Tom Cruise Explodes

First, this is the prediction because, in the original message, they used Mr. Cruise as an example. Seriously the mask says it all. This prediction was made pre-Covid. With that said, I fully endorse the conversation. Why should all of us suffer, die, and be held in the sludge of the moment because you’re unwilling to put a piece of cloth over your face. I mean, seriously, we aren’t asking you to storm the beaches of Normandy. If we had, we would have lost. Mr. Cruise is only saying what we are all thinking. With that said, Arrogance leads to a failure of equality which expands over time. That includes the way we communicate to each other.
Can you all tell Covid is starting to get to me?
The prediction

WORLD PREDICTIONS 10-18-19 I had a visual of a famous person with a mask. The mask was painted with such beauty. Then the mask was pulled away and behind the mask was something very ugly. “The famous one’s true self revealed.”

55 responses to “Tom Cruise Explodes”

  1. Joy Parks Avatar
    Joy Parks

    Ok but I don’t think what he said was ugly. Maybe harshly put but he was angry and I don’t blame. I’m so tired of all covidiots screaming about their “rights” with no regard for their responsibilities to others. Wash your hands. Stay home. Wear a mask when you have to be among others. And roll up your sleeve once the vaccine is available to you. It’s the only way we get through this and start reclaiming our lives.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      You shouldn’t talk to people that way, but I talk that way in my head.

      1.  Avatar

        We all do.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          To our employees?

    2. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker

      Some of us suffer from anaphylaxis when we take vaccines. So no. I will not be taking the vaccine when it becomes available to me.

    3. Madam Curie Avatar
      Madam Curie

      The masks (especially the cloth ones don’t protect you from anything). CA has the most restrictions (including wearing masks) and yet have the highest Covid infections. Odd that. They(Fauci, the CDC) have lied to us from day one. Use your brain and yeah go ahead take the vaccine. The rest of us will sit back and wait for the delayed reaction, and watch while you twitch and foam at the mouth on the floor. Stop ridiculing and name-calling those who question, and rightly so, the BS we have been feed from day one. You go right ahead and follow the pied piper right off the cliff.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Golden rule. Please be nice here. Respectful.

  2. Sara Avatar

    I hope more people start taking the virus seriously, so many people have died, and it won’t stop until we get control of things thing. I wish anti-maskers would realize that we’d get back to normal a lot quicker if everyone did their part and we got a better handle on it. Hopefully the new vaccines will help, too.

    1. Sara Avatar

      That should read “until we get control of *this* thing.” Typos….

  3. Trevor Avatar

    People have been assaulted and even murdered for asking others to wear masks. He’s lucky he’s Tom Cruise and not some random nobody. Both pro and anti mask sides can be utter jerks. This reminds me of Christian Bale exploding on set after the crew were talking/making noise during a scene.

  4.  Avatar

    Did you actually see Tom Cruise in your vision, or was it symbolism and you knew it was someone famous, but did not know their identity?

    When you have a vision, and you see headlines that confirm them, do you try to match the vision with the headline? Or do you feel a tightness in your gut, or some other way of ‘knowing’ when you realize that the event has occurred?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      First all of that is explained on the blog. I would encourage you to read through all the work. It sums up those questions.
      The word “implication” is a mood. A flavor. Imagine red and blue lights behind you then a mood of panic and fear follows, followed by hey I’d didn’t do anything? That multi layered emotion. They showed a personality, a mood I tasted. (Driven to a fault, always smiling, exceedingly charismatic, hiding something, and the king on a mountain) that is what was tasted. My initial thought on who? Tom Cruise? Harrison Ford?

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes they confirm vaguely. They will present a zero. As if to imply times up. Then literally in days the predictions start happening.

  5. justin Avatar

    Thomas Mapother IV, better known under his stage name Tom Cruise, is known for being a jerk, asshole, selfish egomaniac, utter arrogance and sees himself as a demigod of the scientology church. and then some.
    No surprise there that the spirits used him as a example in the prediction.

    having that said, facemasks can be working:
    if they are fabricated correctly,
    if they are worn and used correctly,
    if they came in different sizes to fit correctly,
    and if used, deposed correctly, and not dumped in the streets. for example.

    about 80% of all the non medical face masks are not working because they do not meet the above requirements. only the cashing in matters to some.
    and that is the sad reality of fake safety.

    before someone attacks me as a covidiot, i just do research and read and hear further than just the mainstream news.
    and you are thinking now: he is not wearing those, you are correct.
    i do not wear facemasks, not because i am a covidiot but because of medical reasons.

    that doesnt mean i dont care, by researching, learning and passing through pieces and bits of information some people might be helped in some way.

    stay healty, stay safe, find yourself proper fitting facemasks, keep 6 or 8 feet distance, etc. you know the &^$%*^&%$ rules.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      No offense but do you know the man. Have you met him. It seems very Stone throwing to me. Not in a bad horrible way more in a who are we to pass judgment way.

  6. Kira Avatar

    His behavior was unacceptable – period. Makes me cringe when influential people with power like him throw temper tantrums.

    Yes – wearing a mask is imperative to preventing the spread of COVID but it’s equally important to treat yourself and others with love and respect.

    Team work makes the dream work NOT screaming at the top of your lungs because somebody didn’t cover their face. It’s not what you say it’s the energy and tone behind what is being said.

    1. PN Avatar

      if I had requested my employees to wear a mask and time and again, and i was ignored, i would have exploded – maybe not with profanity laden rant, but exploded for sure. Not my place to judge anyone, but am sure most of us have been there at time or another.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I agree, so many times I want to explode like he did.

  7. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker



    You are both right.

  8. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    Tom Cruise is wrong.

    Please follow my line of reasoning:

    According to the Church of Scientology Tom Cruise is at the maximum Operating Thetan Level. This means he has supernatural powers. One of these powers is the ability to cure any disease.

    Tom Cruise is refusing to use his supernatural powers to rid the world of horrible diseases.

    He could have easily destroyed COVID-19.

    Instead, he chooses to deliver a profanity laden rant.


    1. PN Avatar

      Super natural powers? okay..

      1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
        T W Longtime Lurker

        No joke.

        1. PN Avatar

          Sorry, but Tom Cruise is not the only one that belongs to this Church of Scientology, there are others well known names as well.. So why are they all not using their super natural powers to heal??

          As for supernatural powers, anyone can learn energy healing. There is nothing supernatural about it. Anyone can also learn to heal their own their own bodies, if they so wish. You dont have to belong to any church or temple.

          Anyway blessings to everyone and Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday season

          1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
            T W Longtime Lurker


            You have to be at the highest Operating Thetan Level to have supernatural powers.

            According to Leah Remini & other high level Scientologists who quit, there is no highest level. The Church of Scio is a Ponzi Scheme. You move up a level by donating money.

            Only Kirstie Alley & Tom Cruise are at that level. I assume David Miscavige is as well because he is the leader of The [fake] Church of $scientology.

            We know it’s a pack of lies because Kirstie can’t use her powers to lose weight and keep it off…

            1. PN Avatar

              Sorry, TW no offence meant, but I am a certified pranic healer and do energy healing if requested to and if the person taking the healing is receptive and has faith, then it works. No need to be at thetan level.

              As I mentioned in my post – we all have the power to heal ourselves and tbh, i seriously am not in a position to judge either Kristie Alley and her weight problems or Tom Cruise and his behaviour, because whatever is their story, is not mine to judge or tell.
              Thank you and peace be with you.

              1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
                T W Longtime Lurker


                You are missing the point.

                The point is Tom Cruise allegedly has supernatural healing powers. Instead of using those alleged powers to heal the world he is off making movies, getting into allegedly fake relationships, and yelling at people for not practicing safety measures.

                No safety measures would be needed if he healed everyone and destroyed COVID-19 once and for all.

                PS. In case you haven’t figured it out by now The Church of Scientology is a scam and no one is an Operating Thetan with supernatural powers .

                1. PN Avatar

                  TW. I do know what church of scientology is and no I am not missing any point. But you seem to be missing the point that I keep telling you – not my place to Judge what Tom Cruise does!!! Why do you feel the need to call out on his “allegedly fake relationships” and his not healing people.. thats his choice isn’t it?and his life path and his decision. Just like we cannot force people to vaccinate, or wear masks. We can advice, not force our own beliefs on other people.
                  Namaste 🙏🏼🙏🏼

                  1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
                    T W Longtime Lurker


                    Your comments show you do not understand Scientology.

                    EXCLUSIVE: Leah Remini on Tom Cruise’s Covid rant in its Scientology context


                    Tom Cruise claimed he does not get so much as a cold because of Scientology. All Scientologists believe that if they aren’t connected to what they label “suppressive persons” they will not get sick.

                    According to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, “All illnesses to a greater or lesser degree stem from a PTS situation.” PTS stands for “Potential Trouble Source.”

                    « Scientology hopes to benefit from Michael Jackson estate’s arbitration win against HBO Was it something they said? The Scientology ‘arbitration’ hearing Judge Kleifield nuked »
                    EXCLUSIVE: Leah Remini on Tom Cruise’s Covid rant in its Scientology context
                    By Leah Remini | December 16, 2020

                    Leah Remini sent us this statement about Tom Cruise’s on-set rant that was caught on tape and released by the Sun yesterday…

                    Tom Cruise claimed he does not get so much as a cold because of Scientology. All Scientologists believe that if they aren’t connected to what they label “suppressive persons” they will not get sick.

                    According to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, “All illnesses to a greater or lesser degree stem from a PTS situation.” PTS stands for “Potential Trouble Source.”

                    A “PTS” is a person who is connected to a suppressive person or a suppressive group. They are so screwed up by their connection to the “SP” they have potential to be trouble to themselves and more importantly, to Scientology. When you are sick in Scientology, you are sent to the Ethics Department. You are in fact in trouble for being sick. If you have anything from a cold to cancer in Scientology it means you must be connected to an SP. You are immediately interrogated to see if you have read or seen anything that exposes Scientology, you are interrogated to see if you are connected to anyone or anything that is anti-Scientology. That could mean speaking to your own child who spoke out against the abuses he or she received in Scientology. And after they find “the why,” which is the reason for your illness, they then make you handle the situation, which means disconnecting from the person or group who they label an enemy.

                    Who is a suppressive person or group? Anyone who exposes Scientology. And anyone connected to that person or group are all either suppressive or PTS. If one is PTS, they are considered “victims” of the real suppressive, and susceptible to illness. Groups that are considered suppressive to Tom and to Scientologists are government agencies, the police, the mental health field, any news organization or publications that exposes Scientology. The list goes on.


    2. Gloria Avatar

      Sorry, TW, you lost me right there….

      1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
        T W Longtime Lurker


    3. Blessed Avatar

      T W….. you just won the comment section! I almost spit out my herbal tea from laughing… too funny my friend…

  9. chokffr Avatar

    He is Top Gun always to me !

    Warm regards, ROBIN CHOK


  10. Angelika Avatar

    No, he is not saying what we are all thinking. There is way too much evidence against the covid story as it has been sold to us. And i for one deeply respect personal choice and freedom. If that makes me a covidiot, then so be it. Such draconian measures for a virus that we have a 99.7% chance of surviving. Such manipulated data pointing to a scam, not a real pandemic. Such losses of access to loved ones, and love is all that matters. Perhaps we could chastise those who refuse to attend to their natural immune systems with equal validity. My freedom does not end because another refuses to eat good food, take vitamins D, C, Zinc and address the lifestyle diseases that increase vulnerability to all sorts of diseases. What is spirits take on that?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It’s a bit more personal for me. We take care of foster children most of which have personal health issues, Bea has dialysis, so there is no way any of us would survive the non wearing maskers. Our house would become a tomb. So those willing to destroy so much of our loved ones for freedom. Freedom? How about we all start caring for one another for a change.

    2. Sara Avatar

      Hundreds of Americans are dying needlessly each day because of Covid-19. Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed, doctors and nurses are exhausted and overworked. Families are grieving, especially because many of these deaths could be been avoided completely if more people had treated this like the emergency it is.

      Personal choice is one thing; negligence and putting others at risk is another. Insisting you don’t have to wear a mask is the same as insisting you have the “right” to drive as fast as you want, or a right to walk into any house you want and take something.

      This pandemic isn’t a scam; I wish it was. Even though most people survive it, the death rate is much higher than that of the flu, and it is so easy to catch and spread, especially because someone might not show symptoms for several days and won’t know to quarantine. The elderly and people with serious health issues are especially vulnerable.

      This isn’t like chastising people who don’t take vitamins, Covid-19 has killed more Americans in one year than several wars combined, not wearing a mask during a pandemic is like speeding at 90 miles an hour, killing someone else in a crash, then insisting you had the “right” to drive as fast as you want, regardless of how it affects others.

      Freedom needs to be balanced with laws, as well as common sense and a responsibility to each other.

    3. PN Avatar

      I take Vitamin D, C and zinc and still wear a mask. And 99.7% chance of surviving? I dont know if its true or not – but I lost a very good friend two weeks back. She met someone who was Asymptomatic. And my friends diet was exemplary. And she had exercised as well and took vit c, d, etc and yet she passed over, so No this is not manipulated data nor a scam but a real pandemic and while you follow your freedom, please do ensure you distance yourself from vunerable people. Because no one is immortal. Thank you

    4. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker


      Some of us, myself included, have genetic issues. Lifestyle changes can’t fix this. If we catch the Plague we won’t survive.

    5. petemedium Avatar

      Angelika. As early as March this year my Spirit Friends repeatedly pleaded with me to let it be known this is no ordinary flu. It mutates and regenerates. When the first ‘waves’ started being reported, my Spirit Friends, actually it’s in my last Blog, stated that that wasn’t a wave but ripples of the first infections. There have been three cases that I know of, one in Britain, one I’ll link to below and the third I can’t recall, where they have found mutations that are extremely worrying to scientists. This is not something to play games with. And I would love to say it will be over soon, but we have a long way to go yet.
      I hope you don’t mind this cross over referencing Eric. Pete

  11. lossie2020 Avatar

    Hi Eric! I wonder if it’s may be JFK Jr that may be explode. Just a thought. The vision you saw about the military for the president elected in military uniform. My thought is JFK Jr. It may be a swirling surprised and shocked when truth being told 50 years after his father assassinated. Just wondering. It would make sense when JFK Jr revealed first time to tell the world in Truth. Just a thought.

    Praying for peace on earth.

    Please ask the Ancient Spirit if I should take vaccine or not. I dont want to. But if its safe, I might. Thanks for all you do.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      In the vision it was a celebrity.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I was actually was a bit annoyed when we made it because we don’t do celebrity predictions. I find them vile. But I get how this relates to the world.

  12. PN Avatar

    Super natural powers? okay..

    1. Jon Blue Avatar
      Jon Blue

      Hi Eric,
      Why would Spirit make this a big deal and predict this? Let me preface, I have an entertainment law degree and worked for Actors Equity Association for many years negotiating large scale contracts for on and off Broadway productions as well as midsized LORT (League of Regional Theatres) and smaller Equity contracted theatres called STCs . I can tell you with most certainty that Actors (capital A means they are under Union contract) have moments exactly like this. Both famous and non-famous. A Lot!!! I can’t even count the number of times I would have to show up to a rehearsal where an Actor or Stage Manager ‘exploded’ about something. Sometimes they were in the right and sometimes in the wrong. I am no Cruise fan but he was justified to call them out on set. It wasn’t the first set this has happened while filming during CoVid. I know of dozens of other Actors who have done the same thing because another Actor or crew member were put at risk. I am still ‘involved’ loosely with the industry as a consultant and remain close friends with many of them. Currently, at this very moment, the crew and Actors are on set for the TV show ‘The Connors’. My dear friend Alexandra Billings has a reoccurring role in the show. They test the Actors and crew DAILY for CoVid with a rapid test due to the intimate nature of the small indoor set. So why would your prediction be about Tom Cruise when he was protecting the rest of the Actors and crew? I can also tell you SAG/AFTRA (the Film Union) and ICG (International Cinematography Guild) was made aware right away and sided with Cruise and spoke to the crew that did not follow guidelines written in the special contracts for CoVid filming. I think your prediction has to be about someone else because Cruise is in no way being fined or punished by the Union that represents the entire crew. Thoughts on it being someone else?

      1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
        T W Longtime Lurker

        @Jon Blue

        Sometimes predictions like this are made so Spirit can show Spirit is not a lying spirit.

        Tom Cruise is a major player & anything he says holds weight.

        If celebrity blind items are true then Tom Cruise is being a hypocrite about the COVID-19 protocol. Someone can tell you the truth and still be a hypocrite.

  13. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    You can’t argue with a fool.

    You can’t teach compassion.

    Funny how people who talk about exercising their person rights & freedoms haven’t served in the armed forces.

    I have.

  14.  Avatar

    Even our freedoms have responsibilities. If it causes harm to others, then…? I am recovering from COVID and had to make a life or death decision while in the hospital. We can enjoy our freedoms RESPONSIBLY. We’re adults. We can respect each other without “losing our freedoms.” It’s part of our spiritual duties.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Again we are talking about a piece of cloth over our face. Exactly how much freedom are we sacrificing? it’s is insane to think people can’t do that simple tasks. It’s a basic principle, very basic, treat others as you would want to be treated and some of us really would like to live.

    2. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker

      @Anonymous 3:30pm

      I am glad you are still alive.

      Unfortunately people will believe what they want. As my mother says, when you argue with a fool the fool always wins.

  15. Mary Avatar

    Death is not the only thing to fear with COVID. Too many survivors are left with damaged health. I wouldn’t have expressed myself the way Tom Cruise did (and I am no fan of his) but I have thought very similar things when I see people behaving with no care or compassion for others as evidenced by refusal to wear a mask.

    1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker


      Thank you for saying this!

      A college basketball player fell face first during a game. He had The Plague several months ago.

      Link –

      Both anecdotal & published scientific reports show that COVID-19 survivors have PERMANENT heart and lung damage.

      COVID-19 survivors are suffering from dementia. Even people who aren’t elderly are suffering from dementia.

      Pediatric COVID-19 survivors have a disease similar to Kawasaki Disease. KD has no cure & is deadly.

      I hope all those people who refuse to wear masks & socially distance because of principle remember this.

      I don’t wish this disease on anyone but if they catch it I bet they’ll be singing a different tune.

      People do survive COVID-19. But at what cost?

  16. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    EXCLUSIVE: Leah Remini on Tom Cruise’s Covid rant in its Scientology context


    Tom Cruise claimed he does not get so much as a cold because of Scientology. All Scientologists believe that if they aren’t connected to what they label “suppressive persons” they will not get sick.

    According to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, “All illnesses to a greater or lesser degree stem from a PTS situation.” PTS stands for “Potential Trouble Source.”

    « Scientology hopes to benefit from Michael Jackson estate’s arbitration win against HBO Was it something they said? The Scientology ‘arbitration’ hearing Judge Kleifield nuked »
    EXCLUSIVE: Leah Remini on Tom Cruise’s Covid rant in its Scientology context
    By Leah Remini | December 16, 2020

    Leah Remini sent us this statement about Tom Cruise’s on-set rant that was caught on tape and released by the Sun yesterday…

    Tom Cruise claimed he does not get so much as a cold because of Scientology. All Scientologists believe that if they aren’t connected to what they label “suppressive persons” they will not get sick.

    According to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, “All illnesses to a greater or lesser degree stem from a PTS situation.” PTS stands for “Potential Trouble Source.”

    A “PTS” is a person who is connected to a suppressive person or a suppressive group. They are so screwed up by their connection to the “SP” they have potential to be trouble to themselves and more importantly, to Scientology. When you are sick in Scientology, you are sent to the Ethics Department. You are in fact in trouble for being sick. If you have anything from a cold to cancer in Scientology it means you must be connected to an SP. You are immediately interrogated to see if you have read or seen anything that exposes Scientology, you are interrogated to see if you are connected to anyone or anything that is anti-Scientology. That could mean speaking to your own child who spoke out against the abuses he or she received in Scientology. And after they find “the why,” which is the reason for your illness, they then make you handle the situation, which means disconnecting from the person or group who they label an enemy.

    Who is a suppressive person or group? Anyone who exposes Scientology. And anyone connected to that person or group are all either suppressive or PTS. If one is PTS, they are considered “victims” of the real suppressive, and susceptible to illness. Groups that are considered suppressive to Tom and to Scientologists are government agencies, the police, the mental health field, any news organization or publications that exposes Scientology. The list goes on.

  17. Cody Avatar

    “2 men shot up a California strip club with an AK-47 after refusing to wear masks, authorities say. Now they face life in prison.”

    1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
      T W Longtime Lurker

      What did they hope to accomplish?

  18. Cody Avatar

    Covid-19 Was Consuming India, Until Nearly Everyone Started Wearing Masks

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