World Predictions: Putin and Whats Coming

Russia unveils a new weapon.. a weapon that is intimidating.. that will turn on them. I had a visual of soldiers injured or dead laying on the ground.

World Predictions 1-29-19

I had a visual I was walking up a hillside of a dirt road. On the path of the road were two snakes fighting over the road, constantly snapping at each other. Then one bit the other in such a way that was so hostile.
I continued up the road to see armies gathering. Two nations preparing for war. Each side blustering. Then in the most horrific way the lights that operate nuclear weapons turned on. The message ends there with the impression that cooler heads prevail. Very Cuban missile crisis. Though they never said who, it literally is a fight over a dirt road, only you humanity find time to kill over dirt that was never yours in the first place.
I had a visual of a future where Americans brawled each other while Putin hiding in the dark corner snickered at the division he created. Then the spotlight was on Putin. The visual shifted to show a new era of America marching in unison, with one enemy.. Russia. There was a massive storm in the background and a horrible ominous feeling of dread. Though the people were dressed in modern day clothes the background looked like the 1950s.

World Predictions 12-8-20

“We need to further develop our Nuclear Capabilities.” -Vladimir Putin This World Prediction has happened. We have returned to the 1950s red scare.

So many Putin predictions, you can see them all World Prediction: Russia War. But perhaps a reminder of what is still coming.

“Next.. Poison”- Spirit voice.
I had a vision of white vapor. The vapor moved slow and destroyed everything it touched. In the mist of this vision of endless white vapor, a figure walked out, Putin.

I had a visual of a white statue, in one hand she yielded a sword to her waist side, in the other was a bowl lifted. “Georgia.. Putin has plans to poison you. Take caution.”

London.. Poison on the UK land. The Russians use a redundant tactic. I had a visual of one man wiping his leather gloved hands briefly over another as they passed, leaving a mark. Then from the halls and rooms of the UK government pure rage.

“Now.. Russia.. displays tactical mini nuclear weapons.. what a very bad idea” In a not so distant future: I had a visual of every news station discussing the shock over the use of the miniature nuclear weapon. It’s unclear if Russia used them or someone else did in what I am assuming becomes a new type of arms race. This prediction was so shocking and horrifying I could not go to sleep, I have been reluctant to post it.

Civil war you say?
The violence is coming. The violence is coming soon. Scandal.. another one.. Russia. Bomber.. bomber.. coming soon.. I had a visual of a bomb being made, then it shifted to show a metropolis

No one trusts Putin
The business in Russia begins to faulter as no one trusts the Russian word
an economic recession in Russia is inevitable
unemployment begins to spiral in the wrong way
Putin’s gamble is an utter failure

I had a visual that Belarus begin to unravel. Protest led to rage and then rioting. Heavy violent hands from the authorities. .
In the place of protest, the government like a thief in the night prowls against the people. Suddenly individuals opposed to the authorities disappear, never to be heard of again.
I had a visual of chickens clucking along, being chased by a man. Then someone caught the chicken. The chicken was held up by the throat, then another man quickly cut the chickens throat. Blood sprayed.
I had a visual that Belarus begin to unravel. Protest led to rage and then rioting. Heavy violent hands from the authorities.
Lukas… an agreement.. rapid.. your out!
I had a visual of so many people protesting with rage. Then it faded to black.. then I had a visual of those same people celebrating, excited and happy.

Bashar Al Assad will continue to slaughter both the rebels and innocent civilians. Because of his cruel workings more and more Syrians join the rebel side. The inner circle of Al Assad crumbles to pieces. The Brutus’s to Caesar are on the rise.

I had a vision I was in the halls of the Kremlin. The hallway had pictures of all their leaders lined up. I saw a portrait of Putin dressed in a suit, followed by another. A military figure, his eyes were piercing black…

Putin is set to lose in the most epic manner. His entire empire will fall including all of his cronies in other nations. All of it will collapse.

The bill of your wicked war is due Russia, the economic fallout and economic nightmare is about to arrive.
I had a visual of tanks crossing a frozen lake, the lake floor shimmered with gold beneath it. Many predicted the Amy of tanks would sink in the lake but so far they had not. As the tanks crossed all seemed well, but in this moment the ground cracked, their was a sudden shake, and a loud popping as their foundation cracked. The gold started to sink in the depths of the the cold water.

“Russia Collapse.”
I had a vision of a Russian brick wall, the wall was old, and fortifying, then a part of the wall just fell over, as it did I could see it shatter into small pieces.
I had a visual of a large whole in the ground of Russia and it was a vacuum consuming everything around it, the weight of its power so heavy that it reached across the world and affected all the other places sinking not just Russia but other places as well. Like a black hole in the center of
“Vladimir Putin, in the end you will only be remembered as another Rasputin. That which brought it all down”

…An announcer of the race came over the loudspeaker. “Thank God, the race is ending now. It’s coming to its ending.” in this old WW1 voice. I felt relief as the finish line flag wagged in the brisk air; this was ending.

7 responses to “World Predictions: Putin and Whats Coming”

  1. Itk Avatar

    I found this interesting recent news: the Wagner group has bought arms to be used against Ukraine from N. Korea. This news may also imply how the future civil war-like situation in Russia could play out: it could be Prigozhin and Wagner against the Kremlin, or the “official” military. What do you think?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Wow getting desperate Putin is.

      1. Sara Avatar

        Being desperate sometimes makes people behave in unstable ways, so I hope the international community is keeping a close eye on Putin.

  2. psychic chris Avatar
    psychic chris

    do you see civil war in russia eric?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      “Civil War you say?” The way Spirit presented it, implied it was like a civil war. As if they question if it is or not. Something in between? All the same everything unravels. Its not about the war as it is about economic collapse that upsets the Russians.

  3. Itk Avatar

    A moment ago, Putin said he wants to end the war asap: Of course, this is likely not to be real but may be intended as a message to his pro-war hardliner critics. Or, finally, reflect a real understanding of the situation, the possibility of defeat.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Do you hear he mentioned the Chicken! Even I had to turn my head back and say.. What?? But yes he used our same symbolic message.

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