Prediction 7: Next U.S. President

Obama is Re-elected. As the elections close the economy is improving but far from what Americans are use to.  All the same its improvement becomes the major influence on the coming elections.

Expected Time Frame: November 2012

4 responses to “Prediction 7: Next U.S. President”

  1. […] A visual of trash being thrown in a trash container.  “Thown away” This part could be seen in two lights the failure to achieve the executive branch, keep in mind they have already predicted in March Obama would be re-elected or perhaps it is romney scrapping his old campaign for a new version. Obama re-election Prediction: […]

  2. […] Prediction 7 The Next US President, Posted March 8th Reads: Obama is Re-elected. As the elections close the economy is improving but far from what Americans are use to.  All the same its improvement becomes the major influence on the coming elections. Expected Time Frame: November 2012 Original Post: […]

  3. […] Prediction 7 Posted March 8th Reads: Obama is Re-elected. As the elections close the economy is improving but far from what Americans are used to.  All the same its improvement becomes the major influence on the coming elections. Original Post: […]

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