Predictions 1-18-17

“Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of bodies found in Mexico. A mass grave. That will unleash a rage from the people of Mexico. ”

I again saw the flag of the US fall. “In less than 2 minutes.”

This first prediction might have ties to this old prediction on Predictions 1-3-17 :   I had a visual of Mexico, then Spirit circled the central northern area. “Rage.. chaos.. an explosive nightmare.. Santos.. 19 minutes (days)” — Spirits Voice   From a map that would be an area by Torreon and Saltillo. The estimated time frame of 19 days would be sometime between the 22nd and 23rd.  — ELP

In the first line I believe they are saying 3 dozen. The entire situation enrages the people of Mexico, they have had enough. Again they show something horrible coming for the US. But we have been wrong twice now with the timeframe.



65 responses to “Predictions 1-18-17”

  1. anthony Avatar

    drug war it looks like

  2. Pamela Avatar

    “flag drop”

    Could mean that the US reputation “falls” in the eyes of the rest of the world…

    1. beabinki Avatar

      Could mean that the US reputation “falls” in the eyes of the rest of the world…

      You might be right. IMO pizzagate will expose the elite for the evil and perverted creatures they are – the elite that rule the world. Ben Swann of the CBS is the first MSM journalist to shine a light on this hidden scandal. The citizen investigators have done the job of the FBI. Pizzagate is real and don’t let sites such as CNN or Buzzfeed tell you otherwise.

      IMO this relates to Eric’s earlier mention of lights going on and off – in this case the lights will be shone brightly on the evil (child sex trafficking, arms dealing, the US creating ISIS, drugs trafficking) that has lain hidden for decades. Donald Trump has been placed in the white house by God himself, flawed individual that he is. He is God’s instrument to wash the not only the U.S., but the world clean again. We are living in times that will change history.

    2. katherinelangton Avatar

      Could mean that the US reputation “falls” in the eyes of the rest of the world…

      You might be right. IMO pizzagate will expose the elite for the evil and perverted creatures they are – the elite that rule the world. Ben Swann of the CBS is the first MSM journalist to shine a light on this hidden scandal. The citizen investigators have done the job of the FBI. Pizzagate is real and don’t let sites such as CNN or Buzzfeed tell you otherwise.

      IMO this relates to Eric’s earlier mention of lights going on and off – in this case the lights will be shone brightly on the evil (child sex trafficking, arms dealing, the US creating ISIS, drugs trafficking) that has lain hidden for decades. Donald Trump has been placed in the white house by God himself, flawed individual that he is. He is God’s instrument to wash the not only the U.S., but the world clean again. We are living in times that will change history.

  3. Perry Avatar

    I again saw the flag of the US fall. “In less than 2 minutes.”

    2 minutes means 2 days? That would be this Friday inauguration.

    1. Lia Avatar

      I thought the same. I have a bad feeling -restlessness that got prior to the last 3 terrorist attacks. Hard to explain. Eric, do u think it’s the inauguration?

      1. Sammie Mendez Avatar

        Lia, I’ve been feeling the same. Haven’t gotten any “clear” messages to interpret (or try to at least) but the FEELING is the same…if im trusting my intuition on this one, I would say something big is happening on Inauguration day.

      2. Lia Avatar

        Sammie, thanks for confirming it’s not just me. Hope we’re all just picking up on the energies of uncertainty. Peace.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Or before.

  4. Joy Parks Avatar
    Joy Parks

    Had a knot in my stomach since last Friday. Definitely something coming and it’s big. Ominous.

  5. Observer227 Avatar

    I knew the attacks would occur before Inaguration Day, but not SO CLOSE. In fact, they may happen directly ON that day. I doubted myself that this would be the case, but my visions won’t make any sense if the attacks start AFTER Trump’s sworn in. The only way they’d make sense in these circumstances is if the attacks targeted the Inaguration ceremony itself while it’s still in progress.

    We only have today and the following two days until something happens. In other words, the events can initiate at any second during this timeframe.

    I used Tarot to gain further insight on the following several days. To overly simplify things, it keeps indicating a person/people “falling” after an attack. This would be indicative of either the assassinations or the ‘three crashing planes’ I divined in a previous reply.

    Stay safe everyone, as always.

  6. Nicole Avatar

    I had a ton of unexplained anxiety on Thursday and Friday. I’ve also had really intense headaches that don’t feel “normal” the last couple of nights. They feel related to something outside of my body/my own life for lack of any other way to explain. I wouldn’t have mentioned except that others are, too….

  7. Luke Avatar

    George HW Bush hospitalized.

    The flag dropping may be about Bush passing away.

    1. Nicole Avatar

      I wondered the same thing when I saw that news. I do feel like he may also pass, but that something else much bigger (and less expected) is also coming.

      Eric- was the flag at half mast or falling to the ground?

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I just saw it falling from where it was hooked.

  8. skinerbr Avatar

    I feel it’s related to Trump. Hopefully we’re all wrong or this could start a big mess all around the world.

  9. anthony Avatar

    i think the flag dropping represents women in their protest plus add flag burning probably.

  10. raynbowgirl Avatar

    There have been weapons caches found all over Washington DC. Disruptj20, funded by George Soros, had plans on attacking the inauguration, including using chemical weapons on the “deplorables” and chaining the trains and shutting down transportation (blockades) into the city arteries. I dont care what your political beliefs are…this is domestic terrorism and it needs to be stopped. These people are fascists. Good thing that it was exposed by Project Veritas. (watch the enlightening videos on youtube). I feel like the flag dropping is in regards to the death of George and Barbara Bush….To me, it is curious that they both are in the hospital….

    1. Nutmom Avatar

      Wow. I think we should stop being engrossed in far fetched conspiracy theories and focus on what is right in front of our eyes. What I’ve seen is many people who claim they are psychic become entrenched with conspiracy theories which are being used to distract people from the truth. These people may be psychic but they are not seeing clearly. They are resonating with something really dark and manipulative.

      1. Cee Avatar

        Agree. It seems George Soros is the go to bogey man for just about everything these days…..

      2. Francine Avatar

        The people plotting these things were caught on tape plotting them. These are not fringe conspiracy yheorists, these are actual loons who are looking to commit upheaval and destruction on Friday and over the weekend.

        As for the comment below about George Soros being the go-to bogeyman, perhaps that is due to the fact that he is a major financial political contributor as well as someone who makes no secret of his efforts to influence politics and elections.

      3. Nutmom Avatar

        You tube is not the news. Just because it’s on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s real. I can’t believe how many people use YouTube as their news source.

    2. Sara Avatar

      I heard about that too, as well as ideas to block roads.

      One thing the protestors aren’t thinking about is…what if an ambulance needs to get to someone in an emergency? Peaceful protests, fine, but if it starts blocking traffic, it starts endangering anyone who might be sick or hurt if ambulances can’t get to them.

      As someone who’s had to wait for an ambulance when I was a teenager, worried to death about a loved one, one minute feels like a year and no politics will ever excuse putting someone’s life in danger.
      So if anyone plans to protest…PLEASE do it in a way that won’t disrupt ambulances or police. People often forget about what can happen in those cases.

      1. Cee Avatar

        Just to maybe put some minds at ease – the Women’s March organizers have a security plan in place; local law enforcement will be facilitating, they have also hired a separate security firm, plus 1000 additional Marshals to assist and direct flow of people.

    3. Sonndra May Avatar
      Sonndra May

      I agree with everything you said raynbowgirl; thank you Project Veritas! Prayers for George and Barbara Bush. Prayers for the peaceful passing of power on Friday.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I agree, I truly hope the transition is without incident.

    4. Cee Avatar

      Look – I really don’t want to create an argument – this is just in the effort to try and sort out what news is accurate and what isn’t. Some of what you say has been reported in responsible news organizations but not to the extreme you are stating. Weapons caches have not been found ALL over WDC – but there was indeed ONE found – that is troubling, and it is being investigating. Disruptj20 IS reported to plan protests and in some cases will try to disrupt traffic – which I feel is wrong. Most are planning small peaceful protests and let’s hope that is the case. When you throw in using chemical weapons against people, chaining trains – and as always, every evil on earth comes from Soros, this is what sets people off to question your sources. Soros did not cause the Greek Financial crises for example, as was asserted on this site once, and he did not fund the initial protests after the November election. They were grass roots expressions, rightly or wrongly, agree or disagree. I drove right smack into one by accident one day and it was group of high school students. They had planned ahead and gotten a proper permit and the police were on call to direct traffic. I seriously doubt George Soros had a thing to do with it. I am praying for peace like everyone else. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Let it begin within each of us….

    5. Pete Medium Avatar
      Pete Medium

      It’s the day after Inauguration. None of these fear based sites were anywhere near right and not ONE apology from them. Please, don’t feed the liars and their attempts to create a civil war in your country. Please find sites that are more balanced and have decent links to their sources or your country will end up just like Nazi Germany.

  11. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Raging Cartel Violence in Cancun rising..,

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the info

  12. Rene Moraida Avatar

    I live in the Torreon area. There was a school shooting in the northern city of Monterrey today that has shocked many schools. A young boy who was allegedly bullied shot a teachers, other students and himself. Also, “santos” is the name of the local futbol/soccer team in Torreon.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes I believe that was it. Very tragic and sad. I will pray for those affected by this horrible act.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Rene, can you give me a link or sites name that shows the school team has ties to the name Santos?

      1. Rene Moraida Avatar

        The school’s team I am not sure. I was saying that the futbol league of Torreon is known as Santos Laguna, different location.
        Also, interesting is that the school name has “Noreste” in it, meaning northeast.

  13. dopeanddiamond Avatar

    I cannot directly reply to your comment Eric but you answered another comment about the flag. You stated you saw the flag falling from where it was hooked, I assume at the top of the pole. Do you mean falling down as in being brought down or slipping away from the hooks and floating off into the wind?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It was quickly floating down to the ground. I will say when Osama Bin Laden was killed they showed a large flag waving proudly in the wind. In many ways this is the opposite of that. Yesterday they did imply that the message is more likely a terror attack. The 2 minutes is now in question, I am starting to believe that message was for the Mexico shooting.

  14. […] Predictions 1-18-17  I question whether or not I made a mistake, in the post they said; “In less than 2 minutes.” […]

  15. Francine Avatar

    Nutmom, the point is that people were caught on tape discussing certain intentions, which included releasing certain gasses at Inaugural events. I can’t believe that people can be caught on video saying such things and there will STILL be people denying that it is of any concern, bc it wasn’t on the “real” news. Unbelievable. Especially when you remember that the “real” news outlets pick and choose carefully what to cover.

    The mainstream news media, by the way, that some people put so much undeserved faith in, has been caught multiple times manipulating the “news” or flat out lying. NBC, at least twice, both high profile incidents, with Dateline and the exploding gas tank, and then manipulating audio on a 911 call in the Zimmerman case.

    1. Perry Avatar

      I’m not sure what this has to do with the prediction?

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I would ask everyone to stay on topic nothing here has to do with the post.

  16. Karen Avatar

    Please don’t make this a site for conspiracy theories. People on the right blame others on the left, as do people on the left. This is divisive and is yet another tool to use to separate us. Please do not let this become your way of thinking and what you put out in the universe as truths. We all want peace, we all pray for peace. Certainly there are things none of us are aware of, but as a collective group of people please focus on stopping these attacks as much as possible instead of blaming and throwing out names. The one thing we all can do is pray for peace and not continue to divide people on the right and left. Please remember what you put out in the universe in thought, speak or action can have an affect on the peace and love others are trying to put out there. For this site let us all try to work for the common good and for the purpose Eric has put this site together. Peace be with you.

    1. Ethan Avatar

      Well said, but hard to do when you have a president-elect (for another day) that continues to do and say things that are divisive, and continues to demonstrate the behavior of a petulant 5-year old.

      1. Karen Avatar

        I agree and I am very fearful of what the future holds for us. That said, the only thing we can control is how we view each other and my prayer is that we, every day people, can focus on each other and raise one another up as the time may come to where we must depend on our neighbors. Let us send out peace and love and in return receive it as well. Continued prayers for peace for all.

    2. Kacky Avatar

      Thank you Karen (and of course Eric with his “point”)for your thoughtful sentiment. I will do my best to open up my heart and mind for the good of all. I will still protest peacefully, but will promise to do this without anger or ill intent. Peace be with you and all of humanity.

  17. Elaine Avatar

    I think the assassination is assassination of America. A country ruled by one party. A party of billionaires who live to make money. It can’t be good for the country. Then there’s the question concerning Russia. Will we become a Russian state?

  18. Lia Avatar

    Eric, CNN has a. Beautiful pic of Melanie in a light blue stylish outfit – they’re saying she’s in the style of Jackie O. Hope this doesn’t relate to your vision of Jackie O being consoled.

    1. Elaine Avatar

      I came to say the same thing. That’s scary. Hope nothing happens, even though I don’t like him.

  19. Perry Avatar

    Looks like the inauguration went well. Amen

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The countdown had to be talking about the mexico shooting.

  20. Lia Avatar

    Eric – tune into MSNBC or CNN – violent protests in Washington DC. Maybe relates to the US flag falling? It’s looking rough at the moment. 95 arrests so far.

  21. Ethan Avatar

    While I want peace for all, I have to be honest and say that a little part of me was disappointed that the inauguration went without a hitch. Sigh I guess this is how divided we are as a country now.

    1. Lia Avatar

      Ethan I do understand your feelings, but violent protest happening is scary. Never thought I would see this day.

      1. Lia Avatar

        It appears the National Guard is now brought in – K Street. Eric, did anything you see refer to the letter K? Anyway, very disconcerting.

  22. Karen Avatar

    Eric did you notice anything in the backdrop as the flag was falling? Smoke, debris, blue sky? And did you see it land on the ground or just falling? I only ask because perhaps this could shed more clues as to where/when this could happen. Do you feel it is the fact that many countries feel America will no longer be their allies since Trump made it clear today that America is his first and only priority? Maybe it has to do with our standing around the globe? Or perhaps it may be pointing towards “two days” of protests and unrest in the United States? I’m searching for clues I suppose.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      There was not. Just the flag falling. I have to assume its still coming. If nothing happens but months end, I will ask about it. Right now they want to catch up.

  23. Mari Avatar

    Is iit possible that if /when wall is built
    that years bodies will be found?
    The border has been a place for burying
    bodies for many years.. on both sides

  24. Pamela Avatar

    The protests were small in comparison to the protests that took place during the Vientnam War years under Nixon. They are also small in comparison to some protests that have taken place during G8 and G20 meetings in other countries.

  25. Tot Avatar

    I think the flag falls because this is the end of the USA as we know it. I guess we will have to wait and see what that may mean, good or bad.

  26. Zethkal Avatar

    You Know? I never understood why some people hated Obama so much, and they don’t even look at his accomplishments that were big, and small. Even if you showed them the accomplishments that they would just throw insults at you, I swear it’s like some kind of subliminal brainwashing or just plain hateful ignorance or a mix of both. Yeah he was not perfect like every other president, but this is just crazy.

    And for some reason these same hateful people want us to be nice to the new president? Talk about a double standard, and I cannot stand how Fox News just suddenly turns around, and act like they are not part of the problem.

    I pray hope this manipulation will stop one day.

  27. Ethan Avatar

    Well I hope things will take a 180 degrees turn soon and Trump will not continue to lead this country, Sadly it is hard for me to fathom how this will happen now that he’s been sworn in. His behavior is just so unfit to be a president and I am not sure how those who blindly support him can explain some of his behaviors to their kids! Also, it seems like the spirits’ predictions are spot on for everything else except for things related to him. He’s like a teflon and nothing can touch him. Where are karma and justice when you need them!? I can’t say I am not dejected

    1. Lia Avatar

      I woke up with that heavy feeling this am that we’re in for a tough ride.

  28. swampy11 Avatar

    We have enemies that have been attempting to divide America, even the world, more and more. However, we all can play a part in keeping that from happening by stopping hate and violence, finding ways to remain concerned and even scared. How about if we go back to focus here on where we come together and each of us do our part to pray, unite and focus on our positive aspects. Feeding those fears hasn’t been working real well at this point, except for giving more power to our enemies, right? Let’s see how much more positive unity and efforts help. We’ve already seen it happen, if you think about how this site helped us do that.

  29. Michael Avatar

    What’s next?

  30. […] Predictions 1-18-17   “Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of bodies found in Mexico. A mass grave. That will unleash a rage from the people of Mexico. ” […]

  31. star48 Avatar

    MEXICO 🇲🇽
    Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of bodies found in Mexico. A mass grave. That will unleash a rage from the people of Mexico. ”


    Mexico cartels one of many burial pits.

    Authorities in Mexico said Thursday that they found a total of 166 skulls in clandestine burial pits that are frequently used by drug cartels to dispose of their victims.

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