Notes on 10-15-15

“Australia danger..”
Australia National Security
I had a visual of a black widow spider crawling on a bush.
“An explosive situation”
“Such a despicable act.. such hate from  youth”
111 Spirit drew three lines as if putting up 3
In about 34 minutes (34 days). Some time around the 15th-18th of November
I had a visual of the map of Australia, they pointed to the south east corner of Australia.

“In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice

Are they saying in about one month?

I had a visual of the world
“In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

I had a feeling of the ground shake under me. An earthquake is coming soon

“There will be an earthquake in or around India.” — Spirits Voice

“Double.. two.”

“The aligations against the president are false, cruel lies to drum up a scandal.” — Spirits Voice
I had a visual of President Obama with a scowl. However the image might just be a symbolic jesture to a populous president in another part of the world.

Spirit has verified a change in how they will present predictions. The hope is to really push towards predicting the event and a location. In their initial prediction they will ignore the timeframes, then at a later date, as the event draws closer, they will present a timeframe in the form of a countdown.

48 responses to “Notes on 10-15-15”

  1. afistfullofsand Avatar

    i made this prediction about russia buying Crimera from ukraine which also helps the country as a whole and repair much needed roadblocks between the two. 46 billion. Use it as a credit line for gas.

  2. afistfullofsand Avatar

    Had dream were john kerry in private washroom smashed bathroom glass with his fist. I think it has something to do with the president. He is also catholic.Big fan of pope.

    1. afistfullofsand Avatar

      dream was mr kerry and another person representing another country. They hid info and kerry was pissed. Now he has to tell the president? or did he?

  3. Caseyatthebat Avatar

    Is it possible they are talking about another president, not the U.S. President?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Its possible.

  4. afistfullofsand Avatar

    look north to canada

  5. Harvey Avatar

    Eric, I don’t mean to keep bringing this up. The older post of 10-14-14 that related 500 losses in San Francisco due to earthquakes. I get the feeling it may be related with number 10 you mentioned last week or so. I’ll just wait and see when it come to pass. Just got the feeling..that’s all. Hopefully I’m wrong.


    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will ask them but why do you think of that prediction as the source of 10?

  6. Anne Amato Avatar

    Eric, know there is a difference between meteor and asteroid, but saw today that on 10-10-15 NASA discovered an asteroid the size of the Empire State building will be passing extremely close to the earth on 10-31. The odd thing is that this was just released today when it has been known since 10-10-15….and am wondering….NASA also says the next one would not be until 2027. So…..question…how long has this detection equipment been operable? Did it just become so? And if it has been operable longer, why is this just in the news now?
    Could this be the source of the “10” and also of the Spirit comment “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      You should check out Notes on 5-24-15, its a major event we are expecting this month or the next one.

    2. jules104 Avatar

      My same thoughts Anne Amato.

    3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It could be about the 10. I can’t speak for the system they have in place. I will say its a very massive space, I am sure its like looking for a needle in a haystack. As for the prediction on 5-24 they implied that an Asteroid would be in space, that in turn would be followed by a meteor striking our planet, so I did want to make sure no one thinks an Asteroid is going to hit us.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes, very wild, that fits with the 5-24-15 prediction. I am going to refocus of that prediction and see if this is it. More importantly a location on which town will be hit by the ‘meteor’

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Eric could that be the double… two? And that wouldn’t be related to the gray patches on the east coast and Florida in black, right? It seems about the same time frame. Seems more likely that those are due to hurricanes though. That would be great if we could try and warn people in a specific town.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          They made it sound like these places are flooding locations over the next year. They have consistently implied that flooding is going to be a huge problem coming up.

  7. star48 Avatar
  8. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice […]

    1. star48 Avatar

      Rhona, do you mean the 7.5. In Afganistan ? This one?
      Posted on differant thread..also sent notice to Eric..

  9. rhona Avatar

    Star 48 it seems the same one though registering as 7.8 and 7.5 200 and 215 depth respectively….thanks for that…blessings…

  10. jules104 Avatar

    Eric I’m wondering now is this earthquake in Afghanistan/Pakistan/India going to be the landslide area prediction on 10/20/15. Also thought this was interesting due to the number codes at that time for this prediction of an earthquake for Pakistan/Afghanistan area on 3/24/14.

  11. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “There will be an earthquake in or around India.” — Spirits Voice “Double.. two.” […]

  12. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “There will be an earthquake in or around India.” — Spirits Voice “Double.. two.” […]

  13. […] despicable terrorist. Messages that predict coming terror attacks:  Predictions on 10-28-15   Notes on 10-15-15   Predictions on […]

  14. […] This short message is a reminder of a previous prediction that they are bringing attention to. Notes on 10-15-15 “Australia danger..” Australia National Security I had a visual of a black widow spider […]

  15. […] Notes on 10-15-15 “Australia danger..” Australia National Security I had a visual of a black widow spider crawling on a bush. “An explosive situation” “Such a despicable act.. such hate from  youth” 111 Spirit drew three lines as if putting up 3 In about 34 minutes (34 days). Some time around the 15th-18th of November I had a visual of the map of Australia, they pointed to the south east corner of Australia. […]

  16. Dorothy Avatar

    I am worried about the terror attack here in Australia I hope and pray they can get them before it happens

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I hope it doesn’t happen.

  17. Dorothy Avatar

    So do I

  18. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice […]

  19. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice […]

  20. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice […]

  21. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “There will be an earthquake in or around India.” — Spirits Voice “Double.. two.” […]

  22. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice […]

  23. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice […]

  24. […] Notes on 10-15-15 “Australia danger..” Australia National Security I had a visual of a black widow spider crawling on a bush. “An explosive situation” “Such a despicable act.. such hate from  youth” 111 Spirit drew three lines as if putting up 3 In about 34 minutes (34 days). Some time around the 15th-18th of November I had a visual of the map of Australia, they pointed to the south east corner of Australia. […]

  25. […] Notes on 10-15-15  “In 1-30 the meteor will strike the town.” — Spirits Voice Finally Spirit warned us that a major prediction is about to happen. “Right Now” “Three.. one” Are they saying the 31st? Or is it a countdown? I will ask for clarity on which prediction is happening ‘right now’. But if it is a countdown and they are talking about the meteor strike in South America we should expect it around the 27th-30th. Brazil and South America please take precautions for this very destructive event. […]

  26. star48 Avatar

    Eric, on this post..
    “I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

    One small patch..southern Maine..

  27. star48 Avatar

    Brazil. Drought..
    Ref ::: in this post..
    I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice
    See excerpt
    Thousands of alligators and cattle are currently dying on Bananal Island, Brazil caught in lakes that completely dried up.

    It hasn’t rained since 140 days in the region. Water and fish populations have almost completely disappeared on the largest river island in the world. Eleven cities have been put in emergency and 27 are others on alert, because of lack of water.

  28. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

    Drought…the worst in 100 years..

    Reason for the wild-fires! The most intense prolonged and worst drought in 100 years has grips parts of Portugal and other areas in the Mediterranean

  29. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

    Drought in Somalia 🇸🇴 kills 75% of livestock..pre- famine alert issued.,

  30. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

    Mongolia 🇲🇳
    Severe drought..40 % of Inner Mongolia..,China

  31. star48 Avatar

    Ref::::I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

    Denmark 🇩🇰
    Worst grain harvest in 35 years..
    Due to unseasonable weather

  32. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::Ref::::I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

    Australia 🇦🇺
    Driest Sept on record..

  33. star48 Avatar

    Ref;;;I had a visual of the world
    “In the coming years expect patches of droughts to ravage the world. Land becomes desolate and there will be no relief.” — Spirits Voice

    India 🇮🇳
    India is suffering “the worst water crisis in its history”, according to a June report by government policy think tank NITI Aayog.
    Worsening water shortages – for farmers, households, and industry – threaten the lives and incomes of hundreds of millions of Indians, and the economic growth of the country, the report said.

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