Eric Health Problems

Unfortunately I am back in the hospital with bowel obstructions. I am just now starting to recover and should be back in a few days.


81 responses to “Eric Health Problems”

  1. Mary p Avatar
    Mary p

    Oh goodness!! Take care Eric! Get well🧡

  2. star48 Avatar

    😳oh no ,
    Please ,Please, take care..sending prayers to you and for Bea…❤️

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Yes, pleasw get well Eric and Bea. Everyone loves you!!♡♡♡

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Thank you

  3. Cee Avatar

    So very sorry to hear you have more health issues – sending lots of healing prayers your way. Feel better and be well soon. Also to your Mom…

  4. Margie Hammonds Avatar
    Margie Hammonds

    Hope you feel better

  5. jules104 Avatar

    Eric so sorry to hear you are having more health issues. I know it must be really frustrating for you but please take as long as you need to care for yourself. Praying for and sending healing light to you and your mother. ❤️

  6. Janie Avatar

    Praying for you, you will be well!


    So sorry to hear that Eric. You are always missed.

    Sent from my Galaxy Tab® E

  8. lossie2020 Avatar

    Wow..again…..I am so sorry to hear that. Praying you and your mom get better quick!

  9. mhb Avatar

    SO sorry to hear this Eric. Please take good care of yourself. Will be praying for you and Bea.

  10. Katie Avatar

    Oh no Eric , prayers and blessings sent for a speedy recovery.

  11. Amy Avatar

    Praying for good health to be restored to you, Eric. Including prayers for your mom also.
    Wishing you both the best!

  12. momo00 Avatar

    I’m so sorry to hear this Eric. I truly hope you heal quickly.

  13. Jillian Avatar

    Praying for fast healing and many blessings of good health to come your way for both you and your mom.

  14. rhona2 Avatar

    Sending love light and healing to your bowel .
    Take it easy we are all with you in spirit ..

  15. aleafinthewind77 Avatar

    Don’t rush it. Take care of you first. Get well soon🌹

  16. Panda Avatar

    Being sick is so awful I’m sorry to hear you’re going through more health issues again. I’ll be praying and visualizing healing for you and your mom. Sending 💗 Eric and Bea.

  17. swampy11 Avatar

    I’m with the gang here, Eric. Take care of yourself as much as you need to do. Sending love, light and prayers for you and your mom.

  18. Raymond Avatar

    Hang in there !

  19. Connie Dilbeck Avatar
    Connie Dilbeck

    Poor guy so sad to here…have you every thought about seeing a healer? Prayers

  20. Nicola Avatar

    So sorry you haven’t been well wishing you a speedy recovery love and prays to you and your mother! 🙏❤️

  21. JustaFollower Avatar

    Hi Erik wish you a fast recovery. My prayers are with you.
    There is a hit. Toronto van drove over pedestrians.

  22. Alice Carey Avatar
    Alice Carey

    Hope you get better, Eric.

  23. Daffodil Avatar

    Stay calm and rest and all will be well.
    Better days are on the way..

  24. Cindy Avatar

    So sorry to hear your not feeling well. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

  25. lossie2020 Avatar

    Eric, I’m very sorry to hear of your going back to hospital again. Yesterday, I went to see a chiropractic and it’s expensive as they don’t deal with insurance. It’s extremely painful from lower neck and have no money to pay expensive treatments for $4,000 up to 12 sessions. My thought is one solution to end this. End pains and no financial burden unto my family. I know it’s not the answer but as what if I have no choice and I may and would do this if necessary. I was that close to make a decision. I am at halt from this action and just wait for the door to be opened to help me find other solutions. It was scary when I had no fear of “would do this” to quickly end the constantly pains. I kept repeated saying it to myself….stop before do anything. … it’s the rhe negative energies that overflowing from the core of the planet to beyond to galaxies that affected every living things and persons right now. The energies are dark and very real that exist on our planet. I need to fight it against it through mentally. Soon dark shall pass over. Alot of people are suffering in many different ways and facing this constant challenge for this year till it passed in February 2019.

    Eric, hang tight and praying for you and Mom to make it through this year. We all are facing constant challenges against the dark energies and forms. HOLD ON DEARLY TO THE Beam OF Lights.

    1. Sara Avatar

      It sounds like you are going through depression, if not suicidal thoughts. Please, don’t do anything drastic! You are NOT a burden to your family, and from personal experience, I know I’d rather pay thousands of dollars in medical bills than lose a loved one.

      There is a lot of negative energy around, but it’s only part of the energy in the world. There are positive energies too, hope, friendship, love….

      Talk to a doctor or a therapist–and there have suicide hotlines too, if you’re worried about money and just need to talk to someone. But I strongly recommend you talk to someone, don’t hold all your feelings inside.

      With depression, it really comes down to this: they want to live….they just don’t want to live the same way they’ve been living. The solution isn’t to end everything, but to find a new way to live your life, to change the way things are. The first step of that is to get help. Don’t force yourself to handle things alone.

      I know what it is to be lost in the dark, to be overwhelmed by negative feelings and fear and despair…..I know. Lossie, don’t do anything drastic. Seek help. You’re not alone, and everyone here is pulling for you. We’re all in this crazy life together.

      You said it best in your post: Hold on.
      I’ve posted some of the hotline numbers below. And links to websites that talk about depression.

      You can also talk to trusted friends, family, clergy, family doctors, etc. You don’t have to handle all this alone.

      Depression Hotlines:
      Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (2433) – Can use in US, U.K., Canada and Singapore

      Suicide Crisis Line: 1-800-999-9999

      National Suicide Prevention Helpline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

      National Adolescent Suicide Helpline: 1-800-621-4000

      Postpartum Depression: 1-800-PPD-MOMS

      NDMDA Depression Hotline – Support Group: 1-800-826-3632

      Veterans: 1-877-VET2VET

      Crisis Help Line – For Any Kind of Crisis: 1-800-233-4357

      Suicide & Depression Crisis Line – Covenant House: 1-800-999-9999

      Other Hotlines:

      Self-Injury Support: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288) (

      Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention: 1-800-931-2237 (Hours: 8am-noon daily, PST)

      Eating Disorders Center: 1-888-236-1188

      Help Finding a Therapist: 1-800-THERAPIST (1-800-843-7274)

      Panic Disorder Information and Support: 1-800-64-PANIC (1-800-647-2642)

    2. Sara Avatar

      I posted a comment earlier, but since it says “awaiting moderation” and it sounds like you need support, I’ll try posting part of it again:

      It sounds like you are going through depression, if not suicidal thoughts. Please, don’t do anything drastic! You are NOT a burden to your family, and from personal experience, I know I’d rather pay thousands of dollars in medical bills than lose a loved one.

      There is a lot of negative energy around, but it’s only part of the energy in the world. There are positive energies too, hope, friendship, love….

      Talk to a doctor or a therapist–and there have suicide hotlines too, if you’re worried about money and just need to talk to someone. But I strongly recommend you talk to someone, don’t hold all your feelings inside.

      With depression, it really comes down to this: they want to live….they just don’t want to live the same way they’ve been living. The solution isn’t to end everything, but to find a new way to live your life, to change the way things are. The first step of that is to get help. Don’t force yourself to handle things alone.

      I know what it is to be lost in the dark, to be overwhelmed by negative feelings and fear and despair…..I know. Lossie, don’t do anything drastic. Seek help. You’re not alone, and everyone here is pulling for you. We’re all in this crazy life together. Please, talk to trusted friends, family, clergy, family doctors, etc. You don’t have to handle all this alone.

      My other comment has depression hotline phone numbers, links to websites about depression, etc. Once the comment is moderated, it should post and you’ll be able to see the information I posted.

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Thanks Sara for sharing concerns and prayers. It’s not depression but this is different. It’s associated with physical pains and financial is not the option when we don’t have it.

    3. MTN Girl Avatar
      MTN Girl

      Lossie2020, My husband deals with extreme neck and back pain, I’ve done a lot of research, we had a top doctor who treats professional athletes recommend Foundations therapy, you can stream the workouts, they’re on YouTube, it really helps to get healing blood to the injured areas, daily work outs & physical therapy is so important, PT & also massage therapy should be covered, needling or acupuncture can help, I’m hoping stem cell therapy will become more affordable eventually, my husband feels the same way as you sometimes, but he can’t give up, he would be leaving me & our family in a world of pain, hold strong & take care.

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Thanks MTN Girl for sharing of your husband’s struggle. It’s what I am dealing with and looking at YouTube for any pain relief at DIY home therapy. Thanks for advise.

      2. Lia Avatar

        Hi MTN Girl,
        For your husband, Lossie2020 & anyone on this forum: I have been healed from 33 yrs. ofserious back, neck and jaw pain as of this month! It took me 3 years, but it’s miraculous to me. My recovery started w/ reading Dr. John Sarno. There is a fantastic forum for support called TMSwiki – it’s the main reason I am healed from fibromyalgia. I could not believe what he said at first, but believe me, I have not had severe back pulls for 3 years because of his TMS Back Pain findings. Persons having chronic pain from things unrelated to back pain are on this forum, too. Secondly, I found EFT Tapping – amazing healing from this modality, and easy to do yourself for FREE. Look up Gary Craig’s website. Third, I found that when I had a back or neck pain flare-up to immediately consider that there was something emotional that was triggering the pain. It would stop pain in its tracks. Fourth, I found more recently this AMAZING healer who does a sample mini energy healing using distance healing over the Internet. Her name is Debora Wayne. I kid you not, she is the real deal. She is interviewed on YouTube. One interview is on YouTube with a woman named Shayna ( I think) & another is with Lauren of Quantum conversations show – she does a sample distance healing while being interviewed, and I kid you not, I felt a deep, relaxing healing energy come through my I-pad – most miraculous healing I could ever experience! Would not believe it if I had not experienced her healing energy myself. She is so “normal” in the way she speaks, too. Very mature and balanced. No religious dogma – but pure healing I cannot explain. Finally, I prayed a lot! And, I read a lot of spiritual books – Paul Selig’s books are fantastic! Hope your husband and others here are helped by my long, painful journey back to wellness & resources that significantly helped me. Eric, I hope you are healed soon. Love and hope to you!

      3. lossie2020 Avatar

        Wow…geez thanks Lia! Good grief for 33 years yoube suffered with chronic pains. So thanksfull for the answers you shared…..can count me in looking it up wirh your suggestions. Hopefully it helps Eric, Bea and everyone who needs these miracle pains free. Thanks God for these amazing SWC. You guys answered prayers to find the doors of hope and healings. Love you guys!!! Everyone are amazing and so blessed to have you all in my life.

        Eric and Bea, please don’t give up cuz I’m not giving up mine. 😉

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Thank you

    4. jules104 Avatar

      Lossie2020…Ditto on what Sara said. Praying for relief from the pain you are experiencing and sending healing love and light energy your way. I know it’s hard but keep hope alive in your heart and know that we are all with you, thinking of you during this time. We have all been through similar situations and cast no judgements upon you. Only send love, compassion, light and healing energies to you. Soon the mother earth will relieve your pain and pressure as it releases its own.
      In the meantime are there any other medications or medical procedures in which your insurance would cover the cost. Injections at the site where your pain is the worst maybe? I don’t care much for medications and such but I know there are times when it is necessary for my quality of life. It sounds like from what you’ve mentioned on the site that you may be picking up on the earth changes going on lately. You may need something just for the time being to relieve some of the pain you are in.
      Please talk to your doctor or a professional who can help you and direct you to any and all help available. Blessings to you. Will be praying for You.🙏🏻🌟😇

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Thanks Luna, I am seeing a third doctor soon. Won’t give up and pray for a healing miracle to relief pains. It’s been 2 weeks if I remember correctly. It’s describe like hell from wars. My heart goes out to soldiers who experienced physical pains.

        I also wanted to focus onto Eric and his mother Bea for their power of healing to get better. They are very important people that are needed to help millions of lives around the world. Thanks to all wonderful team of SWC for your sincere prayers, love and light. It’s nice that we are like a large family of Eric and the Spirits. ♡

      2. lossie2020 Avatar

        My apologies, I meant to say Jules104. May God bless and keep you.

    5. mhb Avatar

      Hey there Lossie2020, I know you’ve probably tried everything already. I’ve had a chronic pain condition for 20+ years and have stumbled across a couple of weird things that help me and I thought I’d mention them to you.

      There are three OTC things I use to relieve muscle spasms that I suggest trying, as they don’t cost much to try and work for me most times. The first one is solid virgin coconut oil rubbed directly on to the muscle spasms — the solid virgin coconut oil has the ability to get directly into the cell and provide energy which often relieves spasms. I also put it on my feet as my muscle spasms lessen when I do this (I think it’s a reflexology thing). Second, the spray on Bactine is a very affordable way to spray lidocaine on the area. It’s only $6 a bottle and way more affordable than those lidcaine pain patches. Third, you can spray benadryl topical spray on the muscle spasm (not internal, there’s an automatic spray that Walmart, Kroger and Walgreens have). You have to be careful not to use too much, as it will put you to sleep the way internally taken Benadryl will. I prefer these to taking NSAIDs and Tylenol and stronger medicines because it’s isolated to the pain and causes less side effects.

      As someone who is getting older, I also just started experiencing low back pain and what the person said about Foundations (I think it was Sara) I would definitely try.

      Also might try the back workouts Miranda Esmonde White does in Essentrics/Classical Stretch. It’s both online on YouTube and also on PBS at 5:30 am Central Time M/W.F. In my area, it’s on KERA channel 13. For some reason, I had the impression you might be in the same area, so I thought I’d mention the channel.

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Thanks Swampy for sharing your love, prayers and great testimonis on healings from pain symptoms. You all are amazing….everyone of you!! Love and hugs to you!!♡♡

        Thanks Holaca! ♡

      2. lossie2020 Avatar

        Thanks mhb for sharing your expeirnces and words of advise. Very grateful! ♡

    6. rhona2 Avatar

      Lossie 2020
      You are a child of God a being of light
      An intricate part of SWC and the family of light …Giving out love and energy and healing everywhere you feel it’s required ..
      Please take some extra light in for yourself expand the spark within you for you ..
      You are dearly loved. .spirit surround you and heal your pain love and light to you ..
      I agree with all the excellent suggestions of you tube exercises and stretches ..not always easy to get into but they do help ..and alternative pain relief Arnica spray is excellent ..I use it myself under the tongue also as a topical cream along with comphrey cream ..

      TUMERIC powder mixed with milk x twice a day one teaspoon in half glass of milk with a squirting of Honey..mix with warm water
      before adding milk ..its amazing ..
      Its very cheap at supermarket in herb sections …
      Also check your Vitamin D levels it can cause all sorts of pain if you are deficient ..

      Magnesium is essential for stress and muscle

      My top choices Magnesium and Tumeric followed by that D level check .
      BE Well Be safe Be good to yourself
      Love and light dear one💓💓💓

      1. lossie2020 Avatar

        Thanks Rhonda for your sharing your experiences, love and prayers. ♡♡

    7. Luna tic Avatar
      Luna tic

      lossie2020, I saw you accidentally replied to me…just wanted you to know I was thinking about you when I posted my other comment below you. I just wanted you to feel better and know that I understand what you are saying and it is selfless. I’m sure however that you are the light in many people’s lives and are possibly an empath. Much love and light to you!

  26. Luna tic Avatar
    Luna tic

    Please take care Eric! I hope you and your mom have a full and short recovery. My best wishes to you both.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  27. Robin Chok Avatar
    Robin Chok

    Just take it easy Eric! The Universe wants you to recover

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  28. Shannon Avatar

    Eric, Sending out positive vibes to you and Bea. Truly hope you get better soon!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  29. Peter223 Avatar

    Take care Eric!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  30. cindy kunkel Avatar

    get better soon!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  31. Holaca Avatar

    Sending healing light to you Eric and also Lossie 🌞🌞🌞

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  32. melbrake Avatar

    Sending, healing thoughts and energy.. Eric.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

      1. melbrake Avatar

        Most welcome..

  33. Eibhlin Avatar

    Wishing you a lasting recovery!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  34. Sara Avatar

    Best wishes!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  35. Heather from Louisiana Avatar
    Heather from Louisiana

    Praying for your speedy recovery my friend!! Rest!!!

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

  36. Alicia Avatar

    My thoughts and prayers are with you Eric.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you

  37. swampy11 Avatar

    Lossie2020: As you can see, there are many of us are caring folks that chime in to relate to your current situation. I’m one of them, too. Since many of us shared our experiences that help us to relate to you, I’m hoping and praying you have found this all helpful and have found some relief in other places as well. May I jump in to share, too? Besides having some of those down times, it can exacerbate the chronic pain that is already there. First of all, the dr. that diagnosed my fibromyalgia, showed me the symptoms listed for it in the PDR. I was shocked to find that most of the symptoms are disorders themselves. Hypothyroidism, TMJ, osteoarthritis, restless legs syndrome, secondary Sjogren’s Symdrome, IBS, among many more. She said, “Lady that’s you right down the line.” Since I’ve found many treatments for the many disorders, I found I was feeling better (and almost bankrupt finding them). It evolves in many ways, too. So, when someone says they “can cure fibromyalgia,” I run the other way, mostly. But, I did use an holistic provider out of my own pocket who claimed that and found some of her treatments helped improve Sjogren’s syndrome and IBS about 98%! Yet, spiritual development (and growth in my faith) helps with finding some relief and hope because it really does affect the brain’s ability to deal with chronic pain. I’m a believer in how much others’ prayers and sending light and love is really truly one of the tools I think you’ve gained here, too. Please keep in touch here, because that’s one of the reasons I believe we’re on this earth…helping each other, even if just a listening ear. Ask your dr. if there are any places that have assistance programs, whether it’s services on a sliding scale (Arthritis Foundation would be a start or they can suggest other places) for counseling or other services. Just my take and know that I’m putting out prayers, love and light to you!

    1. Lia Avatar

      Hi Swampy 11. – interesting that you had similar experience to me above. Goes to show how many of us are in pain. Dr. John Sarno explains in his books that his typical patient with TMS (tension myoneural syndrome) are often intelligent, very sensitive, perfectionistic, especially kind in fulfilling needs of others, and suppress negative emotions ( in favor of smiling and putting on a strong front). I wonder if this is Eric’s profile? I sense maybe so.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for this wonderful message.

  38. swampy11 Avatar

    Oh, something else I wanted to share with you. Lossie2020, there are many theories as to what causes fibromyalgia. I lost count after 10. But, as you can see, there doesn’t seem to be a cure for most of the symptoms, yet. How do you cure hypothyroidism? Or osteoarthritis? Management of those disorders and using the EFT (I’ve heard it called MTT, too) along with dealing with the depression (which is also a symptom) helps with the pain. I am also sensitive and react to all NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) because I used them too much for years of pain. So, I am grateful that there are some things out there to help with this along with your spiritual self (whatever that means to YOU). Blessings to you!

    1. lossie2020 Avatar

      Thanks swampy! ♡♡

    2. mhb Avatar

      Hey Swampy, I can totally relate to what you’re saying re fibromyalgia. That’s one of the many diagnoses that I’ve been given over the years and I share a lot of the same things you have.

      One of the things I’ve been running across is that myofacial pain may be coming from stiff fascia (the thin translucent wrapper layer that overlays the muscles). Researches are now saying that maybe the fascia should be viewed as an organ and one of the ppl I mentioned (Miranda Esmonde White) has incorporated myofascial loosening movements into her workouts (which are a weird combo of Tai Chi, ballet and stretching). Also, Dr Christiane Northrup (often on Oprah Super Soul Sunday) has info on her web page re myofacial release techniques and there’s some sort of research that mental pain can release chemicals in the body that cause the fascia to tighten up. One more resource is the Melt Method which is foam roller release method and the book explains a lot about how the fascia works. I think they are going to discover that the fascia is the key to a lot of the pains we’re experiencing.

      Also, to the person who mentioned tapping … I did try that and was super skeptical (I think it was Neil Ortner’s Tapping Solution that I tried), but it did seem to work!!!
      I have no idea how it works since I thought there was no way it would/could but hey, I was willing to try anything to get out of pain.

  39. yuvaevergreen Avatar

    Get well soon

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you

  40. swampy11 Avatar

    mhb, that is fascinating and encouraging news about the myofascial release techniques. I knew someone that got myofascial release massages and it helped. I thought about checking out Miranda Esmonde White. Apparently, there is more being discovered to show more research is helping to find more treatments. They also found out how the brain works with acute pain vs. chronic pain. I’m so glad we’re all sharing and giving here. Thanks, mhb!

  41. lisa Avatar

    Hope you feeling better very soon Eric may your health grow stronger every day x

  42. T W Longtime Lurker Avatar
    T W Longtime Lurker

    In Jesus’ name I command your physical body to manifest recovery and healing. I command the causes of your health issues to die at the root and seed and to never return.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thank you!

    2. lossie2020 Avatar

      Amen! Glad Eric is back! ♡

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

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