Predictions 8-26-17

The water is poison.  Be careful ( I believe they are talking about storm locations)

I had a visual of the White House while Spirit said “false flag” several times

‘Attack on a stadium’ (it’s possible this prediction has happened, the day after the message their was a foiled attack on a stadium)

Please pray for all those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Though we failed to predict this tragic hurricane in Texas, Spirit again warns me that out of all the threats out there, storms and earthquakes top the list. In the past they have pointed to Asia, Europe and the US gulf, as locations that will be hit extensively by flooding and storms.

I had a lengthy conversation with Spirit over some of our errors lately  and agree that to help with focus we need to halt all questions and allow Spirit to take the lead in making predictions. I made the mistake of focusing on North Korea, losing sight of what was coming right around the corner. We have also reset our work to help recalibrate our efforts. For the next few days there will not be any world predictions.   One positive note is we will be moving forward with ‘Truths’

175 responses to “Predictions 8-26-17”

  1. Richard Williams Avatar
    Richard Williams

    Eric, are you sure you missed a prediction about Harvey? Didn’t you have a prediction more than a month ago about the same storm striking twice, although I think the prediction was for Florida but still on the Gulf? If Harvey does move back out to sea for a bit and strike again or even if it just moves over to Houston and dumps all the rain they are saying it will dump, couldn’t that be the same prediction? I think the prediction said the second strike would be worse than the first. It seems all of that rain in Houston will be worse than what happened as it came ashore.

    1. mhb Avatar

      I actually heard the weather channel guys talking about an invest (pre-trop storm) at Florida, so there may be one to come there. They said the water temps are 2-3 degrees higher than normal and that’s what made Harvey so big when it hit. So Florida might still be possible soon.

      Honestly, it’s looking better now than it was and I know a lot of people have been praying on both Harvey and the political unrest. I’m wondering if the prayer might be helping, this could have been much worse and late developments make it seem like it will still be bad, just not quite as bad in high pop areas. Several of my friends said they are praying these days way more than they ever did before just because it’s been one tragedy after another.

    2. KAM Avatar

      There is another disturbance, but it is at only 40%

    3. cat Avatar

      Hello Eric and SWC- I totally agree with the above commenter Richard WIlliams- From previous predictions- going back to last year and earlier this year- I know I remember you predicted these Deadly and Dangerous storms happening in the Gulf- You may have said Florida in one of the predictions but you definitely pointed to The Gulf of Mexico as Hurricane/Storm points of contact and damage-
      Again you are right with these dangerous storms-
      Also I remember Spirit stressed all of these events would be coming ‘One right after the other in quick speed’ and that is exactly what has been happening this summer-
      All of the terrorist attacks, …and now the storms… AND the Political events on top of it all and the Unravelling/demise of the Political situation. And sure enough, it is all occurring .
      Everything is as you and Spirit have predicted!

  2. Karen Avatar

    The good news is that at least this hurricane was spotted in time absorb gave people enough warning so they could leave if they wanted to, still prayers are needed. Nothing we really could have done to prevent it.
    I think you’re doing a wonderful job Eric, we should allow Spirit to tell us what they feel is most important. I must confess I am one of the ones who asks questions trying to get more detail out of the predictions: what kind of clothes were they wearing, what did the buildings look like, things of that nature. I will do my best to keep my questions in check.
    As for asking about something that Spirit hasn’t mentioned, I feel that we have to just let go of those things and try not to feed in to the fear that gets whipped up in the media or elsewhere. At some point we have to go with the flow and accept that whatever is given to you is what we need to focus on and everything else will come in time. No matter how scary the world seems we have to learn to roll with whatever happens, we can’t control or know everything. A very hard lesson about life in general. Again, I will try to limit my questions of details.
    Take heart that you have been spot on with many predictions lately.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  3. lossie2020 Avatar

    Eric, you didn’t fail on location such as hurricane and floodling…I think I remember you mentioned the “Gulf of Mexico” about few weeks ago which its why I commented that it’s happening right now. You was right on spot. I did remember you mentoned of hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. 😉

  4. petemedium Avatar

    “If life is an opera the clear message of the August 21 Solar Eclipse is “it ain’t over until the fat lady sings”. Blissfully unaware of astral implications, the US and South Korea decided that yet another war game exercise would begin August 21 eclipse time, regardless of rising tensions. And despite asking and receiving Russia and China’s help with UN sanctions on North Korea.”

      1. petemedium Avatar

        Thanks Karen. I’ll check it out.

  5. petemedium Avatar

    There’s a report of a 6.4mag quake on Manus Island New Guinea less than an hour ago at 2.30 AustEst.
    There haven’t been any reports in the news yet, but this is significant, and rather inappropriate in that the phone call from President Trump to our PM, that hit the headlines earlier in the year, was to do with America resettling refugees from Manus Island to the US.

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      I’m embarrassed to have our current president of the US, Donald Trump. Praying our country will not be divided. His behaviors and words need to be halt immediately. He needs “OUT” of the White house. He is not suitable to be a leader for any country. So embarrassed.

      1. petemedium Avatar

        There is another way of looking at this. Imagine how the US would be if he hadn’t been elected President? His being elected has been a catalyst to many sides of the US psyche. I agree he wasn’t the best choice for a future seeking America, but he has brought out the best and the worst of your country. A bit like the best thing that can be done concerning rancid and putrid hidden matters is for them to be exposed.

  6. mariakaos Avatar

    Eric there was a prediction last year that a hurricane would come at the end of the season when hurricanes are usually over and would catch people off guard. Does this ring any bells? (I can’t find the search box for finding old predictions).

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes it talks about 3 large hurricanes that would hit the gulf. The first hit Louisiana then Hurricane Matthew and a third, but unfortunately I never got the details, then to add they talk about October be devistating to the gulf and islands with a focus on Florida. You could argue we predicted this, they clearly warned us, but never gathered the details on the third one, my focus was elsewhere but live and learn.

      1. mhb Avatar

        Hi Eric, they are now saying that as of today, this is a 500 yr flood event and waters will continue to rise for next 7 even if rain stopped this second. Please everyone lift folks up in whatever form of prayer or worship you follow. And the FL invest (pre-trop) is apparently strengthening too per a weather channel post I just saw on Twitter.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          So tragic, everyone please stay safe.

  7. melbrake Avatar

    Reblogged this on melbrake and commented:
    Eric, the past solar eclipse in America will bring further change to America.

  8. Irish Eyes Avatar
    Irish Eyes

    The “authorities” have opened two stadiums, one in Houston and one in Dallas, for refugees from Hurricane Harvey. They could have opened these in the 2 days before the storm, but did not. They could have overridden the mayor of Houston who told people not to evacuate at all, but to stay in place – but they did not. In addition to 50 inches of rain in Houston, about 30 of which have fallen to date, they are talking about opening the dam to flood part of the city to relieve the water pressure on the dam – so more flooding of a city told not to leave. The incompetence is appalling, and we are looking at something worse than Katrina, in both storm totals of rain and in incompetent “authorities.” God help the people of Texas, particularly in the devastated town of Rockport and the ever increasing dangers from flooding in Houston.

    1. iamtot Avatar

      I believe they didn’t want 6 million people trapped on freeways as the storm rolled in. Tens of thousands would have died.

      1. Irish Eyes Avatar
        Irish Eyes

        Not if they opened evaculation centers on high ground for the most vulnerable. Drowning on the highways is a real concern – but only if people stayed in their cars in the highways. Opening schools and stadiums as relief centers was a real possibility in the 2 or 3 days prior to the storm – but nobody did anything. Why? We heard the historic rain totals coming at least 2 days before. Why not open those centers and get the residents out of low lying areas, knowing that the rain would reach the rooftops in those areas. This is a dereliction of duty – it was the same in New Orleans with Katrina, get out if you can and good luck if you cannot. Trump even said those words to reporters as he flew out for the weekend, “Good luck.” Caring enough about a population is key – and we do not have caring leaders, just greedy ones.

  9. Sara Avatar

    News media reports suggest that some kind of “chemical cloud” near the English coast has caused some people minor injuries. They’re still investigating what happened, but no conclusive proof. One theory is a ship in the English Channel could have leaked chemicals or something.

    Might fit in with your prediction, “The water is poison. Be careful.”

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Oh yes, saw that too! Its the same day as Harvey hurricane. Weird.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Can I have link please

      2. iamtot Avatar

        They said today it may be possibly due to toxic algae

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That does sound like it!

      1. Sara Avatar

        Title of article: Birling Gap beach: 150 treated after chemical ‘mist’

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thanks Sara

        2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          On a side note earlier today they said their prediction happened and they showed a set of cliffs.

    3. BeachHut Avatar

      Something I haven’t seen discussed, probably because they don’t know the exact cause yet, is that whatever *it* was, causing the poison cloud, what on earth will it have done to the seawater, or its wildlife? I did see an oceanographer say that the winds were going in one direction, but the cloud travelled in another, in line with the prevailing current, so yes this is a waterborne issue, not just carried on the air.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Yes I believe that is the prediction

      2. mariakaos Avatar

        We are being heavily sprayed with chemtrails so that would be our first line of thought. New chemical or concentration was to strong.

  10. lossie2020 Avatar

    Eric, is the water poison caused by Harvey hurricane? Just wondering.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      They made it sound like it was already happening, so I believe it’s about something else.

      1. mhb Avatar

        There is also a poison cloud on the east side of Houston in what they call fence line communities in Houston (poor communities next to refineries). The article says they are getting gassed because they are trapped by water and forced to breath these chemicals in the water/air.

  11. Irish Eyes Avatar
    Irish Eyes

    Re the “false flag” prediction – NY TImes today reports on Felix Sater’s boast of using Putin connections to get Trump elected – in 2015 –

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Are they calling it a false flag of some kind?

      1. IrishEyes Avatar

        The Trump team previously tried to say that the hacking of the DNC could have been done by any country, and blaming Russia was a “false flag” – however, the new Sater revelations show that the Trump team actively engaged with Putin and appears to have encouraged the hacking. See:

  12. Luna tic Avatar
    Luna tic

    This is from ABC News, regarding concerns over toxic water from Harvey.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Thanks for all the info

      2. Annea Avatar

        Who is this authority on this issue – Norman Palmer?

      3. Nathan Fleischman Avatar
        Nathan Fleischman

        His name is Bill.

  13. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Chemical spill adds to catastrophe.

    Contained now..
    Is this just the beginning.,

    La Porte firefighters and a Harris County hazmat team have contained a chemical spill Monday after a pipeline ruptured on the northeast side of La Porte in the petrochemical district about 20 miles east of downtown Houston.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      what idgets company did that! Unbelievable that they would add to their nightmare

      1. star48 Avatar

        A federal safety Manual information
        “identifies hydrogen chloride as a corrosive poison gas that “can cause serious or permanent injury.” The guide describes the chemical as a “colorless gas with a sharp, pungent odor.” The non-flammable substance is part of the manufacturing process for “rubber, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and in gasoline refining and metals processing.”

  14. daffodi Avatar
    This may be related to your prediction on 8/13
    out something unnerving is unfolding in South Africa.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I think your right!

  15. lossie2020 Avatar

    Eric, you and your Spirits were right on. They created the huge hurricane Harvey caused by manmade in chemicals. Unbelievable. So the main question is WHY would they do this?

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      I also wonder if people are safe from rainings after the hurricane Harvey like in Dallas and anywhere? Just a thought as if this is created by manmade in clouds from chemical ingredients.

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        I also thought it’s a little odd as president Trump watched closely before it hits the coast. I wonder if he knows something from the top secret government. Just saying and I won’t be surprised. Just thought it’s little odd that he watched the entire time.

      2. mariakaos Avatar

        Is it possible he watched the entire time because he knew that any chance to show him in a bad light would be seized upon? That he did not want to make the same mistakes as happened with Katrina?

  16. mariakaos Avatar

    As the earth/weather events increase in intensity chemical spills will become more and more of a problem. As the plates stress and screech below us it is letting of gases from deep within the earths crust combined with chemicals above. As world economies have imploded the safe storing of chemicals and well run facilities has been abandoned. The plate movements will break underground pipes so fires from the ground will become more frequent as with chemical spills.
    The plate movements tie in with the social upheaval as man’s fight or flight instinct is triggered. This is why people who are in rural locations are getting off grid and those in cities are staying around for the fight.
    Video’s surfaced on you tube yesterday of looters in Huston taking TV’s it seemed to be a free for all fest. This is distorted thinking. With so many serious events occurring and building up in intensity crops world wide will fail. The people of Huston have suffered terribly but for now there are emergency services and communications. Safe places and food.There may come a time when this is not in place we will have to rely on each other. Moving forward who would you align yourself with in an emergency? If people can loot for electrical goods when there is no electricity they won’t hesitate to take your foods and medicines when they go into panic mode.
    Something we can all do which will greatly help the planet is to plant hemp seeds where ever possible. They have so many benefits to the environment. We need to be discussing growing our own foods, medicines, food storage and farming. Making alternative structures and how to access fuel in an emergency. If we have so much going on under our feet imagine what is going on above us. The chem trails are blocking us from seeing the sky

  17. Brittany Avatar

    You’d think this event would trigger a turning point since Harvey hit an area that’s littered with petrochemical/gas/oil stations, yet I doubt it will — politicians/presidents care more about $$$ and their financial donors in the oil and gas industry than the health of us and our planet. Wind and solar power have averted 3,000 to 12,700 premature deaths in the past decade due to cleaner air benefits — “Health benefits of wind and solar offset all subsidies”:

  18. dont care Avatar
    dont care

    I feel like you should really do more Truth sections than prediction. They are so vague that not a single one has been stopped. If anything it just causes fear when its near your area. The time and the specific location are never specific enough. I don’t understand how these spirits can know so much but not even give a prediction with accuracy and precise time and location to be stopped. You should just tell your spirits to not give you any prediction that can’t be stopped if they are not accurate enough and rather give you only the specific ones that they can give. Its just upsetting and seems pointless now.

    Im not trying to be a hater but Ive been on this website for a two years now and none of them have been stopped because of this website.

    Id rather get educated than be scared to fly for the whole month because you say plane will go down or go around my city London because you will say there will be an attack but its never specific enough so it just cripples the life experience and causes fear.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Your in error, a handful of predictions have been altered , we have accomplished our goal, however the changes are small in scope compared to the tragedy. It’s important to Spirit that we stay grounded and humble so we don’t publicize our success, it would be inappropriate to come off as gloating during a tragedy.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      In regards to being vague, I agree at certain points it flusters me. For instance the car attack in Spain, they showed the car, described the setting and consistently warned us the car prediction was around the corner, but with all that we were missing one key piece the letters s p a I n .it could have made all the difference. But to say all of my work is vague is again not true, to name two.. hurricane Matthew and the Ohio attack were both detailed and accurate. I am open for you to share someone else that predicts events with far more accuracy, another seer with similar skills, I could adopt and mirror their process to improve on my own skills. Maybe a fresh perspective might help.

      1. Sparkles Avatar

        “October will be devastating on an epic scale in regards to Hurricanes.. in the gulf.” Is it possible only the month is wrong here? Are do you think more will come?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          There is more to come and it is very bad.

      2. Sara Avatar

        When you said more is to come and ‘it is very bad’, are you talking only about storms/hurricanes, or are you including other events in general?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Storms,Hurricanes, and flooding.

    3. petemedium Avatar

      What do you know of the Spirit World? What do any of us know? How many historic predictions have ever been accurate to say 80%? By historic I mean the likes of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Joan of Arc etc?
      There is far, far more to just an individual here in the earth plain….the calibre of Eric….receiving totally accurate predictions. And that is our journey to discover. The ‘why’ is the journey you have to follow.
      A hint. The closer to the Source the majority of us here in the physical world are to that special Oneness, the more accurate will be the messages the likes of Eric and quality psychics will receive. If Eric is not good at world predictions, as you believe, yet excellent in his one to one predictions, and there are more than a few here who will attest to that, you must ask why?
      Is America 50% attuned to their Spiritual belief, or is most of their religious claims a mockery to that Source?
      Please, I mean no harm in My directness, only that you open your heart to The Source so that you may receive the very Message you seek. Pete

      1. petemedium Avatar

        I meant to add that my above comment was in response to don’t care’s comment Eric, sorry.

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Thanks Pete, I would add that practice makes perfect i am still learning how to use this gift, and over time I will get better at it. Take a look at the old predictions and compare them to now, there is a striking difference. But I do share your frustrations.

  19. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    A video of Gas rolling in from sea has hallmark of Clorine Gas..not algae in England..

  20. star48 Avatar

    Should read …Chlorine Gas

  21. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Harvey..heading towards Louisiana….
    Louisiana braces…

  22. petemedium Avatar

    ExxonMobil’s large oil refining and chemical campus: “A floating roof covering a tank at ExxonMobil’s Baytown oil refinery sank in heavy rains, dipping below the surface of oil or other material stored there and causing unusually high emissions, especially of volatile organic compounds, a category of regulated chemicals.”

  23. cat Avatar

    Hello Eric and SWC and Everyone-
    REGARDING ‘The White House/False Flag’ prediction you posted above-
    I may be really off on this and maybe this is not a ‘false flag’ but could THIS be it??- That there really is NO Trump Tower Moscow and it was all about something else— a cover up for something else???
    I don’t know if I am on the correct track…and I don’t think I understand all the details about these ‘false flags” but this is what I found-

    1. cat Avatar

      sorry i did not link this properly- please delete if I messed up

  24. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Next week another storm…see IRMA.
    Already classified tropical storm…see potential route..across Atlantic..

  25. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC

    Explosion imminent..Texas..


    Arkema: No way to prevent explosion at flooded Texas chemical plant
    All residents within 1.5 miles of a chemical plant in southeast Texas were evacuated on Tuesday because of the rising risk of an explosion.
    The evacuation was taken as a “precautionary measure.”
    The owner of the plant, Arkema, said in a statement the situation at its Crosby, Texas, plant “has become serious” and evacuated all of its staff from the facility.

  26. Karben Avatar

    They are looking for crisis actors, American Crisis Casting. Check out their facebook page, something could be coming soon.

  27. KAM Avatar

    Here’s something. I think they are trying to coverup. “Texas Council on Environmental Quality shut down all of its air quality monitors in the Houston area”.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Has chemicals hit the water

  28. Lurker 123 Avatar

    CNN reported an explosion occurred at a flooded chemical plant in Crosby, Texas.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Can I have the link please

  29. Kim Avatar

    “the water is poison”

    Houston is about to face a public hygiene nightmare. Entire neighborhoods have become contaminated and potentially toxic rivers

  30. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Another article…on EPA toxic waste sites flooded..;-EPA-not-on-scene

  31. Crystal Avatar

    Scientists: Harvey’s floodwaters shockingly contaminated
    Sep 2, 2017 06:28 PM
    SAN ANTONIO, TX (KSAT/KPRC/CNN) – Results from testing of the floodwaters of Houston are shocking, say the environmental scientists who are testing them. Not only is the water contaminated – it is highly contaminated, with numbers that some experts have never seen in their experience.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  32. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SwC.
    Sweden, Denmark…

    Heavy rain over Skane in southern Sweden caused basements, garages and shops to flood while hail also proved a nuisance. The emergency services were called out to over 20 cases of flooding in central Malmo alone following downpour on Sunday afternoon, which included both rain and hailstorms. “The biggest damage was to the Hansacompagniet Malmo shopping gallery, where water broke into both the basement and bottom floor,” Mattias Skold from the southern branch of Sweden’s emergency services explained. The water levels would only begin to sink once the rain stopped and pumping does not necessarily help due to flooded drainage systems, the emergency services explained. Residents were also warned to avoid driving if possible during the worst of the flooding. Across the bridge in Copenhagen, a half-marathon was called off due to the weather, and several people were even taken to hospital with injuries following a lightning storm. Bad weather earlier in the weekend meanwhile caused more than 70 calls to emergency services in Gothenburg due to floods, as well as from people stuck in their vehicles following rising water.

  33. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Flesh eating bacteria..kills Houston woman after Harvey

  34. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Dioxins washed downriverduring Harvey..
    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Environmental Protection Agency says an unknown amount of a dangerous chemical linked to birth defects and cancer may have washed downriver from a Houston-area Superfund site during the flooding from Hurricane Harvey.

  35. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Ref;;;;The water is poison. Be careful ( I believe they are talking about storm locations)

    You notice the ref is PLURAL…!
    🇨🇷 Costa Rica

    Heavy flooding–500,000 without drinking water, water mixed with sewage..

    One excerpt..
    When water and sanitation are compromised, waterborne diseases and other related health risks become a serious concern,” said Walter Cotte, Regional Director for the Americas of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). “More than 7 000 people have sought refuge in shelters and require emergency healthcare and clean water to prevent disease.”

  36. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC

    Update on Harvey ..deaths..93 felated to Hurricane

  37. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Raw sewage contaminating waters after Maria.

  38. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Harvey …
    Additional victim..Flesh Eating Bacteria..on worker…

    The man has been identified as Josue Zurita, according to the Houston Chronicle, and he was helping repair several homes damaged by flooding from Harvey.

  39. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Ref;;;Spirit again warns me that out of all the threats out there, storms and earthquakes top the list. In the past they have pointed to Asia, Europe and the US gulf, as locations that will be hit extensively by flooding and storms.”
    At least three people have died and several are still missing after an intense storm swept through several parts of eastern Bulgaria late Tuesday into Wednesday, October 25, causing floods, mudslides and widespread damage. More heavy rain is expected in the affected area over the next 24 hours.

  40. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Ref; from this post..
    Though we failed to predict this tragic hurricane in Texas, Spirit again warns me that out of all the threats out there, storms and earthquakes top the list. In the past they have pointed to Asia, Europe and the US gulf, as locations that will be hit extensively by flooding and storms.
    Central America floods..5 dead.,

  41. star48 Avatar

    Another asteroid.
    A newly discovered, very small asteroid designated 2017 UL6 will flyby Earth at 0.16 LD or 0.00040 AU (~ 59 839 km / 37 182 miles) at 11:24 UTC on October 28, 2017. This is the 42nd known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and the 6th closest.

  42. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC

    Ref from this post..
    Spirit again warns me that out of all the threats out there, storms and earthquakes top the list. In the past they have pointed to Asia, Europe and the US gulf, as locations that will be hit extensively by flooding and storms.
    Another anomalous tropical storm in 2017: Selma is the first northeastern Pacific named storm on record to make landfall in El Salvador after forming in an unusual location

  43. star48 Avatar

    .complications from farm runoff..
    Contributing to the Algae plague…hazardous

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  44. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
    Dead, missing .,storm affected 20.000

  45. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Cyclone.,dhalia kills 19 people.,

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Wow, that is major, that picture says it all

    1. star48 Avatar

      Correction…Remo, Italy..

  46. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Heavy rains, Summer snow, after record breaking

  47. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    “Caroline” U.K…Ireland..
    (Another coming after)

  48. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC, 12/7/17

    3 months after Harvey..
    Thousands without clean drinking water.

  49. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC.
    Blizzard/Snow storm

    🇬🇧 United Kingdom
    Event details

    Snow Storm (Blizzard) in United Kingdom on December 10 2017 04:08 PM (UTC).

    A massive winter storm is causing chaos as drivers were stuck in 50 miles of queues after a series of crashes amid heavy snow and fierce winds. There are widespread problems in several regions, including Essex, where the A12 was shut following multiple accidents involving lorries and cars. There were 50 miles of queues stretching back from Romford to Ipswich, Essex Live reports. The A12 was closed after a crash between junction 28 Axial Way at Colchester United Football Ground and junction 27 on the A133 at Cymbeline Way. Motorists were facing severe delays as traffic was reduced to a standstill or a slow crawl in a number of areas. Twenty miles of queues were reported on the M11 after a lorry exploded into flames and the snowstorm hit. Highways England has advised road users to check the forecast and routes before heading out. Police agencies in parts of the UK and the Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG) had urged motorists not to travel unless “absolutely necessary”. The CMPG tweted: “Lots of snow overnight and it’s still falling, difficult driving conditions across the motorway network and region’s roads please only travel if absolutely necessary, make sure your car is fit to travel in and take extra clothes, drinks and snacks in case you get stuck or delayed.” Essex Highways told its Twitter followers: “Please drive carefully today: snow laying heavier than forecast. Gritters out 1am and again 5am in north where rain removed earlier salt and mobilising again 10am. Temperatures expected rise lunchtime Sunday. Gritting likely again Sun eve.” The M11 was completely shut at the M25 in Essex, causing massive delays for motorists who were also being slowed down by heavy snow. A huge plume of smoke was blowing across all lane and there was debris on the road following the blaze. The fire happened between junction 6 on the M25 and junction 4 on the A406 at Woodford at about 6am on Sunday. Motorists were urged to avoid the area, as the southbound lanes remained closed for hours and M25 drivers were reporting “carnage” due to the weather, Essex Live reports.

  50. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Event details

    Extreme Weather in United Kingdom on December 10 2017 11:54 AM (UTC).

    Snow and rain are causing major problems across Wales today. Several roads are closed and there are reports of hazardous driving conditions on others. Flooding is also a problem in the south of the country, and there are four flood alerts currently in place. There is an amber warning for snow in place across a large part of the country, and a yellow warning for wind in many parts of south Wales. Staff at Traffic Cameras Wales say: “Please only travel if absolutely necessary.”

  51. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Flood in Albania on December 17 2017 06:46 AM (UTC).

    At least one person died during heavy rainfall that flooded many parts of Albania, paralyzing its ports and causing flights from its only international airport to be suspended, authorities said Friday. Three other people were injured and 314 homes were destroyed in weather-related incidents over 24 hours, the government said in a statement. Schools remained closed nationwide. Many roads remained blocked across the Balkan country, while some 127,000 residents were affected by power cuts. Albania’s army and health ministry used helicopters Friday to evacuate people from flooded areas. Police reported Friday morning that the western highway leading into the capital Tirana was partly cleared but other roads remained flooded. They said a shopping mall close to the capital where some 100 persons had been trapped was also evacuated. The government urged citizens to heed official safety advice, warning that the “situation is expected to get aggravated later today, especially in the country’s south.” Authorities sent some 5,700 troops, police and emergency responders and 900 vehicles to the southern districts of Gjirokastra, Fier and Vlora where several rivers were at risk of overflowing. Kosovo also sent more than two dozen emergency responders. Speaking from Ura a Mifolit, a spot 120 kilometers (75 miles) south of Tirana threatened by the overflow of the Vjosa River, Prime Minister Edi Rama also called on citizens to evacuate the threatened areas. “Let’s save human lives, the most cattle possible and then, when the sun comes back, we will make the calculations (of the losses and damage),” Rama said. About 2,200 hectares (5400 acres) of agricultural land was flooded, officials said.

  52. star48 Avatar

    Flooding…New Zealand

    Event details

    Flood in New Zealand on December 18 2017 06:53 PM (UTC).

    A sudden bout of heavy rain flooded houses in Rotorua and sparked flash flooding in the Bay of Plenty. The Fire Service received a dozen callouts from residents in Rotorua, in the eastern suburbs of Owhata, Lynmore, and Hannah’s Bay. Suburbs in eastern Rotorua near Lake Rotorua were prone to flooding. Lynmore resident Jonathan Dodd said he hadn’t seen anything like it in 10 years. His Warwick Dr home was sodden, with water from three nearby streets flooding the backyard and making its way into the house. “It’s a drainage design failure as we ended up with floodwaters from nearby streets coming through the property,” Dodd said. The first callouts were made around 6pm. By 9pm, there were more than 30 callouts. They had 13 weather-related callouts in Rotorua from 6.15 – 7pm, and 25 in Tauranga from 7.15 – 9pm. Most were to houses but a few of those in Tauranga were to commercial properties. Fire and emergency services said the water flowed away quickly once the rain stopped. Late on Monday night Bay of Plenty police were warning motorists to take extra care on the roads. There was surface flooding in parts of Tauranga, including Cameron Rd, Fraser St, Eleventh Ave through to Fifteenth Ave, and to Greerton. Roads in the eastern parts of Rotorua were also affected, including Te Ngae Rd (State Highway 30), police said in a media release. Motorists were asked to drive to the conditions and limit their travel if possible. Local councils and Fire and Emergency New Zealand, were responding to incidents as required. MetService meteorologist Mark Todd said 34mm of rain was recorded at Rotorua Airport in one hour early evening on Monday. Tauranga Airport recorded about 14mm in an hour around the same time: “That’s also heavy but it’s not nearly as much of a downpour as Rotorua got – 34mm in an hour, there’s going to be flooding.” A fast-moving front travelling up the North Island had become increasingly active with thunderstorm development about the northern part of the North Island because it happened to come through in the warmer part of the day. Another front was moving up the country on Tuesday. Around midday it should be just leaving Otago and crossing into South Canterbury, Todd said. “It’s not going to be as active with thunderstorms. This system isn’t quite so unstable. “It’s more of a windy system, really. There’s quite a tight gradient specially about eastern coastal areas. We’re expecting gales about coastal Southland and Clutha as that comes through this morning.” Southwest gales were expected about exposed coastal areas.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Wow that’s in late season.

  53. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Yakima, Washington.
    Landslide…in process

  54. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Switzerland 🇨🇭,Germany…France..Ireland…Britain ..Belgium,Netherlands..
    Countries impacted by..Eleanor..

  55. star48 Avatar

    Massive flooding..mudslides,landslide..-13 dead at least..3 missing..
    California…Montecito…(Fire ravaged areas) Highways closed..

  56. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC
    Flash Flood in Philippines on January 12 2018 01:48 PM (UTC).

    Floods triggered by heavy rains hit three cities and one town in the 3rd district of Negros Occidental on Friday, affecting thousands of residents, some of whom had to be evacuated. One house was destroyed and landslide briefly rendered a road in Silay City impassable. Zeaphard Gerhart Caelian, Negros Occidental Disaster Management Program Division head, said the heavy rains that hit Victorias, Talisay and Silay cities, and EB Magalona town were triggered by the northeast monsoon and the tail end of a cold front. Victorias Mayor Francis Frederick Palanca said 3,000 families composed of about 18,000 individuals were affected by the flooding in his city. Palanca ordered the suspension of classes in all levels both public and private schools Victorias. In Talisay, 142 families were affected by the flooding and one house was destroyed. In EB Magalona town, floods affected 50 families or about 150 individuals, Mayor Marvin Malacon said. In Silay City, flooding triggered a landslide in Barangay Guimbalaon.

  57. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Man threatened mass shooting at NFL
    Man arrested..

  58. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    6th named storm.Fionn–hitting Europe.

  59. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    Flash Flood in United Kingdom on January 22 2018 09:06 AM (UTC).

    The Environment Agency has issued a flood warning for parts of west Cornwall. The alert for the River Hayle has been upgraded after another night of torrential downpours. Officials warn flooding is ‘expected’, with areas like Relubbus, St Erth and Hayle Causeway most at risk. A spokesperson said: “The heavy rain over the weekend and last night has caused river levels to rise sharply and the River Hayle has now met Flood Warning criteria. “Environment Agency teams are working in the area clearing screens and blockages. “No significant further heavy rain is forecast for today Monday the 22nd of January and the situation is expected to improve over the course of this morning as river levels begin to fall. “We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as required”. Alerts remain in force for other rivers in west Cornwall and the Upper Tamar near Bude. You can check the latest alerts and warnings here or watch what that warning means. On Sunday, flash flooding, triggered by the heavy rain, sparked chaos across the border in Devon. Below is the scene in north Devon as the Environment Agency worked to pump away surface water. Teams were called after roads turned to rivers in places like Ilfracombe, South Molton and Barnstaple. Homes at Kentisbury, Swimbridge and Landkey had to be evacuated after the River Venn burst its banks. Others at Combe Martin and Muddiford were reportedly flooded and the A399 had to be closed after a landslide. A spokesperson from Devon and Cornwall Police said: “We would also like to remind people not to drive through floodwater and avoid exposed coasts during storm conditions. “Also please be aware that road closure signs are put up for safety reasons and people should not move them or tamper with them as it could put others at risk. “Any person perceiving that their property is at risk is urged to take steps in line with the advice published by the Environment Agency. If anyone is in immediate danger then please phone police on 999. “The Environment agency also urge members of the public to exercise extreme caution in trying to resolve potential issues themselves and no-one should interfere with Environment Agency equipment or other property”.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Wow that goes back to the old Europe flooding predictions

  60. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    7 th named storm
    UK 🇬🇧 Ireland 🇮🇪

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I saw that very upsetting

  61. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,

    Indonesia 🇮🇩

  62. star48 Avatar

    Water in Oregon in the green algae in drinking water…Threat…to young and old..
    New information.
    Blue green algae now threat all across US..
    3 blooms in 2010 to 169 threats now..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Wow that’s scary

  63. star48 Avatar

    Regarding water poisonous..
    Aug. 4 (UPI) — An international chemical company and its leaders in Houston were indicted by a grand jury Friday, charged with releasing chemicals into the air that put residents and first responders at risk in the wake of Hurricane Harvey last August.

    Indicted for Harvey chemical release..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


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