quaje can be in area of new plymouth like older posts.
    this area of land sticks out.
    im expecting quake near wanganui taranaki
    land sticks out here.
    ans alot of whales have died and beached here.

    1. james Avatar

      an old prediction here talked about “”plymouth”” ref to 1130 from older prediction post so quake could be new plymouth. this part sticks out.
      11th july 3pm maybe. just a thought.

  18. jules104 Avatar

    Eric wasā€™nt there a prediction recently where an attack had a reference to a movie or projector or cinema etc?

  19. james Avatar

    a poster on here mentioned dream year ago of big car accident waverley new zealand just before big quake in the area. this is near new plymouth.
    maori prophecy talked about wanganui and taranaki remember. this whole area of land sticks out. i dont think its christchurch.

    1. oceansintuitivehealing Avatar

      Yes James that was me. In my Dreamtime last year I saw the accident in Waverley that only happened a few weeks ago. I also saw coloured lights in the sky then saw the quake..
      Has anyone spotted the coloured lights yet?
      I also heard spirit say either what sounded like COUNTRY CORNER or KAIKOURA.. as you know, they sound the same so Iā€™m confused by it.

      1. james Avatar

        i think spirit meant contry corner. area like waverley. corner of the country. fits with what eric said about area that sticks out. i know chch sticks out there but hunch it isnt chch. id say corner near new plymonth like older posts about plymouth. im guessing a large quake between wanganui and mt taranaki.
        smack in the middle. east of stratford near waverley.

      2. Laura Avatar

        Hi Ocean a number of people I know in Christchurch said they saw a meteor split late last week. It was a really bright flash that lit up the sky and went green

  20. jules104 Avatar

    Eric, SWC…hereā€™s an old prediction with the New Zealand, Australia, Plymouth earthquakes. It states August and the number 20 is in it also. This is part of the same ones where you werenā€™t sure if San Francisco or NZ was first and the 11:30 part. There seemed to be quite a few predictions related to this same one. This one here has the two dueling visuals. One where people are warned and listen and take heed, and another where they do not.

  21. Brandon Parnell Avatar
    Brandon Parnell

    The hurricane part is concerning because it could be another harvey or irma, hopefully not and i live in south carolina

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Oh my, Brandon . may want to be away from the coastline. Keep eyes on hurrican/weather updated reports.

    2. Robin Simrill Avatar
      Robin Simrill

      First time here (someone posted a link on Linda Gā€™s youtube), this is fascinating. Iā€™m in South Carolina tooā€”we live on the middle part of Hilton Head Island, itā€™s concerning here too…it would be the 3rd year in a row… right on a barrier island on the coast. Iā€™d happy move, but this is where work is.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


  22. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::had a visual of an old blue door with the number 23 on it. Then they showed the lock of the door turn back and forth (that means lockdown) ā€œOne of the worst shootingsā€ Then it shifted to show a graveyard. ā€œToo many!ā€

    Mexico šŸ‡²šŸ‡½Monterey

    15 dead… 9 wounded unusual violence. 6.bars (
    . Note the total # 24)

    Serious public security incident in Mexico on July 10 2018 04:47 AM (UTC).

    An unusually violent night around the northern Mexican city of Monterrey, including a string of attacks on bars, left at least 15 dead and nine wounded, authorities said Sunday. The Nuevo Leon state prosecutor’s office reported in a statement that 12 people died in six bar attacks overnight in the municipalities of Monterrey, Guadalupe and Juarez. A man and a 14-year-old boy were also shot dead in their car on a highway, and in the city of Linares, a man was killed in a clash between rival gangs after a “quinceanera” coming-of-age party at a private home. No arrests were announced. An official at the prosecutors’ office said the death toll could rise due to the severity of some of the injuries, and it was not immediately clear if the incidents were linked. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to security concerns. The deadliest shooting came shortly after midnight inside the Rancho Viejo restaurant and bar on Monterrey’s eastern outskirts. Five male customers and a waitress were listed as dead, and two people wounded, in an attack that the prosecutor’s office said was perpetrated by two male suspects in a red SUV or pickup and was attributed to organized crime. The Monterrey area has not seen such a deadly night in years. In 2011, 20 people were killed by a group of gunmen at a bar in a central neighborhood of the city. The following year another attack at a bar nearby killed left eight dead.

  23. Raymond Avatar

    Maybe the nation in Eastern Europe is Belarus. It’s considered the last dictatorship in Europe. He rules with a heavy hand just like you suggested.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That came to mind

  24. james Avatar

    also area stick out of NZ is top left of south island. “fairwell spit” golden bay area. lots whales been stranding there.
    where the peice of land sticks out. that long beach area.

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      It is possible James.

  25. lossie2020 Avatar

    Hey guys and Eric…got to see this spectacular black and white film in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s. It’s awesome to see their times in over 100 years apart from our current time. ENJOY IT!! ;D

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  26. Nathan Fleischman Avatar
    Nathan Fleischman

    Any predictions regarding the Supreme Court, Eric?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I didnā€™t post it because it cannot be confirmed as fact but they said Brett was always next in line, they already decided months ago, which means all this blustering over Trump really considering this person or that was unwarranted.

  27. Luisa Gol Avatar
    Luisa Gol

    do you remembar 3 huricanes back to back that was going to hit Florida and the last one was going to destroy the east coast? i think back to back mean one each year… past 2 years there was a huricane hiting La Florida . look:

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Yes I remember that, Luisa….thought it was 2 hurricane would hit Florida but the 2nd drifted aside instead of across the state. It was a close call.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      You could be right, that fits with other long term messages they give.

  28. star48 Avatar

    Eric, Holuca,SWC,
    Earthquake 5.4Mag… 22km ..WNW of Waiouru,New Zealand

    1. Holaca Avatar

      Hey Star this got downgraded to 4.8 @Eric Iā€™m guessing spirit wouldnā€™t give you warnings over this size for NZ it has to be bigger right?

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Was there any damage?

      1. star48 Avatar

        Could not find anything physical..however there was an article about the mental impact of the Earthquakes (plural)

        Ongoing impacts article.

  29. Cody Avatar

    The son is going to be arrested.. his response.. I didnā€™t know?

    “Donald Trump Jr. said he didnā€™t recall talking to Emin Agalarov. Agalarov remembers it.”

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Oh my..

  30. lossie2020 Avatar

    Wondering if thr “land sticks out ” means new land rise from underwater? Just a thought

    1. james Avatar

      thats a good point. some psychic long ago edgar casey said land would appear connect from nz to australia. like a land bridge.
      quake may make land raise up.

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Wow…I didn’t know that.

        1. Holaca Avatar

          Wow thatā€™s so interesting!!

      2. jules104 Avatar

        James, Lossie2020…have you seen this? I hear dutch refer to it sometimes on his updates. ā€œZealandiaā€. I believe he has said he thinks it is actually becoming more exposed based on the EQ activity down there…but Iā€™m not exactly 100%. I thought youā€™d find it interesting anyway.

      3. lossie2020 Avatar

        Thanks Jules for thr link. It’s fascinating as how rhe earth changed over million of year. Incredibly amazing!

      4. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Thatā€™s very interesting

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      They showed an image and it really looked like that area by lake Ellesmere. I was actually a bit shocked over the similarity.

      1. Hi Avatar

        Has anyone else from nz read this comment? Needs to be added to main article

      2. Laura Avatar

        Hi Eric, this is the first time I’ve commented. I live in NZ and have a very strong sense an earthquake is about to hit us. Yiur comment about the area by Lake Ellesmere makes sense as the council has a scenario for a Tsunami through there

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Welcome to our community! When you council what exactly are you referring to?

  31. Sara Avatar

    Do you think the predicted bombing in Ontario is connected to the attacks you predicted for New Jersey, Vermont, and California?

    Are those attacks still coming, or do you think they’ve been foiled?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That was my thoughts when I found out Ontario is a place in LA, I plan to ask Spirit for clarity

      1. Laura Avatar

        Hi Eric it’s hidden away on the website of the Christchurch City Council emergency/ civil defence procedures

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
    2. Joy Parks Avatar
      Joy Parks

      I thought of Ontario, California too. And a parade with the Star Spangled Banner would make sense there.

      1. Sara Avatar

        Yes, the star-spangled banner would make more sense in the US. Unless, does anyone know if the upcoming Canadian WWI remembrance ceremonies play anthems of other countries in addition to Canadian songs?

        It sounds like either the Canadian WWI ceremonies, or Ontario, California could match with the prediction. Hopefully we can narrow it down.

  32. jules104 Avatar

    Eric, I just wanted to add in case it’s possibly related…in this old prediction you state that it happened but question the location. Could this be two separate attacks, with one that has not happened yet? Did the explosion Spirit mentioned happen or just shootings? I googled Thunder Bay and it is also nicknamed ā€œT Bayā€, and in Ontario. The prediction was on 12-21-15 which mentions the ā€œTā€, though there are numerous related predictions. I donā€™t want to rule out anything if there are clues there for this upcoming attack.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I plan to focus on this tonight hopefully we can get an answer.

    2. Joy Parks Avatar
      Joy Parks

      One of Toronto’s nicknames is T-dot. Thunder Bay isn’t really that large a city, pretty far north, and violent crime is really rising in Toronto.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Far north from Toronto?

      2. Joy Parks Avatar
        Joy Parks

        No Eric. Thunder Bay is much further northwest, towards Manitoba. By Lake Superior. Used to be called Port William and Fort Arthur. It was named Thunder Bay in 1970.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  33. Julia Avatar

    I looked up the Warriorā€™s Day Parade again. It is in Toronto on August 18th. Eric, you said you heard ThevStar Spangled Banner. This is a quote from the website: ā€œEach year we also welcome many contingents of the United States of America and we look forward to new units joining us in the futureā€, so even though this is a Canadian military parade there is an American presence. This year honours the 100th Anniversary of World War 1 and the 70th Anniversary of the first ever UN Peacekeeping mission. The parade musters at the Armory, which sounds a bit like Audrey. Canadians arenā€™t much given to military parades with the exception of veterans on November 11,Remembrance Day.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Now that fits! Can I have the details of this parade, where is it at, is there a website?

  34. Joy Parks Avatar
    Joy Parks

    One more bit of info. There are Audrey streets in towns and cities all over Ontario…but the one that’s most unnerving is in a town north west of Ottawa. Petawawa — because it’s a military base, the whole town is full of soldiers and their families.

  35. Joy Parks Avatar
    Joy Parks

    Eric, Toronto, ongoing this morning. (10:51)
    More to your post about Canada and Ontario in general.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Wow letā€™s hope itā€™s foiled.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  36. rhona2 Avatar

    I’m wondering if this prediction
    PAPA JOHN moment plane ..
    “Pasengers fight back ”
    Could be related in some remote way to this recent article on Papa John founder resigning.
    Its just a sense or feeling there’s a link there somehow not just the name Papa John .

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Itā€™s an interesting thought but I donā€™t think so

  37. jules104 Avatar

    Here is the US Department of States list for 2017 of the top ten worst countries for human trafficking. Belarus is at the top of the list.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      so horrible, thanks for the info

  38. star48 Avatar

    Ref;;I had a visual of another volcano eruption over an island. Part of it looked like it could be a fissure.

    Indonesia šŸ‡®šŸ‡©
    Going crazy..100 eruptions..seismicity off the scale..
    Abakan Krakatoa..

    1. star48 Avatar

      .should read ..anak.krakatau

  39. jules104 Avatar

    Eric there is an Audrey Street in Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada. I was googling for Ontario California actually and this popped up in my search. So just in case. šŸ˜‰

  40. Lia Avatar

    Eric, Unrelated to these predictions, I saw on CNN this a.m. -7/13/18, that McDonaldā€™s salads may be the cause of illness in a few states You said a while back that McDonalds food would cause food poisoning or something. Anyway, thank u for saying that – I made a note of not eating McDonalds because of your prediction and Iā€™m glad I paid attention, because their salads with chicken is what I usually eats dinner that food item is suspect.

    1. Lia Avatar

      Auto correct changed my sentence. Salad w/ chicken is what I usually eat for
      dinner and that food item is suspect.

  41. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    France šŸ‡«šŸ‡·
    Bastille day parade and World Cup..same day..(July 14th)
    Thousands of people will be in streets all throughout France..
    Mass security issues..

  42. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Ref:::I had a visual of another volcano eruption over an island. Part of it looked like it could be a fissure.

    New fissure eruption at Piton de la Fournaise –on Reunion (Island)

  43. star48 Avatar

    Japan šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ
    Bonin Island
    Massive submarine volcano…

    The island is the summit of a massive submarine volcano that has prominent satellitic peaks to the S, W, and NE. The summit of the southern cone rises to within 214 m (702 feet) of the sea surface 9 km (5.6 miles) SSE. (GVP)


  44. Cody Avatar


    Off topic but still great news.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That is good news.

  45. Dana Lee Avatar

    Re: Hurricane: Hello friends. Living along the south-east coast we are always concerned about hurricanes. ON FB, I go to “Mike’s Weather Page” or Mike’s related site, where you can track anything. Blessings!

  46. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    France šŸ‡«šŸ‡·
    Second Bastille day parade…looking for parade on Sunday due to World Cup in Russia..

  47. B Palmer Avatar
    B Palmer

    Moderate quake (4.0) felt through Christchurch Sunday 15th, “9.10” pm
    Time matches numbers from earlier spirit message. But many here are thinking there might be more to come.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the update

  48. star48 Avatar



    Slavery more prevalent in countries all over..see map
    US and U.K. Included..

    The report noted gaps in data from Arab states, as well as a lack of information on organ trafficking and the recruitment of children by armed groups.


  49. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦
    Ref:: had a visual of the Canadian flag ā€œWe need to discuss Canadaā€ Our focus shifts towards Canada in the coming days.

    Shooting victims spread among many blocks..

  50. star48 Avatar


    Breaking news
    Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦

    Breaking news- preliminary reportsā€¦
    Multiple victims..

    9 shotā€¦including child?
    Shooter dressed in black..dead?

  51. […] Predictions 7-9-18 […]

  52. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Ref:::Later in the evening they said ā€˜Portland Oregonā€™. However there is a small question over whether the two are related. I believe they are. From the look of the door and itā€™s outside I believe itā€™s a school or campus. One of the requests I made with Spirit was to add the timeframe or location with the initial visual, that means 23 is most likely a date.


    Anarchy breaks out with mayors blessing..

  53. star48 Avatar

    Water so warm
    Red tide…all along Florida coast..

    I had a visual of a hurricane sliding up from Florida, and slashing against Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, then it went north.

    ā€œThe first half of August.ā€

    Mass mortality never seen before

  54. star48 Avatar


    Ref::I had a visual of another volcano eruption over an island. Part of it looked like it could be a fissure

    Papua New Guinea šŸ‡µšŸ‡¬

    Volcano..Manam….( on Island)
    Unusually strong eruption..Ash 50,000 ft in air….Evacuations..

  55. star48 Avatar

    Ref:: I had a visual of a hurricane sliding up from Florida, and slashing against Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, then it went north.

    “Norman” Hurricane..
    Expected to become major hurricane this week,,

  56. star48 Avatar


    Ref:::I had a visual of another volcano eruption over an island. Part of it looked like it could be a fissure.


  57. star48 Avatar

    Ref::I had a visual of another volcano eruption over an island. Part of it looked like it could be a fissure.

    Iwo Jima…( island)
    Underwater .eruption.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  58. star48 Avatar


    Ref:::had a visual of another volcano eruption over an island. Part of it looked like it could be a fissure.

    Manam Volcano now aviation code red..
    Ash ejected 34,000 ft high..

  59. star48 Avatar

    Ref;;;;The son is going to be arrested.. his response.. I didnā€™t know?

    A 14-year-old boy and his 13-year-old friend were arrested after a plot to kill the older teenager’s parents by drugging them with sleeping pills then setting their home on fire was foiled over the weekend, according to police.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s crazy. Wow.

  60. star48 Avatar

    Ref::::Later in the evening they said ā€˜Portland Oregonā€™.
    In blue.
    However there is a small question over whether the two are related. I believe they are. From the look of the door and itā€™s outside I believe itā€™s a school or campus. One of the requests I made with Spirit was to add the timeframe or location with the initial visual, that means 23 is most likely a date.

    Man caught with gun…
    PORTLAND, Ore. ā€“ A man is in custody after a student at Madison High School reported seeing someone with a gun near the campus, prompting the school to go into a lockout Tuesday afternoon.

    Initial reports came in at about 12:50 p.m. when a student told staff that they saw a man with a gun near the tennis courts just north of the school.
    Responding officers saw someone matching the witness description waiting at a TriMet stop on NE 82nd Avenue near the school. He ran off towards Glenhaven Park and police gave chase.

  61. jules104 Avatar

    Eric could the part of the prediction, ā€œIn the Eastern European Nation ruled by an iron fist…the most egregious actions…children sold in drovesā€, be about Hungarys Prime Minister Viktor Orban?

    1. jules104 Avatar

      Eric…Actually it could just be Russia selling the children in droves. Just despicable people whoever it is. Very sad.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Does the article mention children?

  62. star48 Avatar

    Ref::I had a visual of an old blue door with the number 23 on it. Then they showed the lock of the door turn back and forth (that means lockdown) ā€œOne of the worst shootingsā€ Then it shifted to show a graveyard. ā€œToo many!ā€

    Frantic moment cops shoot dead white gunman in west Texas movie theater parking lot after he shot dead FIVE and injured 21 – including two officers – after firing ‘indiscriminately’ on motorists after traffic stop
    Active shooter was shot and killed by police at the Cinergy movie theater in Odessa, Texas
    Incident began around 4pm on Saturday in neighboring Texas cities of Midland and Odessa
    Suspect fled a traffic stop, shooting at the officer and random motorists on I-20 as he fled
    At least five people aside from the shooter were killed, and 21 injured, police say

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