Predictions on 10-28-15

Countdown.. 2..1.. ‘coalition’. I had a visual of a snake’s head cut off.
The Spirits are predicting a timeframe. A prediction is about to happen.  By ‘coalition’ I believe they are talking about the prediction below but other predictions are possible with the word ‘coalition’.

Predictions on 10-26-15   “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi leader of ISIS, will be killed by US forces. His days are numbered. A great blow to the darkness.
The US will protect a large group of people from an incursion by ISIS.
The tide of war shifts in favor of the US and its coalition.” Spirits Voice


I had a visual of a large explosion. Then a large black mist begin to engulf the entire area of the town. People where racing away from the black smoke stacks while others caught in its passing, grabbed their throats choking gasping for air.
I had a visual of a leader on a stage speaking to a large group of people, a political rally of some kind.
Turkey has an election coming up soon. Then the US has its GOP debates.
The scope and size of this mist was massive, it reminded me of the smoke stacks when the twin towers fell on 9/11.

Where Spirit?
“In the place of the bull.. ” Spirits Voice
Istanbul perhaps.
This prediction was horrible to witness. The prediction describes a bombing but also implies a chemical attack. God I hope I am wrong.

64 responses to “Predictions on 10-28-15”

  1. Jim Avatar

    mantap gan perkembangan teknologi sekarang, , klw kita gak ikuti bisa ketinggalan kereta , Aerith

  2. Anne Amato Avatar

    Istanbul makes literal sense, but India also utilizes the bull as emblems in many areas as it is related to the Hindu religion. Additionally, Spain is well known for the “running of the bulls”…then there is Chicago…home of the team Chicago Bulls. And….a real stretch…but the bull is the astrological sign of Taurus…under which 3 Republican Presidential candidates were born: Kasich, Rubio, and Santorum.

    As far as the current leader of ISIS that is mentioned….unfortunately, ISIS seems able to replace these leaders one after the other. You have mentioned a spider several times in previous predictions and am wondering if I am the only one who feels this spider is actually the growth of ISIS….with many, many legs growing longer all the time.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I believe the multi leg spider might be boko haram.

  3. jules104 Avatar

    Eric could it be the “Charging Bull”, in Bowling Green Park, Manhattan, NYC?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I thought of it, the thing is it seemed like an old city.

      1. jules104 Avatar

        I think with all of the previous mentions of Turkey from Spirit and a terror attack (visual of possible nerve agents), it very well could be Istanbul. Also has this prediction happened yet and do you think it could be speaking about the US or Turkey being the horse of war? I always think the US but…

      2. pat45 Avatar

        Eric, Istanbul has a bronze statue of a bull gifted to the Ottomans by Wilhelm II, see link, could this be it, the city is old certainly.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I did not know that, that has to be it, thanks, I will present it to spirit.

  4. Tina Avatar

    I cannot even being to imagine what it must like to be you and have these visions of violence… It must suck the energy from you… You have this gift, in which you share with open minded people to warn them about dangers… Everyday.. Every night… I commend you, and keep you in my prayers. The world is going through big shifts at the moment and the engegies are bad.. Thank you for what you do… Truly thank you

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
    2. Chaos Avatar

      I don’t believe the energies are anywhere near as bad as people think they are. far from it, you’re just having to push through some old energy and get it out of the way, globally and personally

  5. susan Avatar

    The place off the bull? I think of that bull statue on wall street. But lots of good comments here.

    1. twiceblessed Avatar

      I also thought of the wall street bull statue which isn’t far from where the twin towers were. Istanbul makes the most sense however.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I thought of that too.

    3. Lia Avatar

      My immediate thought, too.

  6. twiceblessed Avatar

    Eric, on 10-26-15 The National Dream Center had a Dreambot run of words which overlap your prediction. The words which stuck out to me the most for the overlap were the following: ” prepare attack moving scenarios sink leaning times smoke hat remind spider.” It sounds like these may be forecasting the same event.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks I will take a look.

  7. Hayley Avatar

    My first thought was Spain

    1. Keil Avatar

      Same, my first thought was Spain also. Likely because of the negative press they receive re: bull fighting and bull running.

    2. tonyabrooks306 Avatar

      Me, too.

  8. A Avatar

    Could the smoke/ explosion be connected to the earthquake prediction? With the increase in seismic activity could it trigger a large explosion in San Francisco. The bull reference could relate to Silicon Valley as they are big players in the Stock Market….bull market. Just a thought.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I don’t think so it was so massive.

      1. Lia Avatar

        Eric, my dream of the explosion at a pier in a city ( not sure where) – the main theme was the intense smoke everywhere. So, like you say, it was massive and in my dream, it was due to a huge explosion of a building. My guess is NYC, but that’s just an intuitive guess.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Could be. But in the vision it seemed like a very old city.

  9. Sheila Avatar

    When I hear coalition first thing that comes to mind is the tension that is growing between US and China in regards of the new island… any thoughts on this?

    1. Chaos Avatar

      just smoke and mirrors, the US cannot do anything because China can just as easily collapse the US economy.

  10. anton2a Avatar

    (Eric, God I hope I am wrong) Oh… Yes I believe you, it looks horrible to me, to SEE this all and then think later, I should have looked better and longer so that I could see where it was.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
      1. pat45 Avatar

        Eric, here are some pictures of the piers in Kadikoy, Istanbul, there are a lot of them for all the ferries taking tourists across to the European side of Istanbul. This is also where the bronze bull is situated, and has been since 1969.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thanks that will help.

  11. melbrake Avatar

    Reblogged this on melbrake and commented:
    The informal ‘coalition’ in Syria to fight ISIS may not be want it seems and the nations have another agenda, possibly.

    1. Chaos Avatar

      don’t believe what you read in the news. this world would progress far better if people turned the news off it is simply a tool to try and keep people living in a lower vibration

      1. Mary Avatar

        Good thoughts, Chaos!

  12. Looky! Avatar

    “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi leader of ISIS, will be killed by US forces. His days are numbered. A great blow to the darkness.
    The US will protect a large group of people from an incursion by ISIS.
    The tide of war shifts in favor of the US and its coalition.” Spirits Voice

    I am surprised, by the above is the spirit CNN style pro American media junk! Every body with common sense knows that ISIS was created by US and its cronies in Middle east like Saudi etc. They spend half billion did’t they?. And dropping supplies to the Middle east to Terrorist Naru or Narsu what every. All this was done to destabilize the region. Toppling all governments like in Libya etc creating the ISIS menace. And trying desperately in Syria.US was supposed to bombing the ISIS for the last year, where is the result, suddenly Russian entered, we see lot damages to the ISIS.
    So many peoples lives are destroyed by US and Saudi nexus for what ? just oil and money.
    Now the spirit is saying war is shifting in favor of US and its coalition?. Then the world world is in trouble!. Because the so called US and its coalition is the cause of ISIS and this nonsense in middle east.
    A true spirit cannot be pro American ,this or that, it has to do with the truth.
    Karma is a bitch, it eventually bites back! Every think has beginning and an end, nothing last for ever! Just live in the Now and always stick Truth!

  13. Lakesh Avatar

    I though US and its cronies like Saudi created ISIS and associated groups. Displacing millions of people and creating chaos like the Arab spring for the benefit of the Saudi’s – for what?Oil and money and recently come to light: Half a billions dollars in training and weapons drops etc. Your spirit must be working for CNN like news media feeding misinformation. Truth is out there!
    Karma has funny way of getting back!

  14. rhona Avatar

    Eric site family….a Dynamic Airline engine explodes as all evacuate …could this be the plane prediction ( get everyone out quickly) so releived and thankful all safe …well done Pilots crew and Fort Lauderdale emergency is link

    1. jules104 Avatar

      Hi Rhona, Yes I would think that is the getting everyone off the plane for sure. Good news that there were only injuries and nothing more. Blessings

  15. jules104 Avatar

    Eric do you think this countdown 2,1…has to do with any of the other numbered countdowns the Spirits speak of? Like for instance this number 3 countdown from 7-24-14. I remember there being more countdowns but I need to find them. Are all of these countdowns separate to each posting? It also makes me think of the older predictions of there being a target.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      With the countdown we are still at the beginning stages of rolling this out. I think they will get better at predicting which prediction they are talking about as time passes.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will check it out thanks

  16. star48 Avatar

    Eric, Collegues
    Explosion Bucharest , Romanian
    26 plus dead many injured..

  17. jules104 Avatar

    Eric I thought this article on the US sending Special Forces to Syria was relevant to the 10-26-15 Post on US Forces, and this , “Speaking at a joint press conference in Vienna after a meeting on Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke of beefed up cooperation between their countries’ military forces in that country.” to the coalition reference. See full article below.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I was thinking the same.

  18. jules104 Avatar

    Also this just out about the new Army General appointed to head the campaign in Iraq and Syria against ISIS. He will be replacing three Generals. Made me think of the prediction on 9-19-14, where you have the visual of three Generals and the large broadsword.
    “Rather than three generals responsible for different aspects of the campaign, as had been the case, I have empowered Lt. Gen. MacFarland as the single commander of counter-ISIL activities in both Iraq and Syria,” Carter said
    Here is that article.
    There is a lot going on quietly behind the scenes I think.

  19. Mani Jeyraman Avatar

    another plane crash russian airline shocking !!

  20. Mani Jeyraman Avatar

    russian airline crashes in egypt ..

  21. anthony Avatar

    Russian plane down in egypt with known mechanic problems goes down

  22. benmadigan Avatar

    friends – it is hallowe’en – the celtic new year – and the celtic Diaspora is worldwide – think of all those you have loved and lost and all those who have loved you. make a resolution that next year will be better for all humanity

  23. […] the horror committed by these despicable terrorist. Messages that predict coming terror attacks:  Predictions on 10-28-15   Notes on 10-15-15   Predictions on […]

  24. […] Predictions on 10-28-15   Countdown.. 2..1.. ‘coalition’. I had a visual of a snake’s head cut off. […]

  25. jules104 Avatar

    Eric, in reference to the part about something happening during a possible debate…the US Democratic Debates are tonight at Drake University, 9:00pm EST. It reminds me of the bird, and then the Booth prediction on 10/8/15..”The Booth prediction is coming now…10″ Hope everything goes well at debate.

  26. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC, Istanbul Bombing. —
    -Germans, Peruvian plus other foreigners

    “The Sultanahmet neighborhood is Istanbul’s main sight-seeing area and includes the Topkapi Palace and Blue Mosque.”


    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      So tragic.

  27. […] Predictions on 10-28-15   I had a visual of a large explosion. Then a large black mist begin to engulf the entire area of the town. People where racing away from the black smoke stacks while others caught in its passing, grabbed their throats choking gasping for air. Where Spirit? “In the place of the bull.. ” Spirits Voice Istanbul perhaps. […]

  28. star48 Avatar

    Eric, another bombing…only in Istanbul Airport..

  29. star48 Avatar

    a head of one of the Islamic snake head was cut
    …did not know where to put this..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the info.

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