The Point

An answer to many of your questions:

I had a visual of all the Spirits I work with working on an incomplete statue of King David. Parts of it were complete while other parts were raw marble. Some Spirits had chiselsĀ while others had sand paper. All of them worked on the statue with diligence. Then one of them came up to me.

“Our work is incomplete.. the foundation is sound.. but the detailsĀ are still being worked on.. over time we will create a perfect image.. we might not be entirely ready yet but we will get there and when we do it will be awesome.”

Then the visual shifted. I was at my work table when one of the leaders in the spiritual realm entered the room. He sat at the other side of the table.

“May I ask you a question?” He asked

“Of course, anything.” I answered.

“If you had the opportunity to save a life, just one would you?.. But there is a catch, everyone around you and everyone you know will think you are completely and utterly insane. Your credibility gone. Your name tattered. Would you still save that person? Would you still help them?” He said

“I would, without a question or doubt.” I stated.

He put his hand out to the computer that was sitting on the table.

“Would they??”

“Is it possible to pray and change the future we predict?.. Perhaps. Or mentally alter the outcome?.. Perhaps. But that’s not the point. The point is for you to act boldly. To act with noble intent. To act with vigor so that you have the opportunity to serve a higher authority simply because its right. It’s true we aren’t ready yet, but we will be there soon, and I ask again.. will they be ready?”



139 responses to “The Point”

  1. Gwenyth Avatar

    That was a powerful conversation you had with Spirit.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It was awesome, the best part is they are opening up a dialogue with you the reader.

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Do you know Eric what they meant by it ?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      There are layers here that I am not sure of. My opinion is that Spirit is acknowledging their work is raw, unrefined, incomplete, but it’s getting there. When it does are you the reader willing to stand with them to alter these predictions or will you be more concerned with those who would criticize. One key piece is an acknowledgment that they need more time to refine their work

      1. Lisa Avatar

        They know that you are willing to work hard for them and do it to help humanity x

  3. cat Avatar

    I don’t know if I am even close hereā€¦but my first thought was Perhaps Spirit is talking about saving the life of Putin? Perhaps they are saying that Eric will get a vision that Putins life is in danger?? I know That sounds crazyā€¦ but I am thinking that life which needed to be saved would not be a life that most others would want to be saved??????

  4. Joy Parks Avatar
    Joy Parks

    Sounds to me like there’s going to be a prediction that is really going to test the limits of credibility. Although right now, I can’t imagine what that could be, it’s hard to believe what’s happening now anyway. The nightly news is surreal. But I’d take the question literally–you won’t be believed, there will be consequences but a life will be saved if you–or those of us who listen take the risk to act.

    1. Sammie Mendez Avatar

      Joy, I agree with you. I absolutely feel that this is literal. It will likely be the life of someone that we will not be “ok” with so to speak, but we will all be tested soon. Are we good people for all people, or for a selected group? Are we ready to save a life, at any cost, for any reason, whomever that person may be? Are we going through to commit to that. My heart says, I will…but I’m sure it will come with much contemplation…this conversation with Spirit Eric, it feels very loaded…very strong message…

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I agree with both of you. I believe the first message is to say they aren’t entirely ready, not yet, they are incomplete, unrefined, raw. But they will get there. Then the second message is a question posed to you the reader, when they are ready will you be bold enough to act on their behalf?

    2. cat Avatar

      I totally agree with you Joy Parks- Scratch my comment. above….it is probably wrong- I think the very powerful conversation Eric and Spirit had is something that we cannot even believe right nowā€¦.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Yes! The leader figure seems to be talking about some future event or situation where the accuracy has improved but for whatever reason so has the critics.

    3. Diana Avatar

      I agree with you Joy. I do believe a prediction is coming for something very outlandish. Maybe the assassination of someone hated or not popular. A life is a life and we’re not supposed to judge whether they are worthy or not. That could be part of the point. That and will we stand with them and Eric.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Thanks Diana, and everyone else, I agree with all of your interpretations. There are layers here that will most likely make more sense in that future, like why king David?

  5. Pamela Avatar

    I read this and suddenly thought of the New Testament where Peter denies knowing Jesus….anyway..

    What if… the Spirits all gave us the exact same vision of some terrible event that might happen (Spirit indicates the incomplete part of their work), would all of us that read Eric’s work be willing to make a phone call to warn the authorities?

    Spirit talks about ruining of the individual’s reputation….

    I’m pretty sure that if we saw something happening and where present at the time, we would all try to do something, and a few would even attempt to intercede physically at risk of life…

    but what if we all just got a vision? would you call someone knowing that the person on the other end of the line might just decide to write you up as a fruitcake?

  6. Julia Avatar

    I felt that they were saying “are you willing to put yourself out there, and risk being mocked and called weird and insane?”, in order to spread the word and avert disaster, even if it’s only one person’s life.

    1. Karen Avatar

      That’s exactly how I took it. I felt because people were questioning the timing and places the Spirits are asking if he will do these predictions even though they may not be completely accurate or at the same time. Then I feel the Spirits want to know if we, those who follow these predictions, would still be here and continue to try to help change these events or will we walk away and become someone who doesn’t believe them and Eric.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I agree, but would add they acknowledged they aren’t entirely ready yet, they need more time, then when they are finished with the statue comes the question will you help them? There are symbols I am not sure of, why David why a statue?

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        One awesome part of this is to watch one of their bosses come down to start a dialogue with YOU. Its the start of something new

    2. Tot Avatar

      That is the impression I got.

  7. Jorgen Avatar

    Might be Trump or Putin

  8. Cindy Avatar


    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes my thoughts too.

  9. Linda Blair Avatar
    Linda Blair

    To me this message resonates with God. Very powerful message, Eric. I feel it is biblical in a sense. Other than that immediate feeling after reading this, I have no clue what the message is all about.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      There are clearly layers of interpretation. But at its core is an acknowledgment that their work is still raw, unrefined, unfinished, but over time it will improve. But then they counter with a message questioning whether you the reader will choose to help them or worry more what others might criticize about you for acting in their name. We do seem to be talking more about a future circumstance

      1. Pete Medium Avatar
        Pete Medium

        WOW at last. You will have noted Eric I have been quiet of late. It’s because I was told a new piece to the puzzle would be added. Fireworks went off when I read this. This is what they meant.
        Many years ago, actually associated with Astrology, I was told that we here on the earth plane determine when we receive the next ‘level’ of knowledge. The more advanced we become on a spiritual level, the more is revealed. Again using Astrology, the old handful of planets that were used by earlier workers, now have more than double that amount of planets to use in a horoscope. We have evolved enough to be able to handle such extreme knowledge it would seem.
        As I see Their message to you Eric, you are the conduit through which they commune to those ‘with ears to hear’. You cannot improve Them and They can’t improve us. We have to grow in love, patience, kindness, acceptance of all humans and all creation, we must get to a point where ‘I don’t understand’ relating to the Spiritual message is minimalist. Blind obedience to political and religious perspectives, and the adamant stand of being right and others are wrong only blocks out Their Power.
        The more we live to that standard the more distant we are from Their Love and therefore Message.
        I believe Their messages to you are not necessarily for those of us that read/reply here to your postings, but to the unconscious connection we all have with each other in the world. The higher we evolve, the more accurate will be the information we can receive from Them. Thank you, thank you to your Spiritual Team.

  10. Mary Avatar

    If they are talking about Obama, I’m in. I’ll be ready and let me know when the Spirits will use me even if the people think I’m insane. I’ll ready for Obama sake. But not for evil ones, I’m not in. Thanks for asking, Spirits.

    1. Mary Avatar

      I’m all ear and see if the Spirits need a physical person to protect one life for a good reason. I’m here to protect our mother earth and if the one person needs protection that can make the difference for our world for peace. I’m here to serve God and will obey when He needs protection for a good reason. I will ask Saint Michael to give me his protection and his guidance while I do the duty to help save one person. I do not wish to reveal my identity as I do not want to bring the spot light on me. It’s not my nature. I’ll be gladly to help and be useful while I breath on this planet.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I don’t believe they are talking about politics here.

      1. Mary Avatar

        Okay thanks, Eric. Humm I have no idea who that person might be. I’m curious too as what is going on and what do they know that we don’t know yet…just not yet. šŸ˜‰ it’s almost like a surprise for Christmas so we just have to wait and be patience.

  11. Hope Avatar

    WOW, what a manipulator you are!!!

    1. Mary Avatar

      Whoa…be careful how you used that word. None offensive. People learn to have hard skin to guard the heart.

  12. Toni Avatar

    David…has to have something to do with Israel. Maybe should read Daniel, Psalm 89, Isaiah…& Revelation…at least i think that has something to do with ir….

  13. Tom Wyllie Avatar
    Tom Wyllie

    Which King David? The one with the Harp or “the david” The latter has problems with his base. Music of Psalms or slingshot that slayed Goliath? Had another weird dream about busses last night. One bus of white bible studies kids on retreat in middle of no where. Two buses of black Christians. Mental and Physical unions of the young repeating the history of parents. A brick Railway station (19th century Byzantine style} in rubble cleared by the white kids. Then the station is laid waste again before the retreat ends. The two groups meet again later, dream fades. Hope this comment is appropriate to the venue..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      King David, the one with ties to Solomon and Goliath.

      1. velvetmaggot Avatar

        There is an archaeological dig that may have uncovered the second gate to the city of David and Goliath. This is the first thing I thought of while I was reading…

      2. Tom Wyllie Avatar
        Tom Wyllie

        I was unclear. In reading of your vision, it seemed that you saw the statue that was being formed. The David by Michelangelo was carved from a block of marble which was problematic. We have known for 150 years The David’s legs and base are fractured, can splinter. The meanings associated with this rendering of David fighting Goliath suggest one plane of thought. The other famous statue of King David depicts him holding a Harp. The supposed author of most of the Psalms. That suggests a different plane. Perhaps reflective of your desire to bring voices together. Just wondered which statue you saw?

  14. Mari Avatar

    My view…this is loaded on so many levels.
    -A life is a life, right. So we do not get
    to pick and choose whose life it is
    if one makes a commitment
    willing to save a life.
    -This can bleed into religious beliefs
    which is always rocky ground.
    and can lead our concentration away from the real issue.
    -One can make a bold statement of yes of course i would and then
    when or of the time comes to do it we
    fold in which case our bravery is disingenuous.
    -Religion tells us to lay down our
    life for a friend. Does that mean we should
    do it for an enemy also?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Helping, saving, an enemy makes a friend.

      1. Rhona Avatar

        Eric thats where my thoughts were
        an enemy would be overwhelmed at the love and compassion shown and demonstrated ..It could change their whole conciousness
        a complete turn around ..
        It would be a great test for our heart of hearts ..
        put your money where your mouth is type thing .saving a life of an enemy could have the power ..devine power for this persons not so good deeds to turn around and be powerful for the sake of humanity ..exponetially
        great conversation you had with them ..thank you for the message ..

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
      2. Mary Avatar

        Aw…I think I may know that might be but it may not be him. Could be confusion as we are not enemies but can change his or her perspective on other countries. But it’s not politics so it may not be him I’m assuming. We’ll just have to be patience when the Spirits are ready needing someone’s help.

  15. David Avatar

    I think they are talking about the country of Israel. If they start an unjust war do we stand beside them as an ally or do we call them on it?

  16. donna B Avatar
    donna B

    King David, he was imperfect, committed adultery, I think Spirit may mean that we are all works in progress, like King David, we are not a “finished work” but we are all capable of being great as he was. We are all a work in progress, but will we choose to make a stand for right; even at our own expense? To act boldly, speak out? Are we talk about helping humanity? or are we capable of action? Will we have the nerve, determination and self confidence? I think it was for each of us to take a personal inventory maybe? We don’t even have to share whether we will or we won’t because we already know inside? and maybe take an inventory and decide to be ready? Just my thoughts about it, I think King David statue might represent man working on his heart, himself so we can be a finished and accomplished work. But only Sprit knows if this interpretation is correct, so maybe you can ask the group. Eric? thanks

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The king David reference could have multiple interpretations: the rise of an idea that started as nothing and became something great. A way to tackle the Goliath like tragedies of future events in a unique simple way. A return to using the gift of precognition in a more noble righteous way, perhaps even altering the view people have of psychics. All of the interpretations are a bit lofty but the most likely interpretation is a situation that has not even arrived yet, a reference to a specific event in the future.

      1. Donna Avatar

        The comment about Goliath is a good one Eric. We are living in VERY interesting times that is for sure! These are praying times. It will all be revealed when it is to be known.

  17. myseventh Avatar

    To me it will a test of your moral compass / virtues and if you fail you will have no credibility, to some their credibility is their livelihood thus all is at stake. Not a easy position, this type of test will not be an easy choice, it will not be a clear choice. People have named people they would consider, however no one can truly see what is in the heart of another. Even if they believe they are good they may not be and on the other side what is considered bad may not be. Because we mortals have a very limited vision this test will be very difficult at best and even if you are correct you could still end up creditably bankrupt.
    One must consider if you fail to do what is right for retaining ones credibility then what you’ve lost? Is it your soul?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Though I don’t entirely agree with your interpretation it had crossed my mind that even though David rose to great heights his ending was equally grim. I would hope that our end does not carry the same fate. My main debate with your interpretation is that I do not believe David is me but the idea, the entire group; the Spirits, myself and all of you. David is the idea that we can use this tool of precognition to alter tragedies and bring peace in the lives of those who would otherwise suffer. Just my opinion though.

  18. donna B Avatar
    donna B

    only God can judge. We do not have all the information that the Spirits and God has’ therefore, we should not make judgements on the value of someone’s life. That’s what I get out of it anyway. Judge not; and yeh will not be judged. That is a scripture. So if we do not want to be judged we should not judge on saving a life. Life is for God to judge. We are imperfect. That’s just my take on it. It may not be the right one.

    1. swampy11 Avatar

      Good point, donna b. Even if it were about Kim Jong Un. Boy, that’d be a real toughie.

    2. Mary Avatar

      Donna, opinions are okay which is different from judgements. In my opinion, if the Spirits asked if we are willing to save one life? If that person can make the difference by saving the world from nuclear bombs or something that can destroy the earth, yes I’d save that person to protect the earth and bring peace for global. Yes, I would do this to help protect the earth and future generations from disasters. Hope It Helps.

  19. keokihi Avatar

    Eric, I trust you and the Spirits, the answer for me is Yes!
    A few of your predictions already have been questioned, especially the political ones!
    Instead of taking sides, scoffing at certain predictions, let’s try working together to, alert and change an upcoming event!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I totally agree!

  20. MotherofanAngel Avatar

    I have helped others and stood up when it counted, and yes, it cost me. Was it fair that I should pay a cost for doing what was right? No. Would I do it again? Absolutely. Doing what is right and kind was what was right for me, regardless of the cost.

    That said, I interpreted your encounter in a different way. I felt that you would make a prediction that was accurate, and heeded. Thus being heeded, disaster would be averted, and it would appear that you were inaccurate.

    Jean Dixon came to fame as having predicted JFK’s assassination. She had no details, etc., and had made the prediction years before Kennedy even ran for office. For the 1960 election, she had predicted that Nixon would win. Still the hit catapulted her to greater fame. Now think what would have happened if JFK had taken the warnings of several individuals who told him going to Dallas was too dangerous. If he had not gone, he would have finished out his term, and possibly gone on to have a second, and no one who warned him would be given credit for saving his life. A psychic predicting his assassination would be scorned, even tho that very prediction may have saved his life.

    If Eric predicts an assassination, accident, etc., and the individual takes action to divert the danger, would we say that Eric missed the mark, and discredit him? Besmirch his reputation? For that matter, if Eric didn’t know his words were taken into account, would he maintain his confidence?

    Sometimes being right, and doing the right thing can have a huge cost attached. Do the right thing anyway.

    1. Mary Avatar

      Well spoken, MotherofanAngel. Blessing to you and appreciate for sharing the words of wisdom.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Very good point, it’s something that I had not thought about yet your interpretation makes perfect sense

    3. jules104 Avatar

      Thank you Motherof anAngel. Very well said. I’ve thought on this same topic many times. How does one know? Maybe Eric’s predictions and warnings have changed the outcome…and so it only appears that he was wrong. Would we all stop warning others because they weren’t coming to pass? What would be the point then?

  21. Francine Avatar

    People should be willing to stand up for this for the benefit of anyone on either side of the political aisle, not just those they agree with. It is incredible that anyone woukd so openly say, “i’m on board with this, but only if it’s so and so, but not so and so.” Unbelievable.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I don’t believe the message is about politics but I do agree, it should not matter who the person is. We need to move away from our tribal instincts and remember we are all humans living together on this small planet and the only way towards peace is a united one.

  22. Bill S. Avatar
    Bill S.

    The statue of David depicts the exact moment he looked at Goliath and thought to himself “I can take him”! Pretty Cool!

  23. 3dakota Avatar

    Yes, to save a life!
    My thought is that spirit is saying, we understand that the predictions are not yet spot on with regards to timing and location. Which makes it difficult for the warriors to spread the word for warnings.
    My intention is yes, I want to help. My concern is that until the predictions are more accurate we risk loosing credibility, which I believe holds us back from full commitment.
    I have warned several friends thst were visiting Miramar or San Francisco when a prediction was implied to be immanent months ago. Yet both of those predictions are still pending. Terrorism or human will actions will always be a moving target. We will continue to be faced with that reality.
    After watching the movie Snowden, I have the utmost confidence that the NSA is fully aware and monitoring this website, prediction accuracy and all upcoming threats.
    I hope this is helpful – Eric thank you and spirits for including us in the process!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It’s not just including you in the process, you are the ones who will usher in this great change. You!

  24. Bazza Avatar

    Perhaps the statue of david refers to Michelangelo’s “Statue of David” which was Michelangelo’s masterpiece. In time the finished work became a “perfect image.”

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      You could be right.

    2. Bill S. Avatar
      Bill S.

      This is the statue I was referencing above. Thanks! I couldn’t remember who sculpted it.

  25. Luna tic Avatar
    Luna tic

    Count me in too. Fame is unimportant and fleeting. It is the outcome that is important. Even though politics can be a great divider, I can see that the majority of the the posters on your site Eric, really want the same thing…love and peace and for good to prevail.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks, I look forward to the days when we as a group alter the future.

  26. anthony Avatar

    There is 7 billion people in the world. A man falls on purpose. When he transforms he is called insane by family friends etc.. his friends and family are all christians. He relates scriptures to their own lives and they pray for him because he is insane to them. He stands upon a podium and they point there he is and they reflect and take 2 steps back. He says nothing.

  27. Karen Avatar

    This is completely off topic, but something Medium Pete said made me wonder, perhaps one of you could answer this for me. Because we have gone through Civil Rights and recently many rights were given to the LGBTQ community, is this simply the next step for us as a country/people? Did these steps open up the ability for people to show love and acceptance of others and therefore bring us up to a level where not judging others, being loving and passionate that everyone deserves to be treated the same way raise our frequency, so to speak, to take us to this next level? Was it already written that at this time this would happen?

    1. Pete Medium Avatar
      Pete Medium

      Well my thoughts. We are at the threshold of the Age of Aquarius and it will last around 3,000 years. Many of those of us embedded in the Pisces age that went before will fight fiercely to keep what was safe and historically proven. Is this why we have so much turmoil in the world?
      Aquarius is a human pouring out water. It is the only sign where there is a person alone. Is David referring to this new age?
      Is you read up an Astrology description of an Aquarian, you can see the unfolding of this New Age that has been happening since the late 50’s.
      Pete Medium

    2. anthony Avatar

      the age of Aquarius has to do with john the baptist. follow the man with a pitcher of water. john at that time ruled the world for a period of time above and at the end of his reign he came to the conclusion thru his own mistakes of forgiveness of sins and baptism of water which represents life.

    3. MK Avatar

      Initially when I read Eric’s post I read it as black and white and the message was simple.
      Then it struck me as interesting that the spirits depicted themselves as masons and that David represented Jerusalem. This week we have heard Donald Trump tell Israel the the American embassy will be moved to Jerusalem and Paris is holding a summit to try and move forward a 2 state solution. Israel does not recognise the summit.
      In the USA you have the inauguration this coming Friday. On Donald Trumps first day in office he will be 7-7-7, 70 years, 7 weeks and 7 days old. There is a massive march for woman on this day. The day Hilary had to concede defeat both she and Bill appeared wearing purple. There is another gathering over the bridge where people are going to hold purple cloths. When Hillary and Bill did this it was code for a colour revolution. Colour revolutions have not gone well for other countries.
      Being a spiritual warrior is far more than warning people of violent predictions and risking getting it wrong. In this example it is about staying at home, staying with your community, keeping the peace, arranging distractions for children, engaging in dialogue and influencing as many people as you can not to give their energy to something that is pre planned to be violent and a negative start to a new Presidency.

      1. Pamela Avatar

        I saw your 7-7-7 and remembered a past prediction:
        Prediction: Hijacked PlaneĀ Ā Ā  ā€œ7..7..7Ā Ā Ā  The bombing is coming.Ā Ā Ā  The airplane will be hijacked.. British.. air.Ā Ā Ā  The port under attackā€
        Its unclear if they are saying British Air orĀ are theyĀ implying a UK Hijacking. I donā€™t know what the number seven represents, however again they are implying three different attacks, perhaps on separate days. ā€” Eric

      2. mariakaos Avatar

        HI Pamela,
        Yes it would be logical to think it’s a boeing 7-7-7 but I pointed it out as the number is very significant to Donald Trumps first day in office.

      3. Mary Avatar

        MK…wow…good point! Think 7-7-7 a good numbers?

  28. Juan Jose Perez Avatar
    Juan Jose Perez

    I am one of those people that likes clear statements and predictions that actually show the details of the event that the spirits want me to intervene in my own limited way. I believe that the spirits are quite aware of people like me that are frustrated by the unclear aspects of their predictions. Yet the spirits know that people like me will step up when it is needed. As for my reputation or need to be esteemed, that is not my concern (they know that and why I say this). But making the world a better place is my calling. So, despite my own frustration of unclear statements by the spirits, I stand with Eric in making this world, in this material dimension, a better place for us all. Count me in, spirits!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


  29. Annie Avatar

    Very beautiful message from Spirit, Eric!

    I would like to offer the following, for those individuals who may be wondering if they are ready…or otherwise just something to think about or challenge oneself with…

    Do we have enemies – or those we disagree with in our personal lives, that we can nevertheless help in some manner or offer support?
    -Can we help them -even if- their faith differs, their politics differ, or their values differ?
    -Do we even stay aware to -see- who is in our path to be helped?

    It is in the reaching towards evolving into that higher aspect of self, that we can look at any “other”, and value them as we value ourselves – and thus we too grow in spirit.

    Prayer alone may work wonders; however prayer coupled with action moves literal mountains. Can we move those mountains for what is just and right for ANY human, and remove all thoughts of judgement, disagreement and condemnation for any reason? This is movement with true noble intentions..

    Speaking personally, it is indeed an ongoing effort, and some days it is far easier than others. However by living in the present moment, I find it anchors my being to awareness, and these moments become not only easier to spot, but the knowledge of how to help flows from spirit much easier as well. We are after all co-creators, but we must choose and re-choose that every day with our intentions, our thoughts and our actions.

    In becoming habitual in this process on a daily basis, in whatever manner we are able – it will only serve to make it a piece of cake to do so when a prediction can be so altered and people are called upon to help. Blessings.

    1. Kim Avatar


      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  30. Diana Avatar

    I had two strange dreams a few hours ago; they may mean absolutely nothing, but just in case, I thought I would share. Since Eric’s post was about people not sharing due to other people thinking they might be crazy, I thought I’d throw this out there. Like I said, it could be nothing.

    The first one was that there was a news announcement that there was a “ship on fire in the Pacific.” Witnesses heard a loud explosion that sounded like a canon going off and also there were flashes of light.

    The second dream was that a lady came into my home and was going to give my kids a flu shot. I told her she couldn’t give an immunization to my kids without my permission and she said that they could do that now. I told her that my kids had never been immunized before and expressed my concern that I didn’t know what was in that syringe. My deceased husband who was a physician appeared alongside me in the dream and said that it was OK. The nurse said that it was a really, really bad flu and lots of people were dying and they should get the shot. I said that since the kids’ dad said it was OK, I trusted his judgment and said she could give them the flu shot.

    1. Observer227 Avatar

      That’s very strange. I had a dream about being on a ship and near a coastline just two hours ago, right before I woke up.

      Sadly, I wrote it off as another strange dream that had no future bearing so I remember little. It could just be coincidence, but when I saw your post I thought I should respond.

      In my dream, I remember being in this lively-coastal town. It had an old, European-feel to it. It was night, and for some reason I started running around in a panic as if I was trying to stop some kind of tragedy. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves, socializing and having high-class dinners. At some point during the dream, I remember being on a relatively-small ship. I don’t remember anything afterwards, and nothing bad seemed to happen. I VAGUELY remember there being a small bridge, but that’s probably me filling in the blanks with my predictions as-of-late.

      Not sure what to make of it. If others confirm having similar dreams recently, we’ll know it’s NOT a coincidence. Until then, it’s only a dream.

      1. Diana Avatar

        Exactly, but if Eric thinks it could be helpful and we are opening to sharing things that could be important, it may fill in more details. Thank you for sharing Observer. I enjoyed reading all of your comments and I admire your courage. Every time I look on here I hope that you have added something. Take care.

      2. Luna tic Avatar
        Luna tic

        I had a dream 2 nights ago about being in the ocean and a large wave was towering over me much like a tsunami. I dove under the water as far as I could swim and when the wave passed I came up and saw 2 large ships. I thought they were U.S destroyers and looked very modern. The weather was sunny and clear and they looked ready to attack. Not sure what it meant but I immediately thought of the San Diego prediction.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thanks for the info.

  31. Popi Avatar

    Hi Eric! As always following you but don’t write very often lately…
    This was a great message! I think spirits used David as an example, just a small insignificant man who stood bravely in front of Goliath without any hope to win..
    He did though..
    Sometimes we all think.. “how can I stop something so big? something so far? something so insane to share with other people?”

    So perhaps this is the message They want to one is too small to act, no one is too weak to win a “what it looks like” a lost battle

    Happy New Year to all of you!

  32. Lia Avatar

    Interesting info on this page about the different statues of David. Look at the description for Michaelangelo’s David; relates to spirit’s message. I did not know that prior to MIchaelangelo, two other sculptors tried to no avail to depict David, leaving pieces of marble and dust in the courtyard. Spirit is asking you, Erik, if you’re up to the task, along with us. Also, MIchaelangelo shows in his sculpture the sling being drawn, BEFORE Goliath is defeated – a complete change from those David sculptures of other artists. Worldwidepredictions is the sling, in my humble opinion.

    1. Lia Avatar

      The link did not work – search statue of David from the main sorry that happened – not sure why.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s a very interesting take on the message. Thanks

  33. swampy11 Avatar

    There’s a lot of good interpretations here to consider. I like this “teamwork” concept! We’ll keep working at it. Thanks SWC and Eric!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  34. Lia Avatar

    Eric, I just recalled one of your predictions from way back when, but forget when & the details. Remember perhaps a few years ago the reference to the arrow in the sky, Orion and a meteor or something? Spirit was showing you with the bow and arrow, I think? Constellation Orion refers to Goliath, David is Corona Borealis. Father of David, Hercules, is meteoric activity ( according to Harvard University mythological archives). Do you recall the description of you with the arrow in the sky? Maybe Jules or someone else here will šŸ™‚

    1. jules104 Avatar

      I absolutely do Lia. I’ll look for it.

    2. jules104 Avatar

      Lia, SWC. Here it is. Spirits working on the foundation also a part of this old prediction. Great job Lia! Dec, 3, 2014 prediction.

      1. Lia Avatar

        Thx Jules – wow! Forgot your daughter’s dream in the thread of comments! Has she had any other dreams since? Poerful! Also, other interpretations from colleagues relate.

      2. Lia Avatar

        “Powerful” – auto corrections do odd things šŸ™‚

  35. jules104 Avatar

    For me this was simple. And in my opinion, Spirits (and I’d say Eric too because he is the bridge between) are building, laying a strong foundation for upcoming change, a shift, working diligently for us here on earth. What are each of us doing? What is our intent, agendas? This was a personal question for each one of us to ask ourselves. What will I do when called upon? What am I doing now? For me this was Spirit asking each of us to look deep within and answer truthfully. A time for us to reflect and contemplate deeply. Will I act, will I be bold, no matter what others think? Will I step outside my box?
    Blessings All SWC

    1. Lia Avatar

      I agree Jules. Maybe the ‘calling’ is about an upcoming, significant shift that we each experience and must choose a response to; stepping putside my box regardless of what others think happens to be my issue at this time. Long story šŸ™‚ Look at Michaelangelo’s famous quotes on the Internet – relates to Eric’s messages from spirit above. MIchaelangelo refers to carving an angel from marble & setting it free, amongst other meaningful quotes that relate here.

      1. Lia Avatar

        “Outside” not, “Putside” lol!!!!!

      2. jules104 Avatar

        Thanks for the info Lia. I did go and look up the statue Michelangelo did of David just now. I found it interesting that someone interprets the statue as; “The statue appears to show David after he has made the decision to fight Goliath but before the battle has actually taken place, a moment between conscious choice and action.” Very interesting stuff. I feel David looks a bit anxious, waiting for something or just sizing up his opponent. But none the less he has stepped up, in position and ready to act.
        And if nothing else Spirit has brought about much deep reflection and contemplation and discussion for us all. šŸ¤— šŸ˜‡

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Nicely put

  36. anita Avatar

    Has that vision something to do with Israel? David was IsraelĀ“s king and the soldier. ( Just now UN and 70 states in Paris( and Kerry) trieing to work for ” two states solution” with Israel and Palestine. And Netanjahu and TRUMP are totally against that and deny the worldĀ“s common opion! This is very dangerous – even for the peace of the world!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I don’t believe so.

  37. anita Avatar

    I meant ” opinion” – writing mistakes.. But.. i am scared about the fascism rising.. Putin, Netanjahu, Trump.. none of them care about worldĀ“s opinions! Assad, too, similar…
    something to do with this, so it is the political prediction?

    1. Francine Avatar

      Assad, and maybe Putin, are the only two who could qualify as fascists of the four you mentioned.

      And Kerry gave Netanyahu a very unacceptable ultimatum, or did you not hear about Kerry saying, “Israel can be Jewish, or it can be democratic, but it cannot be both.” Totally reprehensible thing to say. Fortunately, John Kerry will not be Sec’y of State for much longer.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        What does this have to do with the post?

      2. xxxxxxxxxxxx Avatar

        I respect Kerry! Judes cannot control Israel; all people there are nOT judes!
        They also cannot build on palestinian areas! They must give the same rights to palestinians as they want.

  38. cmt Avatar

    From Eric “Spirit what do you say for 2017? ā€œPrepare for battle its time to live by our word.ā€ I had a visual of Spirit putting on armor which I have never seen them do before.” Of interest and possible correlation?

    Davidā€™s Armor
    “The lesson God spoke to me today was this: David needed to be suited up for battle. However, he wasnā€™t ready for the armor the king tried to give him. It didnā€™t fit him and wasnā€™t what he was used to. Instead, David courageously armed himself with faith. Weā€™re to do the same. We are to prepare for each dayā€™s battle by arming ourselves in faith. In order to do this, we must be able to wear our armor! Remember what happened when Davidā€™s armor was too big and uncomfortable? He couldnā€™t wear it! We need to do what it takes to grow into our faith so that it fits; and we must use it every day, in every occasion possible ā€“ good and bad ā€“ so that weā€™re comfortable wearing it! Then when we face giants and battles in our own lives, weā€™ll be ready and fully suited for victorious battle in the Lordā€™s name. ”

    1. Lia Avatar

      CMT – well that sums it up nicely. Good job!

  39. Mike Avatar

    Eric, the question posed to you by the spirits has resonated with me all day. In the past I have struggled to explain why this is important to those who are skeptical but that question has provided me with a way to help others understand what you, spirit and all of are working hard to make happen…which is to get this information out and save lives.

    I’ve asked this very question to others today and I can see the gears spinning and then direct them to your site. Thanks for relaying this message and providing me with a new way to try to get the word out there about what your trying to accomplish here.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks, did you join the SWC group?

  40. Michael Avatar

    Eric – I did a lot of research today for no reason. I follow you lightly but The Point post got to me and then reading the comments all of a sudden I found myself looking at past predictions then stumbled upon all of the below. Superbowl Feburary 5th 2017 in HOUSTON TEXAS. Potential to have the Boston (old team name) Patriots. SO Many Coincidences: The 5th, The anniversary (50 years since the 1st superbowl), Stadium, Field, Soccer (football) Look at past predictions, everyone looking up (at the flag or jets fly over), Fireworks, around the time of the Dance (superbowl). when a women is singing (halftime show, national anthem), 1-4-16 could they mean New England?,

    On a side note they mention a lot about the number 20 on a bill. Trump Inauguration?

    Notes on 7-11-14
    I had a visual of a soccer ball rolling, then they implied I should look at our history of predictions, this is the only one that came to mind, please let me know if you can find another prediction that might have ties to the soccer ball, it wasnā€™t a very nice message:

    Notes on 6-10-15 I had a visual of a large Tarantula spider crawling on the ceiling.
    I had a visual of the word ā€œBostonā€ being spelled out: Spirit what is happening in Boston? I had a visual of people running in all directions. I heard several gun shots at one time. I had a visual of a massive amount of bullet shells fall to the ground as the weapons were unloaded.
    ā€œItā€™s a team.. we already know the team.. at the end or beginning tainting the celebration.ā€

    Predictions 1-4-16 New York Shootings I had a visual of a very large group of people gathering together for a run or walk. Then it switched to a scene of horror, people where laying on the ground injured and deceased, several people where upset holding each other. Then the visual switched again and I watched a TV being turned on to a commercial that showed two football helmets coming together, with the familiar football song playing in the background. Then the visual switched again and the word ā€œNewā€ was written. (I believe it was meant for a location like New York)

    Notes on 7-4-14
    Posted on July 4, 2014 by Eric Leigh-Pink
    I had a visual of people sitting on benches in a stadium, everyone was looking up while clapping, than under the bleachers, behind the people, an explosion happened, people began to scream and everyone scrambled for safety.

    ā€œTerror.. terrorā€

    I had a visual of the number 5 in big bold font.

    Notes on 6-19-15 ā€œWe are sorry Eric, but this prediction is incomplete.. more is coming..ā€
    I had a visual of a black and white mug shot of Dylann Roof, then another photo right next to it was coming into focus.
    ā€œNick (Nicked?).. 20.. Now.. 8ā€³
    I had a visual of someone unwrapping an iron statue of a saint.
    I had a visual of Spirit holding up a fake bill, then showing a 20 dollar bill while circling the number 20.
    Notes on 7-3-15 Posted on July 3, 2015 by Eric Leigh-Pink
    Notes on 2-10-14 Terror Attack Posted on February 10, 2014 by Eric Leigh-Pink

    Predictions 12-22-16

    Posted on December 22, 2016 by Eric Leigh-Pink

    I had a visual of a flag, black, white and yellow. ā€˜We have got him!ā€™ Then you see shadows of people beating, pulverizing a man, sprays of blood shot out. His face was completely bloody. Then his face had dirt on it. Then the visual switched and showed a Vengeance symbol with the Karma symbol in the center.

    I had a visual again of the bombings coming in December. A lady was singing on a stage. Then you could hear a massive explosion in the background. People screamed and ran.

    US Attack Coming

    Posted on February 15, 2016 by Eric Leigh-Pink
    Here are several predictions made over the last several months going as far back as 2014 that predicts an attack on the United States. Spirit has consistently focused on February. But we have struggled to narrow it down from there. They talked about 2 helmets coming together, the 7th, then they have presented 15,16,17 in other predictions. We are expecting the attack to be in multiple locations. We are expecting one or more than one of the locations in the North East US. Finally we also believe there will be ties to New York.

    1. Michael Avatar

      Eric ā€“ I did a lot of research today for no reason. I follow you lightly but The Point post got to me and then reading the comments all of a sudden I found myself looking at past predictions then stumbled upon all of the below. Superbowl Feburary 5th 2017 in HOUSTON TEXAS. Potential to have the Boston (old team name) Patriots. SO Many Coincidences: The 5th, The anniversary (50 years since the 1st superbowl), Stadium, Field, Soccer (football) Look at past predictions, everyone looking up (at the flag or jets fly over), Fireworks, around the time of the Dance (superbowl). when a women is singing (halftime show, national anthem), 1-4-16 could they mean New England?,

      On a side note they mention a lot about the number 20 on a bill. Trump Inauguration?

      Notes on 7-11-14
      I had a visual of a soccer ball rolling, then they implied I should look at our history of predictions, this is the only one that came to mind, please let me know if you can find another prediction that might have ties to the soccer ball, it wasnā€™t a very nice message:

      Notes on 6-10-15 I had a visual of a large Tarantula spider crawling on the ceiling.
      I had a visual of the word ā€œBostonā€ being spelled out: Spirit what is happening in Boston? I had a visual of people running in all directions. I heard several gun shots at one time. I had a visual of a massive amount of bullet shells fall to the ground as the weapons were unloaded.
      ā€œItā€™s a team.. we already know the team.. at the end or beginning tainting the celebration.ā€

      Predictions 1-4-16 New York Shootings I had a visual of a very large group of people gathering together for a run or walk. Then it switched to a scene of horror, people where laying on the ground injured and deceased, several people where upset holding each other. Then the visual switched again and I watched a TV being turned on to a commercial that showed two football helmets coming together, with the familiar football song playing in the background. Then the visual switched again and the word ā€œNewā€ was written. (I believe it was meant for a location like New York)

      Notes on 7-4-14

      Posted on July 4, 2014 by Eric Leigh-Pink

      I had a visual of people sitting on benches in a stadium, everyone was looking up while clapping, than under the bleachers, behind the people, an explosion happened, people began to scream and everyone scrambled for safety.

      ā€œTerror.. terrorā€

      I had a visual of the number 5 in big bold font.

      Notes on 6-19-15 ā€œWe are sorry Eric, but this prediction is incomplete.. more is coming..ā€
      I had a visual of a black and white mug shot of Dylann Roof, then another photo right next to it was coming into focus.
      ā€œNick (Nicked?).. 20.. Now.. 8ā€³
      I had a visual of someone unwrapping an iron statue of a saint.
      I had a visual of Spirit holding up a fake bill, then showing a 20 dollar bill while circling the number 20.

      Notes on 7-3-15 Posted on July 3, 2015 by Eric Leigh-Pink

      Notes on 2-10-14 Terror Attack Posted on February 10, 2014 by Eric Leigh-Pink

      Predictions 12-22-16

      Posted on December 22, 2016 by Eric Leigh-Pink

      I had a visual of a flag, black, white and yellow. ā€˜We have got him!ā€™ Then you see shadows of people beating, pulverizing a man, sprays of blood shot out. His face was completely bloody. Then his face had dirt on it. Then the visual switched and showed a Vengeance symbol with the Karma symbol in the center.

      I had a visual again of the bombings coming in December. A lady was singing on a stage. Then you could hear a massive explosion in the background. People screamed and ran.

      US Attack Coming

      Posted on February 15, 2016 by Eric Leigh-Pink

      Here are several predictions made over the last several months going as far back as 2014 that predicts an attack on the United States. Spirit has consistently focused on February. But we have struggled to narrow it down from there. They talked about 2 helmets coming together, the 7th, then they have presented 15,16,17 in other predictions. We are expecting the attack to be in multiple locations. We are expecting one or more than one of the locations in the North East US. Finally we also believe there will be ties to New York.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Thank you very much.

  41. Sonndra May Avatar
    Sonndra May

    Eric, one or more gunmen open fire in Miami today at MLK celebration. 8 wounded, including 2 children, one person critical. I think this was the prediction instead of Ft Lauderdale.

    1. Mary Avatar

      Oh my…2 poor children. Who was the shooter and why? Praying for their families and friends. It’s devastating.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I saw that. Very tragic. The visual I had showed stores in the background and a large hallway structure. I believe the airport is the prediction.

  42. Mary Avatar

    Eric, apart from this post. My stomach is unsettled for Jan 20th. Rumor as Russian hacked the votes. Still its wrong if its true. If it wasn’t hacked. I’ll accept even disagree with the person become our new president but if it was cheated. It doesn’t serve the right for him to be the president. This need to be on pause till its clear up and do the right thing. I wanted to protect America and we can’t afford to ignore that. See or hear anything may happen that day? Thanks and blessings to you and the Spirits.

    1. Francine Avatar

      Russia did not hack the votes. There has not been one story implying that the voting machines had been hacked. Everything is focusing on the release of the Wikileaks documents and who released them.

  43. Lia Avatar

    Eric & Friends – came to an awareness this a.m. I think the entire message from Eric is about ‘saving one’ is saving all – we are all marble, a work in progress. We are all chiseling away and sandpapering the rough edges of our personality selves to find the essence of truth within. The question is, are we ready to transmute the darkness within in order to release an awesome beauty of who we all truly are manifested outward in peace.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Very nicely put.

  44. Robert Avatar

    Have there been any predictions you’ve been hesitant to share with us?

  45. MK Avatar Not that any of the above are reliable news sources but this is due to be released tomorrow.
    ā€œPredictions 11-11-16 Wait.. Waitā€
    There is an epic bombshell coming, other bombshells follow, the US politics continue.. disarray.. topsy turvy

    1. Karen Avatar

      I fear these things will continue to come to light and will just continue to drive a wedge between the average everyday person. People will believe what they want to believe. I pray there is enough accepting, loving and kind people to overcome the division.

    2. Karben Avatar

      I can’t imagine Infowars reporting anything negative about Donald Trump, Alex Jones is all about Trump. If Trump is the monster many feel he is, it needs to come out before he’s sworn in as President. If this report is true, calling his child retarded, the n word, etc. is unacceptable and could be the bombshell that is coming.

  46. Christophilos Avatar

    I would remind all here that “Jesus, the Christ, was considered the “son of David.” All of us being members of “the body of Christ” are still “unfinished.” Consider that this message is not a political message, but a message that the work of “Spirit” is to bring us all to perfection in Christ Consciousness.

  47. Sharon Avatar


    Im truly horrified by what some of these seriously disturbed people are planning on inauguration day. Facebook has videos of these people caught by hidden camera up close & personal planning on putting acid in the ventalation systems at balls & other pure evil criminal actions. God help us all such acts of violence with no regard for human life! My question is do you think any of your predictions pertain to acts of violence and terrorism on inauguration day & evening to innocent people?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      They imply a situation before the date.

      1. Karen Avatar

        Thank you.

        Do you feel it’s the terrorist acts or the information that will cause “topsy turvy” in politics regarding Trump and Putin? I only ask as warning of attacks is the only thing we can potentially control.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I believe they are separate issues. They did mention “we are about to go 180 degrees” which goes with topsy turvy. However I was unclear on whether they were talking about themselves or because the flag falls the nation will go 180 degrees.

  48. Anyone Avatar

    Someone arriving , to meet with David (humanity) . But you just might be insane to believe And nobody is ready.

  49. Jorgen Avatar

    Our local psychic claims that Trump will be assasinated, though he hasn’t made a date

  50. Sara Avatar

    Do you sense anything happening soon? The inauguration is coming up, and between that and the earlier terror-attack predictions, Iā€™m pretty nervous about the next few days.

    1. Karen Avatar

      I too am very uneasy about the coming days. I think my feelings are more around Maj. Gen. Schwartz and his leaving at 12:01 on inauguration day. I pray nothing happens.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The impression is right before the inauguration day.

      1. jules104 Avatar

        I was watching Joni Patry a well known Vedic Astrologer on FB and she is saying that on the 19th the planetary alignments aren’t good for the US Chart. The 20th also but the main date is the 19th I believe. So that’s interesting in that it’s matching up with what Spirit is saying also. There are a lot of organized protests that will be occurring around this time and it makes me think of the prediction you had about the people around Trump or near him needing to be careful…something like that, though I believe it’s suppose to have happened already. Worried others will become the targets. I’d think there will also be a lot of security placed on the Inaguaration location itself, leaving other areas vulnerable. Though it’s possible that the whole Inaguration will turn into Chaos. But if something occurs prior well that can’t be good either. šŸ˜

  51. Pete Medium Avatar
    Pete Medium

    jules104 The 19th is when the Sun enters Aquarius, and many Astrologers are saying this 12 month cycle of the sun through the Zodiac will give a glimpse as to what will be the norm for the future. Capricorn was only partially in 2017 but Aquarius and all the rest are fully within this year, the beginning of the Aquarian age.

    1. jules104 Avatar

      Thanks for the info Pete Medium. Should be interesting.

  52. Art Palmer Avatar
    Art Palmer

    Please excuse my ignorance here (first time on this site). I, and perhaps others not versed in all this, am wondering why your (I imagine) wise ‘unseen’ helpers do not spell out, in simple words with direct meaning what it is they wish to convey? Meaning no disrespect, just don’t understand why communication is cloaked in mystery.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Its a good question, I take no disrespect. Try to understand that Spirits are energy with form, intelligence and personality. They don’t have a mouth, vocal cords, or tongue. Most of the Spirits I represent have never lived on this planet, so even the language is foreign. With that said they only way for them to communicate is by mentally providing symbolic messages. Even when I say ‘spirits voice’ its not a voice you could record, its all mental. The only way I could describe it is to imagine your trail of thoughts, how you talk to yourself, now try to imagine a thought that isn’t yours, its intrusive, and not your own personality or trail of thought. On another note these symbolic messages are in themselves a language. When they show a spider it represents a sinister individual with evil plans. It could be a terrorist or school shooter but the symbol does not sway. It means the same thing every single time. That applies to all the different symbols they show. I hope that makes sense.

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