High School Shooting in Colorado

This tragic event has happened, the predictions read:

Notes on 12-2-13
I had a visual of what looked like colored markers or crayons lined up next to it there were bullets, then I heard shots fired. Five shots. “This is coming soon.. Not the nicest kid anymore.. poor popularity.. ” At the end they showed the number 7.

Notes on 12-8-13 Sniper
“The sniper will shoot the innocent.” – Spirits voice
I had a visual of a lady who was walking, then I heard a short snap, then a soft whistle. Her white shirt turned red with blood.
They showed a map of the United States and marked a south central area. (In what would be considered Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas) – They could be talking about another prediction but unlikely.

Notes on 12-9-13
They have marked the 13th of December. This time we are planning to ask what is coming.

Notes on 12-9-13
They presented another ‘O’ but presented it as an old record.
Glossary Reference: O

Notes on 12-13-13
I had a vision of a man sitting in the seat. He seemed fairly young in the vision, and was holding a black gun. “He plans to do great harm”

The Facts on 12-13-13: Police have confirmed a suspected shooter at a Colorado high school has been found dead.
Two students were reportedly injured in the shooting at Arapahoe High School in Centennial.                                              
The suspected shooter was found dead as a result of what appears to be “a self-inflicted gun wound”, police confirmed. Quoted News: http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/two-reportedly-down-in-arapahoe-high-school-shooting/story-fnh81jut-1226782957216

Eric’s Comments: My heart goes out to the people of Colorado. You can see the Spirits disdain as they presented the ‘O’ with an old record, because that is what it is, a broken record that keeps playing over and over and desperately needs to end in the US. I am not sure if the ‘sniper’ message was meant to be symbolic or are we talking about something else entirely. Fans and readers,  help us bring awareness to these tragic predictions, these tragedies need to end, and we must work towards stopping the next tragedy.

7 responses to “High School Shooting in Colorado”

  1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

    In notes 12-2-13 the message of the number ‘7’ could be seen as the following week. We will have to track the next number 7 message and see if they start a pattern.

  2. laura bernieri Avatar
    laura bernieri

    YES, Eric! I think there are clues in dates, time cycles, lay line locations. Rather than focusing on ‘prevent’ which is noble, perhaps energetically if you open as wide as ye might to your guides bringing to light keys unlocking patterns that will unveil — for lack of a better word — demonic influences. There are pagan calendar rituals and offerings from ‘the old religion’ that modern man does not see. As in my study of the Zodiac killer, Son of Sam, Sandy Hook there seems to be ‘sacrifices’ at play to appease a negative force unseen by the human eyes. I call it Thanatos – the opposite of Eros. Biblical scholars believe the actual birthday of Jesus was 9/11 which would reveal why that date was chosen to create a false flag waving US into a satanic pact. We need to wake up, step up to the challenge of reclaiming our destiny.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Hi Laura, The Spirits and the Conductor determine the plans and actions of the predictions. I just work for them, and they have two goals, more accuracy and altering these tragedies. Thanks

  3. laura bernieri Avatar
    laura bernieri

    In my mind, that is what the ‘Ascension’ means and you are doing an incredible service by sharing with us what your guides show. It’s up to us to prevent GOING FORWARD. We cannot prevent what is past or has passed, but you are waking up the population to patterns giving us the necessary awareness of a presence behind these seemingly random acts to unite us. You are creating a critical consensus, a grassroots coalition of like-minded light workers who by their very mental energy can create a sea change of consciousness in the species across time & space.

    1. laura bernieri Avatar
      laura bernieri

      K, thx. Yes, I hear you! Cheerleading. Go forth, continue on lol. Thank you Eric

      1. laura bernieri Avatar
        laura bernieri

        Listening to Vivaldi’s 4 Seasons & Aaron Copeland’s Symphony for the Common Man all day while the cold and snow sequester us in the midst of nor;easter. Meditating on how beautiful & majestic human species is. I don’t buy into all doomsday prophecies. We are in a celestial battle, for sure, and love radiating out to u as u allow yourself to be a vessel

  4. […] The Full Summary of this prediction: High School Shooting in Colorado […]

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