Notes on 7-2-15


I had a visual of a green ticket with the number 9 on it.

“Leaders shunned.. there is no easy way out of this.. it doesn’t matter which direction you take.. the only correct answer is logic.. remove the emotional bluster.. both paths will take away comfort and you will have disturbia..  The only question is how long..  your focus is misplaced.. focus on expansion, trade, jobs.. do it right.. and three years will be left.”

Green would imply a yes vote. Numbers in previous ‘vote predictions’ represent the percentage of people voting one way or another.

In other news:

“Oh world.. the only way to live in a golden era are hands out extended to one another. Your about to get the opportunity for opening doors..  Doors will open for Cuba, for Iran, and yes a possibility to bury the hatchet with Russia (quietly) . This is just a few names where the opportunity of hands extended are about to arrive..  opportunity for the many.”

Disturbia: Is a term used to describe the dark side of good suburban neighborhoods. In this case I believe they are referring to a dark/disturbed period for Greece, but its foundation, its community is strong and sound.

41 responses to “Notes on 7-2-15”

  1. jules104 Avatar

    Eric sounds like most all of that was good news. Yahoo!

  2. star48 Avatar

    Eric, should Disturbia be added to glossary ?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      If they use it again I will for sure add it.

  3. Popi Avatar

    Thank very much Eric for this post I pray for the best for my country ❤️
    God bless you 🌹

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Your welcome!

  4. Popi Avatar

    I am sorry I forgot to comment on the second part of the post.

    So good news for the Humanity as the only way to make a better world is to stand united.We need to do that so we deliver a better world to all the children,this is our highest Duty!

    1. rhona Avatar

      greetings popi…the attitude you lovingly express in your message above is the personification of your Greek spirit….i beleive greece will show the world how to over come …only in the way a greek can…as my mother would have said…” there is only one way when your down ..and thats up you cant fall any further when you hit rock bottom..” lead the way greece by example ..thats my prayer for your country…blessings in love always..

  5. Cee Avatar

    Thank you for this message. Hope and pray out of this chaos, the country overcomes and eventually becomes stronger.

  6. Popi Avatar

    We are twice armed if we fight with faith.


    Rhona Cee and all of you Thank you❤️ A New Day is Coming and we the Greeks have to play our part in History and we will
    Good Morning from Greece 🌞

  7. Nick Avatar

    Hi, I think the green actually means No because the people who setup the referendum want a No vote which means success for the Goverment

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes I think you might have a point, I am going to ask for clarity today, hopefully they can clear it up. Many many people have pointed out to green representing “to go”

  8. liamofktn Avatar

    Eric, I’ve been a reader of your site for a long time, but this is an instance where I had to comment. I don’t know who your spiritual guides are, but their advice on the referendum is very dangerous and flatly wrong. I don’t think you quite understand what is at stake here for a generation or more of unemployed Greek youth. The yes vote on the referendum is not simply a staying put in the eurozone, it’s an acceptance of indebtedness and enslavement of millions. This is not simply about keeping the economy afloat or not. This is about letting unelected organizations dictate austerity measures that are designed, on purpose, to keep millions in low wage jobs with no justification, future, prospects of bettering ones self, purpose or hope at finding a better life for themselves. It means denying democratic rights to those who have fought so hard for them over the many decades on the European continent. Voting no is the only way to save any semblance of Greek’s sovereignty in a new world order where freedom is all but shored away as a distant fragment of the imagination. I hope your guides understand what a yes vote really means, because if they still show support for it after knowing this truth, then they are doing the nation a huge disservice and an injustice in leaving them rattled in debt. For a source of anarchy that they had no hand in creating for themselves, you’re letting them off into a world that they can never hope to ever recover from again in our lifetime.

  9. liamofktn Avatar

    Eric, I’ve been a reader of your site for a long time, but this is an instance where I had to comment. I don’t know who your spiritual guides are, but their advice on the referendum is very dangerous and flatly wrong. I don’t think you quite understand what is at stake here for a generation or more of unemployed Greek youth. The yes vote on the referendum is not simply a staying put in the eurozone, it’s an acceptance of indebtedness and enslavement of millions. This is not simply about keeping the economy afloat or not. This is about letting unelected organizations dictate austerity measures that are designed, on purpose, to keep millions in low wage jobs with no justification, future, prospects of bettering ones self, purpose or hope at finding a better life for themselves. It means denying democratic rights to those who have fought so hard for them over the many decades on the European continent. Voting no is the only way to save any semblance of Greek’s sovereignty in a new world order where freedom is all but shored away as a distant fragment of the imagination. I hope your guides understand what a yes vote really means, because if they still show support for it after knowing this truth, then they are doing the nation a huge disservice and an injustice in leaving them rattled in debt. For a source of anarchy that they had no hand in creating for themselves, you’re letting them off into a world that they can never hope to ever recover from again in our lifetime.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      To be clear they only mentioned the green color. In error I assumed that means yes, but several people have pointed out that it could mean ‘to go’. Sometimes my comments get me in a pickle. We plan to ask a more direct question to Spirit, hopefully by today, will Greece leave the European Union and exactly which direction will the vote sway. Just out of curiosity, is there any symbolic meaning to green and this vote? Does green have a symbolic message in Greece? I think the bigger take away here is that nothing monsterous is coming, the economy does not fall into a big black hole.

      1. liamofktn Avatar

        Nine percent voted in favor of the Oxi side. It was the right choice because it will allow Greece to take control of their lives and to rebuild. Sovereignty cannot exist in a world that is globalized and undemocratic. Of course, the European Union will not allow this to be without a fight, but if the Greeks hold firm and stay against austerity, they will find a nicer future to behold. Symbolically, this is the rejection of austerity measures, but also of an establishment that does not have the best of heart in mind for the nation of Greece as a whole.

    2. Popi Avatar

      Hi liamofktn!

      you are describing the situation correctly because NO means: let us short it out without killing more people by pushing them to suicide,hunger(the children fainting at schools from hunger) 65% unemployment for the young people and everybody(many families of 6-7-8 people) living with the pensions of 600 euros of their grand parents and European union and IMF they want to cut it saying that they are highly paid 🙁
      They just need more slaves but Europeans in this case,they think:why to bring our factories to China par example,lets make new low paid workers right here.
      And they spread lies for the Greeks so they can have the support from others,after they saved their Banks at 2010 saying that they were saving Greece.Big story and some day History will write everything about it.

      But Eric did his best as I asked from him to put a question to the spirits and we are thankful!Soon,on Sunday night we will know the answer but anyway we have a hard way to go through we do know that,because the last five years our Governments were signing everything they were told but we changed that already on January 25 2015 and now is the next step.

      1. Jules104 Avatar

        Hi Popi. Just wanting to clarify. So a No vote will mean Greece leaves the EU? I live in the US and it’s sort of confusing but from what I can tell somewhat like what happened here during our whole recession and the big banks getting bailed out, people basically working as slave labor because they have no choice and at the same time big business making record prophets off of the workers who were doing five jobs for the price of one. So many people lost their homes. I could go on but you get the big picture. So if it’s what I think it means…I think it will be tough but a vote to go may be in order. I have a feeling there will soon be others following suit. Hopefully you won’t end up like us with the big business and big banks running the country and most politicians. I think things will be turning around here someday where the people actually stand up to the greed that is controlling their country and have a say in matters but not soon enough. I will be praying for All of Greece and for the outcome to be what is in their best interest…not big business, politicians and only the banks. Blessings and Prayers.

      2. liamofktn Avatar

        Thank God it is an Oxi vote. This may have a damaging end for another few years, but in the long run, this is the absolute most effective choice for the Greek people if they want a more prosperous nation for their future and for their youth. That may not appear to be that way right away, but hold up on initial judgements. The best is yet to come. 🙂

      3. Harvey Avatar

        I feel for Greece. It can happen to any of us such UK, US, any where. So scary and frighten. I pray they have hope in this difficult time and situation. My heart is heavy for them. Don’t want any of them to go hungry. Such a mess when the banks closed. I wonder how long it’d take to recover in debts and get things back to normal. Blessings to all!

  10. Barbara Avatar

    Eric, do the spirits ever describe the polluted earth, water, air? Or overpopulation and depleting resources. Humans seem to be on a path of self destruction as it relates to our planet. I am curious, esp. overpopulation.

    1. star48 Avatar

      Barbara, hello…
      I have some dates that you could look up on this site that hopefully will answer your questions.
      This by no means is all of them. Just a representative number…

      You can put the dates in the search bar or you can peruse the summaries..
      2-8-2014. – for 21st century,
      11-6-14. In 2012. See. 3-8-12. , 6-16-12. , 9-20-12, 10-1-12, 11-26-12
      If you put in key words on search engine you will find more references..
      Please be sure to read comment sections as Eric, makes comments along the way..

      Welcome, and looking forward to hearing more from you.. Blessings.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes, they talk about it a lot, Use the search engine to type in climate change for the predictions. They have said on several occasions that climate change is the second worse situation this world will have to face. They predict massively large storms, the ocean consuming the shorelines, and a global famine, GLOBAL. Sorry to scare you but like I said they view it as one of the biggest problems we will ever face. But with that said we prevail.

      1. Harvey Avatar

        Eric, I believe we all make choices when crisis comes to us. Thanks for sharing honestly with us to be aware of it. I do not want to be blind side, not knowing the possibility we may face tomorrow.

  11. […] an issue that effects the entire world. As a result, I need to make my case. After reading certain fraud psychics trying to steer the Greeks into a Nai/Yes vote for austerity and enslavement that may be rigged to […]

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That is my assumption, the green message is key, and spirits message is the prediction not my comments, green could also be seen as ‘to go’ and not yes. I am sorry you feel the need to be so judgemental. I do have a question does green have any ties to the symbolic process in Greece?

  12. anthony Avatar


  13. benmadigan Avatar

    Living in the EU I am very worried about the Greek impasse because of the implications for greece and the rest of the EU.

    Whatever choice the greeks make in Sunday’s referendum i hope “disturbia” is minimised.

    I found the prediction upsetting Eric so i have some questions for you – hope you don’t mind.
    Why does a green ticket imply a “yes” majority?
    Leaders shunned – does that mean the greek government leaders or the leaders of the EU?
    Does 9 mean only 9% of people will vote and the referendum will be declared null and void?
    or does it mean 9% is the difference between votes e.g.45%vs54% ?
    Please explain Eric if you can.

    many thanks for all you are doing

    1. Popi Avatar

      Some how I believe things are changing for the Good of Greece but for humanity as well as we are living now very important times (Aquarius) and everything will change with even a Yes but my opinion is that a No/OXI is on the way and the Green its usually for us the color of hope.I want also to suggest to everyone that it is very important, in order this to be written in the Global consciousness,every one of us to visualize a World full of Justice and Love and only this can change the world.

      I found also this and I share it :

      Green: Color meanings of green in dreams often point us in the direction of growth, healing, love, giving, and inspiration. Green corresponds with the heart chakra, which governs passion, love and healing. The Anahata is associated with the element of air, and so we see a different kind of love than what we experience in the primal red hues. Green is symbolic of communicating care on a subtle, energetic level. When we dream of green, we are imbued with a magical ability to transfer knowledge by unorthodox means. Green facilitates growth, love and healing by mental stimulation. Greeks believed intelligence came from the heart. This combined with the green of the heart chakra talks to us about emotional intelligence and communicating with an open heart. I realize I’m being vague here, this kind of ethereal communication isn’t easily identified. However, we can look to mother nature for help in explanation. She speaks in viridian tongue – communicating a sea of burgeoning growth – all expressed by the color green. When we dream of green we’re experiencing levels of healing and growth that are subtle. It’s time to concentrate on the areas of our lives that need to flourish. Once we hone in, and begin to express our identification on an emotional (heart) level, our growth will be exponential and immense.

      Blessings to all

      1. star48 Avatar

        Beautiful ! Thank you !
        I do understand that that the wording is confusing? I wish the best for your country!

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        It is a very good point, they only mentioned green, not yes or no and it really depends on how green can be seen.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Your right, green can be seen as having several meanings, that is my error. I have not noticed any connection to this situation and green. In hindsight green could also mean ‘to go’. I plan to ask directly to clarify, will Greece leave the European Union.

    3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Historically the number represents the difference from one side to the other. I do not believe one side will vote 9%, more likely 59% to 41%. I am not as familiar to the process, as you might recall the presented 55 for the vote in Scottish independence. They also showed 66 in the vote for congress in the US, which was not that exact. So I am ‘assuming’ the tread of predicting the gap between the vote is the same here.

    4. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      One last rambling message. The take away from Spirit I think is that, nothing comes crashing down, no great horror is coming, it will continue to rough and difficult but not utterly disasterous, because eventually cooler heads and logical steps take front stage. I

      1. Popi Avatar

        Thank you star48, Thank you Eric Happy 4th of July !!

  14. swampy11 Avatar

    Popi, that helps me understand a little more about my place and responsibilities, spiritually. Now, I can understand better how each of us can apply our positive energies and intent that will affect the outcomes. Thanks!

    1. Popi Avatar

      Hi swampy11,

      The only think i can say is something We the people forget ”I am Soul,I am Conscious and I have a body” usually we are advised for the opposite. (between be and have)
      This is where we have to start and balance our lives as long as we are here now at this timeline.
      Every small thing we think or act affects the outcome for the Humanity as we are all connected.
      Its a bit hard for me to explain it in English 🙂

      Happy 4th of July to everyone in US!!

  15. Cee Avatar

    Eric – again thank you for your being of service in receiving these messages. Always praying the worst ones are dispelled. Always praying for peace.

    The above message for Greece to me, was most instructive in the words quoted.

    “There is no easy way out of this, it doesn’t matter which direction you take. The only correct answer is logic. Remove the emotional bluster.” and especially, “Your focus is misplaced. Focus on expansion, trade, jobs. do it right and three years will be left.”

    I see this as hopeful, that Greece can emerge from this mess in a couple of years.

  16. swampy11 Avatar

    Hi Popi, it makes sense to me. I’ll have to agree. God bless!

  17. Popi Avatar

    Hi Jules104

    The question is not about leaving Europe although we should,Europe now is under the domination of Germany and global funds so this is not good once again for the people and many countries will follow(Spain,Portugal,Ireland),people are loosing everything.

    It is on Greece though at this moment to saw the way out of this, giving the big first battle and if you see there are demonstrations everywhere to support Greece!

    Thank you

  18. […] Notes on 7-2-15     “Oh world.. the only way to live in a golden era are hands out extended to one another. Your about to get the opportunity for opening doors..  Doors will open for Cuba, for Iran, and yes a possibility to bury the hatchet with Russia (quietly) . This is just a few names where the opportunity of hands extended are about to arrive..  opportunity for the many.” […]

  19. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC..
    , Greece..
    Tsipras Leading an anti -austerity alliance with southern Med countries as a bloc to get economic control from Germany….EU
    “leaders of France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Malta are planning to meet in Athens next month to forge a new anti-austerity alliance with the aim of wrestling back control of the European Central Back (ECB), which sets Eurozone fiscal policy, from Berlin.

    It is being headed up by Greek premier Alexis Tsipras, who has frequently clashed with both Mrs Merkel and Brussels over the crippling austerity which has brought his country to its knees. ”

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