Notes on 8-18-15

We are back with the notes and reserve ‘predictions’ for Mondays work.

Coming next.. soon

“The ‘one’ will be shot.”
The only prediction that fits this message is below which talks about a presidential assassination, but I assumed it happened with the events in Russia, any thoughts on another prediction that talks about ‘one’ person being shot? Also notice both  Notes on 12-22-13 and the notes on Predictions 8-17-15  mention the 23rd.
Notes on 12-22-13   “There is going to be a Lee Harvey Oswald moment.. terror.. decoy.. a major event” a visual of the presidents house burning.

I had a visual of lightning crashing.

In other news more details of the ‘black villain’ is coming through, first they implied he would be an oriental man, but I need to verify that.
I had a visual of a man screaming into the mic, his message was filled with fear, there was fire all around him.
This message reflects the start of his reign of terror, he has to seduce the people first. Also take a look at melbrake’s prediction that also predicts a dark figure.

I had a visual of a man sitting in a throne like chair, but it was just the shadow of a man, the seat was consumed with blackness, all the light from around him was consumed with in him.
“The black villain, not just the darkness, but pure evil.
Who is he? He is the chief.
A banquet of a speech is coming where he calls on his followers to attack.
The first attack.. Clergy
He will demand complete and utter obedience
His rule is the only rule.
Who you are as a person becomes his
Like Hitler he will seduce the many, have his own Mein Kampf, his own Swastika and bring horror to the world.” — Spirits Voice

66 responses to “Notes on 8-18-15”

  1. star48 Avatar

    I believe there was a posting about assassination involving Turkey?
    I found this reference article. Today . About Turkey.,a call for overthrow…

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Ohh your right.

  2. Anne Amato Avatar

    As you recommended, I read the Melbrake prediction re the “black Pope” and Pope Francis. Find it difficult to see how this Pope would even survive a “reign of terror”; and although the Jesuits have a certain history, the main thing to remember about them is that they are more notable as independent thinkers.
    Also find it difficult to believe that the agenda of this Pope would result in any sort of a “reign of terror” unless his message is used by other nefarious figures of power for their own purposes. This Pope’s message is clearly to 1) care for the poor 2) relax rules regarding failed marriages to bring people back to the church and 3) to regard those different from ourselves (homosexuals for example) as being as worthy of the love of God as anyone else.
    I think the “dark figure” you mention is someone else who will distort this Pope’s message and use it to their own advantage….and who will use their political influence to do so.

    Additionally, with regard to the dates….Pope Francis visit to the U.S actually begins on September 23 with a White House greeting and private meeting with President Obama and other activities such as meeting with U.S. bishops….on the 24 th is the address to the Senate and House of Representatives.

    An additional question….the comment about “fire in the U.S…all at once and uncontrollable”…
    Do you see this as an actual fire? Or could this be an analogy for “sweeping change” or something else? Or could this be a reference to an attack….a nuclear event?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I didn’t read it that way? I saw the pope as a symbolic figure, representing a religious figure or icon. My predictions seem to point to more of a world leader, thus the throne. The fire is also symbolic to creating anger or igniting problems, I have not seen a reference to anything nuclear.

      1. Anne Amato Avatar

        Oh…well….glad you clarified that…..I have read a lot about the “last Pope” predictions over the years. Thought that the Melbrake writing seemed to point in that same direction as most of those.

      2. Harvey Avatar

        Eric, my gut that it could be the leader of North Korea. Have the negative vibes from him.


  3. Anne Amato Avatar

    Additionally…your vision and the Spirit saying “Mein Kampf” (which literally translated means “My Struggle” was actually a two volume book written by Hitler describing in great detail a new world order). The word “Swastika” is also interesting in that same comment. Although the symbol is currently regarded as the horrific symbol of Nazism in most of the world, this symbol is very old….oldest recovered use from approximately 10,000 BCE and discovered in what is now the Ukraine. This symbol is still widely used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other eastern religions and is regarded as a sacred symbol that means something “good” or “auspicious”.
    So…that said….could that relate to your impression of the “dark person” being “oriental”?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I believe they are just comparing this black villain to Hitler, someone who will seduce those around him, convince them that hate is the answer, and implies he will actually have his own book, or written message. The visual showed the Nazi swastika not the sign on the Buddha statues.

      1. Anne Amato Avatar

        I round it interesting that the “swastika” type design…oldest discovered example was in what is now Ukraine. Putin has also been “sabre rattling” lately with the threats of taking over a good part of the Artic for oil/gas purposes. In general…month of September this year…feels….very uncomfortable…just a bad feeling….and a dream I had…perhaps personal…I don’t know. But the world in general seems very close to some type of “tipping point”. So many issues…so few solutions….

      2. travis Avatar

        Thats what concerns me ann that the start of something terrible is to happen in september i seen so many rumors around the net and its hard to know what to believe all these rumours flying around leave me to think there is no hope.

      3. roxiee Avatar

        Dear Eric,
        The Philippines will be having its Presidential elections on May 9, 2016, less than a week from now. We have a leftist candidate in line who promises to eradicate corruption, he attracts many irrational Filipinos who want fast change. His connections are shady people who are rich and has been influencing people through fake endorsements and manipulative media. He wants to put up a revolutionary government when he wins. Have a gut feeling he is the one you are referring to in this prediction. He can win the elections but people will be disappointed when they wake up and realize he is truly evil. Some may even resort to assassinate him. It seems that he fits all these predictions: Notes on 12-22-13 Predictions 8-17-15 Notes on 12-22-13 Notes on 12-1-15 Notes on 1-7-16. Please let me know what the Spirits say? Thanks so much.

    2. Harvey Avatar

      That’s very interesting, Anne Amato! Thanks for sharing. It’s possible that the symbol could have pass it down. 10,000 BC is unbelievable. Also, thanks for reminding me about the last Pope. I also read that the last president of US is black. So, I put it together in pieces of when the sign of Second Christ will come again in Revelation.

      Oh yes, now I remembered. I can’t remember from who quoted this. Maybe, the light of Mother said this. During this century, “God allowed the Satan to take over the churches.” Why, I’m not exactly sure what is on God’s mind, however, it’s according to the written words as planned. Now think of this as what if the last pope is the hidden image of Satan as he is in all control of the churches? That’s my theory. I love the Pope Francis. Don’t get me wrong. But what if satan is behind his mask that is too good to be true? Satan is a deceiver. I’m not saying that the last pope is the Satan cuz there is no proof. He is a great Pope and has done so much for the world to look up to. So, that’s made me think of what Mother Mary said in the past. She strongly urges us to please keep praying. No pray, no peace. It’s an ultimate test from God to us these days. Just wanted to share with you as what I’ve read from many different notes.


  4. Pat Avatar

    Could it be in turkey?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It could be, in hindsight though these could be two different predictions.

  5. afistfullofsand Avatar

    everyone who is born of god returns to god. You first must all die and then have someone prove you already reincarrnation. the golden years is to be celebrated. lets have a party.IM BUYING

  6. afistfullofsand Avatar


  7. allen Avatar

    something very big, is coming in sept or oct, actually, it is a number of things, most of them, is not good. now, that I said, what I felt, I will also add, that all of you, who is reading these posts, can change ,what is coming, by semding our powerful thoughts of love and healing…………you do not have to be specific, as the thought energy, goes where it is needed………. also, please pray for the president, that he stays well, and does not have a heart attack. it does not, matter, what party you are…….as we are all one……..thank you eric. and the group!

    1. travis Avatar

      Thats what i hear everywhere allen and it terrifies me

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      What big event is coming?

  8. Ilo Avatar

    My first thought was Kim Jong un .

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I think this will be someone new.

      1. Ilo Avatar


      2. jules104 Avatar

        I think it could be someone new also. When I saw the bombing in Bangkok, Thailand, for some reason I immediately thought of your old prediction for the dark leader.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          It does fit with Clergy since it was shrine attack, I could see the connection. But we will have to wait and see if an evil leader presents himself.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Maybe it is him!

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Oh that’s an article from 2013. But very much a coincidence.

      3. Harvey Avatar

        Llo, I think it’s him. Kim Jong Un is the image of Hilter like. He is prepared to attack USA and other places. I think that will be foiled cuz of the social networks help getting more clues. Top govt have worked hard to do everything to prevent from attack US from other countries.

    2. Blessings Avatar

      That absolutely was my first thought as well….. he immediately popped into my head. Even before Eric’s prediction, I felt that Kim Jong Un was really getting more zealous in his behavior and brutality. Maybe it is someone new… but interesting someone else thought that too.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        If it is him we should be getting attacks soon, let me ask spirit first.

    1. anthony Avatar

      How about some lightning on the gates in Jerusalem and blow it up. A sign from heaven above. No peace im told till the gates open. Need a sign from god.

      1. Harvey Avatar

        Wow. That’s new! Do you have the link, Anthony? Thanks.

  9. tonyabrooks306 Avatar

    Imagine this scenario, in 2016, Trump wins the presidency and when he takes office the powers that be hate him so much they order a hit on him to permanently stop him. I have had this feeling that if he does make it to the White House, he will be assassinated. Sometimes I wonder if he will be shot before the election.

    1. Harvey Avatar

      I don’t think Trump will win the election. I wonder if he is the black horse in previous prediction. I think i see that somewhere in Eric or other prediction. The other two top candidates are Clinton and Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush is not the favorite but has strong tie with his former presidents like Kennedy. I know it’s strange but it’s how people see it. I think Clinton is most likely to win the election as others are still questionable. Clinton will make good president as she has experiences and consistent with her role in our country. That’s a plus on her side. As for Trump is strange as he boosts his ego and pride. He is very determined to make his goal at all cost even thou the position is not meant to be for him. He’s excellent with his real estate business cuz he is determined. As aiming for president, it’s all about his name and fame, not about others like us to be concerned. He only see in black and white, no grey which its scary to me.

      Please forgive me if I expressed my perspective on presidential candidates. I just doubt he will be the president, and if so our world would be upside down.


      1. allen Avatar

        Harvey you don’t have to worry, he will leave or get dropped, it will be between, bush and Clinton. everyone, will be soo very dirty, trying to stop her from winning. but, unknown to most people, higher realms of energy, take over, for the good of all people, after, the election, a lot of stuff will come out, that the house and senate, will turn to democrats. now, I don’t like talking politics, but, GOD, will interced, what, I would be concerned about, and please pray, is the weather will be the biggest threat to many……also, if I may say so, listen more to the information, spirits are sending you… do have abilities, that you can use in helping others………… the future………..

      2. Harvey Avatar

        Thank you, Allen! Blessings to you! Keep praying for peace.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Trump would never win, He would need some of the left and the middle to vote him in.

      1. Harvey Avatar


  10. star48 Avatar

    Eric, regarding…”I had a visual of lightning crashing”
    from this post..
    “Google says data has been wiped from discs at one of its data centres in Belgium – after it was struck by lightning four times.”


  11. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

    2-24-15 might be linked with the black villain.

    1. jules104 Avatar

      Didn’t you have a prediction a while back about an evil leader coming out of South America also? I vaguely remember it saying the people, (I believe younger persons) who follow this individual and vote him/her into office would find out later how evil they were and what a horrible nightmare it would become for them. (not in those specific words though) That would fit with Venezuala I think.

      1. star48 Avatar

        Jules104, I believe that was Cuba

        1. jules104 Avatar

          Oh good to know. Thanks Star48

      2. Harvey Avatar

        Hi Jules 104! Good to see you back! Hope you are settled after your move.

        Star48, Allen and others, I feel this Sept. may turn for worst. Keep praying for peace.

        1. jules104 Avatar

          Thanks Harvey. Good to be back. I missed my site Family! Excited about how the predictions are coming out different now. Eric and Spirits are doing a wonderful job. Blessings, and I agree with Allen. 🙂

  12. Kim Avatar

    Perhaps a quieter approach of seduction will be made as in the method of Chinese President Xi Jinping believed to be a powerful leader with his anti corruption campaign and slogans of the “Chinese Dream” but recently attacking Christians and Muslims – (the clergy) – alike forcing the removal and banning of the cross from churches and imprisoning a muslim for refusing to shave his beard. inciting anger in the people. He’s also been known for his censorship of the internet and doesn’t allow access to websites that would allow citizens knowledge of worldly news. His goal – to rule under the laws of the Communist Party. Who knows what his next move will be.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      They implied this black villain would rise to power. So an existing president does not seem likely.

      1. Harvey Avatar

        I raised my eye brow. I wonder who that might be. Can anyone take a guess? Is it Russa, China? I can’t see our president do that. Any clue?

      2. Harvey Avatar

        I can’t see the President or Prime minister of China would do that. He seems a very nice person. But I’m wondering about Putin. For one reason as why his military planes flew to California but order to turn around by US pilots just 10 miles from California ‘ s coastal on the 4th of July. It wasn’t the first time done that. Russian pilots just wanted to wish America happy 4th of July but it was unexpected announcement. Kind of odd as what if they carrying the bombs. So, I don’t know the full story. I’m curious as who wants to rise the power. That’s scary. We all in this world want to be safe and peace. No wars please.

  13. star48 Avatar

    Collegues, you are talking about Sept? Lots of people talking about warnings?
    Like this.,

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I am not picking up those things.

      1. star48 Avatar

        , this is what is all over the web..
        this or something close to it by prophets (false or not)
        I think that everyone is feeling…something.
        I brought it forward, not that I believe it., but it keeps popping up in differant guises..Harvey brought it up..others over the months have too.,

        I follow your and spirits information and direction.. As well as mine…

      2. Harvey Avatar

        Thanks Eric!. All those talks made me uneasy. So it just a “talk”. Good to know. Now I can relax and breathe. ,)

      3. Harvey Avatar

        Thanks Eric!. All those talks made me uneasy. So it just a “talk”. Good to know. Now I can relax and breathe. Star48 is right. The rumors and talks are all picking it up for September. Made me uneasy. If Eric is not picking up anything then I can breathe.

      4. Lori Avatar

        Star- I was one that brought some of this up in previous posts- I don’t buy into all of it but I don’t think that it is all so easily dismissed either. I hope that whatever is true about September that Eric will get something in time to share it with everybody. I am an educated person and I am usually the LAST to fall for far out conspiracy theories but too many things already seem to be unfolding – too many to be just coincidence in opinion.

        1. star48 Avatar

          Lori, no problem,
          I wanted to show that NASA had to put out statements about the Asteroid.
          There was so much on the web with the ” differant prophets.”
          . I am not saying it could not happen,
          However I trust Eric’s connections! They have proved their ” good will ” and I look at the fruits…..

          1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar
  14. star48 Avatar

    Eric, Lightning crashing.
    ..lightning hitting Plane in Atlanta. …dramatic photos.

  15. star48 Avatar

    Eric, Lightning killed 22. In India
    HYDERABAD, India (AP) — Lightning has killed 22 people, mostly farm laborers working in fields, across the southeastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, officials said Monday.


  16. star48 Avatar

    Lightning crashing into American Airline plane emergency JFK.


  17. star48 Avatar

    more lightning, hitting planes, some very dramatically …turning the sky red? (Near Heathrow)

  18. roxiee Avatar

    Dear Eric,
    The Philippines will be having its Presidential elections on May 9, 2016, less than a week from now. We have a leftist candidate in line who promises to eradicate corruption, he attracts many irrational Filipinos who want fast change. His connections are shady people who are rich and has been influencing people through fake endorsements and manipulative media. He wants to put up a revolutionary government when he wins. Have a gut feeling he is the one you are referring to in this prediction. He can win the elections but people will be disappointed when they wake up and realize he is truly evil. Some may even resort to assassinate him. It seems that he fits all these predictions: Notes on 12-22-13 Predictions 8-17-15 Notes on 12-22-13 Notes on 12-1-15 Notes on 2-24-15 Notes on 1-7-16. Please let me know what the Spirits say? Thanks so much.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I will take a look at the article, I am not familiar with the elections but maybe they could shed some light, not sure there is enough time for the outcome of the elections.

  19. star48 Avatar

    Lightning crashing…from this post..
    Now another natural disaster.

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