Notes on 7-26-14

The Blue part is just my own opinion.

I had a visual of a set of crackers all lined up. “Rolling quakes, rolling again and again.. in the islands.. and China.. around 730 (30th)” — Spirits Voice  The set of crackers represent multiple quakes happening back to back  around the same timeframe. It’s around the 30th so it could be a few days before or after.

“The Highway or bridge falls apart” — Spirits Voice

I had a visual of several houses close to a body of water, the flooding covered the housing area. “The first half of August.. Canada.. river..” — They implied British Columbia but it could be in another part of Canada.

“An infestation.. a gaping hole.. a massive explosion.. where the leaders are.. by the Capitol.. Europe (Norway).. 27.. we can try.. warn them!” — We were asking about Norway because of an old prediction that never happened.  There are two events below, the first unfortunately happened when Boko Haram needlessly took the lives of 50 students at an agricultural school. The other prediction, which implies Norway, did not happen.

27 could be seen as the 27th or the 2nd (7 could be symbolic to the day), no month was provided.

Here is the entire Notes for that day:
Notes on 8-7-13 : I had a visual of a man holding an avocado that was split in two and then a large black spider crawled up and around the avocado. Then it switched and the two pieces of the avocado were put in two different places. “Ambush” — I can’t speak for the meaning of the avocado but the spider is considered the absolute worse symbol they could present. Spiders have been used to describe Bin Laden, Breivik, school shootings in the states, and several other terrorist acts both domestic and foreign.
“Bad news for country.. capital.. defiant.. delirious.. killer.. up in the air, weight over (over weight),  another monster”
I had a visual of a syringe, with liquid coming out. – Normally a syringe represents shots being fired, but normally they show multiple syringes, this had one, it could represent this monsters demise.
537 – 527 – Usually with 7 they are marking a date, its possible they are counting down days. Putting it at the end of September, sometime between the 27th – 30th of the month.
They showed the Norway flag used by the cruise line, the one with the big ‘N’. Its unclear if they are talking about Norway or could it be a separate situation.

World Prediction Glossary Reference: Spider, Numbers

Please make every effort to get the word out, especially if you have ties to Europe. Help us change this tragic event from happening. If you have the means please take the initiative.



33 responses to “Notes on 7-26-14”

  1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

    Lets have a conversation of how we can get this information to the appropriate people. Please make efforts to bring awareness to this prediction especially when it comes to those in Europe. Share what you have done to bring awareness so that you can inspire the rest of us to act. Its up to you to alter this event from happening. Lets do it! I know its a tough to stick your neck out there, psychics have a rough reputation for good reason. Then there is the possibility that this prediction is wrong, they don’t have 100% accuracy, but imagine the lives you could change if we read how this attack was foiled and nothing happened. Help us bring change.

  2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

    Also share any ideas you might have. In the prediction they are asking us to try. Those of you in Europe, thoughts??

  3. Larry TO Avatar
    Larry TO

    Many avocados found in Europe supermarkets are grown in Israel.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Interesting. Did not know that.

  4. jules104 Avatar

    Okay Eric. I sent warnings to the Norwegian Intelligence Agencies, and to the CIA with the exact info that has been given to us by Spirit. I dont know if anyone will listen but its worth a try!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Sure, that was spirits attitude too, a sort of ‘wouldn’t hurt to try’.

    2. Sandy Goshorn Avatar
      Apparently they took the warning and acted on it. The above link was on the news.

      1. R. J. Avatar
        R. J.

        ummm, just so people know, this is not new. Norway advised of an imminent terror attack about a week ago.

      2. jules104 Avatar

        Hi Sandy. Thanks but yes, the authorities in Europe/Norway have had a heads up on this possible terrorist act for a bit now. I just wanted to make sure they are aware of Eric’s site and Spirits predictions on the specifics we’ve covered. Something may pop out to them which hasn’t to any of us who are not in the intelligence community or living there in the actual area. Thanks again though. Blessings To You.

  5. R. J. Avatar
    R. J.

    A quake window is opening for NZ again

  6. Ada Avatar

    Eric, I just posted a comment about Norway’s terror alert but it didn’t post. It says it’s awaiting moderation.

  7. Sandy Goshorn Avatar
    Sandy Goshorn

    I also left a link regarding the Norwegian terror threat and it’s still not posted.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks Jules, Sandy, and Ada for helping us bring attention to this situation. If any one else has made efforts to bring awareness to this prediction please share it with us. I would love to hear everyones ideas, maybe its something we can also do in future predictions.

  8. star48 Avatar

    Eric, the bridge falling apart – is this from the previous postings from spirit? San Francisco .?
    What are your thoughts?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It wasn’t a bridge, they called it that, but from the visual it was more like a freeway passing or something. I Don’t think there are ties between the two.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks will take a look.

  9. dave Avatar

    Just a thought the number 7 represents one week 537 would be 53 weeks 527 would be 52 weeks

  10. star48 Avatar

    Eric, three earthquakes this morning. 6.3 in Veracruz, Mexico.. 5.8 in Gulf of Mexico, and 5.6 on Arkansas,Missouri border. All within 4 minutes of each other, ..

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Oh my will take a look.

  11. star48 Avatar

    Eric, could this be indicative of “infestation “? Using women?

  12. rhona Avatar

    Hi eric and all …woke this morning of 3rd of august and micronesisia has had rolling quakes 7-2 to 6-6 so has solomons and of shore java these maybe the start of the rolling crackers mentioned 7-27-14 …holding the energy and sending much light to area so far australia is not on tsunami alert and the pacific is ok too.

    1. rhona Avatar

      Ah 7-26-14 prediction …..

    2. Jules104 Avatar

      Hi Rhona. That sounds like it could be it. Sending light your way.

      1. rhona Avatar

        So happy we can share and care jules..for each other and the sites extended families….and of course our humanity….feeling as though its not over yet i can feel a ping in my body like a pingback its hard to explain….thanks ….xxx

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Me too Rhona…nice to be able to share with like minded individuals. Did you see the earthquake in China? Maybe that ping you were waiting for. And I sort of have an idea of how you feel…but can’t explain it. Almost like an energy/vibration that’s charged all around you or something. It makes me kinda anxious feeling. Sending light your way.

  13. […] Notes on 7-26-14 I had a visual of a set of crackers all lined up. “Rolling quakes, rolling again and again.. in the islands.. and China.. around 730 (30th)” — Spirits Voice  The set of crackers represent multiple quakes happening back to back  around the same timeframe. It’s around the 30th so it could be a few days before or after. “The Highway or bridge falls apart” — Spirits Voice […]

  14. A2DaK Avatar

    A tailings pond from a mine burst a few days ago in b.c. Didn’t hear anything about housing but I know it will cause environmental damage

  15. […] Notes on 7-26-14    “An infestation.. a gaping hole.. a massive explosion.. where the leaders are.. by the Capitol.. Europe (Norway).. 27.. we can try.. warn them!” 27 could be seen as the 27th or the 2nd (7 could be symbolic to the day), no month was provided. […]

  16. star48 Avatar

    Eric, the 27th threat to Norway.. ! This finding of spy equipment in central Oslo Norway supports the possibility..

  17. star48 Avatar

    Eric, regarding “Norway”—-terrorist information..

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