Flash Floods in China

This prediction has happened in China. This post on 6-3 is complete, all other predictions on it have happened. However the details of one of the predictions failed to be accurate.  The ability to tell you what each individual month has in store is something we have been working towards for awhile.  If they come to master the process it will change the way we write these predictions. We will be able to summarize the future events coming month by month.

The other predictions that happened in this post: Notes on 6-19-15 , Top Al Qaeda Leader Killed , Nepal Landslide , Ghana Gas Station

Notes on 6-3-15   I had a visual of a spider crawling on the face of a young man.  The visual switched to show different images of a handful of teenagers at a school cafeteria. The last image showed a man with a shallow empty look. Then Spirit drew a box with the number 8.
“Rebellious, rejected teenager will commit horrific acts.. June” — Spirits Voice
I had a visual of a persons hands rummaging through crude sketches, perhaps his plans.
I had a visual of a clown ceramic doll whose face was destroyed, nothing was left but a shallow hole where the face once was.
“Such an evil tragic act.” — Spirits Voice

Later they would add: “At 4″

The location was an issue, I asked several times. They presented a rectangle shaped state, for instance Kansas is like that. They also implied a city with a similar name, like Kansas City. Unfortunately there are several states and cities that fit that description.

Previous Prediction, perhaps related  Notes on 5-30-15  : “Eleven casualties, shot, at a campus.. charter.. what a despicable act.”

My assessment of Spirits message: There will be a school shooting where  8 to 11 people are shot or killed. Even though they say ‘Campus’ from the look of the faces it seemed more likely a high school. That is assuming the two predictions are related.

Help us bring awareness, we need to get this prediction out there and we have little time to do it,  just maybe we can alter this tragic event from happening. In the meantime I will continue to focus on providing a clear cut location.

I had a visual of a large American flag. “The dark leader will be taken down.”

My assessment of Spirits message: A top leader of ISIS or Al Qaeda will fall, perhaps even Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi leader of ISIS.

In mid June Nepal will be hit with massive flooding, land slides, houses crushed and consumed.. the unstable ground creates so much damage.

“Flash floods.. it will consume a massive area.. they will be hit hard.” I had a visual of a map that showed China.

My assessment of Spirits message: Sometime in the middle of June Nepal will be hit hard with rain and flooding  leading to avalanches, mudslides and excessive structural damage. But there is also an underline message that from June through December the world will see a massive increase in flooding across the globe. If you know people in Nepal please warn them so that we can prevent the absolute worse from happening.

I had a visual of massive explosion. They showed a tank of gas exploding as if to imply either a gas station, or an oil refinery would have a massive explosion.

The Facts on 6-18: Flash floods pelt China.

12 responses to “Flash Floods in China”

  1. ritaravin Avatar

    Didn’t that one about 8 to 11 killed on campus sound like like the church killings?

    Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

  2. matilda Avatar

    10 killed in detroit & its raining in nepal !

  3. jules104 Avatar

    HAPPY FATHERS DAY! To all of the Dads out there… and all of the single Moms who have taken on the roll of a Dad…and all of the Grandparents who have taken on that roll also…I hope you ALL are having a wonderful day today. Blessings (and I apologize if I’ve left anyone out). Love and Smiles on Your Special Day!

  4. samantha Avatar


    Just saw this on my news feed was this the pluto reference?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yeah I am starting to think Pluto might just be.. Pluto.

      1. Blessings Avatar

        Oh now that was funny Eric ! LOL! needed a laugh!

  5. magnifiquechiennetwork Avatar

    Reading last years predictions, there were many suggesting a terror attack at a sporting event. One of these predictions specifically mentioned a soccer ball and another fireworks. With the women’s World Cup going on and the 4th of July coming up, maybe those predictions are about to take place. Besides the year, the timeframe (first week of July) spirit gave would also fits. Does spirit ever get the year mixed up (or you interpret wrong?)? I don’t follow soccer but maybe the U.S. winning the World Cup and a big celebration would be targeted by terrorist.

    1. jules104 Avatar

      Hi magnifiquechiennetwork. My daughter is watching those. That is interesting. Good points. It takes a Village I guess. LOL

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Unfortunately that already happened, it was a very horrible situation at a volleyball game. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/24/world/asia/afghanistan-suicide-bomber-volleyball-match.html?_r=0

  6. star48 Avatar

    regarding..”But there is also an underline message that from June through December the world will see a massive increase in flooding across the globe.”


    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


  7. […] “Flash floods.. it will consume a massive area.. they will be hit hard.” I had a visual of a map that showed China. Happened on June 18th: Flash Floods in China […]

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