Zhejiang China Explosion

This Prediction has happened.

Notes on 9-3-15   China: I had a visual of a massive explosion, another one, it was huge.

The Facts: An explosion shook a chemical plant in the Chinese province of Zhejiang.

9 responses to “Zhejiang China Explosion”

  1. Anne Amato Avatar

    Apparently there have been a lot of explosions and fires in China during the last couple of years. But these latest seem to be too many “accidents” all during a short time period.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It is suspicious

  2. tonyabrooks306 Avatar

    Is this a fourth explosion?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I believe its 3??

  3. Anne Amato Avatar

    When. I finally found the news about this explosion (and could not have without your email) they indicated in a few articles that there had been a second explosion at the fireworks factory. And apparently, there was also an explosion last year at an auto factory. But…as I said…these chemical plant explosions are odd because of the close time period. Sabotage or terrorism…or…?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      If they predict another one, then I will ask them what’s going on here? For now the focus is shifting to natural disasters.

  4. Cheryl Avatar

    There was a 4th explosion earlier today. Seen this article on Zero Hedge site. There seems to be something going on…sabotage?? 4 explosions in over a month seems suspicious.


    1. tonyabrooks306 Avatar

      I thought it was a fourth. Someone is sabotaging their chemical plants and factories. These last few have not had as many casualties thank goodness. But that first one caused poisonous gases to escape into the atmosphere and it killed a lot of people along with animals.

      If more explosions happen over there, I wonder if China will start to suspect terrorism? And if so, who will they blame?

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        It is odd.

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