Predictions 4-5-18

I had a visual of the number 315 written big and bold, they showed the number three different times and gave the feeling of urgency.

Unrelated to the first message I had a visual of a large bright light strike the ocean.

This number could be a countdown from now, or they could be referencing an old prediction on 3-15. Presenting the post as an event that is about to happen. I need to look at the old predictions. The message of the bright light might be a personal message. The ocean has in the past represented their power, their connection with me. Perhaps a message of an explosive surge in communication. If it is a world prediction it is most likely a Tsunami.

36 responses to “Predictions 4-5-18”

  1. Roz Avatar

    We have had a whale stranding in new Zealand South Island hope it’s not a sign for something here 😢

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Hi Roz can I have a link to that news

      1. Roz Avatar

        Have posted to your page as unsure how to get it on here sorry not tech savvy lol

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          No biggy, thanks for the info.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


        2. Holaca Avatar

          This is right on the edge of the Alpine fault.

    2. lossie2020 Avatar

      So sad….that’s what we need to pay attention to those signs as something set the whales off to by sensing or hearing before the big quakes arrived. It’s happened alot within few days to 2-4 weeks. Give or take.

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Another sign….just tonight, my dog is not wanting to come inside the house for whatsoever reason. This is so unlikely of him. Something is up….sooner or later I would know why he acted oddly.

    3. lossie2020 Avatar

      Multiple quakes happening right now….tight your seat belts. :/

  2. gab Avatar

    With you saying tsunami, I can’t help but remember today there was medium sized earthquake off the coast of LA. Maybe this is the pre cursor earthquake you predicted before the devestating one?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will try and bring clarity to the situation.

  3. Robbie Riley Avatar
    Robbie Riley

    Did you predict a volcano eruption? It happened in Japan.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Hi Robbie, I did , can I have the news link, thank you

  4. benmadigan Avatar

    maybe 315 = 31st May?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Interesting thought

  5. R2D2 Avatar

    Back in January there was a prediction….”chicken soup…boiling hot” Most here would agree its possibly related to flu season. Here is another idea…..Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul Entertainment is a “hot” stock right now. Are the spirits pointing towards another prediction in that feed…as to say this prediction will happen when you see this (chicken soup prediction)? Just an idea. Volcano? EQ? Tsunami? Meteorite? Lol…that kinda covers all bases uh?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Its an interesting thought, thanks.

  6. Tom Avatar

    probably a meteor striking ocean @ 3:15 am
    a large bright light visible @ night with impact force to create tsunami


    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Tom, is theRe meteor coming soon?

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      There is an implication that it might be an outside force that causes this Tsunami

  7. Daniel Avatar

    3:15 “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life”. I’m not a religious person but I have read the Bible from front to back and thought this was interesting.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for sharing

  8. Larene Avatar

    Bright light hitting the ocean : China’s Satelite burnt up on re-entry, came down in the Pacific this week ??

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The Spirits are really big on puns and symbolic messages. Its important to start with the question ‘is this a pun’ when reading any of their messages. My first thought in reading the message was “We are bringing light to the ocean” as if I needed to focus my attention on the ocean.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Its also possible that Spirit is saying an outside force causes the Ocean event.

  9. Popi Avatar

    😢A car drove into the pedestrians in Germany’s western town of #Münster, leaving several people dead and injured

  10. […] Predictions 4-5-18  I had a visual of the number 315 written big and bold, they showed the number three different times and gave the feeling of urgency. […]

  11. jules104 Avatar

    Eric searching through old predictions I found one with the “315” reference. On 8-20-14. It has a couple references to the northeast and Boston and the Cuban missile crisis in it. Also the four men in the desert with duffle bags. The Boston Marathon is tomorrow Monday the 16th.

  12. star48 Avatar

    Ref::Unrelated to the first message I had a visual of a large bright light strike the ocean.

    NASA scours Pacific Ocean for Meteor ☄️ that caused sonic boom from space.

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