World Predictions 10-18-22

“Russia Collapse.” I had a vision of a Russian brick wall, the wall was old, and fortifying, then a part of the wall just fell over, as it did I could see it shatter into small pieces.

I had a visual of a large whole in the ground of Russia and it was a vacuum consuming everything around it, the weight of its power so heavy that it reached across the world and affected all the other places sinking not just Russia but other places as well. Like a black hole in the center of
Russia. “Vladimir Putin, in the end you will only be remembered as another Rasputin. That which brought it all down”

This is a very bad message. When the Tsunami hit Japan, I had a vision of a plate shattering. When the hurricane hit Puerto Rico they showed a brick break into pieces. Any message of shattering reflects devastation. Sounds like Putin is losing control of the moment, and now it’s collapsing all around him. In my mind, this sounds economical, or just complete government failure. Perhaps even a “political vacuum”. The wall falling? Thoughts?

There is a new type of prediction propagating. In the old days World Predictions only happened at the dead of night with my Hematite Sphere in hand, but now they interrupt my Personal Readings, my daily walks, and my sleep, but not whole messages, just fractures. So:

Within the personal readings a trend has started. I have reached an impasse on how many people I have warned:

In the winter expect Covid to make a heavy, appearance. Specifically in December. But just a brief moment.

Personal Readings With Eric Leigh-Pink

45 responses to “World Predictions 10-18-22”

  1. Joy Parks Avatar

    Things are definitely escalating, he’s declared martial law in the seized areas..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      One man doing so much harm.

  2. Itk Avatar

    I remember one previous prediction about Russia with the text “civil war – you say”.

  3. Sara Avatar

    It’s hard to tell what could happen with Russia–Putin’s focused on making a name for himself and doesn’t seem to care about ordinary people, or even his own soldiers. I’m concerned he might use a tactical nuke or something, even though such a move would be beyond reckless.

  4.  Avatar

    You expected this in months or weeks?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Weeks. The plan moving forward is to have all the predictions happen in weeks. Maybe days, but the days of predicting 6 months or a year ahead, as I have done for a very long time are now over. All the messages are coming soon.

      1. anitah Avatar

        Fall of Putin ja his regime? What means ” other places sinking, too..”?
        Mindless to destroy your own land.. is it question about ground in Russia or Ukraine?
        Sounds something huge will happen.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Economics. Or the entire government. If the entire government falls, so too will Al Assad, and Lukashenko.

  5. Liz Avatar

    I don’t think the aliens are going to let anyone use a nuclear weapon. I don’t belive the really care about human life, but I do think they don’t want harm to come to the planet.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Sorry but i am about to post it. That Bastard really does push the red button, even though its a mini nuke.

      1. Itk Avatar

        That could be expected to happen when Ukraine manages to take back areas that Russia regards as of strategic importance for itself, such as Kherson, because there’s no conventional way to stop its advance. The explosion itself may be very small and its consequences rather limited but it will be a game changer, as it will be the end of Putin and speed up the end of the current regime. Russia may even lose some of its allies. Now, it’s time to focus on the event to warn the people in the area, and that’s exactly what Eric is doing. I’ve read about that type of weapons, but the problem is we cannot know the size of the ammunition. One hypothetical example of the radius of the blast is of the order of some hundred meters.

      2. Raymond Avatar

        Russia is evacuating civilians from numerous towns in Kherson. It could be a major air assault or a tactical nuke. It’s looking bad . Even if it is a tactical nuke that only has a range of 100 meters, any nuke is bad. The implications will be the same, regardless of the size.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Its all bad, they are now predicting this horror show. It will be the next post.

      3. Joy Parks Avatar

        The question is, what does NATO do if he does push the red button?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          It seems like nothing. I only have seen one bomb drop in this timeline??? Perhaps they crash their economy and thats why there is a black hole??

        2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          As we draw closer, the details will follow, but more details are now coming. I have to look at this horror. 🤢

    2. egwefer Avatar

      Liz saw an article Can’t a url, but it said they were seeing UFOs over Kyvi. They moved so fast that they could only be seen with a special camera.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I saw that in the news too.

  6. E Avatar

    Hey Eric! Anything on Iran? My heart is breaking for these women and girls fighting for their freedoms.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Me Too! What hero’s standing for who they are. I will try and get the spirits to stop circling Europe and Russia, they seem a bit stuck there.

  7. anitah Avatar

    Is part of that symbolic? Or concrete collapse of Kreml walls? A whole in the ground of Russia – not in Ukraine?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That is the question. I don’t know. In the vision the wall looked very real, as if an actual wall falls?

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The other was completely symbolic. A black whole just consuming all things around it, in Russia, again implying a collapse of the system.

  8. Steve Avatar

    The last brick wall of worldly significance that collapsed and literally shattered was the Berlin Wall, which started the disintegration of the USSR. Perhaps it symbolises the shattering of the Russian empire into smaller states?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That actually crossed my mind, something epic is changing. Falling apart

  9. petemedium Avatar

    America has an enemy within, just announced on US PBS.
    Military technologies from U.S. manufacturers have been illegally supply to Russia for its war in Ukraine:
    “Some of the equipment was recovered on battlefields in Ukraine, the Justice Department said, and other nuclear proliferation technology was intercepted in Latvia before it could be shipped to Russia.”

    1. Raymond Avatar

      That is not surprising. It does not mean that we have someone in the states supplying them with technology, although it is possible. But, Russia has a department that does nothing but acquire merchandise through third parties and shell companies.

      1. petemedium Avatar

        I think the fact of note here is that no one knew, its seems, until “Some of the equipment was recovered on battlefields in Ukraine, the Justice Department said, and other nuclear proliferation technology was intercepted in Latvia before it could be shipped to Russia.”
        Here in Australia, such sales relating to any arms to any country must be passed by our Parliament.

  10. psychic chris Avatar
    psychic chris

    hopefully some good can come out of russia over the next few weeks post-putin but i fear someone else 100x worse than putin will take his place

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I agree.

  11. Itk Avatar

    Just remembered the prediction about three lightnings hitting the Kremlin…Has that symbolism occurred in other predictions, or is it specific to this case only?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Its a symbol of God. The creator, the tide will shift against Russia in the most horrible way.

  12. Steve Avatar

    Hate to say this, but should we be praying for Putin to stay in power? Better the devil you know that the devil that will deliver WW3? Would the world have been a better place if Saddam was still in power?

    1. psychic chris Avatar
      psychic chris

      i tend to agree -but putin will only set the stage for ww3 and this monster that will succeed him

  13. Itk Avatar

    As regards Putin setting the stage for WW3, I’m wondering if that could happen in such a way that the future collapse of Russia following the actions of Putin would give Russia the (false) feeling of having been defeated by the “evil collective West”, and at some point Russia would want to “take revenge”. This already happened in Europe, as one lance corporal had similar feelings after WW1. This might be the agenda of the most evil person, who will come to power through a coup. Would this reasoning make any sense?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      No, its more about the next stage. No one is going to want to do business with Russia, no business, no activity, isolated, the world will turn against Russia. So under that cold cruel umbrella in Russia he will rise.

      1. Itk Avatar

        Do you think this isolation will also apply to the current “friends” of Russia, such as North Korea and China? Will they also turn their back to Russia? As you know, the Kremlin boasts with the impossibility of isolating Russia…

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Belarus is the big one. Syria and Iran. China?? No China can hold their own without Russia.

  14. egwefer Avatar

    Ukraine says russia has mined a dam, if they blow it, thousands will die. Dam== wall. Could this be your wall?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes I believe it is.

  15. Itk Avatar

    I’ve read that even if they have mined it, blowing it would harm the Russians themselves, as it would also destroy the irrigation channel leading to Crimea, leaving it without water. However, Putin’s actions have often not been rational.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      This is the wall. Ouch.

      1. anitah Avatar

        Also the nuclear plant is in danger. What will happen? What are consequences to Putin if he orders explosions?

  16. Itk Avatar

    And this may explain the forced evacuations going on in that region… Strange, however, that suddenly the water supply to Crimea doesn’t count anything.

  17. Itk Avatar

    In the meanwhile, the attacks on the Ukrainian infrastructure are going on:
    Putin’s criminal gang at work again. This is a TASS quote from 28 February: “When clarifying the developments unfolding, the Russian Defense Ministry reassured that Russian troops are not targeting Ukrainian cities, but are limited to surgically striking and incapacitating Ukrainian military infrastructure. There are no threats whatsoever to the civilian population.” The “evil empire” R. Reagan referred to never ceased to exist, but lives on as Russia.

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