Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack

Predictions for 2015, the first seems to either fall in December or early January.
“Bomb” — Spirits Voice
I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye.
Metropolis, New York, New Jersey
In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said
24.. 2nd.. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building)
“By the funny sound.. like a whistle” — Spirits Voice
Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box.
I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight.
I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “The terrorist were at far north CA.”
“I am not just going to walk away, I am going to take good care of her” – Spirits Voice
Oddly they showed a golden neck less and gave the name ‘Freddie Mercury’ both of which I believe are completely symbolic perhaps about ‘mercury’ like the type of bomb or type of car.
Australia will be hit with a large flood. (Looking into a more specific location and timeframe.)
I had a visual I was walking into North Korea late at night. Then a very large rattle snake coiled next to a large wall snapping its head several times, as if attacking its prey. The snakes eyes were glowing red.  Then everything in the area turned black.  Military carriers were leaving port. “The Korea’s on the brink of war.”– Spirits Voice

269 responses to “Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack”

  1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

    God let this change. Please share this prediction so we can get the word out, at least warn people in that area to be diligent. Not a good start to the new year. Please help us as we try and change the outcomes of these horrible events they are predicting.

  2. Michelle Avatar

    Eric this is very similar to what I have seen and been told. I will go back in my notes and see what links up to what spirit has told you.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes repost it here.

      1. Michelle Avatar

        I don’t even know where to start I have so many. The list I have will be long. And like your predictions some might be tight ed into each other because they were given to me separate times. I’ll be posting what I have shortly. My time frames are off tho. I had most of this happening in november. But maybe that was the start of it all because November was pretty active.

    2. Michelle Avatar

      ok this is what I have gotten over the last couple months in sections with spirit (my timing might be off and some things may have happened and some might be happening a while from now. let me know if anything sticks out to you as maybe a piece to the puzzle.
      -I have most of the terror attacks starting November 2014 and ending November 2015. I seen us going to war second quarter of next year…real war not the air strikes.
      -I was told NY bombing Thursday, Saudi Arabia president killed Saturday, and white house bombed Sunday ( not sure on timing (month/ year) but they seemed to happen in a row like this when I seen them) Saudi Arabia has came up a lot in my readings.
      -A mall or store shooting will let us know the group is here, there were different groups sent out to do different missions. I seen two teams in US that were considered the “A Team” they come here the same way but separate once they get her for their mission. (this one I feel is coming true now with the Australia café situation that just happened)
      -there is a smaller attack but is just a to distract us from the big planned attack. not sure where I had this under east coast at the time tho.
      -it will seem like there is one attack a day once all goes into motion.
      -east coast I had more in Philadelphia area, a chemical being unleashed on top of a tall tall building. I want to say it was on top of an apartment complex, not a newer one but an older one. I also had a vision at a different time that the trees will help with this chemical release…like they will suck in the harmful stuff in some areas with lots of trees,…the trees will all die and we will have to replant tons of trees that we get from the south. i don’t know if that can help anyone pin point what chemical they might be talking about.
      -I had a vision of bombs going off up the Delaware river in between Philadelphia and New Jersey. heading towards NY and that’s exactly where the person who is setting them off is headed. not sure if they make it there before being caught tho.
      I was shown isis as more of an octopus, its head rises like a hot air balloon huge. then i seen thousands of legs reaching all over the world. but the octopus hasn’t raised yet but it is coming to show its face soon.
      – NY i know i posted before thinking the crowd of people were in the streets of NY for the thanksgiving parade, then i seen on the news all the protest and actually got nervous that’s when a building would come down, now im worried about NYE. like i said the first post it was like the bomb was set on a side of a building to fall a certain way but it actually back fires and falls the complete other way. still devastating but not as bad as it could have been. something about the structure of the building was set up to prevent it from possibly ever falling that way and was unknown to the person trying to cause this to happen. but because structure was mentioned i think the possibility of an old building just falling could be a possibility.
      -Chicago has been mentioned a couple times…like the second group might be headed out there. im not sure if their are bridges in Chicago but a bridge has been mentioned more then once around there.
      – i have also seen a double bridge like one right next to each other. i know Delaware has one but it wasn’t the Delaware Memorial bridge.
      -i have seen a national park with mountains in it (like cliffs and that sort of natural atmosphere) that possible overlook a major city. there is a big rock that people sit on to take pictures. probably not a famous rock but something the locals might know well (might over look a cliff) there are weapons hidden in that area. someone here has supplied them to these attackers. not by their free will, they were forced and threatened, they hold some of the same believes as the attackers but not all, they do not support the radial part, but again were threatened to help supply the radicals.
      – I was told this saying by not sure if it is a prayer or just description of what is to come……war, serenity, peace, prosperity.
      i don’t know how much of this is symbolic and if or when these things will happen. its just a fraction of what i have…i was told last night by a sergeant corporal in spirit that i cant stop these things from happening because some of this has to happen, if not we will never stand up the evil growing in the world (that ALL the good people in the world need to fight this), that if these things didn’t happen here we would just keep looking the other way, to many innocent have died already and no one is doing anything about it and that we need to really step in at this point. i can see his point but the thought of America ever getting hit again scares me to much that i am still sharing these readings with you all to hopefully help any bad situations. i have no time frames some of this could be ten years from now for all i know so please don’t take all of this to heart…just pick through what you think could be a possible “now” situation.

      1. Jules104 Avatar

        Wow that’s a lot to take in Michelle. Really appreciate your sharing with us here on the site. What stuck out to me was the smaller attack that will be covering for a much bigger attack to come. I’ve been wondering if that was a plan of the Spiders. The calculated effort Spirits spoke of in the Lone wolf prediction previously.

      2. omarie Avatar

        Hey Michelle!
        I live just outside of Philly, so your predictions are a little scary, but I thought I might be able to identify stuff related to Philly….
        The trees – thought of Cobbs Creek Park and the river drives( Lincoln and MLK) also Fairmont Park….. A lot of little parks scattered about as well.
        Delaware River…. Lots of chemical and petroleum plants/tank farms. Also the Navy Yard, which is in South Philly…. You can see it from the Girard Point Bridge which is a double decker bridge. Girard point is were the Schuylkill River and Delaware River meet. The Philly Airport is located there too. Also the the DOD has a site in South Philly to …. Admin offices.
        Hope this helps.

      3. Jennifer Avatar

        Thursday might be Christmas or Even January 1st??
        Umm,I hope nothing happens to the white house

      4. Jon Blue Avatar
        Jon Blue

        Thank you Michelle for all the information of what visions you have. I think each of us that get visions have seen similar things. I felt that the attacks in my visions seem more downplayed than they are in real life, though maybe what I am comparing them to are not the things my visions were trying to show me as they may happen later on in the next year. But I did get almost the exact same thing…war, recovery, peace and prosperity seemed to be the way it went. The peace came when women seemed to be all running the USA. A huge shift in power that has not happened yet. A woman was President in my third dream. After researching, it seems that is the way astrology views the coming of age as well. Thank you again for your input.

    3. Marian Avatar

      This may be a stretch, but here’s is a link to a yearly local whistle blowing show in YORK, PA- my hometown- lot smaller than NYC. Some strange similarities- hoping can verify yes or no soon- my daughter close by there.

      Makes a very loud, almost whale-like sound. This takes place on (24)0 Arch St, crossing (Queen) St. just after midnight 24th. Lots of older buildings around, across from a stadium, but not sure about bagels? Also saw Metropolis mentioned in prediction, and believe Metso Co. involved and Metro banks nearby.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I was thinking of trains as Metropolis, like a Metro.

      2. Marian Avatar

        We do have train tracks nearby. Just felt need to put this out there- close to home. Thank you

  3. Jon Blue Avatar
    Jon Blue

    This one scared you more than others, it seems…the way it reads. Explain more. And don’t worry, you have all of us sharing and helping. We talk to our friends.
    Interestingly, Freddie Mercury (other than being one of my favourite rockers and heroes) was born in what is now known as Tanzania. His real name was Farrokh Bulsara. He was Parsi and grew up mostly in India. His family were refugees from India to England during the 1964 Zanzibar Revolution in India. That is interesting to me as thousands of Arabs and Indians were killed. Maybe its a reference to this begins the ‘revolution’? I remember I wasn’t really happy with the way ‘revolution’ played out in my dream last year. I thought it was wrong for there to be violence.
    The golden necklace reminds me of lore, of how people poisoned kings and queens. They tainted jewelry with poisons or they added a fake jewel in the necklace that held a vial of poison. Freddy Mercury died of AIDS (a contagious disease). Would the bomb be biological warfare? Am I just thinking too much?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Its an odd message.

    2. velvetmaggot Avatar

      I was going to point out heritage on “Freddie Mercury”. It immediately came to mind.

  4. Mo Avatar

    Freddie Mercury was the lead sing of “Queen”.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      I know i had a vision of a women with a necklace on walking the streets in the city with a little ball in the charm…The ball was a weapon of mass destruction maybe a women wearing a scarf or something with bright colors? If that’s the case it will def be hard to stop. I hope this isn’t the case.

      1. Michelle Avatar

        And I hope not new jersey…I live in New jersey (closer to philly then new york) but still to close for comfort sometimes .

      2. jules104 Avatar

        I remember a prediction Spirit said the enemy is Vicky. I wonder about that and the woman you have seen Michelle.

      3. Jon Blue Avatar
        Jon Blue

        Jules, you have the bestest memory! So glad you are on here. 😀 Bright cloth could mean a window display that they do at Macys where people walk around and view each window (happens in Chicago and in NYC) not sure about other Christmas Window Displays. Man I miss having Christmas Windows. We don’t have them in SoCal, it doesn’t seem. Michelle, that would make sense too. A type of weapon under a shroud. I think this one may be cryptic too. Gosh I wish Spirit would speak more plainly instead of signs, symbols and strange words but it makes sense why. And peace to you Michelle living in Jersey. Will keep the prayers going.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Oh geez Thanks Jon but half the time I feel more like I’ve lost my mind! 😳 LOL. I watch my 2yr old and 9 mo old grand babies and feel like I am running in circles half of the time. Oh waite I am!
          On a more serious note though…I think we do have some good clues. It seems the Spirits are saying the terrorist have come from the Northern CA area recently. Perhaps there was a fire? A bagel shop? Waite the NYC and NJ area. Could that be a suburb inbetween somewhere? I wonder if Eric can give us some more clues on the color of and what he thought the bright colored cloth could be. Like you said, a store display? Some type of Christmas/New Years Eve display/decoration? I also was thinking perhaps the Freddie Mercury…could have ties to East Africa perhaps? Or like Eric said a Mercury being driven. Prayers and light to NYC/NJ. And extra blessings to Michelle.

      4. Michelle Avatar

        My uncle(in spirit) told me a lot of what I have seen and have been writing down would be coming to a head soon…I hope what ever I do have to share can help put some of these pieces in place to stop something horrific from happening.
        Now that you mention it i do remember a Vicky to in erics writings.
        Eric a couple questions tho. Need your thoughts on a couple things:
        Funny sound like a whistle…train ride…maybe a kids train ride alot of them going on for santa stuff in malls?
        The restaurant in a building..could it a be a mall? Was your vision like that or a city shopping area environment?
        And the terrorist at far north the ca standing for California or could it resemble something else?
        Just trying to gather more info before I start digging. Thanks;)

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I would be guessing to all those questions, I will say it seemed inside, we will be asking for more.

    2. Colin Avatar

      Freddie Mercury was from Queen. Area in New York? Michelle talked about the name Vicky. Victoria was Queen. Anything in New York to do with Victoria? There is an area called Victoria.

      1. Michelle Avatar

        There is a Victorian arts theater in North jersey…I just found on google. Was there a prediction of art work hung from the walls once eric?
        I definitely feel like there is enough clues here to get this one before it happends. Keep the thoughts coming everyone;)

      2. jules104 Avatar

        Colin, Freddie Mercury was with the group “Queen”. Lead singer.

  5. allen Avatar

    eric china will take over north korea, at some point, as he will try to mess with china…….. please have everyone say prayers, much weather changes, will happen, that will effect everyone, one way or another. some goverments will fall, BUT, IN THE BIGGER PICTURE, there will be peacefulness in the world, but a lot has to happen. people forget, GOD, is using this all, to teach all humans, but, we have to feel this, and to experience this, so our souls, can learn and grow……….Which is the main reason, WE all are on horrible earth…………….

  6. Jon Blue Avatar
    Jon Blue

    So I just saw this. What is the colorful cloth were a movie screen in a theatre as the hacker group is now threatening any movie goers of a 9/11 style attack on anyone who goes to see the movie The Interview -a comedic movie about killing North Korean Dictator Kim Jung Un? Would this fit what you saw?

  7. omarie Avatar

    Don’t subway trains have whistle’s or a high pitched horn that sounds like a whistle? Didn’t a previous prediction mention something exploding beneath a crowd of people.

    1. jules104 Avatar

      My first thought was a subway whistling noise also Omarie. My daughter said kazoos during the ball drop on New years Eve.

      1. Michelle Avatar

        The ball drop in ny has def been a growing fear in my visions.

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        That had crossed my mind.

      3. Michelle Avatar

        Time square doesn’t the roads kinda go around the building. Like they bend and time square building in the middle where the ball drops

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Yes it did, a very old one, and it never happened.

  8. jules104 Avatar

    Fire… Sept 2014 in Weed, CA (far North CA), destroyed 100 homes. Weed is very close to Oregon border. Maybe the terrorist were living there? Home burned down?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      It was implied they lived there prior and made a mess of things. How that relates I don’t know.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      This looked more like something exploded.

      1. Jules104 Avatar

        Eric Cindy brought up Far North CA as in Canada far north. Could the Spirits have pmeant Canada or did they specifically say California? I know they use a maple leaf, I think you have mentioned previously, for Canada.

      2. jules104 Avatar

        Eric I was trying to google house fires/explosions in Canada, and one sticks out to me. It was last December 13, 2013, in Hamilton, Ontario. They ruled out natural gas. It was a lady in her 60’s with dogs and cats. Neighbors said she was very happy and looking forward to Christmas. The house exploded and was leveled within a half hour. They found her (unidentifiable) and her dogs in a corner in the basement. Said water would not put out the fire. The cross streets are Wilson and Victoria. It was a huge blast. If you look on a map it borders New York State and you could take the Queen Elizabeth Way all the way to the US border in one hours time. Could be nothing but wanted to mention just in case.

  9. jules104 Avatar

    Yes I was thinking of that also Michelle. “The Art of War” prediction.

  10. flamingo101 Avatar

    There is a Mercury bar in New York

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Where is it at?

      1. jules104 Avatar

        There is also a Mercury Lounge in lower east side.

  11. flamingo101 Avatar

    Also oranges and northern California

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      You get the impression oranges mean arrangement.

  12. Rob Avatar

    A lot going on in this prediction: First I live in NJ and work in NYC so I’m very much affected by this prediction. Freddie Mercury was the lead singer of Queen. Queens is a borough of NYC and has a large Muslim population. The street that sounds like whistle I have no idea.

    1. omarie Avatar

      Does/is there a subway or elevated trains in Queens, Rob?

      Also, who/whom is the women that they are taking care of in the message
      “I am not just going to walk away, I am going to take good care of her” – Spirits Voice”
      Is NYC referred to as as”she”

      1. Lia Avatar

        Yes, there are elevated trains in Queens – my uncle used to live right nearby one train stop so I recall it vividly. Not sure @NYC but Statue of Liberty comes to mind.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Lia that would make sense for the “she”. Lady Liberty.

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        I think they are talking about a hero at the scene. Or they are talking about the terrorist sticking around to watch.

  13. jules104 Avatar

    For “by the funny sound, like a whistle” …There have man videos made of a strange sound which the One World Trade Center is reported to make.
    Also the types of pavement/grooved on the roads or bridges will make whistling noises.
    Could the 24 and 2 be 24th St and 2nd Ave?

    1. jules104 Avatar

      *Sorry.. Suppose to read “many videos made”.

    2. Lori H. Avatar
      Lori H.

      Hi Jules, both of these thoughts were also my thoughts when I first read the prediction.

  14. jules104 Avatar

    What about red mercury? Though it’s hard to figure out if it actually exists or what. Supposedly used by the Russians? Does anyone else know anything about using mercury for explosive devices? It seems maybe it makes the blast way more powerful?? If you google bagel shops in NYC there are a lot that come up around the lower Manhatten area.

    1. Cindy Avatar

      Far North CA to me means Canada.. CA is abbreviation for Canada and our Anthem is True North Strong and Free!

      1. Michelle Avatar

        Canada definitely fits…I wasn’t feeling anything with the California thought..Canada feels right on this one.
        Has their been any activity up there lately with terrorist? Since the last ordeal?

      2. Jules104 Avatar

        Yes that could be it Cindy. Also look to Post on 2/10/14. Terror Attack North East. Wearing jackets. Fireworks.

    2. omarie Avatar

      Only thing that comes to mind is Mercury Glass, which all the rage in Christmas decorations from the balls on Xmas trees to all different kinds of lights.

      1. omarie Avatar

        Which is all the….. Geez

  15. Cindy Avatar

    I hate to answer that question, as I know there are things happening behind the scenes that the public is not aware of. Since the last terror attacks on our Militaty Members there has not been any more. In saying that we all need to remain vigilant whatever Country we live, we are all targets. Love and Blessings to all.

    1. Cindy Avatar

      Jules.. Oh my goodness. I’m wondering after looking at the prediction you had mentioned from 2-10-14 about “at the time of the dance, when the fireworks run, also spirit showed a dinner and dance” also spirit showed a tall older almost cobblestone building… Old Montreal is full of older architect buildings and the streets are cobblestone, also it’s cold thrre in the winter and its famous for its festivals and fireworks.. Also earrily there is a performance a dinner and dance coming up in the next day or two and the name of it is “Freddie James”…There are certainly a lot of similarities here… Eric please please look at this… I will forward the link and pray it works.. If by chance it doesn’t please google Freddie James Project in Montreal Canada..

      1. Michelle Avatar

        Wow that’s is scary similar this is!

      2. jules104 Avatar

        Hi Cindy. The Spirits/Eric did say, “Metropolis, New York/New Jersey”, so I would think it would be there, but you never know.

  16. Michelle Avatar

    2-10-14 post: An Attack!” .. “Things were very happy and quickly became horrific.”
    “Around the time of the dance, when the fireworks run, as it all closes up, its ending” “Soon” The Spirits showed individuals with heavy snow jackets so we are talking about a winter location or timing.
    “1,2” The spirits showed two explosions, but it was unclear if they were just showing the same explosion from different views. They showed a long list of names and faces of those who were injured and tragically killed.
    “In the crowded area.. in the North East.. from the fireworks.” The spirits showed a diner or restaurant for some reason. They showed a row of fairly new buildings one of the buildings looked like a castle or a tall square tower made of rocks or cobble stones.

    this prediction has always stood out to me…and because you are mentioning a restaurant along with the north east again is it possible this one had more clues to this prediction.
    I wanted to post the whole prediction in case this helps someone who hasn’t went back and read all your post. maybe it will connect some dots for someone in the New York area.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      this is the one jules was talking about 🙂

      1. Cindy Avatar

        Yes that’s it Michelle

    2. jules104 Avatar

      Thanks Michelle.

    3. anthony Avatar

      niagara falls new york and canada on both side of the boarders,at the same time.People are looking down from the restaurent.Could be new years. They also have festival of lights which is fireworks

  17. jules104 Avatar

    I can’t help but think this has to relate to the 2/10/14 prediction for a terror attack in the Northeast crowded area, winter jackets, fireworks, and a square looking cobblestone tower. If you look at a lot of the churches in and around the NYC area they tend to have square towers attached that would look similar to a Castles. Also the Belvedere Castle in NYC Central Park. Just a thought.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That was what I was thinking too, somehow I believe this will have ties to the cobblestone prediction

  18. jules104 Avatar

    Posts from 5/8/14 and 5/13/14, speaks of terror attacks. Remembering the “Oakley” or “Oakla”. There are a lot of Oakley Streets in Canada. There is an Oakley Ct in Hamilton, Canada. Or Oakley Stores in NYC. Maybe the Oakley was for Canada??

  19. anthony Avatar

    the only thing that makes sense. niagara falls new york and canada on both side of the boarders,at the same time.People are looking down from the restaurent.Could be new years. They also have festival of lights which is fireworks

    1. anthony Avatar

      knock knock confirm from spirit.

      1. anthony Avatar

        i was to go to the falls on the 20th for birthday celebration but changed my mind

      2. anthony Avatar

        check also school buses crossing bridge as it might be tied to another dream i had way way back.Two of them

      3. anthony Avatar

        must be new york,new jersey. jewish.Starts today. Chanukah – the Festival of Lights – is finally here!
        We’ve experienced way too much darkness and terror in the Holy Land in recent months and are overjoyed to celebrate the victory of Israel’s light over darkness.

      4. omarie Avatar

        Happy Chanukah, Anthony! Your right, there is too much darkness and we need more light😊

      5. anthony Avatar

        Date should be the 22nd. might be begin and end. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area from December 22 to January 19 each year.One of four CARDINAL signs. If i was in the area i would probably pick up more.Not canada thou. Some terror group over jewish holidays. President is on vacation as of friday.

      6. anthony Avatar

        only god can save them. Song is fitting.

      7. anthony Avatar

      8. anthony Avatar

        i think the president/john kerry needs the vaticans help on this one

  20. Mary Avatar

    I just had another bizarre dream early late last night between 3 am to 7am. It’s quite uneasy. It’s the symbol in my dreams. Dreamed that my home I grew up doesn’t exist anymore cuz it was destroyed in 1999 F5 tornado in Oklahoma City.

    However, my home was falling apart and unstable. I reached to opened the wired fence gate but was stuck cuz the in grown tree blocked it from opened it. As I tempted to opened the gate, then the house was slowly shifting like a fault. The whole house was nearly fall down then I carefully closed the gate and the house shifting back to prevent it from falling down. Its very unstable and dangerous. From what I see that house looks like a big fault will be soon.

    That was in my dream early late this morning. So, I just wait and see what happens. I don’t have all the answers.

  21. jules104 Avatar

    I’ve emailed the agencies that I could think of, and which could possibly stop this from happening. Hopefully they will take a look and get something more out of this than we have. I hope Eric can get some more info from Spirits soon. Sending prayers and light and love to the North East US. Blessings to All!

  22. Dave Avatar

    unfortunately, the issue with emailing agencies like jon said, is the lack of specific details.. its all piecing together of a puzzle and a lot of us see the pieces fitting in a different way.. i really hope things start getting better.. i cant take much more sadness

  23. fromheretolove Avatar

    Hi everyone,

    I’m pretty new here, and I live in the NY metro area. When I got this prediction yesterday, it scared the crap out of me.

    I know that it’s everyone’s intention to help and to uncover the truth, but please be careful with your comments and with what you’re doing with this information. Spreading panic and alerting authorities at this point isn’t helpful – because we don’t know anything specific. Jules – I don’t mean to call you out – I know you have nothing but good intentions, but you have to think about how your message is being received by those agencies you’ve emailed.

    If we’re going to help Eric decipher these messages, then let’s focus on that, instead of throwing a million questions at him, and then running off on tangents. This is relatively serious and I think we can all hear the distress in Eric’s words. This is certainly very scary for me, and I’d just like to ask everyone to remember that we are talking about people’s lives here – let’s try to handle this as responsibly as we can.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      I agree completely panic only makes things worse. I m not totally convinced this one is new your now tho the Canada thing sounds pretty close to this prediction Cindy posted. And we have gotten a lot about Boston in eric predictions. I know in mine ny always comes up but I feel like it could just be a sign of East coast might not be actual ny so please don’t let my predictions scare you. I’m in New jersey so I hear ya. We all know the risk of living outside major cities.if anything ever were to happen to Philadelphia or new york, new jersey would pretty much be screwed to.

      1. fromheretolove Avatar

        Thanks Michelle. I don’t wish it on NY or on Canada or anywhere.

    2. Jules104 Avatar

      Hi Fromheretolove. Yes it is very scarey. I get where you are coming from. But I also understand that we are running out of time if Spirit is saying five days, and there is only so much Eric, Spirits and those on the site can “actively do to stop any terrorist “physically” from delivering a sinister act of some kind. We all can decipher and talk about it but who on this site is going to actually go and detain these people? I am not trying to be sarcastic. Just a realist. The whole purpose of this site is to change the outcome of these horrible situations which are predicted by Spirit/Eric.
      Blessings and Prayers

      1. fromheretolove Avatar

        Certainly. Of course you are correct. But what are the authorities doing with your email? Are they randomly detaining everyone named Vicky with a gold necklace and colorful scarf in NY? That’s the issue – that none of this is actionable in its current state, so there’s nothing to do at this point. If we can get some clarity, by sharing and thinking and asking questions and suggesting interpretations, then we may have something real to present to the authorities, that will lead to actual credible detentions. (I’ve worked with law enforcement in the past – and vague general psychic predictions without credible actionable information, just make us look like looney tunes and further dilute our credibility when we actually have something real to say).

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Yes totally agree Fromheretolove. I think we are both basically on the same page mostly. I’ve emailed these agencies in the past and have no idea what they do with the info. It is up to them to research or act once they have it. I figure they can use all the help they can get these days. If they don’t want to look at it because it comes from Eric and the Spirit World, I can’t change that. Any information this site could give them will always lead back to Spirits and Eric eventually. I have to say I would rather they think I’m a loon and take a look then not take a look. I don’t give them specifics of what my opinions are on the matter. Just let them know they should read the Post and pay attention for any details that may stick out to them. Something we on the site may not pick up may really be significant to those who do this on a daily basis. I know these agencies may look at this type of info as being not credible since it is from a source that isn’t their “norm”, but all it takes is just one person to look at it, see something we here don’t see, act on it, and cause a change for the good. Perhaps eventually more will pay attention. This is just another tool for them to use. Not the only one. If only they would begin to realize this.

      2. Michelle Avatar

        ok lets get back to the important stuff…
        fromheretolove….does any of this prediction symbolize anything you see in or out of NY? the strange whistle? I know that’s hard to pin point because there is so much going on in NY. Take the subways out of the picture when thinking about it. like any business have a whistle to create attention to their establishment or anything? the roads mean anything to you? I know that one might be tricky to because their are plenty of t-roads even around here. but maybe something significant in front of where the road ends? I have only been to NY once for a modeling gig when I was in my teenage years so I am very unfamiliar with the area. and these questions can apply to anyone…bosten Canada anyone who has a hunch. just focus on the clues. because you are right, no one in law enforcement is going to do anything but throw out the email and make fun of it, psychics aren’t recognized that much in law enforcement. they go for real facts hard evidence.

      3. Mary Avatar

        Jules, but how can anyone prevent it from happening? Maybe we should respect someone like fromheretolove as it frightening her.

        The only way I know is the power of pray. It helps to reverse it. Because the devils are doing all the dirty works to destroy the people. Through power of prayers the devils couldn’t do anything. This is why Blessed Mother Mary visited the earth urging us to pray, pray and pray. It works. No pray, disasters result.

    3. Jon Blue Avatar
      Jon Blue

      fromheretoLove, not sure you know this but FBI, CIA and Police use psychics all the time and do take the emails and calls. What they do with the info is up to them. I have friends and old college mates that work for all three agencies. Each have told me that they use psychics and also take in to account of things credible psychics see. Not sure if you know that or not. Be well and do give into the fear. How we can change it is by realizing the ‘threat’ is there and being mindful and cautious. I think you have a saying that they also use in my former city of Chicago. “See something, say something”. Thats how it can be stopped. Terror will never win in the long run. Love will always reign. Also, do what some of us do, Transcendental Meditation. It helps calm even in crisis. Even our military is using it for the troops and PTSD. I volunteer for the Naval Hospital here in San Diego. They teach it there. It helps. Peace to you, my friend!!! 😀

      1. Lia Avatar

        Hi Jon Blue – You are right. I had the distinct honor of being introduced to two retired secret service agents while working years ago; I told one of them about my precognitive dream about foreseeing the assassination attempt of President Reagan by Hinckley back in 1981. This particular secret service agent saved the President’s life in that event. He was stunned that I’d had that predictive dream. He said in all of his years, no one had told him that they foresaw that particular event. The second retired secret service agent turned to me and said, ” People like you are hired by the FBI.” That was the first time that I’d heard that fact. These two men were AMAZING people. I consider getting to know them for a brief time as one of the highlights of my life. I have an autographed photo as a special remembrance 🙂 So yes, the FBI is probably taking in all that Eric and we say here.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Hi Lia and Jon Blue. Those are amazing stories! That is such great news to hear these agencies take and use this type of information seriously. Perhaps they have evolved after all. : )

      2. fromheretolove Avatar

        Thanks Jon Blue, but I think you’re missing what I’m saying. I know they work with psychics – that’s great, but not relevant to my comment. The point I was trying to make is that this prediction is so vague that even if they wanted to do something with it – what could they do? It’s not clear where, or when, or how. (Imagine you’re an agent at the FBI and you get Eric’s prediction – what the heck are you going to do with it? Nothing. Because there’s not one single solid fact to go on – I’m not bashing anyone, I’m just stating a fact). To say “what they do with that info is up to them” is silly and takes all responsibility off of you for providing useless info.

        What that does is just spread panic. Panic in its own right is useless. Awareness, vigilance, and rational thinking is helpful in emergencies, not panic. If all we do with this prediction is spread panic, then people are in fear and not thinking clearly. They’re not making rational connections. Their mental pathways are blocked with fear.

        We have in essence a language barrier with Spirit. They are trying their hardest (as I think Jennifer said above) to show Eric something, and on this side, we are trying our hardest to understand those messages. All I was asking for was that instead of running around with our hair on fire and screaming and panicking, when we aren’t even sure what we’re panicking about (or where or when), that we tone it down and try to be more responsible with what we’re saying and doing.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Fromheretolove, I am just curious as to how you absolutely know for a fact, that this info is useless to anyone in any of these agencies that may look at it?

      3. Jon Blue Avatar
        Jon Blue

        Fromheretolove, hi again 🙂 Here is a brief thought on what agencies do with information from psychics, even vague. They have data and intel themselves that what Eric says may seem vague to us but to government agencies it may fit in just right with what underground spy things they may hear that this would confirm a particular area they are thinking of. That is how it is used. Even the things you think are vague, actually are not vague to those with more information from wire taps and internet taps. Just don’t be too quick to call something vague or to say it is causing panic. It is in how you read the information. Don’t fear the information, that is what is useless. Use the information to be more aware of your surroundings. Honestly very few people on this site that respond live in fear because we have learned to deal with our gifts of sight, or instinct or aura or whatever our gift may be. We come together as a collective to try and translate dreams. For instance, when I need help with a specific dream, I contact my very best friends who has known me 20 years. They also have similars gift. We are usually able to descipher the meaning. We need each other to help figure out. Even the smallest detail makes a difference to authorities and agencies.
        I will keep you in my meditations that you are able to read the comments and questions people pose as not fear based but as conjecture to try and solve a puzzle. A fun TV show you can get on Netflix is called Bletchley Circle. It is a loosely based true story of women in the 1950s who had been underground diciphers of code for WW2. They circled together to secretly solve crimes. They would bounce ideas off each other. Great series and hope it helps you maybe understand what and why we try and piece together a complex puzzle of translating ancient spirit language into modern day language. Peace to you my friend. All will be will. Now put your detective hat back on 🙂 Lets solve some mysteries together.

  24. Michelle Avatar

    I also posted at the top some of my journal writings from the past couple months, I have been getting scattered messages while taking with spirits about things that might be coming to a head. if anything sticks out to anyone please let me know. I hope maybe some can be connected to eric readings to piece things together. i encourage anyone who is afraid to speak up that this might be the time you want to, if you feel something, had visions of something, or dream or are connection the dots by reading all erics post please shed your light. I know there is a gentlemen out there that is very close to breaking the code. I felt it and still feel it. I know it is there if you go back into all the writings and check the outcomes when they happened and the wording and is there. keep trying. 🙂

  25. fromheretolove Avatar

    Michelle – I can’t think of anything that sounds like a whistle or any buildings that look like they’re made of stones (unless you include bricks). If you look at the Hoboken (jersey side) skyline, you can see a bunch of modern glass and steel buildings and an old clock tower at the train terminal. There are often fireworks there in the summer time.

    I took the “24 and 2” as perhaps the intersection of those streets in Manhattan – “24th Street and 2nd Avenue.” If you look at street view on google maps, there are a bunch of little stores which are part of large residential buildings. No bagel shops though. There is a Mercury Lounge in that neighborhood, but it’s about 15 streets away (on 3rd avenue and 33nd street, I think).

    Nothing specifically helpful – but maybe this jogs something for someone else here.

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      I thought 24th and 2nd also. Googled them and 24th runs into the VA Hospital. You can only turn left though unless you are on foot. There have been predictions on bridges and tunnels also in the past for terrorist attacks. Have you heard the strange sound people speak of coming from the One a World a Trade Center Fromheretolove? I’m sure it’s just the wind but it supposedly is a strange noise many have recorded. Maybe Spirits mean “funny”, as in strange whistling?

      1. fromheretolove Avatar

        I’ve heard people say that the new WTC makes odd sounds, but I’ve never heard them.

        The trains in and out of the Hoboken terminal do make screeching sounds often. There is something in the tracks that sounds like a high pitched metal on metal sound almost every time the trains go in an out. They also blow their train whistles when entering or exiting the station… but that would be true of any train station.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Yes a lot of people have brought up the trains on the tracks whistling noise. Eric has had a prediction about trains/tunnels previously. I really hope this can be a “foiled” prediction. Spirits said some can be foiled others can’t. I am really tired of these evil people wanting to hurt innocents.

      2. Lia Avatar

        The public in general is getting tired of these attacks by terrorists. I find the recent siege on the Lindt Cafe in Australia and the school in Pakistan to be exceptionally evil. Prayer might be the only way out of this mess.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          So many of them too.

    2. Marian Avatar

      New to this site, and very intrigued. What came to mind first is those traffic police who control intersections with heavy traffic. Just a thought.

      1. Marian Avatar

        …They use whistles I.believe.

      2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Like where exactly, you mean like at a bridge?

      3. Marian Avatar

        Thought of heavy traffic in busy New York streets which sometimes utilize traffic police who use whistles. Just following threads of Queen-thought Queens borough NY and when saw bagels, NY instantly came to mind. Lots of things point to NY to me. Also read of necklace with ball inside and thought of ball dropping at Times Square,

    3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Ports and boats use whistles at time, but its more of a bell sound. It could also be some event for that day.

  26. omarie Avatar

    Do incoming bombs make a whistling sound?

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Hi Omarie. Perhaps they do but I think Spirit is actually giving us a clue for a location where this will happen.

  27. Jennifer Avatar

    Hi all. I am familiar with the NYC area. There is a cafe called “The Corner Cafe” in NY that sells bagels literally right on the corner of 24th. Has what looks to be apartments above I think. It all sounds stupid and meaningless but the bagel image is not for nothing obviously. They wouldn’t waste their time showing bagels if it weren’t significant. Just can’t figure out why???? I wish there were clearer information. I am so scared for these innocent people. I disagree with those who say don’t panic. This is immediate, dangerous,etc. There is not much time to create a warning.

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Hi Jennifer. Yes every little bit of info helps I think. 24 hour bagels. I did see that bagel shop on google earlier and didn’t put the 24 and bagel together. Thank you!

      1. Jennifer Avatar

        Do you think its worth anything? Spirit tried their best to communicate with Eric. They showed bagels. In relation to a potential terror attack. It’s not meaningless. It’s not meant to be cute or funny. They used all their effort to show bagels in the same day they told him “bomb.” So it couldn’t hurt to have undercover officers looking for suspicious activity. The problem is, it’s all just speculation at this point.I can’t even tell if by 24 they mean a location or day. But at this point I do think that New Years is the most accurate potential time, especially considering last time they showed themselves watching TV and looking sad after the countdown reached 1. Perhaps they’re a bit off with the whole “in 5 days” thing. Or not. Who knows.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          I think it could be really. The more I think on it the more it does seem relevant. We’d not have known about a Freddy Mercury jewelry collection if you had not mentioned it. Eric can maybe just soft through some of the comments and take from them what he can use and leave the rest. I have faith in him and Spirits. And I believe he knows that we all are only trying to help gather info and won’t be offended if he tells any of us, that’s not it, etc. Heaps of Blessings Jennifer.

    2. Lia Avatar

      Maybe the box with bagels indicates that the perpetrator is a delivery guy for a bagel establishment? In NYC, bagels are often delivered to corporate clients so a delivery driver would have access to many buildings without looking suspicious.

      1. jules104 Avatar

        Hi Lia. That was my exact first thought. A box of bagels it seems would be going to a corporate building somewhere.

      2. Lia Avatar

        I would suppose that if a bomb could be placed into a shoe, then one can be placed in a bagel, too. Scary thought. Also, how to distinguish a perpetrator delivering a box of bagels to a corporate office? Gosh!!!! Maybe he/ she wears a signature like Freddie Mercury jewelry….quite a stretch…. But maybe that’s how spirit works.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          With the shoe they are describing some type of place, look for the symbols. Remember the “Place of Leaves” ended up being Canada, because of the Leaf on their flag.

      3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        That was my thought almost a jewish feeling to it.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Did the brown uniform three crescent moons prediction already happen Eric? Someone had mentioned a delivery driver or the bio hazard symbol at the time then. Just a thought.

  28. flamingo101 Avatar

    “Oddly they showed a golden neck less and gave the name ‘Freddie Mercury”—I found this — probably nothing but just thought I would share

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Wow very interesting Flamingo 101. I’d say that isn’t “nothing”, but another possible piece of the puzzle. And if it isn’t relevant, no harm done

    2. Lia Avatar

      Wow – what are the chances? It must be significant…

  29. Lia Avatar

    Eric – I agree w/a few of your writers on this thread…the clues appear to be too cryptic and we all seem to be going into different directions. Just wondering if New York, New Jersey came across clearly to you. Could it be Boston? I only ask because you’ve mentioned a Boston attack in previous messages and Boston has fireworks on New Years’ Eve as part of its first night celebration. Also, the parks connecting to the Boston Common where they do the fireworks are known to be called “The Emerald Necklace.” Further, nearby the Boston Common up the street is a huge gold, steaming teakettle that overhangs what is now a Starbucks Coffee shop. This teakettle is historical and though it does not make a whistle noise, the steam comes out of the kettle as if it were whistling. Within several feet of this teakettle. Is the MBTA Faneuil Hall Rapid Transit Station – the subway is one of the busiest stops. The road nearby the teakettle forks and perhaps that could be interpreted as an unusual intersection.They probably serve bagels at Starbucks, but I have no way of knowing. The architect of the Boston Emerald necklace is Frederick Law Olmstead. It was called the Emerald necklace because of the connections of green parks with rivers, streams and Boston byways looks much like a necklace hanging on the neck of the Boston peninsula. I hope it’s not Boston but the clues might lead to Boston. If you are DEFINITE that it’s NYC or New Jersey then let us know in order to keep my interpretation from taking us off track.

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Lia Thank You for your calm demeanor and kind way of expressing your thoughts. Thats great info also and I’m sorry if I seem to be going in different directions. I don’t mean too. I just am soooooo tired of these Spiders and their sinister acts and want everyone to contribute whatever they feel may be relevant. I really wish we could help to change the outcome. I am definetly praying and sending light and love to the Northeast area as I am sure so many others here are also doing the same.

      1. Lia Avatar

        Hi Jules, I was not expressing you personally going off track – I really value what you have to say on this forum! In fact, this is the most polite prediction forum I’ve experienced which is a testament to Eric’s leadership and the tone that he sets. If anything, I suppose that I am frustrated that the clues are so cryptic which leaves the predicted event to be so elusive in terms of pinpointing a perpetrator and a location. It appears that most of us are anxious about this particular prediction. I think the authorities affiliated w/ homeland security watch this site, too. At least, I hope so. The necklace symbol and the weird whistle clue led me to think of the Emerald neclace of Boston and the huge teakettle me government center in Boston. But, Eric did get NYC or New Jersey so that seemed more clear in terms of location. I thought Jennifer’s theory below about there being two explosions on two different dates is a new idea for this thread – it is very possible that there are coordinated attacks planned. let’s hope that all is uneventful this holiday season!

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Oh gosh I agree on the anxious frustrating part. I guess all we can do is try, get the word out, and put all of the cryptic messages together that Eric gets from Spirit as best we can. Praying he can get some clarity on some of the things Spirit has already told him or more info for us to work with though. I think the more people who are contributing what info they can, no matter how small they may think it is… the more pieces we can maybe put together. I do hope the agencies who have the power to find these Spiders and take them off the streets and put them someplace where they can’t harm any more people, ARE paying attention. Even if I never found out that we may have helped to prevent some sort of planned attack, as long as it didn’t happen I’d be happy.

    2. Jennifer Avatar

      I think its NYC / Jersey. maybe a 2nd in boston

  30. Jennifer Avatar

    2-10-14 post: An Attack!” .. “Things were very happy and quickly became horrific.”
    “Around the time of the dance, when the fireworks run, as it all closes up, its ending” “Soon” The Spirits showed individuals with heavy snow jackets so we are talking about a winter location or timing.
    “1,2” The spirits showed two explosions, but it was unclear if they were just showing the same explosion from different views. They showed a long list of names and faces of those who were injured and tragically killed.
    “In the crowded area.. in the North East.. from the fireworks.” The spirits showed a diner or restaurant for some reason. They showed a row of fairly new buildings one of the buildings looked like a castle or a tall square tower made of rocks or cobble stones.

    They mentioned “TWO EXPLOSIONS”

    Perhaps they meant in 5 minutes (days) the 1st

    then on “24th the 2nd” ????

    I still keep thinking NYE though.

    “Bomb” — Spirits Voice
    I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye.
    Metropolis, New York, New Jersey
    In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said
    24.. 2nd.. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building)
    “By the funny sound.. like a whistle” — Spirits Voice

    1. Jennifer Avatar

      Although it was unclear if they were showing two explosions or the same one from different views

      1. Rosemary Avatar

        A few months should I dreamt of a tower collapsing onto a courtyard. The tower I saw was round and red brick burnout was like a restaurant on top. Sounds a bit similar to yours.

    2. Rosemary Avatar

      It’s really odd , you talk about bagels!
      My kids have been enjoying done waffles recently and each time I talk about them , I’m calling them bagels. I don’t even know what bagels are. My kids keep saying why are you saying bagels?. There has to be some significance !

    3. Rosemary Avatar

      A few months should I dreamt of a tower collapsing onto a courtyard. The tower I saw was round and red brick burnout was like a restaurant on top. Sounds a bit similar to yours.

      1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

        Our family buys bagels every weekend, it could be a simple reference to that, a ‘weekend’. Lets not put to much with the bagels.

    4. Jules104 Avatar

      It seems that they would be related, yes. I too am thinking NYE. It’s all live broadcast. Major impact made.

      1. Lia Avatar

        That is a good point – so many people watch New Year’s Eve.

  31. fromheretolove Avatar

    Not to harp on the Hoboken possibility, but this looks to me like an old brick square tower surrounded by new buildings. It’s technically in NJ, but just across the water from downtown NYC. (There’s a dounkin dounuts across the street from the terminal which sells bagels).,1276141113,1/stock-photo-hoboken-terminal-and-jersey-city-skyline-new-jersey-54899845.jpg

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      I had asked Eric a while ago about what it looked like and he said square cobblestone like browns. Though perhaps just symbolic of a tower in general? It didn’t sound like it. Rosemary’s tower was red brick and round at the top. Is the pic of the Train/subway station in Hoboken, NJ? There were train/subway terrorist attack predictions. They spoke of a crystal bridge once. Anything in the area that would match? I do get the feeling that they want people to think they are only lone wolf acts, disorganized attempts at terrorist attacks, while their objective is something much bigger.

      1. flamingo101 Avatar

        Jules there is a museum out of Arkansas called Crystal Bridge Museum of American Art, they bought a Frank LLoyd Wright home located in NJ and moved it

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Hi Flamingo 101. Yes I saw that a while back. My daughter went to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and I believe that is in Bentonville maybe? Right next to it. At the time of that post we were talking about Russia and the Olympic Games so didnt mention it as relevant. They have a walkway out of a train station in Russia that the locals call the “Crystal Bridge”. Very interesting that this was moved to NJ though. Thanks for the info.

  32. travis Avatar

    Like everyone else here i to am sick of the sinister acts and all the innocent people who suffer from these senseless acts. I hope and pray that with all of us here at the site even if its a small bunch can make a big difference in this world i dont know how much itll work with my small network of friends but i shared this post on facebook. Hey michelle i keep practacing on contacting my spirit guides cause they say we all have one but cant calm my mind down to do it yet my question to you is do dreams work or if anyone else can answer that looking forward to hearing responses much love to all.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      Jon blue might be able to answer that one…I don’t dream to much I have always been medium and talk with past spirits.
      What are you seeing when you meditate? Try focusing on the white light first..don’t try to hard to see it …it will come to you then surround yourself in it. Really the first steps. I might have been jumping around a lot when i tried to explain it before. Try calm ocean music in the background might help or if the rain calms you…try to relax enough to almost hit a dream like state but sit in a seat so you don’t fall asleep. There are things on you tube like I said before…Some even walk you through it. Like you can turn one on your computer and let it run to and try it while they are talking you through it. If I have time I will look for a good one and put the link up. Or if anyone else knows one please share with Travis. I have seen and talked with my spirit guide but honestly my grandfather and uncle have been playing a bigger role in my guidance these days. Once you get to that state try calling on a close relative that might be past. That might work. Or even ask for a dream. You may have a dream of them that night. Hope that helps…keep asking away if you are having a hard time with it. I will definitely lead a helping hand where I can;)

      1. Michelle Avatar

        Make sure it’s the right time to. Like when you have nothing going on maybe before bed even when the night is calmer and nothing is going on. That’s usually what works for me because there is always something going on any other time of the day for me. Or maybe when you first wake up before the day has actually started to get your mind racing

        1. Cindy Avatar

          Great advice Michelle. I might add for you Travis to be consistent and make meditation a daily practice.. Start small with say 5-10 minutes and each time your mind wanders bring your awareness back to your breath. You can also see the thoughts that infiltrate your mind floating away on s cloud until you are able to remain still.. Thoughtless.. I teach meditation classes and I will be honest when first starting out it may seem frustrating but I promise if u make it a daily practice it will pay off.. Try out different meditation music as Michelle mentioned to begin with, you may have to try a lot to find the right one. Also read about Budhism and the practice of mindfulness.This is a way to connect with Spirit. Eric is a master and totally dedicated to his meditations … be consistent.. Consistency breads success… 🙏🙏

      2. Michelle Avatar

        Cindy I forgot to mention the breathing part to Travis last time thanks for bringing that up because it is a big part. glad you added that. I am no teacher by far…I’m glad someone with teaching skills had some advice for Travis;)
        Travis add the deep breathes (inhale and exhale slowly) and see if that mellows you out a little bit and tell us how it works out. 😉 if you are anything like me you might even fall asleep a couple times it’s ok if that happends;)

      3. travis Avatar

        Thanks for the great advice you two i will try to be consistent with it i will try to light a candle listen to calming meditation music and focus on deep breathing also another question there wont be no evil spirit trying to pose as good will there

        1. Cindy Avatar

          If you are feeling uneasy ask for blessings and protection with the white light of the Holy Spirit.

      4. travis Avatar

        Ok i just didnt wanna do something wrong and invite evil spirit in i know id love to connect with my dad

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          That’s cool, does he make his presence known.

      5. travis Avatar

        I would love to contribute and bring something to the boards

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          Hi Travis, the biggest help any of us can do is get that word out to as many people as possible, come up with new ideas on how to get the word out to everyone.

    2. Jon Blue Avatar
      Jon Blue

      Hey Travis buddy. Yes, each one gave great advice. I literally saged my entire place and all the window and door frames with a few of my close and loving friends. We each read beautiful cleansing verses from the Bible, Buddha’s teachings, and other loving teachings from Gandhi that brought love, light and holy spirit of joy. Literally my entire place smelled like a cathedral afterward but that was my very first step. Each friend read a verse or said encouraging loving words at each room, doorway and window we saged. After they left, I would light a white candle in one of those tall glasses (away from anything that could catch fire obviously). I did that for about a week. I had not intended on any dream or visions or anything like that. But each night I would do Transcendental Meditation. Peaceful centering. After a week of that, the dreams came with my grandpa. They were very strong and powerful. If you have the ‘gift’ it will come to you as it did for me. It takes practice, dedication to keep it up. For me, it was just those three powerful dreams then later a few quick dreams that happened just before waking up in the morning. Like split second clips and things would happen either that day or that week that would be from those short clips. The ritual of meditation must be constant. Look up the website in hopes of helping. I also have an app on my iPhone called “Calm”. I use that as well. Start there. Many hugs and peace!!!

      1. Michelle Avatar

        Ya Travis if you are worried about any evil being around you you should take Jon blues advice a smudge with sage maybe before you really start the meditation. Very good advice jon;)
        It’s hard for me to describe all this because seeing spirits came to me before I knew what meditation even was. Meditation for me is just a way to control it. A time I dedicate to spirits so they don’t just pop in on me and scare the heck out of me. Peace for me came when I excepted my gift. I didn’t run from it anymore.
        I have seen evil and I know it’s because I have been reaching for information. I know it when I see it. Once you get that purity of light in our soul you will be able to identify anything with bad intentions. And if you ever do come a crossed something bad focus on the white light and the surrounding of white light you put yourself in for protection. So make sure you take baby steps and work at it.

    3. Annie Avatar
      Annie is a good site to try for meditation and/or calming the mind. You can choose from many backdrops and sounds, like ocean waves, rainfall etc. You can also set a timer if you wish.

  33. Cindy Avatar

    *FYI: just read the U.S. believes North Korea is behind the Sony hack and a statement may come soon.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      Not for nothing …but I hope they got some kind of permission from north Korea to make that move I don’t know much about it i seen the preview and what we are ok with here is definitely not the case in North Korea. Any know anything about the movie and possible permission? This could get messy if they didnt

  34. Jennifer Avatar

    Everyone, less than a year ago :

    A New York Bagel shop was destroyed in a fire

    Eric, thoughts?

    1. Jennifer Avatar

      The name of the bagel shop was Haymishe Bagel.

      But it gets weirder, another Jewish kosher deli – Perls Deli – two doors away had previously been on fire too ??

      “Bracha Sorek, owner of Haymishe Bagel, another Jewish institution famous for their homemade chocolate bubka and raisin challah, was the only store open in the mall when the fire started.

      Sorek said she called 911 after a customer alerted her that smoke was coming from the deli, which is only two doors away.”

      Hmm…. I’m confused???

    2. Jennifer Avatar

      MY bad it says NoRTH york!!! Still.
      CA – Canada??

  35. Jennifer Avatar

    california man who plotted to bomb LA subway arrested at canadian border earlier this year

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      See now that is something you could connect to, as if someone else has ties to these guys.

      1. Jennifer Avatar

        Quote from the article… “That day, Teausant told the source over the phone that he and a group of people had discussed ‘hitting’ the Los Angeles subway on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, authorities alleged in the affidavit.”
        I’m sure that they have so much intel on who this guy was with and who the group of people were but maybe not.

      2. Jennifer Avatar

        I’m just sensing that this guy was an amateur though. But its probably some sort of similar concept like this.

  36. Jennifer Avatar

    He did say it was a house, not a restaurant, that burned down though.
    I feel like I’m just following meaningless information that will probably amount to nothing …. ugh

    1. Michelle Avatar

      Keep digging nothing is useless info…look at it as just getting closer to the truth;)

    2. Jules104 Avatar

      Yes I agree with Michelle. If it’s useful Eric/Spirits will know.

    3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      The core of the prediction is above, don’t get to caught up in the small messages they gave. The house seemed something in the past or perhaps another group of terrorist, almost as if to say these villains started in Ca??

  37. star48 Avatar

    Eric, in confirmation of possibility of Ontario, Canada.. See.

    1. star48 Avatar

      Eric, not confirmation.. Should read foreshadow ..

    2. Jules104 Avatar

      Hi Star48. I agree with Prime Minister Stephen Harper. There just seems to be a bigger picture/event/target coming up that the Spiders are trying to distract everyone away from, in my opinion.

    3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Thanks for the info.

  38. travis Avatar

    Is there any good helpful videos on youtube to help contact spirits

    1. Jon Blue Avatar
      Jon Blue

      As I said above. Don’t start going into it wanting to contact spirits. Go into meditation to heal. If it is meant for you to contact them, they will find you within your meditation once you have done the things I mentioned. Go slow and use mindfulness and love as your guide.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      you should look into Zen meditation.

      1. Mary Avatar

        I do see a quick or flash light before going to sleep. I opened my eyes thought it was lightening or someone turned on and off the light. I do dreams that seem very real. Not often, but spirits communicate with me to understand what’s going on in the world. . The best thing is that I’m deaf so everything is silent. It helps me to turn off the sounds distractions without the hearing aids. I guess that’s helps to meditate with spirits.

  39. Mary Avatar

    I asked my Spirit about NYC. Quick vision in my dream. Saw the Queen as the Statue of Liberty being the target by whistling ship carried bottles and oranges used by the terrorists. Ships exploded aiming to the queen.

    I hope not. Pray it doesn’t happen.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      There is a separate vision about a ship exploding.

      1. Jules104 Avatar

        Hi Eric and Mary. I was going to ask you about that exact one. I think from Sept 6 or 16th maybe? Also a vision of people running screaming I think. I wanted to know if anyone else saw a connection.

      2. Mary Avatar

        Idk. Right now, I’m so confused. I’ve some doubts. I will believe when it happens. Again, I hope not. So I just have to wait and see. No worries.

  40. Anisah Avatar

    Hope not NYC. My daughter and i live here

  41. PrayingforPeace Avatar

    I have often read this site and find it fascinating. This is my first time commenting.

    The ISIS as octopus prediction is a terrifying image. I pray that they are stopped in their tracks sooner rather than later.

    Eric/Michelle, do you see ISIS taking over the world and enforcing their ‘beliefs’ on us?

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Welcome to the conversation. No, they are a passing evil, they are the Nazis of the 21st Century.

    2. Michelle Avatar

      I agree with Eric they won’t be able to take over but what I seen was when they finally show themselves and try and raise up they will me attached to ever continent. They are more underground right now so we really don’t know the true size of the whole group. But we will. I did see the head deflate so it will definitely be defeated to some aspect.

  42. jules104 Avatar

    Not to get off track… but did everyone see the release of Alan Gross was mainly due to Pope Francis? I know Eric has had previous posts on the Pope, but I am not sure if this would relate to any of them. Great news though. I really like this Pope! So full of what God has intended… Love!

    1. Lia Avatar

      Pope Francis is amazing! Glad you provided this link because I did not know he helped both countries to work together. Good for him!

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I am not Catholic but he is a breath of fresh and much needed fresh air who is really is trying to do good in the world.

      1. Mary Avatar

        Thank you, Eric. I agreed also. Felt or sensed positive thing about the Pope. Idk why some said negative things about him. Its puzzled me.

      2. Lia Avatar

        I have a friend whose husband had a near-death experience about a year ago. It was a profound experience for him; he said he communicated with God ( was not religious prior to the NDE) and God told him that Pope Francis is His pope for the world.

  43. anthony Avatar

    i had a dream related to this first event. its a parade. i came out of building and i looked to the sky and said its awfully dark. i asked for the time and it was 12.30. i looked to the sky and saw big floats/ballons in the air. Bomb im guessing is a bagpack which was another message. did not say what date.

  44. rhona Avatar

    Hi everyone safety and loving prayers and loving energetic light to all…i was thinking maybe the coloured cloth could be a christmas parade or table cloth of sorts …im sending much light to new jersey /new york and your authorties at consistant ever present energy …my thoughts are with you america..

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Thank You Rhona and ditto back at ya there in Australia. 😉

  45. flamingo101 Avatar

    2-10-14 post: An Attack!” .. “Things were very happy and quickly became horrific.”
    “Around the time of the dance, when the fireworks run, as it all closes up, its ending” “Soon” The Spirits showed individuals with heavy snow jackets so we are talking about a winter location or timing.
    I like alot of people was thinking New Years Eve – but something led me to thinking this–
    Radio City Christmas Spectacular is 90-minutes of dance, fireworks, and a flying Santa at Radio City Music Hall. Pre-show, meet a Rockette or Santa, and admire 10,000 crystals hanging in the Grand Foyer.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      Where is this held at?

    2. Marian Avatar

      OK, this came from a prediction for this year from another psychic. He said there would be a St. Patrick’s massacre- googled and found Radio City Music Hall 22 blocks away.

      1. Marian Avatar

        Correction… Music Hall 2 blocks from St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Thought this may tie in.

  46. jules104 Avatar

    This is probably nothing but wanted to mention it just in case someone else sees anything here. I looked up the word, “Metropolis”, and the 1927 film “Metropolis” came up. At the bottom it says, “Some scenes from the film were featured in the music video for Queen’s 1984 hit “Radio Ga Ga”. The tracks were prepared by Freddie Mercury”.

    I don’t know much about this film except it speaks of the Tower of Babel, there is a women in a gold shiny outfit and it is suppose to be 100 years into the future.

    1. Annie Avatar

      “Metropolis” is an *amazing* movie, and in spite of the fact that it is made in 1927 (which might be off putting to some) – it actually portrays via allegory, the way things are currently in our world. In that the little people do all of the work, producing the wealth for an elite few who hoard it unto themselves.

      There is much symbolism in the movie, and it is one I would recommend to all, simply so they can see, more clearly, our world today.

    1. anthony Avatar

      so isis is planning hit some were

  47. travis Avatar

    Think i got like my first sign today or whatever you wanna call it so i tried meditating and i guess i can say it calmed me down afterwords i was on the computer watching a show and all the sudden i caught on to i guess like a calling it repeated meditating twice and something bout keep practiceing which i felt it was trying to tell me to thought that was pretty neat to share

    1. Michelle Avatar

      I’m so glad travis…;)

  48. Daisee Avatar

    “By the funny sound.. like a whistle” — Spirits Voice – This is the sound clip used at Yankee Stadium when the home team pitcher gets a strikeout. (it’s actually stolen from some corp. commercial) Strike-out Whistle –

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Now that is a “funny whistle” Daisee. Interesting.

  49. Jon Blue Avatar
    Jon Blue

    Hey gang. So I was just reading on CNN of the new report on the Secret Service being low staffed and strained and not as proficient as they used to be. Also read the article about the blimps that will fly over Washington DC from now on that will detect cruise missiles. This cannot be a coincidence. There must be intel that the public isn’t aware of regarding a serious threat. I don’t think this is a precaution or they would have done this a long time ago. Seems scary surreal. Eric, any thoughts on the blimps and the extra protection going on in DC? Anything to do with your visions or old predictions?

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Hi Jon Blue. Funny you should say they must have some intel on something In the works. That was my thoughts right after the Sydney incident. All of a sudden they are on high alert in NYC etc. I just got the strangest feeling they knew more than what they were/are saying (obviously right). I was thinking, okay here’s their chance to sort of break the news to us Americans with out causing mass panic. (If that makes any sense). Also, in this article I had read, they were talking about how many counterterrorism people they have just in NYC alone. Strange they say they are lacking in the DC area. Hmmm. Going to be praying and sending out the light and love to All. Blessings Always.

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          Hi Jon Blue. I hope that didn’t come off as I didn’t believe you. Not intended to. Wow though. That’s pretty ridiculous. Thanks for the info.

    2. Lia Avatar

      Hi Jon, I will have to read that article on CNN. My former Secret Service friend who saved President Reagan’s life had as his motto,” Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.” It sounds like they still hold to this motto.

  50. Lia Avatar

    Forgot when Eric wrote the prediction about the stadium, cheering and celebration followed by horror. I looked up Freddie Mercury’s hits. “We Are The Champions” he said was intended for football – a cheer! Also, his song, “We Will Rock You” is often played at sport games. I looked up the schedules of the NY Giants and the NY Jets. The Jets play the New England Patriots on this Sunday, the 21 st. At 1:00 p.m. EST. Also, there is a huge catering menu at the Met Life Stadium where they play – it includes bagels. Well, hope I’m being outlandish and this is just my imagination. The whistle symbol – not sure if that makes sense.

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      Great info Lia. The funny whistle? Maybe football referees whistle for penalties?

  51. Lia Avatar

    Forgot to say that MetLife Stadium is used by the NY Giants and NY Jets and is located in Rutherford, New Jersey.

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      That would cover the two cities phrase maybe.

      1. Lia Avatar

        I thought that, too. Also, “Met Life” name stands for Metropilitan Life – Metropolis, NY, NJ phrase more fully makes sense.

      2. Lia Avatar

        Oops! I meant to type “Metropolitan.”

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          No worries Lia. I got it. Yes that would make sense. I wonder what Eric thinks.

          1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

            I thought it was an odd message, are they saying downtown??

  52. Mary Avatar

    I looked up the NYC breaking news late last night. There was 200 firefighters at the Queens apt. One firefighter died fell through the ceiling. He was 17. 24 apts with 2 swimming pools burned down. The numbers 24 and 2, Queens and burned down all similar but the prediction is for California. Please look up on Internet as I do not know how to transfer it to emails.

  53. Anisah Avatar

    You were right Eric about something happening in New York. Some person came in from out of state and shot two NYPD officers today.

  54. Mary Avatar

    Eric, I have seen signs and remembered your visions sharing with us. You saw yourself in hood on the horse with arrows and bow. I was watching the TV series called “Arrow”. I saw the name Queens industry factory. Do they have the Queens industry factory in NYC? If so, does the factory has funny whistled sounds?? Is there a yacht called “Queens” that has whistled sounds on NYC harbor?? Just brain storming.

    This is different topic. This afternoon, I was very depressed for the world of sinners. I spoke with God. He showed me in my dream. I am not Catholic but i was in my childhood. I reached out to Pope’s robe and cried my face unto his robe at His feet for His forgiveness of our sins. Omg…its HIM. Its discreetly. He came to the world for Peace. He is the Prince of earth. You all know who He is. When he dies, he will return His Second coming. Does that ring the bell to you? Be careful. The more people know who He is, He will be persecuted. I know it sounds crazy but He sent Pope to the world for Peace. He is the One. The Satans and devils know who He is but flesh humans doesn’t know it.

    1. Lia Avatar

      Mary – I said in another recent thread that a friend of mine, her husband had a near death experience. He spoke with God during his NDE – telepathic communication. Anyway, God said to him that Pope Francis is the face of Christ.

      1. Mary Avatar

        Does that mean He IS the Christ? That gives me the goose bumps. That was in my dream yesterday. I cried in His white robe. Then I felt knowing He IS the Christ. I only shared with you but not for the world to know. Because many will attack Him. He came for Peace. He IS the only Saint on this earth. This is so unreal. But I believe it. Would love to meet Him knowing He is our Christ, the Savior. It’s almost make sense “Second Coming” in Book of Revelation.

      2. Lia Avatar

        Wow – what a beautiful, powerful dream you had, Mary! I think we are all the body of Christ – each and every one of us shines a light from within, though some through free will possess diminished inner lights while others have activated the Christ within through love. Pope Francis is the face of Christ and every single being on earth is the body of Christ. That we are all ONE is the transforming awakening that is now happening in the world.

    2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      No it doesn’t ring a bell for me.

      1. Mary Avatar

        Thank you, Lia for your kind words. Its very special to have Saint Frances in our time on this planet. I don’t think he is THE Christ. But it felt like he is the Christ but he is not. Again thanks. Have a beautiful and merry Christmas!

  55. Carolyn malone Avatar
    Carolyn malone

    Two police officers were assassinated yesyerday, December 20th, in nyc. The gunman then ran into a subway station and killed himself. I don’t know if this is related to the prediction.

  56. Carolyn malone Avatar
    Carolyn malone

    Also, the assassination occurred in Brooklyn, home to a lot of Jewish people and bagels.

    1. Mary Avatar

      Makes sense. Saw on the news. My heart is heavy for hatred and madness sins. Pray for peace. I’m sorry for their families loss. It made more unease for most police officers.

    1. Jules104 Avatar

      This also fits for a building confrontation between N Korea and S Korea. I didn’t hear about this on the news.

  57. ~Gen Avatar

    Could these clues be referencing Grand Central Station in New York??

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      That’s a possibility.

      1. ~Gen Avatar

        Hi Eric. There is a statue of Mercury on the clock on the facade of the Grand Central Station/Terminal building (which also is in front of the MetLife building). It is also on 42nd street (not 24 though, like you mentioned) however in front the street goes left or right or you can go straight to enter Grand Central Station. There are vendors inside who sell bagels as well as many other things. Maybe this helps??

        1. Jules104 Avatar

          That’s pretty interesting info ~Gen.

        2. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar


          1. Jules104 Avatar

            Here are some pics with info having you scroll down.

        3. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          That’s a very good point, bigger than that they actually mentioned a clock last night, but they put it on a tower of some kind. We are planning to ask for clarity on the clock tonight.

      2. ~Gen Avatar

        One more thing, you said, “24…2nd”. Interestingly, on February 24th, 2013 (2/24) there was a bomb scare at Grand Central. They said, “Metropolitan Transportation Authority shut down service of its shuttle between Times Square and Grand Central on Sunday night, and briefly had 4, 5 and 6 trains bypassing the station after a bomb scare halted activity to the transit hub, according to MTA officials.”

      3. ~Gen Avatar

        Thank you Jules for posting a pic for Eric. I hope I’m not right. I don’t want to be right. A terror act at any time is horrible, but New Years in New York would be absolutely devastating. Please, God, let me NOT be right. 🙁 I ask for your protection and love around New York, a blanket of joy and happiness and celebration and for everyone’s safety.

      4. Lia Avatar

        Eric, just saw this link to images of Grand Central Station in NYC. The depiction of constellations on the ceiling is interesting; recall your previous prediction where you were with bow and arrow targeting light beams toward NYC (I think) and I said you were like Orion in response to your post. In the images that Jules posted as a link to GCS, the central constellation is Orion (in this image, Orion carries a club instead of a bow and arrow). The three stars as his belt is what makes this clearly Orion. Hope nothing happens during the holidays.

        1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

          I hope nothing happens either.

    2. JB Avatar

      Gen..i think your GCS location is by far the most likely, and what we have been trying to find. As an aside, about 2 months ago, I made my brother promise me(!) that he and his girlfriend would not be going to nyc this new years eve. He has done this for a multitude of years, and has always used GCS and stayed in the city…actually just this past sat. I told him I had a bad feeling about this train station specifically, he reiterated that they would not be going this year.. And now I have just seen what you wrote, and it made me do a double take.. Love and blessings to all.

  58. […] Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack I had a visual I was walking into North Korea late at night. Then a very large rattle snake coiled next to a large wall snapping its head several times, as if attacking its prey. The snakes eyes were glowing red.  Then everything in the area turned black.  Military carriers were leaving port. “The Korea’s on the brink of war.”– Spirits Voice […]

  59. Muriel Kerr Avatar
    Muriel Kerr

    May not be a terrorist attack at all but simply a warning of a tragic accident.
    Yesterday afternoon December. 22 at around 2.30 a garbage truck whose driver from eye witness accounts had collapsed at the wheel careered along the sidewalk in Queen Street in Glasgow killing 6 people and coming to a halt at the entrance to Queen Street Station. many more were injured.
    The bodies of the deceased were covered in green tarpaulin whilst accident investigation started.
    I saw a woman interviewed on TV who had stayed talking to a badly injured woman for some 40 minutes and refused to leave her till professional help arrived.
    Also the newspapers today showed the route the truck had taken marking it with a red arrow. The Glasgow streets in the city centre are set out in a grid system. Queen Street is a straight street with other streets off it to the left and right.
    I suggest the BBC website for further details
    Dark days

  60. […] Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack    Predictions for 2015, the first seems to either fall in December or early January.    “Bomb” — Spirits Voice — I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. — Metropolis, New York, New Jersey — In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said — 24.. 2nd.. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building) — “By the funny sound.. like a whistle” — Spirits Voice —  Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box. I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight. I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “The terrorist were at far north CA.” — “I am not just going to walk away, I am going to take good care of her” – Spirits Voice — Oddly they showed a golden neck less and gave the name ‘Freddie Mercury’ both of which I believe are completely symbolic perhaps about ‘mercury’ like the type of bomb or type of car. […]

  61. jules104 Avatar

    I don’t know if this could be related or just an odd coincidence. The Travel Channel has a special coming up tomorrow, Sunday the 4th called, “Metropolis-New York, San Fransisco”. It’s about those two specific cities. It just seemed strange to me.

  62. […] Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack    Predictions for 2015, the first seems to either fall in December or early January.    “Bomb” — Spirits Voice — I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. — Metropolis, New York, New Jersey — In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said — 24.. 2nd.. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building) — “By the funny sound.. like a whistle” — Spirits Voice —  Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box. I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight. I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “The terrorist were at far north CA.” — “I am not just going to walk away, I am going to take good care of her” – Spirits Voice — Oddly they showed a golden neck less and gave the name ‘Freddie Mercury’ both of which I believe are completely symbolic perhaps about ‘mercury’ like the type of bomb or type of car. […]

  63. […] Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack    Predictions for 2015, the first seems to either fall in December or early January.    “Bomb” — Spirits Voice — I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. — Metropolis, New York, New Jersey — In about 5 minutes (that means 5 days sometime around the 20th-22nd) but then they said — 24.. 2nd.. (the 2nd might be a message related to the location or a floor to a building) — “By the funny sound.. like a whistle” — Spirits Voice —  Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box. I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight. I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “The terrorist were at far north CA.” — “I am not just going to walk away, I am going to take good care of her” – Spirits Voice — Oddly they showed a golden neck less and gave the name ‘Freddie Mercury’ both of which I believe are completely symbolic perhaps about ‘mercury’ like the type of bomb or type of car. […]

  64. […] Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack   Messages somehow related: I had a visual of a small restaurant in a building. I had a visual of Bagels being placed in a box. […]

  65. Aj Avatar

    Eric – This is extremely late in the game, but the Golden Globes are tomorrow at the Beverly Hilton. The only correlation is that Freddie Mercury stayed at the Hilton.. As far as the flooding in regards to candy in Australia, there is Cadbury’s in Tasmania and Walker’s close to Perth that I was able to find.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      Is it flooding in Cadbury?

  66. Kim Avatar

    Just looking through older predictions. Not sure if these are related but the was a natural gas explosion at an apartment building in NYC on March 26th. There was a Sushi restaurant on the ground floor. Also, there was an explosion at a bagel store on March 1st on Central Park Avenue. Not sure if this adds anything.

    1. Eric Leigh-Pink Avatar

      I honestly thought about that, especially the multiple fires over there, but Spirit said no. They said it would be a sinister act, but question whether it will happen or be foiled.

  67. […] Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack   Predictions for 2015, the first seems to either fall in December or early January.  “Bomb” — Spirits Voice Notes on 12-27-14 Terror Attack  I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. Metropolis, New York, New Jersey “A bomb.. a building is the target.. known for its second floor.. NJ.. NY.. at 3, 4.. bell view.. the nation addressed.” — Spirits Voice Also: […]

  68. […]  Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack  I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. Metropolis, New York, New Jersey […]

  69. […]  Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack  I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. Metropolis, New York, New Jersey […]

  70. star48 Avatar

    Eric, SWC,
    North Korea firing of Missles. Put Japan in Danger..
    Emergency meeting of UN Security Council called..

    US, Japan call for emergency UN Security Council meeting on North Korea after country’s ballistic missile launch – AFP

    1. jules104 Avatar

      I’ve been thinking about the prediction in the bunker/underground place with pics on the walls. North Korea? That guy is a loose…ballistic missile!

      1. star48 Avatar

        perfect visual…the man is obviously Looney Tunes…
        And it would not surprise me that you are correct!

  71. star48 Avatar

    SWC, North Korea ,
    South Korea, Japan, and US— missile launches provocative …

  72. […]  Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack  I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. Metropolis, New York, New Jersey […]

  73. […]  Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack  I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked eye. Metropolis, New York, New Jersey […]

  74. […] would normally be played.  Such a horrible nightmare, like a war zone” – Spirits Voice Notes on 12-16-14 US Terror Attack  I had a visual of a colorful cloth covering the bomb making it unable to see with the naked […]

  75. star48 Avatar

    Ref:::I had a visual of a road that only turned left or right but the arrow they showed went directly straight.
    I had a visual of a house burned down and the area around the house burned. “The terrorist were at far north CA.”

    Eric,SWC Latest developments.✔✔ Report… bullet holes at point of ignition…in transformers… Possible criminal activity?

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