Notes on 7-11-14

I had a visual that I was walking down a sidewalk and up ahead one of the blocks was completely cracked and broken. – It sounds like a major quake is coming “down the line”.

I had a visual I was on one side of the street and was waiting for the ‘walk’ sign to light up, then a bright beautiful white light glowed where the ‘walk’ sign should be. It was so bright that it lit up the night sky.

I had a visual of the north west United States.

93 was presented by Spirit.

I had a visual (twice) of a large US flag waving in the air – In the past that has represented a glowing proud moment for the US, usually very patriotic for instance the special forces operation against Osama Bin Laden had a waving flag.

I had a visual of a soccer ball rolling, then they implied I should look at our history of predictions, this is the only one that came to mind, please let me know if you can find another prediction that might have ties to the soccer ball, it wasn’t a very nice message:

Notes on 12-31-13
“It came, it came, the games have arrived!.. oh you’re in trouble.. cancelled.. disappointment as the dream is squashed.. terrorist ” I had a visual of red roses being cut down.

Eric’s Comments: We need some clarity, this set of predictions are vague,  they presented the US flag multiple times which implies it’s a prediction that will be happening  soon.

I would like to hear from you, my fans and friends. I have been studying the work of other psychics that have made predictions, but all of them are from other centuries. Does anyone know of predictions made here and now? Are there other psychic predictions that you have read from books or other sites that have been accurate? Please forward the psychics name and an accurate prediction they have made. Which of these psychics of today have the most accurate work?


69 responses to “Notes on 7-11-14”

  1. sherriann Avatar

    Hi Eric,

    Just a thought. Have you heard of the national Dream Center?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I think so. Do you have a site reference.

      1. sherriann Avatar

        Here you go

        Your July 12 post is largely in tune with what dreamers are posting.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thanks for the info.

  2. Les Avatar

    YOU are THE most accurate psychic I have ever come across. EVER! #Gratitude. X.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks Les, that’s very nice of you to say. I am just curious to see the work of others who have similar work, but I have failed to find anyone that is accurate, most of what I have seen is unfortunately inaccurate and there is usually a radical religious slant to their work.

    2. Jon Blue Avatar
      Jon Blue

      As we know to date, the most accurate psychic has been Edgar Cayce in this century. This was noted via The New York Times a few years back. He did predict “a black president would be our 44th president.” But he also predicted this same president would be the last US president. The national dream center is one but also the article here just published by the Washington Post has the link to what those of us who have experienced Near Death Experiences along with the visions we get afterwards. In that, you may find many stories of predictions that have been accurate.
      The scary thing sbout your current set of notes in the above is that you saw the bright light coming out of the ground as you were crossing the street. That you know the same earthquakes I saw in my own visions. Keep it coming and keep meditating. I am having a harder time with it. I’m trying.

      1. ann Avatar

        David Nabhan, a former science teacher and author, is claiming he can predict earthquakes and is predicting that tomorrow, July 12th, the Big One will occur on the West Coast between San Diego and Vancouver. I have no idea how credible he is or if he has accurately predicted quakes in the past but just thought I would mention it. He is not a psychic.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thanks, as I recall he believed there was a pattern in the timing of earthquakes and the ties to the moon. Are we talking about the same person?

      2. R. J. Avatar
        R. J.

        his past prediction have not panned out. the better people with moon predictions is Ken Ring, which is manly NZ based. And Solar Watcher and

      3. jérémie Laigre Avatar
        jérémie Laigre

        ” As we know to date, the most accurate psychic has been Edgar Cayce in this century. This was noted via The New York Times a few years back. He did predict “a black president would be our 44th president.” But he also predicted this same president would be the last US president. ”

        Edgar Cayce made a mistake.

  3. Deborah Avatar

    1.) Betsey Lewis- Protests: “civil unrest and protests will break out in major cities worldwide in spring, including the U.S., Russia and China this spring and summer. Again in the Mideast and Egypt. Military and police will become aggressive and then violence erupts Blood will be spilled. People especially the youth of the world are tired of unemployment and low wages, and the tyrannical governments.” I find it interesting how she has posted “earth survival guides in case of a global catastrophe.

    2.) Christian Dion- “ISIS these people are completely MENTAL.They are planning an attack.
    That will make 9/11 look like a children’s tea party.In America.” I feel like he mostly focuses on celebrities instead of the important things going around the world.

    However, I think you are the most accurate and I especially love that you are always communicating with us!! Thank you so much Eric and spirits!!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks Deborah for the nice comment. I will take a look at their other work.

  4. R. J. Avatar
    R. J.

    ““It came, it came, the games have arrived!” Common Wealth Games?

    The psychics I know that are dead on don’t do public predictions, just us talking about what we are seeing/feeling. But there are things we are waiting for, one major flooding in an asian country, likely Japan.

    1. Lia Avatar

      Did you see the earthquake reported within the past half hour that happened in Japan today? It’s a 6.8 magnitude. Located once again just outside Fukishima. Shallow one, too. Not good.

      1. R. J. Avatar
        R. J.

        just a small wave. nothing that will cause issues.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          That’s sounds like the waves they are talking about, explains the confusion of whether there prediction was about a Typhoon or Tsunami, as it actually is both.

    2. star48 Avatar

      R.J.,do you think this article is related to possible outcomes?

  5. Lori H. Avatar
    Lori H.

    Hi Eric, have you ever read any of Valiant’s predictions? Here is the website I use:

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will check it out thanks.

    2. R. J. Avatar
      R. J.

      they aren’t that great. and to her comments about ET’s, they are the ones who are helping and will help more when they are given the go ahead. she sounds very ungrounded

  6. A2DaK Avatar

    usually japan is a precursor to movement across the ocean…

  7. omarie Avatar

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      I follow her site also. She seems pretty good. Very humble.

      1. Jules104 Avatar

        Something like “The Rainbow Cards”

  8. Jules104 Avatar

    Eric this may be nothing but the, Women’s Rugby World Cup 2014, starts on August 1st. The girls rugby team for England is called “Red Roses”. Just a thought. Also do you have any idea what the numbers 93 could signify? And could this walk sign message in any way be a personal message signifying a, “go ahead”, or something to do with yourself and Spirit and a next step or such?

    1. R. J. Avatar
      R. J.

      well those Red Roses will be cut down, hopefully by the Black Ferns.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Sometimes the numbers represent the amount of lives lost, but they have in the past pointed to a number like 47, then it ended up being the 47% Romney mentioned, so I learned not to discount them. We will have to wait and see.

    3. davester Avatar

      I wonder if 93 has something to do with “Route 93”? It runs north-south from western Arizona up to Canada.

      1. star48 Avatar

        Davester hi, that sounds like where the fires are burning all the way up from AZ to Northwest.. Map

  9. Jojoa2163 Avatar

    Darshini In Spirit has lots of videos online. She has all the weather, earthquakes and volcano predictions for each year. They are on Youtube. She is 98 percent accurate. The videos are of her pointing at each country with a small pointer explaining what is going to happen in each country. There are a few Darshini’s so you need to know the right one.

  10. Jojoa2163 Avatar

    Darshini also has a video explaining all the different types of psychic abilities. You can have more than one ability.

  11. Jojoa2163 Avatar

    There is also video explaining about your spirit guides and the levels above them and the different realms. We are all the same in the spirit road.

  12. Kelly Palmer Avatar
    Kelly Palmer

    If you are talking about Valiant’s predictions then you are mistaken. HE is one of the most grounded sermon anywhere!

    1. R. J. Avatar
      R. J.

      actually he isn’t. reading his post he is far off and what I call a fear monger. And as an incarnate ET myself I can tell you his comments about aliens are utter crap. South America will not break apart, this world is actually got such an amazing future, but fear mongers like him are there for one reason, not only is he ungrounded but his predictions shoot out to help lower the vibrations .

      1. Jon Blue Avatar
        Jon Blue

        agree with you RJ on the South America breaking apart. There is a big reason many famous people, including our past president Bush built massive estates in South America. It will probably be a place of retreat should America go into Civil War as everything in America seems to be heightened with two extreme sides “battling” it out. Many 1%ers have homes there now all throughout South America. Many wealthy are retiring down there. The rich know the inside scoop as they say. 😀

  13. Kelly Palmer Avatar
    Kelly Palmer

    How did the word sermon get in my post? I put people. ????

  14. Ryan Avatar

    I’m in the Northwest USA, Seattle specifically, so here goes my thoughts:
    A huge soccer match in Seattle between rivals Portland and Seattle begins at 7 o’clock on Sunday.
    “I had a visual that I was walking down a sidewalk and up ahead one of the blocks was completely cracked and broken.” – Seattle Sounders FC fans have a “March to the Match” along the cracked sidewalks downtown before the game.
    “93” -Sleepless in Seattle came out in 1993 and that movie still gets referenced all the time, especially with sports meme’s.
    “I had a visual of red roses being cut down.” – Portland’s nickname is the Rose City.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s interesting Ryan, Thanks! It would fit their visual of the North West.

  15. […] ← Notes on 7-11-14 […]

  16. Kelly Palmer Avatar
    Kelly Palmer


    You have zero idea of HIS not her background do you? He is not a fear monger in any way, shape or form!! You are entitled to your own OPINION and it just that an opinion. Unless you actually know the background to HIS story then I wouldn’t be the one throwing rude comments about someone. It truly just is not a very nice thing to do!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      People have referred to me as a fear monger, but I continue to make these predictions in the hopes to change the tragedy. I am familiar with the negative feedback and I would encourage everyone to look at the intentions of us psychics. Are the motives of that individual Nobel or self serving, you shouldn’t judge us by the message we receive, that’s like yelling at the mail man because of the mail you received.

  17. Jules104 Avatar

    Hi Eric. I was trying to figure out this whole the games have arrived, soccer ball, red roses, terrorists prediction and looked up who will be entertaining at the closing ceremony, (which is actually before the game is played), of the World Cup tomorrow. Santana will be playing the official song of Brazil. There is a climbing red rose called “Santana”. The closing ceremony is before the game hence if a terrorist attack were to happen during that time, they actually would have to cancel the game, to be played. I just thought that the red roses and the Santana were rather coincidental. Hopefully all will go well tomorrow.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I really hope so too. Pray nothing happens. I can’t think of any other fireworks affair till new year?

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Bastille Day in France starts tomorrow the 14th July. It’s a National holiday. Here is a link for how the celebrate it. There are big firework displays. And Balls (dancing), music, etc. Also they have big celebrations in the USA for Bastille Day. NYC, Manhatten, Seattle, Boston I believe. Can’t remember the others. I posted them previously.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Do you know when are the fireworks?

          1. Jules104 Avatar

            The fireworks will be launched from the Trocadero near the Eifel Tower at 11:00 PM.
            Also DC, Portland, and New Orleans celebrate Bastille Day though I am not sure what day it was/is on. I can’t remember if France is ahead or behind the USA in time zones either. Guess I should check.

          2. Jules104 Avatar

            Okay Eric. Paris France… It’s tomorrow, 8 hours ahead. That makes it early morning about 1:00 AM almost.

            1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

              Thank you!

  18. Lioness Avatar

    Eric it’s the World Cup! I start to cry every time I read about the world cup for some reason. I’ve been filled with dread. I’m not psychic but get thoughts about things sometimes but only minor to do with my life. Read psychic Nikki from Toronto she predicted terror attacks at the World Cup. Hopefully they can stop it.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Hi lioness, I just looked her up, she really likes purple. I can’t find what she said about the world cup, can you please share with us exactly what she said or the site you heard it from, thanks.

  19. Deborah Avatar

    Hi Eric,just a thought the under 20 womans world soccer cup is being held in Canada from 5-24Aug with referance to soccer ball and quakes? Deborah

  20. Carolyn Malone Avatar
    Carolyn Malone

    Of the famous psychics, I think Joseph Tittel is pretty accurate. In my own personal life, I have someone I use here in New York, who is very good, but I will not give out her name. She still charges low rates! Also, Jeffrey Wands on Long Island is very good.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks will check them out.

  21. Lioness Avatar

    Eric I’m so happy the World Cup was OK. This is what psychic Nikki predicted, I was wrong she didn’t say outright the World Cup only riots at a sports stadium in Brazil ( I recall they did have riots prior to the WC.)

    A famous sports person in the world of Formula One racers will pass.
    National Hockey League for women.
    Terrorist attack at a sports event.
    A Formula One crash involving more than 20 cars.

    Jack Brabham a F1 driver passed in May.

    Do your spirits send you these messages to warn you or get you to pray or alert potential help? I’ve wondered since my Mum was visited in hospital by a old psychic Nun sent there to check if she would survive by another Nun who was my Mothers friend. It’s obviously used by people in the church.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the info, maybe it is just a simple sports game instead of something more worldly. To answer your question, both. I believe in the power of prayer. But from a purely logical sense, if I warn people of a coming storm and they leave, then the amount of tragedy would change.

  22. rhona Avatar

    Hi eric and blessings everyone….i have glanced at other sites over the years but never resonated with any at all. Yours and spirits site is the only site i have entered a comment i have never been on face book or any other social media . I feel we make a huge difference here and any prediction that does not happen is to me an indication of it being changed or lessened.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks Rhona for the nice feedback. My hope is to always improve my work, and I am looking at other works to see a different process.

      1. rhona Avatar

        I totally understand and love your integrity. Also some of the news reports for arthur and a lack of devistation and intensity for some expected events have experts perplexed and relieved. Only passing comments but it is a start….

  23. star48 Avatar

    Eric, Fire, fire, fire three states.. Sequoia is one of the areas..
    Here is list..

  24. star48 Avatar

    Eric, regarding spirit reference to Northwest..Please see above previous posting fo other list of fires., this shows map..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s my thought. Was they are saying a massive area will be affected with fires, instead of just one state.

      1. star48 Avatar

        Eric, more fire info. – @50 wildfires..WA,, than OR.has fires than ID, than CA, than AZ still going.,
        Here is one update– damage hard to believe..

  25. […] Notes on 7-11-14 I had a visual of the north west United States. – […]

  26. […] Notes on 7-11-14 I had a visual of the north west United States. […]

  27. […] Notes on 7-11-14     I had a visual of a soccer ball rolling, then they implied I should look at our history of predictions, this is the only one that came to mind, please let me know if you can find another prediction that might have ties to the soccer ball, it wasn’t a very nice message: […]

  28. […] Notes on 7-11-14     I had a visual of a soccer ball rolling, then they implied I should look at our history of predictions, this is the only one that came to mind, please let me know if you can find another prediction that might have ties to the soccer ball, it wasn’t a very nice message: […]

  29. jeremiethomaslaigre Avatar

    I would like to hear from you, my fans and friends. I have been studying the work of other psychics that have made predictions, but all of them are from other centuries. Does anyone know of predictions made here and now? Are there other psychic predictions that you have read from books or other sites that have been accurate? Please forward the psychics name and an accurate prediction they have made. Which of these psychics of today have the most accurate work?


    After several searches on the net, I can say that you have an excellent success rate.
    I know for now, nobody, who have largely exceeded your ratio of success, moreover by taking the most accurate predictions.

    I want your predictions to become more and more precise.
    When they become very precise (date, place …) and constant.
    The possibilities will be immense.
    I picture, the beneficial power that its can imply in warning the right people. It will be great.

    Thank you, for your daily work of information.
    Exemplary work because useful , especially for the most detailed and precise predictions .

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you and we are working on that very thing

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