Mexico Ravine

I am very sorry to share this gruesome prediction. Please pray for the families of these victims. So horrible.

WORLD PREDICTIONS 1-6-20 I had a visual of decapitated heads by a body of water, on the shoreline. Multiple deaths. 

1-9-20 “MEXICO CITY — Forensics officials in the western Mexican state of Jalisco are trying to determine how many victims are accounted for in 26 plastic bags of body parts found in a ravine this week. 

The Jalisco state prosecutor’s office said in a statement Thursday that it began to collect the bags Tuesday in the municipality of Tonala on the outskirts of Guadalajara. 

Officials initially recovered 14 bags of body parts. They returned Wednesday and found 12 more.” Quoted by

13 responses to “Mexico Ravine”

  1. zenyatta1 Avatar

    OMG!!! No words!!!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That is really bad.

      1. Panos chronopoulos Avatar
        Panos chronopoulos

        I saw a dream yesterday while I was sleeping if I remember correctly and I was watching some earthquakes in an real app its called volcanoes and earthquakes app if it was that app and while I was scrolling down or up I saw an earthquake of magnitude 8.2-8.3 striking China sadly I didn’t see the location or the day/month/year that’s all BTW I don’t know if the dream was from god or satan

  2. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    This greatly saddens me.

  3. Popi Avatar

    Eric if the spirits talked about decapitated heads this means it was already too late to do anything…. why? maybe you should ask why? what is the purpose of such predictions? is there something else we are missing here? or we should know?

    and another question: why they never mention the crimes against Yemen children? thousands of them die every day from hunger 😢 is it more important par example the impeachment of Trump? I always wonder about these important things

    With all the respect to you and the spirits isn’t this something you wonder too?

  4. petemedium Avatar


    1. ladyatraina Avatar

      Thank you Pete I’m working on a response ….
      Thanks to Eric also for his work here….
      And thanks to the spirits for what they are able to share with us.
      Popi…. I also wonder about why spirit friends / guides Don’t mention such atrocities such as the people of Yemen and the horrors of the sex slave trade…. Maybe it’s to much to center on or those questions are not asked.

  5. ladyatraina Avatar

    Thank you Pete I’m working on a response ….
    Thanks to Eric also for his work here….
    And thanks to the spirits for what they are able to share with us.
    Popi…. I also wonder about why spirit friends / guides Don’t mention such atrocities such as the people of Yemen and the horrors of the sex slave trade…. Maybe it’s to much to center on or those questions are not asked.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      They focus where they can make a difference. Where they can save lives. Unfortunately there are spaces and places that just don’t read our work.

  6. Michael Urciuolo Avatar
    Michael Urciuolo

    Eric – I did a lot of research. Since 2016 with the Bombings/Airplane being shot down this was always in the message “I had a visual of the word ‘Penn’ then it switched to a man adjusting a gas mask on his face as he looked in the mirror.”

    This must be coming very soon!!!

    Predictions 4-15-16 Predictions 10-30-16 Predictions 4-1-16 Predictions 2-16-16… Soo many more

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Please explain why you feel that.. but I agree that I honestly think they look through a specific window of time and report back the events of that moment. Iran protest, airplane, volcano, Australia fires..all back to back predictions. While there are other spaces of time just missed.

      1. Michael Urciuolo Avatar
        Michael Urciuolo

        I feel that way because when looking back through the numerious previous posts about the Iran bombings, airplane, etc. this Gas Mask / Pennsylvania predication was quoted in with these posts.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

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