Grant Wahl Dies Covering World Cup

I had a vision of just flashes of time like watching pictures play out in front of me. It was a sports figure. Someone who made their space so warm, so happy, so giving, so kind. He brought ’warmth’ to his craft. The craft was Sports and he was a Titan like no other. The vision showed how utterly much this one person helped so many others. They showed pictures of him always at a field, on the grass, smiling with others, always helping others around him, always bring warm love to everyone, a teacher, so happy. Each image showed huge happy moments of such absolute splendor. Then the Spirits all tipped their hat. The vision ended by me standing outside a hospital room. You could hear the people in the other room, nurses in a panic ”We are losing him.” Then it ended with one epic greeting from the Spiritual Realm all these Spirits begin to gather and greet the Titan, to pay him respect. To Thank him. They all lined up to personally thank him. This was going to be another Epic party I am going to miss on the other side.

World Predictions 4-18-22

Rest In Peace Grant. This prediction has happened. Spirit pays respect to those that serve their cause. By that I mean Love. Any service to love is a service to them. This man glowed with Love.

World Predictions: The Year 2022-12 in Review Take a look at a review of all our work in the year 2022.

46 responses to “Grant Wahl Dies Covering World Cup”

  1. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    May he rest in peace.

  2. Juan Jose Perez Avatar
    Juan Jose Perez

    Eric, what a beautiful vision! I rejoice and I am thankful for this man’s life and passion. Even though I did not know this great journalist, nor do I follow soccer (football), I feel the loss. Hearing that he was detained in Qatar for wearing a rainbow shirt, bringing truth to those in power there, I was impressed by his boldness. And he wrote of the immigrant worker injustices in Qatar. Wow! I am saddened that I didn’t get to know him.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      To those that serve them, in dearth, they are celebrated with such Splendor, no one walks alone in death. Huge lines of respect and grace await you on that last moment. But only to those that serve them.

  3. Tom Avatar

    He was vaxx’d and he is not the first young man who has mysteriously died.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Are you a doctor Tom?

      1. Tom Avatar

        This man is a doctor
        and he has noticed the sudden deaths of 32 vaxx doctors in Canada
        and he is sounding the alarm

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          So you mean No. You are not a doctor.

          1. Tom Avatar

            I’m thankful that I’m not a Doctor because they were all forced to be injected with that untested experimental
            poison that is now killing them world wide. What was done to these doctors and the general public is criminal and is starting to come into the light. I knew this vaxx was a scam from the beginning and I was right and many others are starting to see the light and wake up to the truth. A great evil was perpetrated on this world and many politicians got rich pushing this poison while they invested in Pfizer stock.

          2. mk Avatar

            Grant Wahl wasn’t a doctor but that didn’t stop him from tweeting:

            “If your unvaccinated at this point your asking to be hospitalized or worse”.

            It’s one of those tweets that didn’t age well.

            The Satanists tell us what they have planned. This absolves them of any bad karma/ come backs should you willingly go along with the plan.

            1. Sara Avatar

              The Satanists? These kinds of conspiracy theories are getting ridiculous.

              As for the video you posted, Obama was warning about pandemics in general, it doesn’t mean he knew about some “planned” virus for 2019. His general warning was no different than weather forecasters warning us that hurricanes are increasing.

              Do their warnings mean forecasters are giving us some clue that a weather-obsessed cabal secretly plans to create major hurricanes in the future to stomp out democracy and usher in communism? No, it doesn’t. It’s just a warning based on scientific fact.

              The sad thing is that, even though the weather-forecaster conspiracy example is one I came up with off the top of my head, there probably are people out there spouting such a lie online and getting people riled up about it. These conspiracy theories are getting out of hand.

              1. Sara Avatar

                I’m sorry if I sounded frustrated, it’s just, well, frustrating to see people believing these conspiracies. So many of the conspiracies are centuries old and have been used in pogroms against perceived enemies countless times….the theory about people drinking blood of children, the theory about Jewish people secretly running everything, the stuff about world leaders being Satanists, or that whites are being replaced….it’s being presented as new facts, when in reality, it’s the same lies that have been told over and over throughout history, and it’s contributed to the Spanish Inquisition, Russian pogroms, and backlash anytime a new ethnic group emigrated to America–the Irish were looked down on for example, then the Italians, then South Americans, etc.

                I’m not saying you personally believe in all those theories, I just meant them as examples. People need to be aware how these old conspiracies contribute to today’s issues.There are modern twists thrown in, but it’s essentially the same as hundreds of years ago.

                1. Tom Avatar

                  Sara there is no conspiracy
                  after 2 years of lies from world governments
                  people are starting to wake up and ask the tough questions
                  why are all these vaxx’d athletes and doctors suddenly dropping dead

                  1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

                    Tom still not a doctor.

                    1. Tom Avatar

                      Bill Gates is not a doctor
                      and he’s been pushing theses vaccines on people for years
                      so what’s your point Eric?

                    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

                      1,635 people are on this site currently. My point is to them. Not to you Tom. I serve a very large audience and I will make sure they get a balanced amount of information. So as they read your opinion, and one that has validity, I am reminding them your not entirely qualified, as equally qualified as Bill gates, but not a doctor. I want to make sure those who read my site are not pulled into the Internet BS out there. That is not directed towards you Tom, but in general, I have to make sure my gate here at World Predictions is sound.

                    3. Tom Avatar

                      I understand Eric
                      I am also aware of the internet BS
                      especially from governments around the world who have been colluding with big tech like twitter
                      to suppress the truth and keep people in the dark using fear tactics
                      Fear is the opposite of Love
                      and you can see that in full display with the China lockdowns going on right now
                      I’m all about the truth Eric and keeping people fully informed
                      I have no interest in misleading your family of followers
                      caused that’s not how I roll

                  2. Sara Avatar

                    People usually drop dead because they have underlying health issues that were unknown. It happens. Athletes in particular push their bodies to their limits and the sports world isn’t always understanding about keeping them safe.

                    That’s why you hear about football players dying of heat stroke because the inside of their helmets is over 100 degrees, or athletes having heart attacks or whatever. I’ve heard about these incidents happening over the years, long before the Covid vaccine existed.

                    That someone got a vaccine doesn’t automatically mean the vaccine killed them. A lot more people died because they didn’t get the Covid vaccine. We have one of the highest death rates from Covid in the world, and that’s in part because so many people were tricked into not getting the vaccine.

                2. mk Avatar

                  Firstly I apologise to the spirits who recorded a beautiful tribute to a special person.

                  As said by a British MP in Parliament:

                  There have been more reported deaths and adverse reactions following MRNA vaccinations in 18 months than there have been following every conventional vaccine administered worldwide in the last 50 years.


                  To at this point gaslight ridicule, correct, dismiss and belittle the information that has been given all along is so utterly disrespectful to the millions of people who are now vaccine injured or reeling from “died suddenly” loved ones.

                  1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

                    thank you MK.

  4. egwefer Avatar

    I do not deny Grant Wahl is great, but are you sure is is the one? Soccer great Pele` is in hospice. Can I put him in for a nomination?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Nomination to what? Death?

      1. egwefer Avatar

        To be the one that the prediction is for.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Oh I see. For a second there I thought you wanted something horrible. Yes I could be wrong. But keep in mind they have nodded on several occasions. They had a nod for Nelson Mandela, a tip of the hat for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and then there is on the entire 2022 message of a “Queen falling” cold stony chessboard we call life. She had the biggest nod. So I wouldn’t discount a new message.

        2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          They also have made the opposite messages: “Vengeance
          Many will celebrate his demise
          The head of the snake (serpent) cut off.
          The dark leader is dead

  5. Sara Avatar

    This is completely off-topic, but is there any new information about the potential terror threats in Russia, Turkey, and Israel?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Well now that you bring it up. I have learned I am in error. That fat spider has nothing to do with China. But instead involves a Stadium or Arena and an explosion. Very ugly, But where? So i have waited to post. Its slotted very specifically around the “8” and like January 6th it was black out. Making whatever this is big. But I need more details. So this time I ask specifically what happens on the 8th? See what pops up.

      1. Sara Avatar

        You mentioned something happening around the 15th, is that still an issue?

      2. Sara Avatar

        Any idea which month the “8” prediction is referring to?

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I was waiting till August, I was suprised it happened so quickly, August might be when they main stream the situation.

  6. Tom Avatar

    Military Doctor speak before Washington panel to report what she is seeing
    with soldiers who have been given the Covid Vaxx
    This is a very educating and eye opening testimony.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Stop selling Anti Vax propaganda, if your that passionate about it Tom consider your own website to share all of this information, I honestly think you might have a hit, but this is a site dedicated to World Predictions. It is not about Anti Vax.

      1. Tom Avatar

        I don’t understand why you’re so upset Eric? First of all I’m not selling anything and I’m not anti-vaxx. I have all of my childhood vaccinations. Secondly, you post that you want to expose and stop dangers that your spirit friends are showing you and I post a testimony from an credible military Doctor and you call it propaganda?. This Doctor is under oath sharing real facts Eric not propaganda. I am very confused by your reaction. Do you really want to help people and bring them the truth or do you want to silence the truth like twitter did for many years? I’m confused about what you stand for Eric? because I’m getting mixed messages. If you just want to keep people on this site in a perpetual state of ignorance than just say so, I will understand. If you’re about Truth than your response should have been, thanks Tom for that very informative video, I appreciate what you are doing to educate everyone on this site, Thank-you.

        All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
        Arthur Schopenhauer

        1. petemedium Avatar

          Lt. Col. Theresa M. Long, who serves as the brigade surgeon for the Army’s 1st Aviation Brigade, falsely wrote in an affidavit last week that the Pfizer vaccine is made of antifreeze. 
          Long, like many vaccine skeptics and users on social media, claim the vaccines contain ethylene glycol which is an active ingredient in antifreeze.
          The vaccine contains polyethylene glycol not ethylene glycol.
          Polyethylene glycol is found in many commonly used products such as laxatives and pharmaceutical products.

          1. Tom Avatar

            Medical pathologists from Heidelberg University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany have published direct evidence showing how people found dead after mRNA vaccination died. As this team of six scientists explore in their study, these mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This autoimmune attack on their own heart cells then leads to their damaged hearts beating so many times per second that, once the tachycardia unexpectedly started, they died in minutes. Medical paper published by the six scientists attached

            p.s. Since you’re Vaxx’d Eric and suffering from heart issues I would take this information seriously. Ignoring the facts and sticking your head in the sand will not help you. I hope this information will help you because your life may depend on it.

            1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

              Still not a doctor. Please do not give Doctor advice when you are unqualified to do so.

              1. Tom Avatar

                Correct I am not Doctor
                that’s why I provided you a medical paper authored by 6 scientists
                who are more qualified than a Doctor
                Despite all the credible information that I have provided you Eric
                you continue to ignore the truth at your own peril
                It’s now very clear and obvious to me that you are not interested in the Truth
                because you resist the Truth every time it’s presented to you.
                This is a free will choice that you have made for your life’s path.
                I truly feel sorry for you Eric.

                1. petemedium Avatar

                  Based on this very generic report you have posted the link to, and considering the number of deaths attributed to Covid, all modes of transport including cars, trucks, planes and ships should be banned as the death rate caused by these, separately, have killed more than Sars … in Germany and Switzerland.
                  Maybe you could up date us with a similar report coming out of other nations, including the World Health Organisation.

                  1. Tom Avatar

                    Eric you are missing the entire point of the medical report
                    It’s not about how many people have died and 1 death is too many
                    it’s about the connection the vaxx has with the human heart
                    As a person who has been vaxx’d and suffering heart issues
                    I would think this information would be important to yourself and your readers?
                    If you want to ignore the facts and pretend everything is sunshine and roses
                    that’s up to you. I’m just trying to help you but for some bizarre reason
                    you just don’t want any help? I’ve met some stubborn people in my time but you take it to another level.
                    You’re not hurting me Eric by ignore the Truth you’re only hurting yourself.
                    If I was vaxxed and suffering heart issues and somebody sent me a medical report
                    showing a connection between the vaxx and heart I would pay close attention
                    and take steps with my family doctor to reverse; if possible, what’s happening in my body.
                    To ignore such vital information is not wise Eric.

                    1. petemedium Avatar

                      Tom, my name is not Eric.
                      My name is Pete and I am Australian.
                      It was in Australia that the first SARS virus that transferred from bats to horses in 1994 was discovered in Hendra Queensland. It was from our Government’s CSIRO researched, then shared with the WHO, and taken up by German company BioNTech, started by Dr. Ugur Sahin and Dr. Özlem Türeci, that the first vaccines were developed. Pfizer were the financial backers for the vaccines distribution.
                      It was our ‘socialist’ medical system that got the whole ball rolling.
                      Easy to trace on the Internet.

                    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

                      Pete, just an fyi, psychic Chris and I will be looking into the next quake, tonight, we would love you input if you would like to join. My hope is to post again by the 28th on the earthquake message, the information all three of us come up with.

            2. petemedium Avatar

              It is always best to go the original source when in search of truth, I believe. Too many times, I have come across articles like these, only to find a very important factual section has been removed or omitted.
              Though, in the main, your link does refer to the original report, it does not include references to such places as the World Health Organisation’s input.
              This is the actual report in full:

              1. petemedium Avatar

                Yep Eric. Gotcha at the other Post. Lets see what we can get collectively.
                Hope you had a great C’mas. Pete

                1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

                  Did we get an answer?

  7. robinswb3e25c57dc Avatar

    Love your site, Eric!

    Hope you’re all doing well.

    Not sure if this comment will go through (am new at commenting here), but anyway, it just came out on the news that Mr Wahl died of an aneurysm.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you for that information. I am doing well thank you. My heart is still ticking a bit off, but otherwise great. Very excited as help is now coming for our small world. Exciting times, we live in a moment when everything changes. We can say in death, I was there when it all changed.

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